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NIM : 213 112 124



NIM: 213 112 124

Submitted to the BPS-Bahasa Inggris UKI Toraja

In partial fulfilment of the requirement
For the degree of sarjana pendidikan




This thesis was accepted by the examining commettee of the Teacher

Training Faculty,Christian of Indonesia Toraja with the Dean’s testimonial No
010/FKIP-UKI/KEP/II/2017 in partial fulfilment of the undergraduate English
Language of Education programme, on 25th Februari 2017

Makale, 2017

Approved by:

The Dean of Teacher Training Faculty

Christian University of Indonesia Toraja,

(Drs.Simon Ruruk,M.Hum)

Commettee :

Chairman :Dr. Nehru P. Pongsapan, M.Pd ( )

Secretary :Matius Tandikombong, S.Pd., MPd ( )

Members :

1. Dra. Rachel M.Pd ( )

2. Yizrel Nani Sallata, S.Pd., M.Pd ( )

3. Roni La’biran, S.Pd., M.Pd ( )




Writer’s Identity :

Name : Aprianti Palinggi’

Registered Number : 213 112 124

Faculty : Teacher Training

Department : Language and Arts Education

Study Program : English

Program : Undergraduate (S1)

Accepted by the team of advisors to be proposed to the committee of

examination (S1),Language and Arts Education,Teacher Training Faculty,

Christian Universityof Indonesia Toraja.

Makale,Februari 2017

Advisors :

1. Dr. Nehru P.Pongsapan, M.Pd ( )

2. Matius Tandikombong, S.Pd.,M.Pd ( )


Praise to the Lord Jesus Crhist because only by His grace and

blessing, the writer was able to finish this thesis under the title “ Improving

speaking skills at the eight grade students at SMPN 2 Sesean throught using

English Drama. To fulfil the requirements for the degree of sarjana

pendidikanbsubmitted to the PBS-Bahasa Inggris UKI Toraja.

The writer would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her

advisors Dr. Nehru. P. Pongsapan M.Pd and Matius Tandikombong M.Pd. For

their valuable help, corrections and suggestions for the completion of this paper.

The writer realize that this could have never been completed

without helping and constribution of a number of people. Therefore, the writer

would like to convey her great appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Daud Massalassam, M. Agr, the Rector of UKI Toraja and all

his staff.

2. Drs. Simon Ruruk, M.Hum, the Dean of FKIP UKI Toraja.

3. Drs. Dan Mangoki, M.Min, M.Pd, The Head of English Education


4. All the English Department’s lecturers who have been my great lecturers

in UKI Toraja, who have shared their knowledge, and helped her for more

than there years to be better.

5. The Hedmaster, the teacher of English and students at SMPN 2 Sesean, for

giving the chance and help to conduct the research.

6. Her beloved parents who have supported, praying and also for their great


7. Her best friends Para Kattude’ Yani, Fisilia, Arnadia, Windri, Pin,

Resti.Marni, Angel, , Herlina, Tettu, Maris, Bagus thank you so much for

your support and help.

8. Special thanks for Linarsih Mangiri, Ningsi, Kombong, Tiwi, Martika,

Lora, Lini for your support.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from the perfection.

Therefore, the suggestions and criticism are needed to complete this thesis.May

the Almighty God bless us. Amin

Makale, Maret 2017

Aprianti Palinggi’


I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “Improving speaking skills at the

eight grade students at SMPN 2 Sesean” is honestly my own work. I am fully

aware that I have quoted some statement and ideas from various sources and

they are properly acknowledged in the text.

Makale, Februari 2015

Aprianti Palinggi’

SESEAN. A theseis of teacher Training Educational Faculty of Indonesia Toraja.
The objective of the research is to find out when the use of English drama
effective used to teach speaking at the second grade students of SMPN 2 Sesean.
This research used quantitative experimental research by using pre-test
and post test.. The population of the reesearch ia the eight grade students of
SMPN 2 Sesean academic year 2016/2017. The total of population is 100
students and devided to 4 classes. Because the population is relatively big number,
therefore the writer used cluster sumpling and took class 8.4 as sample. To obtain
the data, the writer used speaking test in the form of pre test and post test.
The result of this reseach showed that, the mean score of post-test is better
than pre-test. It could be seen by comparing their means. The mean score of pre-
test is 57,78, while the mean scoreof post-test is 73,26. The difference between
the two mean score was 15.48. The result of the data computationshowes that the
mean score of post-test higher than pre-test (73,26>57,78). To know that is
effective score of the students, the writer used SPSS 20 to calculate the data. It
means that there is significance different of speaking test by the students after
they taught through using English drama.
Based on the result of the data analysis mentioned this, the reseacher
concludes that teach English drama can improve speaking ability of the eight
grade students of SMPN 2 Sesean.

APRIANTI PALINGGI, 2017. Menggunakan drama untuk mengajarkan
berbicara untuk kelas dua di SMP Negeri 2 Sesean. Skripsi Fakultas Keguruan
Universitas Kristen Uki Toraja.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan
Drama bahasa Inggris effektif dalam mengajarkan berbicara kepada siswa kelas
dua di SMPN 2 Sesean.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quantitative experimental melalui
penggunaan test awal(pre-test) dan test akhir(post test). Populasi dari penelitian
ini yaitu siswa di kelas dua SMPN 2 Sesean, tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Total
populasi adalah 100 siswa dan dibagi dalam 4 kelas. Karena populasi relatif besar
jumlahnya, maka peulis menggunakan uji berbicara dalam bentuk pre test dan
post test.
Hasilnya dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata dari test-
akhir lebih baik dari test-awal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kemampuan mereka.
Rata-rata test awal 57,78 sedangkan nilai rata-rata test akhir adalah 73,26.
Perbedaan antara kedua nilai rata-rata adalah 15,48. Hasil perhitungan data
menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata test akhir lebih tinggi daripada test awal
(73,26>57,78). Untuk mengetahui apakah nilai siswa efective, maka peneliti
menggunakan SPSS 20 untuk mengelolah data. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada
perbedaan yang significan dari hasil berbicara siswa setelah diajar dengan
mengunakan drama bahasa Inggris.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis ini, peneliti menyimpulkan penggunaan drama
bahasa Inggris effektif untuk meningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa.











A. Background 1
B. Problem of the Reseach 2
C. Objective of the Reseach 2
D. Significance of the Reseach 3
E. Reseach Method 3
F. Defenition of Key Term 3

A. Previous Study 4
B. Review of Reelated Literature 5

C. Theoritical Framework 12
D. Hyphothesis 13


A. Setting 14
B. Data Source 14
C. Population and Sample 14
D. Research Instrument 15
E. Data Collection 15
F. Data Analysis 16


A. Findings 21
B. Discussion 27
A. Concusion 29
B. Suggestions 29





Table 4.1 The students score of pre-test

Table 4.2 The students score of post-test
Table 4.3 The frequency and percentage of students score in pre-
Table 4.4 The frequency and percentage of students score in post-
Table 4.5 The paired samples statistics.
Table 4.6 The paired samples corelations
Table 4.7 The paired samples test.


A. Apendixes 1 : Transcrip of pre-test and post-test

B. Apendixes 2 : Transcript of Drama

C. Apendixes 3 : Lesson Plan

D. Apendixes 4: The values of distributive t.

E. Apendixes 5: Research Documentations

F. Apendixes 6 : Coriculum Vitae



A. Background of the study

Language learning is important for human’s social development.

English is the one language that interesting to study. As a language which is

used by more than a half in the world, the people needs to learn English as

international language. English is a foreign language in Indonesia and really

important to be learned because English is international language in the


There are four skills in English are speaking, reading, listening and

writing. One of the most important is speaking. Speaking is one aspect that

can help and influance the students pronunciation that can help them to

communicate in their activity by using English. Hornby (1987:827) Speaking

is make use of language in ordinary voice, uttering words, know and be able

to use a language, express oneself in words, make speech. In fact, most of

students shy and passive to speaking in class. In teaching learning process

the ability of the students have diferent to accept the material that explain by

the teacher. Most of them that difficult in learning English and comprehend

about the materials that their learn. The writer think that speaking is

important to study because English language need to assosiate with speaking


English Drama is one of the media and way that can be used to improve

student speaking ability. According to Gill Thompson and Huw Evans

2006:14) state that Drama is unvaluable as a means for developing skills,

encouranging social interaction and group participation and teaching children

how to listen and respon appropriately. From the explanation above, speaking

is one skills that must to study, and when the writter Magang III at SMPN 2

SESEAN found this problem that many students shy to speaking English and

practice English in the front of class. Based of the background above, the

writter conducts as research entittled “ IMPROVING SPEAKING SKILL



B. Problem of the Research

Based on the background above, the wrtter formulate the problem

statement as follow: Is the English drama effective used to improve the eight

grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out whether the English drama

effective used to teaching speaking of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri

2 Sesean.


D. Significance of the Research

The finding of the research are expected to be very useful for teacher and

for students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean. For English teacher provide some

information to more pay attention to teaching speaking and what method do

to teach speaking for students to motivate and practice speaking English and

make them mastery in speaking.

E. Research Method

In this research, the writter used the quantitative method to find out the

competance of students whether using drama can improve speaking ability.

F. Defenition of Key Term

1. Improving is to raise to a more desirable or more excellent quality or

condition more better.

2. Speaking is skills in English that can improve ability of students and

speaking is one basic skills that should know by students.

3. English drama is an activity that do in group that can developing ability of

students and how to interaction with others and how to listen and respond




2.1. Previous Study

Rante (2004) Building up the second years students interest in

studying speaking through oral communication activities at SMA Negeri 1

Saluputti, state in her conclusions is oral communication activities effective

to build up the students interest in studying English.

Yospin (2013), in her research “improving speaking ability of the

seventh year students of SMP Negeri 2 Sesean through pictures”. Based on

the result of this speaking of the seventh years students of SMP Negeri 2

Sesean in speaking ability through retelling personal experiences has good

effect toward the students speaking.

Based on the study above by using oral communication activities and

picture to improve speaking ability of students. From this researhcer, the

writer do research about the using English Drama to improve speaking ability

at the eight grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean.


2.2.Review of related Literature

2.2.1 Defenition of speaking

Speaking is one of two of productive skills in a language

teaching. It is defined as a process of building and sharing meaning

through the use of verbal or oral form (Chaney,1988:13 and Gebhard,

1996:169). Moreover, Nunan (2003:48) defines that speaking consist of

producing systematic verbal utterance to convey meaning.

Speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life, which

is produced by listening skill and at the period speaking skill is learned

(Tarigan, 1990:3-4). It means that speaking can help someone to express

his/her idea and teach better than others skills. People also assume that

one can communicate in that language. It maybe understand that why

speaking skill can be ignore in language teaching.

Fulter Glen (2003:32) Speaking is the verbal use of language

communication with others. Student must choose how to interact in

express themselves and from wicial relationship through speech. Hornby

(1987:827) Speaking is make use of language in ordinary voice, uttering

words, know and be able to use a language, express oneself in words,

make speech. Chaney in Kanyi (2006) adds that Speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal

symbols, in a variety of contexts. It means speaking is interaction between

speakers with a listener.


Based on the expert explanation, the writer conclude that speaking is

the real action to communicate, how to producting, processing information

and express their feeling. Speaking Ability

Speaking ability is a matter which need much effort. No matter

how great and ideas is, if it is not communicated properly, it cannot be

effective. Through speaking, students learn concepts, develop vocabulary

and perceive the structure of English language essential components of

learning. To speak English well and casual, the students obviously have to

try to speak it in the way the native speakers do. In order to be able to speak

English better, it is important to learn all of skills in English and matter

English Phonetic as well because it is very helpful to learn the language

quickly and succesfully.

Based on the definition above, the writer conclude that speaking

ability is how to speak and developing capability in speaking. Component of Speaking

According to Syakur (1987:5) speaking is a complex skill at least it

is concerned with components of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and


a. Grammar

Grammar is it is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence

in conversation. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to

gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is use in

communication. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectifely or express their ideas in both oral and written

form. Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners

from learning a language. Language teachers therefore should process

considerable knowledge and how to manage an interesting classroom so

that the learners can gain a great success in their vocabulary learning.

Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing

can be conveyed.

c. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for students to procedure clearer language

when they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the

components of a grammar, made up of the elements and principles that

determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. There are two

features of pronunciation phonemes and supra segmental features.


d. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and

accurately. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners.

Based on the explanation above the writer conclude that in

speaking must to pay attention how to make a correct sentence with using

grammar and vocabulary, how to pronun and fluency in speaking.

2.2.2 Drama Defenition of Drama

Drama is unvaluable as a means for developing language skills,

encouranging social interaction and group participation and teaching

children how to listen and respond appropriately (Gill Thompson and Huw

Evans 2006:14) It sensory tools, which combines listening, speaking,

thinking exploration and multi use of the immediate invironment and

development of physical control.

Clipson Boyles (1998:3) points out of drama is multicultural. Indeed

, this is one of the most compelling aspects for the use of drama.

Consequently, drama can be used by anyone, notwithstanding age, race and

ethnicity. In addition, Heikkinen (2004:15) draws attention to the concept

of drama in education being a part of culture that belongs to everyone. Thus,

as Heikkinen continues that in contrast of merelly being a part of an

institution, drama is a part of everyone’s world. For this reason, drama could

be cherised by all and can threfore be used in teaching any kinds of students

2.2.2 Drama Defenition of Drama

Drama is unvaluable as a means for developing language skills,

encouranging social interaction and group participation and teaching

children how to listen and respond appropriately (Gill Thompson and Huw

Evans 2006:14) It sensory tools, which combines listening, speaking,

thinking exploration and multi use of the immediate invironment and

development of physical control.

Clipson Boyles (1998:3) points out of drama is multicultural.

Indeed , this is one of the most compelling aspects for the use of drama.

Consequently, drama can be used by anyone, notwithstanding age, race and

ethnicity. In addition, Heikkinen (2004:15) draws attention to the concept

of drama in education being a part of culture that belongs to everyone. Thus,

as Heikkinen continues that in contrast of merelly being a part of an

institution, drama is a part of everyone’s world. For this reason, drama could

be cherised by all and can threfore be used in teaching any kinds of students Types of Drama

According to Walpole (1717-1779:270-286) there are several types

of drama:

1. Tragedy

In general tragedy involves the ruin of the leading characters.

Today it may not involve death so much as a dismal life.


Modern tragedy often shows the tragedy not of the strong and

noble but of the weak and mean.

2. Comedy

Comedy is leighter drama in which the leading characters

overcome the difficulties which temporarily besed them.

3. Problem play

Drama of social critisim discusses social, economic or political

problems by means of a play.

4. Farce

When comedy involves ridiculous or hilarious complication

without regard for human values it become farce.

5. Comedy of manners

Comedy which witily portrays fashionable life.

6. Fantasy

A play sometimes, but not always in comic spirit in which the

author gives free reign to his fantasy, allowing things to happen without

regard to reality.

7. Melodrama

Like farce melodrama pays almost no attention to human values,

but its object is to give a thrill instead of a laugh. Often good

entertainment never any literary value

11 Teaching Drama

Drama in the English language classroom is ultimately

indispensable because it gives learners the chance to use their own

persnalities. It draws upon students natural abilities to imitate and express

themselves, and if well-handled should arouse interest and imagination.

Drama encourages adaptability, fluency and communicative competence.

It put language into context, and by giving learners experience and

succes in the real-life situation it should arm them with confidance for

tackling the world outside the classroom.

Althiemoolam (2004) argues the succes of a teaching English as a

foreign langeage depends of the methodological approach, which the

teacher adopts in the execusion of his lesons. As he states, he problem is

now and has been for many years that teachers are used to focus on the

grammar approach class, as the believe it’s the best way to teach. Againts

these ideas, Althiemoolam states this approach is flawed as students dont

have the opportunity to learn the language in authentic situations as their

interactions with the foreign language are limited.

Munther (2013) compares a convensional English class hardly

gives the students an opportunity to use language with convidence and

develop fluency in it. He sees as an alternative teaching English through

drama as it gives a context for listening and for meaningfull language

production, leading the students or forcing them to use their own

language resources. To sum up, by using drama techniques to teach


English, pupils get the opportunity to use the language meaningfully and

appropriately, while the monotony of a convensional English class is

broken and they syllabus transformed.

Related to the distinction between ordinary English classes and the

use of drama techniques to teach it, Wessels (1987) emphasizes

communication skills. As he states, “genuine communication” is the one

that takes into account the background, the emotion, the relationship, the

status, the body language and other paralinguistic features. Although in

much classrooms practice or in coursebook presentation this genuine

communicate effectively outside the classroom. Using drama would

involve a consideration of the most of the aspects of genuine


Based on the expert explanation above, the writer conclude that,

the writer conclude that teaching drama is an activity which involves

learners to portray a character, which can involve ideas, emotion and


2.3. Theoritical Framework

Speaking is one of important skill in learning process. In teaching

speaking there are many kinds of method can be used to practice and one

of the method is English drama. In general a lot of students who do not

like to practice the language they are learning especially in English with

the reasons fearing the wrong and shame, so that is not improve their

speaking ability.

To improve the students speaking ability, the teacher should use

teaching media. Media is effective use to teaching English so the students

interest to study English more. For this reseach the writer look at how the

use of English drama in teaching speaking English of the eight grade

students of SMPN 2 Sesean improving speaking ability.

2.4. Hyphothesis

To hyphothesis of the reseach formulation as follow:

Ho: English drama is not effective used to improve speaking ability of the

eight grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean.

Ha: English drama is effective used to improve speaking ability of the eight

grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean.

To determine the hyphothesis is eccepted or rejected, it can be seen

the following criteria:

 If T-test< T table Ho is Accepted.

 If T-test> T table Ha is accepted



A. Setting

This research was done at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean, Jl. Poros Rantepangli-

Sa’dan, km 7, Rantepangli North Toraja in Februari 2017..

B. Data Source

3.2.1 Primary Sources

The primary sources of this study was the eight grade students of

SMP Negeri 2 Sesean.

3.2.2 Secondary Source

The second source was the English teacher in SMP Negeri 2

Sesean, some information from book, thesis and internet.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The subject of this study was a students at SMP Negeri 2 Sesean in

the academic years 2016/2017. It consist of students and devided to 4


2 Sample

This research uses the cluster sumpling, so the writer was taken

class 8.4 which consist of 20 students as the sample of the research.


D. Research Instrument

Research instrument of the research was oral test. To know

whether the using of English drama improve students speaking ability. The

reseach applied of pre-test and post-test.

E. Data Collection

3.5.1 Library Research

To complete of this research, the writer went to the library,

searchced on internet to find out some books, journal, article and

relevant sources for this study.

3.5.2 Field Reseach

In this reseach the writer gave pre test to the students before giving

treatment to the sample, the students were taught speaking by using

English drama by role play and the last the writer gave post test.

The steps of the reaseach especially the testbthat give for students.

a. Pre-test

There are some procedure of pre-teaching activities. First,

the reasearcher enter to the class, and than the researcher introduce

herself and explain her purpose to the students. The reseach used

oral test to know the basic performace of the students in speaking

in term of accuracy, fluency and comprehenion of the topic.


b. Treatment

After giving pre-test, the writer gave treatment and give in

three meeting to explain English drama in teaching speaking.

c. Post test

After giving treatment, the writer gave post test to students.

Post-test used to find out the ability of students in speaking and

uses the other topic.

F. Data Analysis

1. The students score and criteria of the three components:

a. Accuracy

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 80-100 Pronunciation is only very slightly

influeenced by the mother tongue. Two

or three minors grammatical and lexical


Good 70-79 Pronunciation is still moderately

influenced by mother tongue. A view

mior grammatical and lexical errors.

Fair 60-69 Pronunciation seriously influenced by

mother tongue. Several grammatical and

lexical errors.

Poor 50-59 Pronunciation seriously influenced by

mother tongue which cousing a

breakdown in communication many basic

grammatical and lexical errors.

Really poor 0-49 Seriously pronunciation errors and lexical

errors made. No evidance of having

mastered any language skills.

b. Fluency

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 80-100 Speak without too great and effort with a

fairly wide ranged of expression.

Searches for words occosionaly but only

one or two unnatural pauses.

Good 70-79 Has to make and effort at time to search

for words. Nevertheless smooth delivery

o the whole and only a few unnatural


Fair 60-69 Although he has to make an effort and

seach for words, there are not too many

unnatural pauses. Fairly smooth delivery

mostly. Occasionally fragmentary but

succeedes in conveying the general

meaning. Fair range of expression.

Poor 50-59 Has to make an effort for much of the

time. Often has to search for the desired

meaning. Rather halting delivery and

fragmentary. Range of expression often


Really poor 0-49 Full of long and unnatural pauses. Very

halting and fragmentary delivery. At

times gives as making the effort. Very

limited range of expression.

c. Comprehensibility

Classification Score Criteria

Exellent 80-100 Easily for the listener to understand te

speaker’s intention and general meaning.

Very view interuptions or clarifications


Good 70-79 Most of what the speaker sats is easily to

follow. His attention is alwaysvclear but

several interuptions are necessary to help

himto convey the messege or to speak


Fair 60-69 The listener can understand a lot of what

is said, but the most constantly

seekclarification. Cannot umderstand

many of the speaker’s more complex or

longer sentence.

Poor 50-59 Only small bits (usually short sentence

and phrases) can be understood and then

with considerable effort by someone who

is used to listening to the speaker.

Very Poor 0-49 Hardly anything of what is said can be

understood.. Even when the listener

makes a great effort or interupts, the

speakeris unable to clarify anything he

seems to have said.


2. Mean Score

To know the students score, the writer analyse throught the following


𝑋̅ = 𝑁

̅ : Mean score
Where : 𝑿

∑ 𝑿: Total score

N: The number of respondents

To know that is significance of the data, the writer used SPSS 20

to calculate the data.

Measurement of Variable

To whether English drama improving the students speaking ability

of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sesean, the writer apply the

folowing criteria (Jabu Baso:2008)

Score 80-100 is classified as excellent

Score 70-79 is classified as good

Score 60-69 is classified as fair

Score50-59 is classified as poor

Score 0-49 is classified as very poor



A. Findings

The findings is pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was taken in the first

meeting before gave treatment to know the ability of the respondent and

post-test was taken after gave tratment.

1. Students score
a. Students score of pre-test

Table 4.1: Students score of pre-test

Students of Fluency Accuracy Comprehensibility Students Classification

Respondents Score
1 40 42 44 43,33 Very poor
2 75 73 69 72,33 Good
3 53 56 60 56,33 Poor
4 74 72 68 71,33 Good
5 46 41 40 42,33 Very poor
6 65 60 57 60,67 Fair
7 60 57 55 57,33 Poor
8 71 73 68 70,67 Good
9 56 50 49 51,67 Poor
10 70 69 73 70,67 Good
11 57 54 53 55,33 Poor
12 50 45 44 46,33 Very poor
13 63 65 60 62,67 Fair
14 68 66 62 64,67 Fair
15 59 50 48 52,33 Poor
16 50 47 40 45,67 Very Poor
17 55 58 56 56,33 Poor
18 50 57 48 51,67 Poor
19 65 60 63 62,67 Fair
20 61 64 59 61,33 Fair


b. Students score of post-test

Tabel 4.2: Students score of post-test

Students of Fluency Accuracy Comprehensibility Student’s Classification

Respondents score
1 65 70 64 66,33 Fair
2 81 86 83 83,33 Excellent
3 75 70 70 71,67 Good
4 80 83 85 82,67 Excelent
5 60 63 67 63,33 Fair
6 70 75 73 72,67 Good
7 65 60 60 61,67 Fair
8 75 70 76 73,67 Good
9 65 70 73 69,33 Fair
10 80 85 85 83,33 Excellent
11 68 65 60 64,33 Fair
12 70 70 75 71,66 Good
13 75 78 80 77,67 Good
14 80 85 82 82,33 Excellent
15 75 75 65 71,67 Good
16 75 65 65 66,67 Fair
17 70 67 75 70,67 Good
18 70 75 84 76,33 Good
19 75 80 83 79,33 Good
20 80 75 75 76,67 Good

2. Mean Score

a. Mean score of pre-test

Based on the table 1 above about the result pre-test of the

student’s, the writer used the formula:
𝑋̅ = 𝑁

𝑋̅ = 20

From the calculation above, the mean score of the pre test of the

eight grade students at SMPN 2 Sesean is 57,78. It means that

classification the speaking ability of the students at SMPN 2 Sesean is

category poor score.

b. Mean score of post-test

Based on the table 2 above about the result post-test of the student’s, the

writer used the formula:

𝑋̅ = 𝑁

𝑋̅ = 20

= 73,26

From the calculation above, the mean score of the post-test of the eight

grade students at SMPN 2 Sesean is 73,26. It means that classification the

speaking ability of the students at SMPN 2 Sesean is category good score.


3. Score Classification

a. The frequency and percentage of the students score in pre-test

Table 4.3: The frequency and percentage of the students score in pre-test

Number Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1 80-100 Excellent - -
2 70-79 Good 4 20
3 60-69 Fair 5 25
4 50-59 Poor 7 35
5 0-49 Very Poor 4 20
Total 20 100
From the table classification frequency and percentage of the students

score in pre-test shows that out of 20 students, none out students got exellent

score, four students got good score(20%), five students got fair score(25%), seven

students got poor score (35%) and four students got very poor score (20%).

b. The frequency and percentage of the students score in post-test

Table 4.4: The frequency and percentage of the students score in post-test

Number Score Cassification Frequency Percentage

1 80-100 Excellent 4 20
2 70-79 Good 10 50
3 60-69 Fair 6 30
4 50-59 Poor - -
5 0-49 Very Poor - -
Total 20 100
From the table classification frequency and percentage of the students

score in pre-test shows that out of 20 students, four students got exellent score

(20%), ten students got good score(50%), six students got fair score(30%), none

of students got poor score and very poor score .


Table 4.5: Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error

Posttest 73.2665 20 6.82636 1.52642
Pair 1
Pretest 57.7830 20 9.41414 2.10507

From the table above shows that mean score of pre-test of students is 57,7830

from 20 students, standard deviation is 9.41414, and standard error mean is

2.10507. The mean score of post test is 73.2665, standard deviation 6.82636 and

standard error mean is 1.52642.

Table 4.6: Paired Samples Correlations

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Posttest & Pretest 20 .763 .000

From the table 4.6 shows that corelation of pre-test and post test that out
of 20 students is 763 and significance is 000.

Table 4.7: Paired Samples Test

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-
Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence tailed)
Deviati Error Interval of the
on Mean Difference
Lower Upper
est – 15.4835 6.0925 1.362 12.6321
Pair 1 18.33490 11.365 19 .000
Prete 0 5 34 0

The table shows that mean score got 15.48350, standart deviation

6.09255, standars error mean 1.36234, the confidance interval of the difference

lower is 12.63210 and upper 18.33490, t̥ is 11.365, degree of fredom is 19 and

significance is 000.

Tecnique of Data analysis in T-Test

Based on result of research, the writer try to analyzed by using statistics

calculation of T-Test formula to see the significance increase in applicated

English drama in teaching speaking with significance degree 5% with formula:

T= 𝑆

X = Mean of sample

𝜇o= Mean score of pre test

S = Standard Deviation

N= Total of respondents

Based on the formula above the writer would to calculate the data of pre

test and post test.

T= 𝑆

T= 6.09255

T= 6.09255

T = 1.3623355956

T –Test = 49.5386013681

To complete the result of the research the writer finds out the degree of

freedom (df) with formula:

df= N-1

= 20-1 = 19

Based on the table percentage point of students at degree of significance

5% is 30,144. From the calculation data by using formula of T-Test, it shows that

degree of significance 5% is 2,093 the result is 49.53<2,093. It means that it is

significance after teaching English drama to improve speaking ability.

B. Discussion

From the findings above, it showed that the result of students pre-test and

post test. The students score in pre test is 57,78 and its is category poor score. It

means that students speaking ability before gave treatment is poor classification.

The students score in post-test is 73,26. It means that teaching English drama can

improve students speaking ability.

The data of pre-test and post-test is analyzed by using T-Test formula and

it is obtained is result of T-Test is 49.53 and obtained from N-1 = 20-1=19. The

writer used significance 5% and the value of degree significance is 20,093. The

comparison between each result of degree significance is 2,093<49.53. The

alternative hyphothesis (Ha) is accepted in fact thatis significance improve

speaking ability through using English drama, and the


hyphothesis (Ho) is rejected if there is no significance improve speaking ability of

students through English drama.

Althiemoolam (2004) argues the succes of a teaching English as a foreign

langeage depends of the methodological approach, which the teacher adopts in the

execusion of his lesons. As he states, he problem is now and has been for many

years that teachers are used to focus on the grammar approach class, as the

believe it’s the best way to teach.

Based on the expert explanation, the writer conclude that in teaching

learning process teacher should to used the meadia which one is English drama in

teaching learning process, so the students can be active and interest to study.


A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis in the discussion in the previous

chapter four, the writer conclude English drama can improve students speaking

ability of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Sesean.

B. Suggestion

In this research the writer would like to give suggestion. It expected the

research would be useful for English teacher, the students and the institution of


The suggestion as follow:

1. For English Teacher

a. Teacher should be creative in teaching, so that learning can be


b. In teaching learning process teacher should choose method that

used in teaching, so the students not bored in teaching learning


2. For Students

a. In teaching learning process students should to concentration to


b. In teaching learning process students should to be more active.


Athiemoolam, L. (2004). Drama-in-education and is effectiveness i English

second/foreign language classes. Pegang: The First International
Language Learning Converence, University Saint Malaysia.
Chaney,1998 .Defenition of Speaking. New York; publisher

Clipson-Boyles, S. 1998. Drama in Primary English Teaching. London: David

Fulton Publisher Ltd.
Harmer, Jeremy 1990 the practice of English language teaching. New York :
Longman inc.

Heikkinen, H. 2004 Vakava leikkillisyys. Dramakasvatusta opettajille.


Munther, Zyoud. Using drama activities and techniques to foster teaching English
as a foreign language: a theoritical perspective. [online] Al Quds Open
University [27/12/2013]

Rante,2004. “Building up the second year students interest in studying speaking

through oral communication activities at SMA Negeri 1 Saluputti”. Toraja
Christian University of Indonesia Toraja

Syakur. 1987. Language Testing and Evaluation. Surakarta: FKIP-UNS Wessels,

Charlyn (1987). Drama. Oxford University Press.

Yospin,2013. “Improving speaking ability of the seventh year students of SMP

Negeri 2 Seseanthrough picture”. Toraja Christian University of
Indonesia Toraja.

ORAL TEST (Pre-test and Post-test)


Time: 10 Minutes

Instruction: Choose and tell one of the following topic.

A. Self-introduction

B. Your Ambition

C. Your Friends

D.Your Daily Activity


Time : 10 Minutes

Instruction: Choose and tell of the following topic.

A. Tell about your hobby

B. Tell about your school

C. Tell about your favorite food and drink.

D. Tell about your favorite Teacher

Approvided by:

Advisor I Advisor II

(Dr. Nehru.P. Pongsapan M.pd) (Matius Tandikombong M.Pd)


Characters: 1. Ermina 2. Iqbal 3. Ema

.Ermina : hai guys! I wanna ask you something??

Iqbal : okay, you can

Ema : about what ermina???

Ermina : okay, this is about entertainment event in farewell party. Which more

good betweentraditional dance or modern dance????

Ema : why you must confuse min??? That’s clear min, must be traditonal dance.

Iqbal : oh my god. Ema please, this is not 70 era. It must be dance modern. More

cool you know.

Ema : what!! No it must be tradisional dance.

Iqbal : it can’t be like that. Must be modern dance!!!

Ema : no!!!

Iqbal : yes!!

Ermina : enough guys! We are friends, we can’t fight. Okay

Iqbal : you do it first!!!

Ema : what!! Me, you do it first!!

Ermina : quite guys! just up to you. If you still like this I’m gonna leave you!!!

(sambil pergi)

Ema : huhhh! Just up to you!! (sambil pergi)

Iqbal : huuuhhh! Everything cruel!!Because of different opinion, they was fight.

Until the school end, ema feel wrong. She try to apologize to iqbal that still in

Ema : iqbal (sambil nunjuk2) I’m so sorry. Would you forgive me??

Iqbal : yes I would, I’m sorry too (sambil salaman)

Ema : tomorrow we apologize to ermina too okay!

Iqbal : okay, let’s go home.

Tomorrow morning, in the school iqbal was came first than the other, very

confuse see the class there is no ema and ermina.

Iqbal : where ermina and ema?? What time is it??Suddenly ema came with in a


Ema : iqbal!! Iqbal!!

Iqbal : what!! What!!

Ema : ermina!! Ermina!!

Iqbal : what happend to ermina?

Ema : I heard last night there are fire inaround ermina house! And I don’t know

ermina conditionright now! I scared

Iqbal : okay, calm down ema. Come on we go there right now!

Ema : okay!Suddenly , when they want to go. Ermina came to class. Ema and

iqbal feels surprise becauseof that.

Ema : Ermina!!!!!

Iqbal : Ermina!!!

Ema : are you all right??

Iqbal : how about your condition??

Ermina : haii guys! I’m okay nothing happend with me.

Iqbal : but last night??

Ermina : it’s true but my home is safe from fire. Ohh are you well done?

Ema : yes we are !

Ermina : oh that’s good. Like this is better, because of what???

Ema, iqbal,ermina : WE ARE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER :D







A. Standar Kompetensi: Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar: Mengungkapkan makna Dalam percakapan

transaksioanal dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: meminta, memberi persetujuan, merespon pernyataan, memberi
perhatian terhadap pembicara,mengawali, memperpanjang dan menutup
percakapan, serta mengawali dan memperpanjang dan menutup
percakapan telepon
C. Indikator : Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi dalam
percakapan telepon.
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran : Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai siswa
diharapkan mampu untuk bertanya dan menjawab serta memberi informasi
dalam percakapan melalui telepon.
E. Materi Pembelajaran : Expressions used in making phone call.
Conversation I (Phone call)

Awan : Hello

Mardi : Hello, is Awan there?

Awan : He is speaking. Who is this?

Mardi: It is Mardi

Awan : Hi Mardi, how is everything?

Mardi : Nothing. Just relaxing at home. How about you?

Awan : I am good. By the way, do you want to go out for food?

Mardi : Sure. What are you thinking?

Awan : A plat of satay would be good.

Mardi : Sounds good. Meet me at Satay Park Saleh in a half an hour.

Awan : That is great. See you then.

Mardi : See you later.

Conversation II (Phone call)

Mrs. Hartono : Good afternoon, PT. Sahabat, may I help you?

Susana : Could I speak to Mr. Hari, the head of the marketing department,

Mrs. Hartono : I am sorry, he is in the meeting right now.

Susana : Do you know when he will be back?

Mrs. Hartono : He should be back around four, can I take a message?

Susana : Yes please. This is Susan from SMP Bina, Semarang. I would like
to know whether our sponsorshiprequeat for Teen Art Expo
is approved

Mrs. Hartono : Do you have number that he can dial, Susana?

Susana : Call us on 081 222 345 768

Mrs. Hartono : 081 222 345 768, right?

Susana : That is right.

Mrs. Hartono : Fine. I will see he gets your message. See you later.

Susana : Thank you, ma’am. See you later.

F. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Speaking
Siswa mampu untuk bertanya dan merespon serta berbagi informasi
dengan baik dengan percakapan melalui telepon.

G. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Bermain Peran

H. Sumber, alat dan bahan pembelajaran

 Buku pendamping (LKS) Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/ MTS.

I. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Awal atau Pendahuluan
 Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa saat masuk
kedalam kelas2
 Memperkenalkan diri kepada siswa.
 Berdoa sebelum belajar.
 Memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
 Menegur siswa yang lambat dengan sopan.
 Menyiapkan siswa secara fisik dan psikis untuk mengikuti proses
 Mengajukan pertanyaan sehubungan dengan materi yang akan
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan
 Mempersiapkan materi yang akan diajarkan, model dan alat
2. Kegiatan Inti
 Guru menjelaskan materi tentang bagaimana bertanya dan
merespon serta berbagi informasi dalam percakapan melalui
 Siswa merespon bagaimana bertanya dan menjawab serta berbagi
informasi dalam percakapan melalui telepon.
 Guru membagikan script dialog dan praktek di depan kelas.
 Guru bertanya kepada siswa apakah mmereka sudah mengerti
bagaimana bertanya dan merespon serta berbagi informasi dalam
percakapan melalui telepon.
3. Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru menyimpulkan materi yang telah diajarkan kepada siswa.
 Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa.
 Guru menasehati siswa supaya belajar dengan serius dirumah.
Nilai-nilai dalam distribusi t


α untukujiduapihak (two tail test)

0,5 0,2 0,1 0,05 0,02 0,01
α untukujisatupihak (one tail test)
dk 0,25 0,1 0,05 0,025 0,01 0,005
1 1,000 3,078 6,314 12,706 31,8211 63,000
2 0,816 1,886 2,920 4,303 6,965 63,857
3 0,765 1,638 2,353 3,182 4,541 9,926
4 0,741 1,533 2,132 2,776 3,747 5,841
5 0,727 1,476 2,015 2,751 3,365 4,804
6 0,718 1,440 1,943 2,447 3,143 4,032
7 0,711 1,415 1,895 2,365 2,999 3,707
8 0,706 1,397 1,860 2,306 2,896 3,499
9 0,703 1,383 1,833 2,252 2,821 3,355
10 0,700 1,372 1,812 2,229 2,764 3,250
11 0,697 1,363 1,796 2,201 2,718 3,169
12 0,695 1,350 1,782 2,179 2,681 3,106
13 0,692 1,350 1,771 2,160 2,650 3,055
14 0,691 1,345 1,761 2,146 2,624 3,012
15 0,690 1,341 1,753 2,131 2,602 2,977
16 0,689 1,337 1,745 2,120 2.583 2,947
17 0,688 1,333 1,740 2,110 2,567 2,921
18 0,688 1,300 1,734 2,101 2,552 2,898
19 0,687 1,328 1,729 2,093 2,639 2,878
20 0,687 1,325 1,725 2,086 2,528 2,861
21 0,686 1,323 1,721 2,080 2,518 2,845
22 0,686 1,321 1,717 2,074 2,508 2,831
23 0,685 1,319 1,714 2,069 2,500 2,819
24 0,685 1,318 1,711 2,064 2,492 2,807
25 0,684 1,316 1,708 2,060 2,485 2,797
26 0,684 1,315 1,706 2,056 2,479 2,787
27 0,684 1,314 1,703 2,052 2,473 2,779
28 0,683 1,313 1,701 2,048 2,467 2,763
29 0,683 1,311 1,699 2,045 2,462 2,756
30 0,683 1,310 1,697 2,042 2,457 2,750
40 0,681 1,303 1,684 2,021 2,423 2,704
60 0,679 1,286 1,671 2,000 2,390 2,660
120 0,677 1,289 1,658 1,980 2,358 2,617
0,674 1,282 1,645 1,95 2,326 2,576

Aprianti Palinggi’ was born in Pangli (Toraja Utara), on April

05th, 1995. Shenis the third child from the marriage of her father, Yunus Padda’
Palinggi’and her mother Bita’ Betta. She graduated from SDN 8 Sesean (Toraja
Utara) in 2006. She continued her study in SMPN 2 Sesean and SMP YPPK St.
Donbosco Fak-fak and graduated in 2009. In the same years she continued her
study in SMA YPPK St. Donbosco Fak-fak and SMAN 1 Sesean and graduated in
2013. After finishing her study, she registered as a students of UKI Toraja by
choosing English Departement in 2013 and finished her study in 2017.

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