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Approved and accepted by the consultant on June 8, 2020



Fisrt Consultant Second Consultant

TMA.Kristanto,S.Pd.,M.Hum. Estri Oktarena Ikrarini., M.A.

A Thesis on






Accepted by the Board of the Bachelor’s of Thesis Examiners of Teachers

Training and Education Faculty of Univesitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

on April 30,2020
Chairperson : Hazarin Eko Prasetyo, Drs., M.S.

Secretary : Adria V. Gemilang, S.S., M.Hum

Examiner I : TMA. Kristanto, S.Pd., M.Hum

Examiner II : Estri Oktarena I, M.A.

Yogyakarta, June 29, 2020

Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education of Universitas Sarjanawiyata
Tamansiswa Yogyakarta Dean,

Nanang Bagus Subekti, S.Pd.,M.Ed

NIDN: 0508067702


I, the undersigned below,

Name : Donatus Haryo Krisnugraha

St. Number : 2013002145

Progam : English Education Department

Faculty : Teachers Training and Education Faculty

State that this research entitled "An Analysis of Expressive Speech
Acts Found Moana movie", is the result ofmy own work and does
not contain any parts of other people's work, except those
mentioned in the quotations and the bibliographies, as a scientific
paper should.


The reasearcher

Donatus Haryo Krisnugraha


God is with lazy people who want to try to be better


This bachelor’s thesis is proudly dedicated to:

My beloved parents, Margareta Gagat Indarwadi and Budi. ‘Thank you for
your greatest love, endless prayers, advice, sacrifice, motivation, caring, and
support, both materially, and spiritually.’

My lovely brothers, Arga and Imo, ‘Thank you for your love, prayers,
support, and motivation. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

Thank you God


I thank all who in one way or another contibuted in the completion of this
thesis. First, the researcher would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessing so
that he can finally finish this thesis.

In accomplishing the bachelor’s thesis, the writer is indebted to alot of people for
the is guidance, assistance, support and help. Therefore, he would like to express his
respect and to extend his deepest sincere gratitude to:

1. Drs. H. Pardimin, M.Pd., Ph.D., as the Rector Universitas Sarjanawiyata

2. Nanang Bagus Subekti, S.Pd.,M. Ed. as the Dean of Faculty of Teachers
Training and Education of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Univeristy.
3. Anselmus Sudirman, S.Pd.,M. as the Head of English Education Study
Program of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University.
4. TMA. Kristanto, S.Pd.,M.Hum, as the first consultant who has guided the
researcher with his encouragement, ideas, advices, motivation, kindness,
patience, and his valuanle time in correcting every part of the thesis.
5. Estri Oktarena I, M.A, as the second consultant who has guided the
researcher with her encouragement, ideas, advices, motivation, kindness,
patience, and her valuable time in correcting every part of this thesis.
6. All lecturers of English Education Study Program of the Faculty of Teachers
Training and Education of Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
7. His beloved parents, Margareta Gagat Indarwadi and Budi. ‘Thank you for
your greatest love, endless prayers, advice, sacrifice, motivation, caring, and
support, both materially, and spiritually
8. The siblings who are always on fire MY BROTHERS: Arga and Imo
9. HIS BIG FAMILIES, who always guide him to right path, teaching him for
better life, his grandparents, his aunts, his uncles his cousins,etc.
10. All his friends, office friends, high school friends, church friends and others
that he cannot mention.

Finally, the researcher hopes this thesis will be useful for education,
especially English Language Education Department. However, he realizes
that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, he always expects
contructive criticisms, suggestions and feedback for the improvement of this

Yogyakarta, April 8th 2020

Donatus Haryo Krisnugraha


APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... i

RATIFICATION ............................................................................................ ii
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ......................................................... iii
MOTTOS ....................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ............................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. viii
LIST OF APPENDIX ................................................................................... x
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
A. Background of the Study .................................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problem ........................................................... 4
C. Focus of Study ................................................................................... 5
D. Research Question ............................................................................ 5
E. Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 6
F. Signifiance of the Study .................................................................... 6
FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................ 7
A. Theoretical Review .......................................................................... 7
1. Language .................................................................................... 7
2. Sociolinguistics .......................................................................... 8
3. Pragmatics ................................................................................. 9
4. Speech Acts ................................................................................ 10
5. Expressive Speech Acts ............................................................. 17
6. Language Functions of Expressive Speech Acts .................... 20
7. Movie .......................................................................................... 25
B. Relevant Studies of Expressive Speech Acts ................................. 25
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................. 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 28
A. Research Type .................................................................................. 28
B. Data and Source of te Data .............................................................. 29
C. Place and Time of the Research ...................................................... 29
D. Research Instrument and Tools ...................................................... 30
E. Data Collection Technique .............................................................. 31
F. Data Analysis Technique and Produce .......................................... 32
A. Research Findings ............................................................................ 35
1. The Kinds of Expressive Speech Acts ...................................... 35
2. The Most Dominant of Expressive Speech Acts ...................... 36
3. The Function of Expressive Speech Acts ................................. 36
B. Discussion .......................................................................................... 37
1. The Kinds of Expressive Speech Acts ...................................... 37
2. The Most Dominant of Expressive Speech Acts ...................... 43
3. The Function of Expressive Speech Acts ................................. 44
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 50
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 50
B. Suggestion ......................................................................................... 51
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 53
APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 54


1. Appendix 1. Type and Function of Expressive Speech Acts Used by the

Characters in Moana movie


Donatus Haryo Krisnugraha. 2013002145. An Analysis of Expressive

Speech Acts found in Moana Movie. A Bachelor’s Thesis: English language
Education Department. Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, 2020.

This research was meant to analyze the expressive speech acts in utterances
used by the characters in Moana movie. The objectives of this research are to
describe types of expressive speech acts used by the characters, to identify the most
dominant type of expressive speech acts, and to explain functions of expressive
speech acts.

This research used discourse analysis as the research method. The data were
collected from the utterances of the characters, by (1) downloading the movie, (2)
watching the movie, (3) reading the transcript, (4) note taking and sorting. The
researcher used Searle and Austin’s theories of Expressive Speech Acts to analyze
the data. The analysis was conducted by following the procedure: (1) identifying the
data, (2) coding the data (3) classifying the data, and (4) describing the data.

The study found that ; (1) there are 9 types of expressive speech acts used
by the characters. First, the expressive speech acts of regreting 15 times, expressive
speech acts of expressing joy 13 times, expressive speech acts boasting 6 times,
expressive speech acts of thanking and praising 5 times, expressive speech acts of
lamenting 4 times, expressive speech acts of balming 3 times, expressive speech acts
of apologizing 2 times and expressive speech acts of forgiving 1 times. (2) The most
dominant of expressive speech acts used by the characters. The expressive speech
acts of regreting gains the highest rank. It occurs 15 times. It means that the
characters often use this type of expressive speech acts in their utterances. (3) All
functions of expressive speech acts used by the characters of Moana movie. In this
case, they use expressing gratitude, expressing liking, expressing regret, expression
of certainty, expression of happines, expression of obligation, expression of sadness,
expression of satification, expressing ability.

Keywords: Expressive Speech Acts, Functions of Speech Acts,Moana Movie.



This chapter deals with background of the research, ientification of the

problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the research, and the significant
of the research.

A. Background of the Research

In social life, every person uses a language as a way to communication.

Language influences human life as the bridge to have relationship with other
people or society. Sometimes, people are not aware when they use the
language, they make unstructured utterance in communication. But it is not
a problem, because the most important point of using the language is that
their speech could be accepted and make sure that there is no
misunderstanding between the speaker and the hearer when they have
conversation or communication. Yule (1996 :47), in his book, said that in
the effort to expressing and asserting himself, people not only produce
grammatical structure sentences but they also produce or show actions in
that language.

There are many kinds of language study which we used to study the
language. One of them is pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study about
speaker’s meaning. In other word, pragmatics is the study that explains more
about the meaning of the context between the speaker and hearer. According
to Yule (1996 :4), the advantage of studying language via Pragmatics is that
one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their
purposes or goals, and the kinds of action that they are performing when
they speak. In pragmatics, the hearer does not only understand the meaning
of spoken by the speaker, but also understand the context for interpreting an
utterance. Actually, pragmatics has some types of its study, such as dieixis


and distance, reference and inference, presupposition and entailment,

politeness and interaction, speech act and event, and others. In this thesis,
the writer just focuses on speech act.
Speech act is a part of pragmatics study. According to Searle (1996:
16), speech acts is the basic unit of linguistic communication. It means that
speech acts is the production of what is said within performance of speech
act. It is the way people act through their speech. A speech act is performed
when people make utterances such as apology, greeting, request, complaint,
invitation, compliment, or refusal. The study of speech act is very important
for us. The one importance of studying speech act is to make us comprehend
the message that discovered in every utterance. Speech act is also decided
by the language ability of speaker to convey the message in communication.
Hence, we can understand about the meaning of speech act clearly.
In addition, when we speak to other people in a communication or a
conversation, the speaker does not only speak the source language but the
speaker must interpret the speaker’s meaning to the hearer. And the speaker
can make hearer to understand the meaning of that utterance by what the
speaker said. Speech act just perform in conversation or dialogue which
performed by speaker and hearer in the movie.
A speech act can be studied in communicative event, including in
dialogues of a movie. By learning about it, we can understand about speech
event in utterances which speaker said or message received by the hearer in
the dialogue of the movie. By analyzing the speech events, it is clearly the
other way to study about how to comprehend communication than it is. So,
we can do with words and identifying some of the conventional utterance
forms we use to perform specific actions and we do need to look at move
extended interaction to understand how those actions are carried out and
interpreted within speech event of utterance in dialogue in the movie.
Many people like watching the movie, but not all of them understand
every utterance’s meaning said in dialogue in the movie. Based on
YourDictionary, movie is defined as a motion picture or film produced for
entertainment that tells a story. Sometimes, the plot of story in the movie
can influence in daily people’s life. In the movie, we can found many values

for us, such as education values, moral values, attitude values, and other
values from there.
Inside a movie, many linguistic aspects can be learned, including
speech act. The aspects of linguistics are such as pragmatics, semantics,
sociolinguistics and others. This aspect can be learned in the movie. At the
movie, many types of speech acts are performed by characters. Austin
(1962: 109) shows that there are three types of speech acts, they are
locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. Speech acts also have some
different purposes such as declare, assert, thank, request, plan, etc. Based on
the purpose, speech acts classify into five parts. They are declarative,
representative, expressive, directive, and commissive. In this analysis the
researcher wants to present one of five subchapters of speech acts, that is
expressive speech acts. Expressive speech acts is important to be analyzed
because in daily life, we often make a conversation to let the communication
runs well. In this communication, every speaker tries to convey his/her
feelings, and in conveying feelings we always use expressive sentences.
Expressive speech acts is a kind of speech acts based on psychological states
and relates to the expression of feelings or emotion to the hearer. It means
the speaker expresses feeling towards the hearer, such as apologizing,
complaining, thanking, congratulating someone, etc. It is always used by
people to express their emotions toward something in daily speech that can
also find in conversation in the movie.
This study focuses on analyzing the expressive speech acts used by
Moana in a movie Moana. The study will be conducted by using the theory
of expressive speech acts by Searle and Austin, J. L. Austin (1975) on his
book How to Do Things with Word and developed by John R. Searle. Moana
is one example of a good movie. In this movie, the researcher can find a lot
of expressive speech acts based on the research conducted by the researcher.
In addition, the language used by the main characters in that movie is easily
understood by the listener. This movie is totally different from most movies
in that genre. This is not a comedy, it is l fantasy adventure animated music
adventure . this is no ordinary adventure, moana is an adventure film to
restore a lost stone of life stolen. the adventure of moana was helped by a

large body with his weapon named maui.. Therefore, the researcher looks
for and analysis the expressive speech acts and the illocution types from
“Moana” movie. The writer give the title of this researcher is “AN

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the researcher

identified some problems related to the types of expressive speech acts
found in Moana movie. In communication, media is an important thing to
make a good and successful communication. There are some kinds of media
that can be used to, such as movie, radio, mobile phone, and others. In this
research, movie is chosen as the media. By watching movie, people can find
variety of the language used in society, but sometimes the audience faces
some difficulties in understanding the meaning of the utterance delivered by
the characters. As a good audience, we should understand some factors that
can help the communication runs effectively, such as the participants, the
purpose of the interaction, the context, and social factors. It will cause a
misunderstanding when the one of the factors does not work as well. The
situation may be influenced by the following problem.
1. The first problem is about the use of uncommon vocabularies.
Sometimes, the characters in this movie use several uncommon
words that lead the audience gets confuse. The characters use
teenager vocabularies that related to the theme of this movie which
is told about a characters.
2. The second problem is about the context. Context involves the social
and cultural background that leads some events happened in a
movie. The audience, who has a lack of knowledge about the
background of the movie, will face difficult to interpret the meaning
of the utterances delivered by the characters.
3. The third problem is related to the use of language. They have
definitely different ways of using their utterance and language.

4. The fourth problem is related to the forms and functions of the

utterances characters. In this movie. The researcher finds many
functions of expressive speech acts used by the characters in this
movie, such as lamenting, apologizing, praising, and another else.
5. The fifth problem is related to speech acts phenomenon. As a part of
language, speech acts concerns to what people say through the
language. It is not only about producing a meaningful linguistics
expression but also an act of doing something uttered by the speaker
and act that is uttered to affect the listener. When someone speaks,
he or she performs speech acts, such as making statement, giving
command, asking question, making promise, and expressing his or
her feelings.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the problem identification above, the researcher came to
the limitation of the research in order to gain the focus of the study. The
research focused to analyze the types and function of expressive speech acts
found in Moana movie.
The researcher analyse the types and functions of expressive speech
acts found in Moana movie based on the types of expressive speech act
proposed by Searle and Austin. They are apologizing, blaming, boasting,
condoling, deploring, expressing joy, forgiving, lamenting, praising,
regreting and thanking.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Regarding to the identification of the problem above, the researcher

formulates the problems of this research as follows:
1. What kinds of expressive speech act are used by the characters in
Moana movie?
2. What is the most dominant of expressive speect act used by the
characters in Moana movie?
3. What are the function of expressive speech acts used by the
characters in Moana movie?

E. Objective of the Study

In line with the problem formulation above, the objectives of the
study are as follows:
1. To describe the kinds expressive speech acts useb by the charcters
in Moana movie.
2. To find out the most dominant expressive speech act used by the
characters in Moana movie.
3. To describe functions of expressive speech acts used by the
characters in Moana movie

F. Signifiance of the Study

1. The Reader
The researcher hopes that this research can develop the reader’s
knowledge about linguistic, especially the knowledge of expressive
speech act.
2. The other researcher
The researcher hopes that this researcher will help the other
researcher whos is interested in the same topic, expressive speech
acts. This can be used as a bibliography resource or the guideline of
writing a research

In this chapter, the research describes review of related theories, review

of previous study and conceptual framework. Review of related theories deal
with the theory of language, sociolinguistic, pragmatics, speech acts, expressive
speech acts, language funcions, movie, and the Moana movie.
A. Review of Related Theories
1. Language
Human beings can communocate to each other. We are able to
exchane klnowledge, belief, opnions, wishes, threats, commands, thanks,
promises, declarations, feelings-only our imagination sets limits. We can
laugh to express amusement, happines, or disrespect, we can smile to
express amusement, pleasure, approval, or bitter feelings, we can shriek
to express anger, excitement, or fear, we can clench our fists to express
determination, anger or a threat, we can raise eyebrows to express
surprise or disapproval, and so on, but our system of communication
before anything is language. Language is a tool to convey information,
ideas, concepts or feeling that comes to the heart, in the sense of the word
as a means of conveying something. According to Wibowo (2001:3),
language is a system of symbols that are meaningful and articulate sound
(generated by said tool) that are arbitrary and conventional, which is used
as a means of communication by a group of men to give birtt to feelings
and thoughts. In the study of linguistics, language is defined as a system
of spoken or written symbols that human beings as a means of
communication in the form of sound. There are many languages in the
world, such as English, Indonesian, Portuguese, and others. This
language is based on relationships formed in the absence of advance
planning, and the subsequent development of named and default, also
sometimes formed. Language is a system, which


means the language formed by the various components of the irregular

and fixed. Chomsky (1957:13) describes that language is a set (finite or
infinite) of sentences, each finite in length, and constructed out of a finite
set of elements

2. Sociolinguistic
Etymologically, the term sociolinguistics is derived from the word
socio and linguistics. In nature, it describes the knowledge of how
language is used in social context. This concept affects many experts
proposing the definitions of sociolinguistics. A simple definition of
sociolinguistics is the study of language and society (Finch, 2003:204).
It means that sociolinguistics has the main concern in the relation
between society and language. Gumperz in Wardhaugh (2006:11) states
that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find a relationship between social
structure and linguistic structure and also to observe the changes that
occur. A social structure shows systematic patterns of behavior between
individual-individual, group-group, and individual-group relationship.
Meanwhile, a linguistic structure describes the rule of linguistic
component creates wider component. Thus, sociolinguistics studies the
social uses of language and the social evaluation of language variations.
Chaika (1982: 2) formulates sociolinguistics as the study of language
used in society through interaction. It deals with what people intend and
do to convey their meaning in social interaction. It is supported by Trask
(1999: 187) who defines sociolinguistics as the branch of linguistics
which studies the relation between language and society. In addition, he
argues that society is likely to create a number 9 of language variations.
Thus, sociolinguistics may be said as the study of language variation.
Fishman in Coulmas (2007: 233) proposes that sociolinguistics
covers two domains. First, it deals with the descriptive sociology of
languages. It is in charge in figuring out the accepted social organization
of language usage within a speech community and attempting to relate
the standards of language usage. Second, it deals with the dynamic
sociology of languages. It is related with how different rates of change

affect in the social organization either in terms of the language use or the
human behavior toward language.
Furthermore, Marshall (2004:15) says that sociolinguistics is mostly
concerned with integrated models to account for the links between three
fields; linguistic variation, social structure, and linguistic change.
Linguistic variation refers to the range of differences between the
languages of the world. It is affected by the regional and the social
aspects where the language is used. The second field is social
structurepatterned social arrangements which structure the society as a
whole and which distinguish into some varying degree. The third field is
linguistic change. It is a phenomenon whereby some branches of
linguistics such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, grammar,
semantics, and pragmatics differ over time. This concept is supported by
Katamba and Kerswill in Culpeper et al. (2009: 262). They elaborate five
causes of linguistic change i.e. imperfect learning of grammar, social,
functional, structural, and contact. Firstly, imperfect learning grammar
deals with the phenomena where there is lack of young generation
incomplete learning that results in the modification, such as for and form.
Secondly, social aspect influences 10 language changes in terms of age,
gender, class, and ethnicity. Thirdly, functional factor occurs such as in
the change of going to into gonna and want to into wanna. Fourthly,
language change is affected by structural function that focuses on formal
relationship between linguistic elements. The last is contact which
occurs as a result of interaction with other language.
Based on the some proposed concepts of sociolinguistics, it can be
concluded that sociolinguistics is the study of linguistic field that
investigates the effect of the aspects in society, such as cultural norms,
expectations, and situation (context) in which language is used, and the
effects of language use on society.

3. Pragmatics
Yule (1996:3) states pragmatics is concerned with the study of
meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a
listener (or reader). It has, consequently, has more to do with the analysis

of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases
in those utterances might mean by themselves. Pragmatics is the study
of speaker meaning. This type of study necessarily involves the
interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the
context influences what is said. It requires the consideration of how
speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with they are
talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. Pragmatics also
necessarily explores how listeners can make inferences about what is
said in order to arrive at an interpretation of speaker’s intended meaning.
This type of study explores how a great deal of what is unsaid is
recognized as part of what is communicated.
In addition, Leech (1983:6) states that pragmatics is the study of
meaning which related to the speech situation. Futher he explains that
pragmatics can be seen as a way to solve problem which can arise, both
from perspective of a speaker and a hearer. For example from the
sepaker’s point of view, the problem is the planning about how to
produce an utterance. On the other hand, from the hearer’s point of view,
the problem is related to the interpetation, which forces the hearer to be
able to interpret the possible reason that makes the sepaker saying the
In conclusion, pragmatics is the study of meaning of utterances in
relation to the contexts which involves how a soeaker produces an
utterances to deliver his or her intention an how the listener interprets it.

4. Speech Acts
In Linguistic, a speech act is an utterances defined in terms of a
speaker’s intention and the effect it has on a listener. Yule (1996:47)
proposes that speech act is perfomed action via utteramces. Another
definition from Crystal in Soekemi (1995:121) mentions that speech acts
is a theory that anaylzes the role of utterances in relation to the behavior
of speake and listner interpersonal communication. In vrief, when
speakers are saying words, they do not only produce utterance containing
words and grammatical struture, but also perfrom action in those

According to Yule (2000:47) in expressing their mind, people do not

only produce utterance containing words and grammatical structure, but
also perform action in those utterances. When a person is uttering
something, at the same time, he is also performing acts. “Actions
performed via utterance are generally called speech acts”.
Austin (1911-1960) states, many utterances (thing people say) are
equivalent to cations. As a speaker produces an utterances, she or he is
also performing a certain kind of acts such as giving order, asking
question, making request, making a promise, etc. These kinds of acts are
called “speech acts”. Within speech acts, Austin distiguished luctionary
force concerns the act the speaker intends to do in performing the speech
Searle (1969:21) states that, speech act is the basic unit of
communication, taken together with the principle of expressibility,
suggest that there are a series of analytic connection between the suggest
that there are a series of analytic connection between the notion of speech
acts, what the speaker means, what the sentences (or other linguistic
element) uttered means, what the speaker intends what the hearer
understands, and what the rules governing the linguistic elements are.
George Yule (1996:48) writes on his book that in every occasion
speech act that produced by performing some utterances, consists of
there elements indeed. It is appropriate with Austin (1965) that isolates
there basic senses in which in saying something one is doing something.
In this condition, there are three basic kinds of acts perform in their
speech, locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary act. As explain
1.) Locutionary Act
Locutionary act is the act of saying the literal meaning of the
utterances. Locutionary is the description about what the
speakers said. Peccei (1999:4) writes in his book that locutionary
is the actual form of words used by the speakers and the semantic
meaning. On the other word in locutioary act, speaker produces
a meaningful linguistic expression. In performing a lucotionary

act, a speaker uses identifiable expression, consisting of a

sentence or fragment of sentence from language.

2.) Illocutionary Act

Illocutionary act is what the speaker’s doing by uttering those
words: commanding, offering, promising, threatening, thanking, etc
(Peccei, 1999:44). It defines as the underlying force of the utterance
or in the interpretation by the hearer. Then Yule (1996:48) said that
we form an utterance with some kind of function in mind. This
means, in every utterance that we produced there is another act that
performed inside the utterance. It also can be concluded that
illocutionary act is an act of doing something, or the speaker’s
intention toward the utterance he says.
This research emphasizes on one of speech acts, the illocutionary
acts. According to Austin in Carrol (1999:140), the illocutionary acts is
“the action that is performed by saying the sentence”. However, this
research only uses the theory of illocutionary act from Searle because
the fact that this person has been successful in developing this theory,
which is originally from Austin. According to Hallion (2001:chap 3), to
give a better understanding about illocutionary acts, Searle contrast it
with Perlocutionary acts. In this explanation, an illocutionary acts “a
linguistics acts performed on uttering certain words in a given context”
while a Perlocutionary acts is “a non-linguistics act performed as a
consequence of performing the locution and illocutionary act. For
example, the utterance “Good morning” is the illocutionary acts of
greeting, this illocutionary acts effects on the listener’s perception to
bring a Perlocutionary acts replying ‘Good morning”. In this research,
the researcher uses illocutionary acts further development.
The classification of illocutionary acts propose by Searle (1976) is a
development of ideas that appears in Austin’s theory. They are five
basic kind of action that can perform in speaking by mean of the
following five types of utterance that is developing by Yule
(1996:5354), they are:

a. Declaratives are those kinds of speech acts that change the world
via their utterance. They change the state of the world in an
immediate way. The acts of declaratives are approving, betting,
blessing, christening, confirming, cursing, declaring, disapproving,
dismissing, naming, resigning, etc.
a) Declaring: to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, and
exp: ”Since August, 17th 1945 Indonesia has been an
independent country.”
b) Resigning: to give up a job or position by telling your employer
that you are leaving.
exp: “I quit from this job.”
b. Representatives are those kinds of speech acts that state what the
speaker believes to be case or not. The type including arguing,
asserting, boasting, claiming, complaining, criticizing, denying,
describing, informing, insisting, reporting, suggesting, swearing,
a) Reporting: to give a description of something or information
about it to someone.
exp: “Jogja is raining today.”
b) Asserting: to say that something is currently true.
exp: “Finally, my team becomes the winner in this volleyball
c) Informing: to tell someone about particular facts. exp: “I met
your parents yesterday.”
d) Describing: to say or write what someone or something is like.
exp: “Indonesia is a country that has two seasons, spring and
rainy season.”
e) Swearing: to promise or say firmly that you are telling the truth
or that you will do something or behave in particular way.
exp: “I swear, I will never let you down.”

c. Expressives are those kinds of speech acts that state what the
speaker feels about the situation. The acts are apologizing,
complimenting, condoling, congratulating, deploring, praising,
regretting, thanking, etc.
a) Apologizing : to tell someone that you are sorry for having done
something that has caused problem or unhappiness for them.
exp: “Sorry dear, I have to stay at home tonight. We can go for
hangout in another day.”
b) Thanking : to express to someone that you are pleased about or
are grateful for something that they have done.
exp: “Hey guys, thanks for your coming in my 17th birthday
c) Praising : to express admiration or approval for the
achievements or characteristics of a person or thing.
exp: “Wow, your house is very beautiful.”
d) Regretting : a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong
or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could
have different and better.
exp: “Sorry mom, I will never do this wrong thing again in
future life.”
e) Condoling, to express sympathy with a person who is suffering
sorrow, misfortune, or grief (usually follow by with).
f) Deploring, or censoring, in which the addressee is criticized for
an event which had a negative impact on the speaker or a third
g) Lamenting, where the speaker expresses his or her own
misfortune, either at their own misfortune or somebody else’s
h) Welcoming, where the speaker expresses positive feelings
towards the arrival of the addressee. Norrick (1987:289) points
to the conceptual similarity with thanking.
i) Forgiving, the expression which is used to stop blaming or being
angry with someone or something that person has done, or not
punish them for something.

j) Boasting, a statement which is used to express or talk about

oneself or something related to oneself in a proud or
selfadmiring way.
k) Blaming, the situation in which people say or think that someone
or something did something wrong or is responsible for
something bad happening.
l) Expressing Joy, where the speaker expresses positive feelings
that full of joy and happiness.
exp: “I am glad to hear that.”
m) Congratulating : to praise someone and say that you approve of
or pleased about a special or unusual achievement.
exp: “Congrats dear, wish you will get your first job soon after
this graduation.”

d. Directives are those kinds of speech acts that the speakers use to get
someone else to do something or they try to make the addressee
perform an action. The acts are advising, asking, begging,
challenging, daring, demanding, forbidding, insisting, inviting,
ordering, permitting, recommending, requesting, suggesting, etc.
a) Requesting: the act of politely or officially asking for
exp: “Could you open the window?”
b) Suggesting: to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other
people to consider. exp: “I think you will be more beautiful if
you wear this light purple dress, honey.”
c) Forbidding: to refuse to allow something, especially officially,
or to prevent a particular plan of action by making it impossible.
exp: “You cannot smoking here, this is a free smoke area.
d) Advising : to give someone advice.
exp: “You should study hard if you want to pass this semester
easily. “
e) Ordering : a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods.
exp: “I want an orange juice and the most special food here.”

e. Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that the speakers use to
commit themselves to future action. The acts are committing,
guaranteeing, planning, offering, promising, refusing, threatening,
volunteering, vowing, etc.
a) Promising : to tell someone that you will certainly do something.
exp: “I will always stand by your side, dear.”
b) Planning : a set of decisions about how to do something in the
future. exp: “I am going to go to Korea with my family next
c) Threatening : a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent
will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not
followed. exp: “If I met Kity at campus, I wanted to borrow her
Sociolinguistics book.”
d) Refusing : to say that you will not do or accept something.
exp: “Sorry, I can’t go to hang out with you guys.”
e) Commiting : to promise or give your loyalty , time, or money to
be a particular principle, person, or plan of action. exp: “I want
to finish my assignments tonight.

3.) Perlocutionary Act

Austin also distinguished the third part of speech acts, the
perlocutionary. It is the consequent effect of the utterance on the
hearer through the uttering of linguistic expression, or the overall
aim of the utterance (Peccei, 1999:44). An utterance that is
uttered by someone often has effect to the listener. Which can be
expected or unexpected affect that created by the speaker. So, in
other word, a perlocutionary is listener behavioral response,
perhaps merely a mental or emotional response. It also can be
concluded that perlocutionary act is the hearer’s reaction toward
the speaker’s utterance.
There is an example of speech acts. A child refuse to lie down
and go to sleep, then his mother says, ”I will turn your light off”.
The locutionary act is utterance of this sentence ”I will turn your

light off”. However, the mother may be intending that the

utterance to be interpreted as a threat. The threat here is
illocutionary acts. It means that if the child does not sleep, his
mother will turn off the light. As consequence behavior of that
child, he must be frightened into silence and sleep is
perlocutionary act.

5. Expressive Speech Acts

Searle categories a one category for speech act that focus on
primarily on representing the speaker’s feeling, it is expressive,
which expresses a psychological state (Levinson, 1983:240). George
Yule (1996) states that expressive are those kinds of speech act that
used to express or state a psychological attitude of the speakers; such
as joy, sorrow and like/dislike. In other word, expressive are those
kinds of speech act that what the speaker feels about the situation.
Norrik (1978:279) specifies that expressive speech acts express
psychological conditions, and thus not beliefs or intentions, which
arise to given states of affairs. The expressions produce in this
category such as thangking, apoligizing, welcoming, condoling, and
etc. Norrick (1978:284) compares nine different kinds of expressive
illocutionary acts. These are:
1. Apologizing
Apologizing is an expression of regret that is used to tell
someone that you are sorry for having done something that has
caused problem or unhappiness for them. By expressing
apologizing, the speaker tries to fix the situation by expressing
his/her feeling of sorry. Risana (2005:27) adds some definitions
of apologizing such as; acknowledge faults or shortcoming
failing, defend, explain, clear away or make excuses for by
reasoning. There also some related terms of apologizing: alibu
out of, apologize for, ask forgiveness, beg pardon, express
regret, plead guility, do penance and so on. For example: “I’m
sorry to waste your time”, “I really do apologize.” And “I beg
your pardon.”

2. Blamming
Blamming is the situation in which people say or think that
someone or something did someting wrong or is responsible for
something did something wrong or is responsible for something
bad happening. Blame is an act of attributing fault where the
speaker asking for responsibility. For example: “It was your
fault.” “You are the one to blame.”, and “How could you do
such a thing?”
3. Boasting
Boasting is a statement which is used to express or talk about
oneself or something related to oneself in aproud or
selfadmiring way. Based on Cambridge English Dictionary,
boast is something you are proud of and like to tell people about
For example : “I can do anything without your help.” And “I
won three national awards of volleyball match when i was in
senior high school.”
4. Expressing Joy
Expressing joy is a way where the speaker expresses positive
feelings that full of joy and happines. Based on Merriam
Webster Online Dictionary, joy is the emotion evoked by
wellbeing, succes or good fortune or by the prospect of
possessing what on desires. For example, “i am glad to hear
that.”, “This is my best birthday that I ever had.”, and “Nice
to meet you.”
5. Forgiving
Forgiving is the expression which is used to stop blamming or
being angry with someone or something that person has done,
or not punish them for something. Cambridge English
Dictionary states that forgiving is an acts of willing to forgive.
By expressing expression of forgiving, the speaker expresses
his or her feeling of forgiveness about a mistake somebody has
done. For example: ”Do not worry about it.”,”It is okay.”, and

“It does not matter.”

6. Lamenting
Lamenting is an expression which is used by the speaker to
express his or her own misforune, either at their own
misfortune or somebody else’s doing. Based on Oxford
Dictionary, lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
that is used by the speaker to express his or her or somebody’s
misfortune for havingn bad luck. For example, “I have lost my
best freind.” and “She loves him back but as a friend only.”

7. Praising
Based on Cambridge English Dictionary, praising is a way to
express admiration or approval for the achievements or
characteristics of a person or thing. Praising is also defined as
an appreciation about good achievements or qualities of person
or thing. For example, “You have such a great perfomance last
night.”,”you look so pretty in you traditional dress.”, and
“This song is so awesome.”

8. Regreting
Regretting is a feeling of sadness or sorry about something sad
or wrong or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish
that it could have different and better. For example, “I am
sorry, I ought to have arrived on time.”,” I wish I had not made
that mistake.”, and “If I had studied hard, I would not have
failed on my exam.”

9. Thanking
Expressing gratitude is considered to be one universals of
interpersonal communication, in particular in realization of the
politeness principle. Thanking is classified as an expressive
illocutionary act that can be defined as an expression that is

used to show your pleasure or gratitude for something that

people have done. For example : “Thank you so much for
calling.” , “ thank you for letting me know.”

6. Language Functions of Expressive Speech Acts

Language, in fact, serves a great many functions and “giving
and getting information.” According to halliday (1985:15) proposed
the word Function can be thought of as a synonym for the word Use,
so when we talk about functions of language, we may mean no more
than the way people use their languages if they have more than one.
Stated in the most general terms, people do different things with their
language; that is, they expect to achieve by talking and writing, and
by listening and reading, a large number different aims and different
purposes. Language is one among number of system of meaning that,
taken all together, constitutes human culture. Language is understood
in its relationship to social structure. Function as a fundamental
property of language itself, something that is basic to the evolution
of the semantic system.
According to Leech (1974: 40-42), there are five essential
features in any communicative situations, namely: informational
function, expressive function, directive function, aesthetic function
and phatic function.
Expressive function can be used to express its originator’s
feeling and attitudes. It correlates with the originators i.e. the speaker
and the writer. The feeling or attitudes which are expressed by this
function are: anger, annoyance (irritation), disappointment,
amazement, and so forth, swearing words, and exclamations are the
most obvious instances of this. Meanwhile, Threshold (1990)
proposed six language functions, those are imparting and seeking
factual information, expressing and finding out attitudes, getting
things done (suasion), socializing, structuring discourse, and
communication repair. In case of expressing and finding out
attitudes, Threshold (1990) classified it into 57 classes which are
presented in the following table.

Types of Languages Types of Language Function

No Function of Expressive No. of Expressive

1. Expressing agreement with a 31. Enquiring about
statement pleasure/displeasure and

2. Expressing disagremeent with 32. Expressing liking

a statement

3. Enquiring about agreement and 33. Expressing dislike


4. Denying statements 34. Enquiring about likes and

5. Stating whether one knows or 35. Expressing satisfaction
does not know a person, thing
or fact

6. Enquiring whether someone 36. Expressing dissatisfaction

knows or does not know a
person, thing or fact

7. Stating whether one 37. Enquiring about

remembers or has forgotten a satisfaction/dissatisfaction
person, thing or fact or action

8. Enquiring whether someone 38. Expressing lack of interest

remembers or has forgotten a
person, thing, fact or action

9. Expressing degrees of 39. Expressing lack of interest

10. Expressing or denying 40. Enquiring about interest or lack
necessity (including logical of interest

11. Expressing or denying 41. Expressing surprise

necessity (including logical

12. Enquiring as to necessity 42. Expressing lack of surprise

(including logical deducation)
13. Expressing degrees of 43. Enquiring about surprise
14. Enquiring about degrees of 44. Expressing hope

15. Expressing obligation 45. Expressing disappointment

16. Enquiring about obligation 46. Expressing fear
17. Expressing ability/inability to 47. Giving reassurance
do something

18. Enquiring about ability or 48. Enquiring about fear/worry

inability to do something

19. Expressing that something is 49. Expressing grattitude

or is not permitted, or
20. Enquiring whether something 50. Reaching to an expression of
is or is not permitted or gratttude

21. Granting permission 51. Offering an apology

22. Withholding permission 52. Accepting an apology
23. Expressing want/desires 53. Expressing moral obligation
24. Enquiring about wants/desires 54. Expressing approval
25. Expressing intentions 55. Expressing disapproval
26. Enquiring about intentions 56. Enquiring about
27. Expressing preference 57. Expressing regret, sympathy
28. Enquiring about preference
29. Expressing pleasure, happines

30. Expressing displeasure,


After analyzing the data, the researcher only found out 10

language functions of expressive speech acts found in Moana
movie. Here is the detail explanation:
a. Expressing Degress of Certainy
a) I don’t think so
b) I (don’t) think/believe + that clause= I don’t think he
has ever been here
c) I’m not (quite) sure, but + declarative sentence= I’m
not quite sure, I but I think he has alredy gone
d) I don’t know (+if clause/wh clause)= I don’t know if
he will come
b. Expressing Obligation
a) NP + have to must + Vpinf=We must be home before
c. Expressing Ability?Inability to Do Something
a) NP + (not) + Vpinf= I can understand Spanish but I
can’t speak it well.
b) NP + be (not) able to + Vpinf= I am able to ride a horse.
c) NP + be unable to + Vpinf= John is unable to read yet
d. Expressing Pleasure, Happiness
a) I’m (verry) glad/delighted (+ that clause to + VP inf)
=I’m very glad to see you here b)
That’s lovely/wonderful/great!
c) How nice!
d) I’m/ I feel so ‘happy!
e) I’m very pleased
e. Expressing Liking
a) NP + be (very) good/nice/ pleasant= This coffee is very

b) I like/enjoy + NP/VP gerund (very much)= I like riding

very much
c) I love NP/VP gerund = I love cats.
f. Expressing Satisfaction
a) Good!
b) Fine!
c) Demonstrative + be (very) good/nice=That’s good.
g. Reacting to an Expression or Gratitude
a) It’s a pleasure
b) Thank ‘you
c) Not at all
h. Offering an Apology
a) Sorry!
b) I am (vey), sorry!
c) I’m’so sorry.
d) Please forgive me.
e) (for disturbing somebody) I beg your pardon. Excuse
me, please.
f) I’o apologize
g) I apologize
i. Accepting an Apology
a) Not at all
b) That’s ‘quite-all Bright.
c) That’s all right.
d) It’doesn’t matter.
e) It ‘doesn’t matter at all/a bit.
f) Forget it
j. Expressing Regret, Sympathy
a) What a shame!
b) What a pity (+that clause) = What a pity, Peter died so
c) It’s a (great) pity (+that clause)= It’s a great pity, he
left the party

d) I’m (so/very) sorry (+that clause/if clause)= I’m sorry

if I hurt you.
e) I’m (so/very) sorry about NP= I’m sorry very sorry
about ypur/illness
f) I’m (so/very) sorry to + VP inf= I’m sorry I to hear you
are going away.
g) Oh, dear...

7. Movie
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, stated by Arsyad Azhar
(2009: 49) is a series of image in the frame where the frame is projected
by projector lens in a screen that make that image look life. This optical
illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between
separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by
photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by
photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation
techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by 19 a
combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects.
The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating
experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings,
beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving
images along with other sensory stimulations.

B. Relevant Studies of Expressive Speech Acts

Here, there are some relevant studies which have been done by
previous researchers in the area of expressive speech acts, as following:
1. Dian Irawati (2015) in her thesis “Expressive Speech Acts used by
Dave and Aubrey in the First Time Movie” expressive speech acts
on the movie. By using discourse analysis as the reseach
methodlogy. She discribes that there are 9 kinds of expresssive
speech acts. She explain the most dominant precentages.
2. Ulin Nafi’ah (2015) in her thesis “Expressive Speech Acts in Harry
Potter and Chamber of Secret Movie Script” analyzes expressive

speech acts on the movie script. By using discourse analysis as the

research methodology, she describes that there are five kinds of
expressive speech acts such like, dislike, sorrow, pleasure and pain.
She does not explain the percentage of the most dominant of
expressive speech acts she found.
Those previous studies are relevant to this research. In this
research, the researcher will conduct the research entitled with “An
Analysis of Expressive Speech Acts Found Moana Movie”. The analysis
not only will analyze the types of expressive speech acts found Moana.
but also will analyze the functions based on the sub-categories of
expressive speech acts.
In a study there are similarities and differences between
researchers, similarities in this study, researchers analyze the speech act.
the difference in other researchers is that there are researchers who base
novels, movie scripts and characters in films

C. Conceptual Framework
In social life, people always communicate with each other by using
language. Language is one of tools of communication. In communication,
language has an important rule because it means to explain what the speaker
wants the listener to do. The purpose of communication is accomplished
through language (Berlo 1963: 8).
While people communicate, they use utterances to express what they
have in their mind toward the listener. Utterance produces by speaker does
not only function to explain the speaker mind toward the listener but also
means to show the relationship between them. When we want to know
people’s relationship through their utterance, we can see it from speech act.
According to Austin (1960), speech act is a theory of perfomative language,
in which say something is to do something. On any occasion, the action
performed by producing an utterance will consist there related acts (Yule.
1996: 48). The following examples show Austin’s categories, they are
locutionay, illocutionary, and perlocutionary.
This research focuses on analyzing the types of speech acts found in

“Moana” movie. In this research, speech acts is defined as the basic unit of
language used to express meaning, an utterance that expresses an intention.
Normally, the speech act is a sentence, but it can be a word or phrase as long
as it follows the rules necessary to accomplish the intention. When one
speaks, one performs an act. Speech is not just used to designate something,
it actually does something. Speech act stresses the intent of the act as a
whole. There are three types of speech act: locutionary, illocutionary, and
perlocutionary. A perlocutionary act can be used to elicit some behavioral
response from the listener.
The analysis goes through one category, the expressive speech acts
which is the one of the classification of illocutionary speech acts. The
expressive speech acts of all characters found in ”Moana” movie is analyzes
by using Searle’s theory of speech acts. As the first step, the researcher tries
to understand some theories of expressive speech acts, then watches that
movie, analyses that movie, and creates this paper analysis. As the result, the
researcher can find the categorizations and functions of expressive speech
acts used found in “Moana” movie by focusing the analysis on those two

In this chapter, the research describes the research methodology that covers
research type, research setting, data and data source, research instrument, data
collection technique, and data analysis technique and procedure.
A. Research Type
In this researcher used discourse anaylsis as the research type to study
larger linguistic units, such as conversitional exchanges or written texts is
widely used. The researcher’s reason of using discourse analysis involved
the study both text and context, and since the data in the form of words and
sentence. M. Stubbs (1983:1) defines discourse anaylsis as concerned with
language use beyond the boundaries of a sentence or utterance, concerned
with the interrelationship between language and society, concerned with the
interactive or dialogic properties of everyday communication.
According to Brown and Yule (1983:1), discourse analysis is
committed to an investigation of what that language is used for. It is
concerned with language used in social context and in particular with
interaction or dialogue between the speakers. Discourse analysis focuses on
language use ‘above’ the sentence (in text) and “beyond’ the sentence (in
context). This prespective analyzes texts and contexts from a wide array of
sites in everyday life, ranging, for example, from informal conversations
among freinds to doctor/patient interactions, office documents (memos,
minutes), and televised political debates. Some of the issues addressed are
the following: how texts build cohesion (the word and meaning relationships
that ‘hold’ a text together) and coherence (the overal unity, topic, and
message); how texts that tell a story (a narrative) differ from those that
describe something, provide an explanation or list a set of instructions.


B. Data and source of the data

The data of this research are the utterances of expressive speech acts
found in Moana movie.
1. Data
As stated by Marguired Iudico (2006: 66), data is any type
of information collected for use in educational research or
assessment. In this research, the data that will be used are
utterances produced by charahcters in Moana movie. This data
will be collected from a movie script of Moana movie, its
runtime is 1 hour and 43 minutes
2. Data Source
The data source that would be used in this research is Moana
movie. In this movie the researcher can find some expressions
that can be identified by expressive speech acts. Moana is a
2016 Animated musical fantasy adventure movie written and
directed by Ron Clements, John Musker, and Auli’i Cravalho
as Moana, Dwayne Jhonson as Maui, Rachel House as
Grandma, Alan Tudyk as Heihei.
C. Place and Time of the Research
The research schedule began from October 2019 to April 2020 and
the research activities and time allocation were presented in the following
table. This study was conducted in Universitas Sarjanawiyata
Tamansiswa library. The research activities and the time allocation are
presented in following table
Table 3.1: Research Schedule
No. Research Activities Time of the Research
October November December January April
2019 2019 2019 2020 2020
1. Preparation
2. Data Collection
3. Data Analysis
4. Report Writing

1. Preparation
Before conducting the research, the research selected what kind of
movie which was wanted to be analyzed. Afterwards, the research planned
to look for some theories from books, jornals, and internet in order to
support in doing this research. The research began were the research made
a plan and collected some references to support this research
2. Data colection
The researcher collected the data such as movie and the trancription
of the movie. In this step, the researcher collected the data by watching the
movie and downloading the movie script form the internet. This activity
was done to gather the whole data needed in this research
3. Data analysis
The researcher analyzed the data that produced by characters in
Moana movie. In this step, the researcher continued the research by observing,
classifying, and describing the data of the types expressive speech acts used by
4. Report Writing
In this research, the research conducted some activities such as
consulting and revising the research report. The research reported the
result of analyzing the data and drew conclusion of what he had found in
the research. The researcher finished her report writing after a couple of
time consulting and revising her proposal to the consultant.

D. Research Instrument and Tools

The research instrument is very imporrant to get result of the research.
Research instrument is used to collect the data. Arikunto (2006:165) points
out that research instrument is a tool that helps the research in the activity
of collecting data, so the activity becomes systematic and easy. This
research applied as documentary study because the data was in the form of
document or written text. Documentation is the method used in the scientific
research. It used some instruments to support in collecting, categorizing and
analyzing the data. It could be seen as follows:

In this research, laptop was used to browse and read some related
theories. Besides, this instrument also was used to play the chosen
movie in order to get the data, and to analyze the data based on the
types and the function of expressive speech acts used by all
characters in Moana movie, and write down the report.
2.Flash Disk
Flash disk was a small ultra-portable storage device. It could be
connected to laptops and others devices. In this research, flash disk
would be used to save the files of the research data.

Headset was used by researcher for listening to the conversations in
the movie more clearly.
4.Mobile Phone
Mobile phone was used to access to a cellular radio system so it can
be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.
By using mobile phone, it supported in browsing and gathering
process in order to get some related theories
5.Writing Equipment
Some writing equipments were used by the researcher in this
research, such as pen and writing book. By using some writing
equipments, it helped the researcher in taking some notes while
analyzing the data.
Internet was used to help the researcher to find out and downloaded
the movie “Moana”.

E. Data Collection Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher did the following:

1. Downloading the chosen movie and taking appropriate subtitles on

2. Validating the trascript by watching the movie and comparing the
subtitle taken from internet.
3. Documenting the utterances used by the characters in movie that
belong to expressive speech acts.
4. Classifying the data into types of expressive speech into a table
containing columns as follows::
1). Apologizing 7. Forgiving
2). Blaming 8). Lamenting
3). Boasting 9). Praising
4). Condoling 10). Regretting
5). Deploring 11). Thanking
6). Expressing Joy

5. Finally, after selecting data the researcher tried to input the data into
the table which contained the types of expressive speech act.

F. Data Analysis Technique and Procedure

In the study, the researcher used some procedures technique in
collection data. The procedures were presented as follows:
1. Data Analysis Technique
In order to analyzes the data, the researcher applied discourse
analysis approach and used the theory of expressive speech acts by
Searle and Austin. J. L. Austin (1975) on his book How to Do Things
with Word and developed by John R. Searle, Austin defined speech act
as what actions we performed when we produced utterance.
Additionally, Searle made one category for speech act that focused on
primarily on representing the speaker’s feeling, it was expressive,
which expresses a psychological (Levinson, 1983:240). Expressive
speech ats were those kinds of speech acts that stated what the speaker
felt about the situation. The acts were apologizing, complimenting,
condoling, congratulating, deploring, praising, regretting, thanking, etc.

In this research, the researcher analyzes the types of expressive

speech acts found in Moana movie based on the theory of speech acts
with the sub topic expressive speech act proposed by Austin and Searle.
In order to carry out the data analysis more easily, the researcher
presented the tables of an analysis of expressive speech acts used by the
2. Data Analysis Procedure
The researcher analyzes the data by using speech act theory, in
this step, the researcher analyzes the data which are taken from the
conversations or utterance in the form of words used by Characters
in Moana movie.
1) Identifying the data
First of all, the researcher watches the movie in order to
understand the whole story in the movie. After comparing the
dialog and the movie script taken from the internet, the
researcher identified the utterances produced by characters in
Moana movie. The identification is done is based on the types of
expressive speech acts.
2) Classifying the data into the types of expressive speech acts
After identifying the data, the researcher classifies the data
into the types of expressive speech acts. In classifying the data,
the researcher presentes tables based on the types of expressive
speech acts used by the characters in Moana movie.
Additionally, the researcher also gives some brief explanations
on the data that will be classified.
3) Analyzing the data
After identifying and classifying the data, the researcher
analyzes the data based on the types of expressive speech acts.
The researcher also analyzes the functions of utterances
produced by the characters based on the types of expressive
speech acts. In order to simplify the data analysis, the researcher

provides the table of an analysis of expressive speech acts used

by characters in Moana movie.
4) Drawing the conclusion
In this step, the researcher draws the conclusion after
identifying, classifying, and analyzing the data. The conclusion
showes the result of data analyzis.
This chapter consists of findings and discussion. In the findings, the
researcher presents the result of analysis of expressive speech acts found in Moana
movie. In the discussion, the researcher discusses and gives explanation about (1)
types of expressive speech acts used by the characters, (2) the most dominant
expressive speech acts used by the characters, and (3) functions of expressive
speech acts used by the characters.

A. Research Findings
Based on the data anaylsis presented in appendix, there are 54 utterances
containing expressive speech acts used by the characters in Moana movie. The
finding is presented in the order of (1) types of expressive speech acts used by
the characters (2) the most dominant type of expressive speech acts used by the
characters, and (3) functions of expressive speech acts used by characters.
1. The types of expressive speech acts used by the characters in Moana movie.
Based on the data analysis, the researcher finds 54 data of expresive
speech acts. The data are classified into nine types; they are apologizing,
blaming, boasting, expressing joy, forgiving, lamenting, praising,
regretting, and thanking. The summary of the data is presented in the table
1 below:

Table 1
The types of expressive speech acts
No. Types of Expressive Frequency Percentages
Speech Acts (%)
1 Apologizing 2 4
2 Blaming 3 6
3 Boasting 6 11
4 Expressing Joy 13 24
5 Forgiving 1 2


6 Lamenting 4 7

7 Praising 5 9
8 Regreting 15 28

9 Thanking 5 9
Total 54 100%

Based on the table 4.1, there are 9 types of expressive speeech acts used by
characters in Moana movie.
2. The most dominant types of expressive speech acts used by the characters
in Moana movie
Regreting is the most use expressive speech acts in conversation of
characters in Moana movie. The characters often used Regret because the
movie tells about a struggle to return the stone to the natural life around.
They mostly speak using the expressive speech acts in the form of regret
Meanwhile, the lowest expressive speech acts used by characters in
Moana movie are forgiving and apologizing. Based on the data above,
forgiving and aplogizing expressions only appear 1 and 2 times in this
movie. Forgiving and apologizing expressions are rarely used by characters.
3. The functions of expressive speech acts used by the characters in Moana
Based on the data anaylsis, the researcher finds 9 functions, namely
Expressing gratitude, liking, regreting, expressing certainy, expressing
happiness, expressing obligation, expressing sadness, expressing
satisfication and expressing ability.

B. Discussion
In this section, the findings of expressive speech acts used by the
characters in Moana movie are discussed more comprehensively and
supported by relevant evidence. The aim of the discussion is to answer the
objectives of this research clearly. They are the types of expressive speech
acts and the function of expressive speech acts used by the characters in
Moana movie

B.1 Kinds of Expressive Speech Acts

In this part, the researcher discusses types of expressive speech acts
used by characters in Moana movie. Based on the analysis, types of
expressive speech acts used by the characters: apologizing, blaming,
boasting, expressing joy, forgiving, lamenting, praising, regretting, and
thanking. The description of those types of expressive speech acts are stated

B.1.1. Apologizing
Apologizing is an expression of regret that is used to tell someone that you
are sorry for having done something that has caused problem or unhappiness
for them (Austin 1911-1960). In analyzing the data, the researcher found 2
expression speech act of apologizing (data 31, 50).
Following is an example of the use apologizing in the dialogue.:

Maui : I'm sorry. I'm trying to be sincere for once, and it feels like
you're distracted.
Moana : No, no. No way!
Maui : Really? Because you're looking at me like I have a..shark head

This conversation happens in the sea when Maui wants to be sincere but this conversation, Maui expresses his apology after he tries to
be sincere. The expression ‘I'm sorry”means that he apologizes because
Maui is distracted when he tries to return the stone Ti Fiti.

B.1.2. Blaming
Blaming is the situation in which people say or think that someone or
something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening (Austin
1911-1960). In analyzing the data, the researcher found 3 expression speech
act of blaming (data 19, 23, 39) The characters express blamming of
expressive speech acts is taken from some of the following dialogs:

Maui :It was Moana, right?

Moana : Yes. And you will restore the heart!
This conversation happens in Maui Island when they argue to restore the
Ti fiti Stone. In this conversation, Maui expresses his blame. She speaks to
Maui that he will restore the heart. The exppression “You can't fix it!”
means that he blames because of the stone.

B.1.3. Boasting
Boasting is a statement which is used to express or talk about oneself
or something related to oneself in a proud or self-admiring way (Austin
1911-1960). In analyzing the data, the researcher found 6 expression speech
act of boasting (data 8, 18, 20, 21, 25, 30) The characters express boasting
of expressive speech acts is taken from some of the following dialogs:

Sina : He's hard on you because...

Moana : Because he doesn't get me.

Sina : Because he was you. Drawn to the ocean. Down by the

shore. He took a canoe, Moana. He crossed the reef.

This conversation happens in Island Moana. When she is prohibited to

go to the beach by her father. Then, Sina advises Moana not to play at sea.
The expression “Because he was you” expresses het boast, because the
thing that happened to his father, happened to Moana.

Maui : Did not see that coming.


Moana: I am Moana of Motunui. This is my canoe and you will journey

Maui : All right, get over it. We gotta move.

This conversation happens in the Sea. Moana asks Maui to help her to
turn the stones with canoe. Moana asked Maui to help her to return the
stones with canoe. The expression “I am Moana of Montunui” expresses
her boast, because Moana wants Maui to return the stone.

B.1.4. Expressing Joy

Expressing joy is a way where the speaker expresses positive feelings
that full of joy and happines (Austin 1911-1960). From the finding above,
it can be seen that the researcher found this type by 24% of the data was
praise utteranced. It occured 13 times and became the most used
expression that used by characters in Moana movie (data 9, 12, 15, 28, 29,
34, 35, 42, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54) The characters express expressing joy of
expressive speech acts is taken from some of the following dialogs

Gramma :Whatever just happened, blame it on the pig.

Moana : Gramma

This conversation happens in the Island, when Gramma advises Moana

when she is sad and gives the best advice for her. In the conversation
Moana expresses happines, because she gets advice from Gramma.

Maui : It's time.

Moana : Go save the world.
Maui : Cheeeehoooo!

This conversation happens in the Sea when Moana is happy when Maui
wants to help her to restore the stone to save the world. The expression
“Go save the world”expresses Moana’s happiness, because Maui wants
to save the world with Moana.

B.1.5. Forgiving
Forgiving is the expression which is used to stop blaming or being angry
with someone or something that person has done, or not punish them for
something (Austin 1911-1960). From the finding above, it can be seen that
the researcher found this type by 2% and 1 times ocured (data 44) The
characters express forgiving of expressive speech acts is taken from some
of the following dialogs:

Gramma : It's not your fault. I never should have put so much on
your shoulders. If you are ready to go home, I will be with
you. Why do you hesitate?

Moana : I don't know

This conversation happens in the Sea when Moana feels unable to

continue the journey, and Gramma cames in the from of a spirit and gives
advice. The expression “It's not your fault “ means that Gramma forgives
Moana .

B.1.6. Lamenting
Lamenting is an expression which is used by the speaker to express his
or her own misfortune, either at their own misfortune or somebody else’s
doing (Austin 1911-1960). Based on the finding above, it can be seen that
the researcher found this type by 7% and 4 times occured (data 11, 13, 16,
43) The characters express lamenting of expressive speech acts is taken
from some of the following dialogs:

Gramma : Guess I chose the right tattoo.

Moana : Gramma! I tried, Gramma. I couldn't do it

This conversation happens at the Gramma house, when Gramma tells a

story of the history of the Island that has a magic stone and it is stolen by

someone. The expression “Gramma! I tried” means that she expresses

lament, because after that the island becomes damaged.

B.1.7. Praising
Praising is a way to express admiration or approval for the
achievements or characteristics of a person or thing (Austin 1911-1960).
From the finding above, the writer found that 9% and 5 times occrured
(data 10, 17, 26, 27, 52) The characters express praising of expressive
speech acts is taken from some of the following dialogs:

Mau i : Gonna miss you, drumstick.

Moana : You could come with us, you know. My people are going
to need a master wayfinder.

Maui : They already have one.

This conversation happens in the Ti Fiti Island, when Moana and Maui
succeed in reversing the Ti Fiti stone, they got a gift from Ti Fiti and they
separate. Moana returns to her place and Maui wanders. In this
conversation, the expression “My people are going to need a master
wayfinder“ means that she praises, because Moana asks Maui to help her
citixens .

Moana :Maui! Maui! Maui! You're so amazing!

Maui :We'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Kâ.

This conversation happens in the Island, when Moana is proud because

Maui wants to defeat the king of crabs and get his weapon again. In this
conversation, the expression “Maui! Maui! Maui! You’re so amazing!”
means that she praises, because Maui has defeated the king of crabs.

B.1.8. Regreting
Regreting is a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about
a mistakes that you have made, and a wish that it could have different and
better (Austin 1911-1960). From the finding above, the researcher found

that 28% of the data was regreting utterances and it occured 15 times (2,
3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 24, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 49). The characters express
regretting of expressive speech acts is taken from some of the following

Moana : It's not cursed.

Maui : Shark head.
Moana :It is not cursed

This conversation happens in the island, when Maui manages to get his
weapon and tries to use the power of his weapon, but he cannot. In this
conversation, Maui expresses his sadness to Moana. The expression
“Shark head” means that he is sad , because the weapon is broken.

Maui : Turn around!

Moana : No!
Maui : Moana, stop!
Moana : No!

This conversation happens in the Ti Fiti Island, when Maui forbids

Moana to cross the island wall and turn the canoe back because the evil
will attack them. The expression “Moana, stop!” expreses Maui’s regret
because Moana is in danger.

B.1.9. Thanking
Thanking is classified as an expressive illocutionary act that can be
defined as an expression that is used to show your pleasure or gratitude for
something that people have done. From the finding above, the researcher
found that 9% of the data was thanking utterances and it occured 5 times
(data 1, 4, 22, 48, 51). The characters express thanking of expressive
speech acts as seen in the following dialogs:

Moana : Maui. Thank you.

Maui : You're welcome. Cheeeehoooo

This conversation happens in the Ti Fiti Island. When Maui helps

Moana to fight Ti Fiti with his weapon. Moana expresses his grateful
feelings to Maui. The expression “Thank you” means that she is thanking,
because she is helped by Maui to defeat evil Ti Fiti.

Moana : You know, it'd be rude to refuse a gift from a goddess.

Maui : Cheeeehoooo! Thank you. Your kind gesture is deeply
appreciated. Chehoo

The conversation happens in the Ti Fiti island when they return the Ti
Fiti stone, and the world turns green again. Maui expresses his grateful
feeling to the Moana. The expression “Cheeeeeeehoooo! Thank you.”,
means that Maui thanks Moana, because she saved the world.

B.2. The Most Dominant Type of Expressive Speech Acts Used by the
Characters in Moana movie.
As shown in the findings, the expressive speeech act mostly use is
regreting. this type of expressive speech acts occurs 15 times. To give
addtitional example, following are two dialogs showing the use of
regreting. Data 38
Moana : Are you OK? Maui?
Maui : I told you to turn back

This conversation happens in the Sea, when Maui tells Moana to flip the
canoe, because Maui is unable to fight the evil Ti Tifi. The expression “I
told you to turn back” expresses sadness, because Maui is not strong
enough to fight against evil Ti Fiti.

Data 33
Moana : You took the heart for them. You did everything for them.
So they'd love you.
Maui : It was... never enough.

This conversation happens in the Island, when Maui wants to turn himself
into an eagle by using his weapon but turns into others shapes. At that time
Maui wanted to give up. The expression “never enough” means that he
expresses sadness, because Maui wants to give up.

B.3. The Functions of Expressive Speech Acts Used by the

Characters in Moana movie.

B.3.1. Expressing gratitude

The expression of gratitude is a self-promoting exercise, grateful people
are found to be more likely to respond with gratitude to a wider range of
scenarios and recognize the beneficence on the part of others (Austin :
1911-1960). Following is an example of the use expressing gratitude in the

Gramma : But one day, the heart will be found by someone who
will journey beyond the reef, find Maui, deliever him across
the great ocean to restore Te Fiti's heart and save us all.

Tui: : Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thank you, Mother. That's enough

Based on the example above, Tui uses statement “Thank you.” The
utterance is classified as an expressive speech act of thanking. The
function of this utterance is to express gratitude.

Villager 2 : It's the harvest. This morning, I was husking the coconuts
Moana : Well, we should clear the diseased trees and we will start a
new grove. There.
Villager 2 : Thanks, Moana. She's doing great

Based on the example above, villager 2 uses statement “Thanks,

Moana. She's doing great”. The utterance is classified as expressive
speech acts of grattitude. The function of this utterance is to express

B.3.2. Expressing liking

Expressing of liking is used when you like something (Austin :
19111960). Following is an example of the expressing liking in the
Maui : I'm getting my hook. End of discussion.
Moana : You'd be a hero. That's what you're all about, right?
Maui : Little girl, I am a hero

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “You’d be a hero”.

The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of praising. The
fuction of this utterance is to express liking.

Moana : Maui! Maui! Maui! You're so amazing!

Maui : We'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Kâ.

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “Maui! Maui!

Maui! You're so amazing!”. The utterance is clasified as expressive
speech acts of praising. The function of this utterance is to express liking.

B.3.3. Expressing Regret

Expression of regret is used when you did something nasty, naughty,
embarrassing, and other unintentionally acts and then you feel uneasy, and
you say sorry. (Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the use
expressing regret in the dialogue.
Moana :I'm sorry about your hook.
Maui : Well, hook, no hook, I'm Maui

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “I’m sorry about
your hook”. The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of
forgiving. The function of this utterance is expressing regret.
Sina : And you will do wonderous things, my little minnow.
Tui : Oh, yes. But first, you must learn where you're meant to be

Based on the example above, Tui uses statement “you must learn
where you're meant to be”. The utterance is classified as expressive speech
act of forgiving. The function of this statement is expressing regret.

B.3.4. Expression of certainty

Expression of certainty used when to express certainty about
something. (Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the use
expression of certainty.
Fisherman : Chief? There's something you need to see. Our traps in the
east lagoon, they're pulling up less and less fish

Moana : Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds..

Based on the example above, Fisherman used statement “they’re

pulling up less and less fish”. The utterance classified as expressive
speech acts of lamenting. The function of this utterance is to express

B.3.5. Expression of happines

Happiness expression is an expression that is used to show that
someone or people are glad or have excited feelings. (Austin : 1911-
Following is an example of the use expression of happiness
Moana : Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, I am Moana of
Motunui. You will board my boat. No. You will board my
boat. Yeah. I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my...

Maui : Boat! A boat! The gods have given me.

Based on the example above, Maui uses statement “Boat1A Boat! the
Gods have given me.” The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts
of expressing joy. The function of this utterance is to express happines.
Moana :Maui!
Moana :You came back.

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “You came back.”.
The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of expressing joy. The
function of this utterance is to express happines.

B.3.6. Expression of obligation

Expressing obligation is exspression that to something state the
obiligation. (Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the use
expression of obligation.

Maui : It was Moana, right?

Moana : Yes. And you will restore the heart

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “You will restore
the heart.” The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of
blamming. The function of the utterance is to express obligation.

Moana : Ocean! Do something! Help us!

Maui : The ocean doesn't help you, you help yourself! Tighten
the halyard. Bind the stays! You can't sail?
Moana : I, uh... I am self-taught

Based on the example above, Maui uses statement “The ocean doesn't
help you, you help yourself!”. The utterance is classified as expressive
speech acts of blamming. The function of the utterance is to express

B.3.7. Expression of Sadness

Expressing sadness is an expression that is a type contains sadness,
due to many things. (Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the
use express of sadness.

Villager1 : The crops are turning black.

Villager2 : What about the fish?
Villager3 : This is happening all over the island.

Based on the example above, Villager 1 uses statement “The crops are
turning black”. The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of
regreting . The function of this utterance is to express sadness.
Moana : There! Right there! You're turning? What are you doing?
Maui : Uh, escaping!

Moana : The heart!

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “The heart!”. The
utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of regreting. The function
of this utterance is to express sadness.

Moana : Maui!
Maui : What are you doing?
Moana : Finding you a better way in!

Based on the example above, Maui uses statement “What are you
doing?”. The utterance is classified as expressive speech acts of regreting.
The function of this utterance is to express sadness.

B.3.8. Expressing satisfication

Expressing satisfaction is an expression for a feeling or happiness or
pleasure, because you have achieved something or got what you wanted.
(Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the use expressing
satisfication in the dialogue.
Moana : Maui! Maui! Maui! You're so amazing!
Maui : We'd never make it without my hook. Not past Te Kâ

Based on the example above, Moana uses statement “Maui! Maui!

Maui! You’re so amazing!” The utterance is classified as expressive
speech acts of praising. The function of this utterance is to express

B.3.9. Expressing ability

Expressing ability is an expression used to express the ability of
something (Austin : 1911-1960). Following is an example of the use
expressing ability in the dialogue.

Maui : Hey, crab cake! I'm back. It's Maui Time!

Maui : What do you say, little buddy?
Maui : Giant hawk? Coming up! Cheeeehoooo! Cheeeehoooo!

Based on the example above, Maui uses statement “Hey crab cake! I’m
back. It’s Maui Time!”. The utterance is classified as expressive speech
acts expressing joy. The function of this utterance is to express ability

Moana : We're alive! We're alive!

Maui : Listen, I appreciate what you did down there.
Moana : Mm-hmm.

Based on the example above, Maui uses statement “I appreciate”. The

utterance is classified as expressive speech acts expressing joy. The function
of this utterance is to express ability.


This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion

consists of (1) the kinds of expressive speech acts used by the characterss
in Moana movie (2) the most dominant expressive speech acts used by the
characters in Moana movie (3) the functions of expressive speech acts used
by the characters in Moana movie. Meanwhile, the suggestion of this
research is made for; the students of English Education Study Program;
English lecturers, and the other researcher.

A. Conclusions
Based on the data analysis and discussion, the researhcer drew
conclusion as follows:
1. The kinds of expressive speech acts used by the characters in
Moana movie.
There were 9 expressive speech acts used by the characters in
Moana movie. In detail, they produced 15 utterance expressive
speech acts of regreting, 13 utterances expressive speech acts of
expressing joy, 6 utterances expressive speech acts of boasting, 5
utterances expressive speech acts of praising and thanking, 4
utterances expressive speech acts of lamenting, 3 utterances
expressive speech acts of blaming, 2 utterances expressive speech
acts of apologizing, and 1 utterance expressive speech acts of

2. The most dominant of expressive speech acts used by the

characters in Moana movie.
Based on the result of analysis, the data showed that regreting
is the expressive speech acts mostly found in the conversation
produced by the characters in Moana movie. The characters often

used regret because this movie tells about Moana and Maui who
want to return the stone, on the way to return they get a lot of
problems and disappointment that at the end of the struggle they
can restore the stone. They mostly speak using the expressive
speech acts in the form of regret. Meanwhile, the lowest expressive
speech acts that used by the characters in Moana movie is

3. The functions of expressive speech acts used by the characters

in Moana movie.
Based on the result of analysis, there were 9 functions of
expressive speech acts. They were expressing gratitude, expressing
liking, expressing regret, expression of certainty, expression of
happines, expression of obligation, expression of sadness,
expressing satification, expressing ability.

B. Suggestion
Based on the research findings, the researcher would like to propose
some suggestion to the following
1. Students of English Education Study Program
The researcher expects this research can be used to enrich their
knowledge about the concept of expressive speech act. The
researcher also suggests the student to apply the theory of
expressive speech acts in their daily conversation since it is very
important to maintain a good relationship with others. By applying
theory of expressive speech acts, it will help tem to conduct the
conversation as well and deliver the message to the hearers
2. Lecturers
The researcher suggests the English lecturers to tuse the
dialogue of Moana as the interesting media of learning expressive
speech acts.


3. Other Researchers
Expressive speech actsnis always an important part of
language and communication. The researcher must developer
knowledge about the expressive speech acts. So, other researcher
who interest with expressive speech acts can deeply and clearly
about expressive speech acts from this researcher.

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Note : Apg : Apologizing EJ : Expressing Joy Prs : Praising Blm : Blamming

Forg : Forgiving Regt : Regreting Bos : Boasting Lam : Lamenting Thg : Thanking

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
the form of thanking. Tui
Gramma:But one day, the heart will uses expression of
be found by someone who will thanking to react to
journey beyond the reef, find Maui, something thankful.
deliever him across the great ocean to Expressing Expression of thanking is
1 restore Te Fiti's heart and save us all. √
Gratitude traceable in sentence
“Thank you, Mother.
Tui: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thank you,
That’s enough” that is
Mother. That's enough
used by Tui to convey his
grateful feeling to


Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Tui: There you are, Moana. What are This statement includes
you doing? You scared me. expressive speech acts in
the form of regreting. Tui
Toddler Moana: What? I wann's go uses expression of
back. obligation to express his
feeling regret to react to
2 √ something wrong he has
done. Expression of
regretting is traceable in
sentence “You scared
me”. That is used by Tui
to convey his deeply
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
the form of obligation.
Tui uses expression of
regreting to express his
Sina: And you will do wonderous feeling of degrees of
things, my little minnow. regret to react to
3 √ something wrong he has
Obligation done. Expression of
Tui: Oh, yes. But first, you must
learn where you're meant to be. regretting is traceable in
sentence "You must learn
where you're meant to
be". That is used by Tui
convey this deeply
Villager 2: It's the harvest. This Expressing This Statement includes
4 √
morning, I was husking the coconuts Gratitude expressive speech acts in
Type of Expressive Speech Acts
No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
and... the form thanking.
Villager 2 uses
Moana: Well, we should clear the expression or thangking
diseased trees and we will start a new to express his feeling
grove. There. degrees of thanking.
Expression of thanking is
Villager 2: Thanks, Moana. She's traceable in sentence
doing great "Thanks, Moana. She's
doing great" that is used
by Villager 2 to show his
feeling thankfull
This statement includes
Fisherman: Chief? There's something expressive speech acts in
you need to see. Our traps in the east the form regreting.
lagoon, they're pulling up less and Fisherman uses
less fish expression or regreting to
Expressing react to degrees of
5 √ regreting. Expression of
Moana: Then we'll rotate the fishing Regret
grounds.. regreting is traceable in
sentence "they're pulling
Fisherman: Uh, we have. There's no up less and less fish" that
fish. is used by Fisherman to
show his feeling certainty

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg

Fisherman: We tried.
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Moana: The windward side. the form regreting.
Fisherman uses
Fisherman: And the leeward side, the expression or regreting to
shallows, the channel. We've tried Expressing react to regreting.
6 the whole lagoon. They're just gone √
Regret Expression regreting is
traceable in sentence
"We've tried the whole
lagoon". That is used by
Fisherman to show his
feeling regret

Tui: A rule that keeps us safe... This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: But Dad, I... the form regreting.
Moana uses expression
Tui: ...instead of endangering our or regreting t degrees of
regreting too react to
people so you can run right back to Expressing
7 the water √ express this feeling
Regret degrees of regreting.
Expression regreting is
traceable in sentence
"But Dad, I..." that is
used by Moana to show
his feeling regret
Sina: He's hard on you because... This statement includes
Expressing expressive speech acts in
8 √
Moana: Because he doesn't get me. Ability the form boasting. Sina
uses expression boasting

No. Data Type of Expressive Speech Acts Function Explanation

Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Sina: Because he was you. Drawn to to react to boasting to
the ocean. Down by the shore. He express this feeling
took a canoe, Moana. He crossed the degrees of boasting.
reef... Expression boasting is
traceable in sentence
"Because he was you".
That is used by Sina to
show his feeling choose
Gramma: Whatever just happened, This statement includes
blame it on the pig. expressive speech acts in
the form Expressing Joy
Moana: Gramma to react to his feeling.
9 √ expressing Joy is
Happines traceable in sentence
"Gramma". That is used
by Moana to show his
feeling choose.
Moana: He was right. About going This statement includes
out there. It's time to put my stone on expressive speech acts in
the mountain. the form Expressing
Gramma uses expression
Gramma: OK. Well, then, head on to react to this feeling
back. Put that stone up there. degrees of Praising.
10 √ Expression praising is
satisfaction traceable in sentence
"Well, then, head on
back. Put that stone up
there". That is used by
Gramma to show his
feeling choose

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Moana: Why are you acting weird? This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Gramma: I'm the village crazy lady. the form Gramma uses
That's my job expression to react to this
feeling degrees of
11 √ Lamenting . Expression
Sadness lamenting is traceable in
sentence "I'm the village
crazy lady.".That is used
by Gramma to show his
feeling choose
Moana: We were voyagers. We This statement includes
were voyagers! We were voyagers! expressive speech acts in
We were voyagers! We were the form of Expressing
voyagers! Why'd we stop? Joy to react to her
feeling of happines to
Gramma: Maui. When he stole from Gramma who has a
the Mother Island, darkness fell. Te happy. Expression of
Kâ awoke. Monsters lurked and boats Expressing Expreesing Joy is
12 √
stopped coming back. To protect our Happines traceable in sentence "We
people, the ancient chiefs forbid were voyagers. We were
voyaging. And now we have voyagers! We were
forgotton who we are. And the voyagers! We were
darkness has continued to spread, voyagers! We were
chasing away ouf fish, draining the voyagers!". That is used
life from island after island by Moana to express her
feeling of happiness
Moana: I thought it was a dream. This statement includes
13 √ expressive speech acts in
Gramma: Nope! Our ancestors the form of Lamenting to
Type of Expressive Speech Acts
No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
believed Maui lies there, at the react to her feeling of
bottom of this hook. Follow it, and confusion to Gramma.
you will find him. Expression of lamenting
is traceable in sentence
Moana: But why would it choose "But why would it choose
me? I don't even know how to make me?" .That is used by
it past the reef. But I know who does! Moana to express her
feeling of confusion
Villager 1: The crops are turning This statement includes
black. expressive speech acts in
the form of Regreting to
Villager 2: What about the fish? react to him feeling of
sadness to Tui.
14 Villager 3: This is happening all over √ Expression of Regreting
Sadness is traceable in sentence
the island.
"The crops are turning
Tui': Please, please, settle down black." That is used by
Villager 1 to express him
feeling of sadness
Moana: Maui, demigod of the wind This statement includes
and sea, I am Moana of Motunui. expressive speech acts in
You will board my boat. No. You the form of Expressing
will board my boat. Yeah. I am Joy to express him
Moana of Motunui. You will board Expressing feeling of happines to
15 my... √
Happines Moana. Expression of
Expressing Joy is
Maui: Boat! A boat! The gods have traceable in sentence "
given me. Boat! A boat! The gods
have given me".That is

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
used by Maui to express
him feeling of happines
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Moana: Hey!Let me out! You lying, the form of lamenting to
slimy son of a... react to him feeling of
disappointed Maui.
Maui: No. I'm not going to Te Fiti Expressing Expression of lamenting
16 √ is traceable in sentence
with some kid. I'm going to get my Disappointed
hook. You have yours and I'm not "You have yours and I'm
Maui without me. OK, talk to the not Maui without me".
back. That is used by Maui to
express him feeling
Maui: I could watch that all day. OK. This statement includes
Enjoy the island. Maui, out. expressive speech acts in
the form of Praising to
Moana: No! Stop! Hey! You have to react to her feeling of
put back the heart! Expressing hope Moana. Expression
17 √
Satisfaction of praising is traceable in
sentence "You have to
put back the heart! ".
That is used by Moana to
express her feeling hope
Maui: Did not see that coming. This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Moana: I am Moana of Motunui. Expressing form of Boasting to react
18 √ to feeling of proud
This is my canoe and you will Ability
journey to- Moana. Expression of
boasting is traceable in

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Maui: All right, get over it. We gotta sentence " I am Moana of
move. Motunui". That is used by
Moana to express her
feeling proud
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
form of Blamming.
Moana uses expression
Maui: It was Moana, right? of Blamming to react his
Expressing positive feeling.
19 √
Moana: Yes. And you will restore Obligation Expression of blamming
the heart! is traceable in sentence
"you will restore the
heart!". That is used by
Moana to express her
feeling of order

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
form of Boasting. Maui
Moana: What is your problem? Are uses expression Boasting.
you afraid of it? Expressing
20 √ Expression of boasting is
Ability traceable in sentence "
Maui: No! No. I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid." . That is
used by Maui to express
him feeling challenge
Moana: Get this away? This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
21 Maui: Hey, hey, hey! I'm a demigod, √ the form of boasting.
Ability Maui uses expression of
OK? Stop that. I will smite you! You
wanna get smote? boasting to react to him

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Smotten? Listen, that thing doesn't ability to doing
give you power to create something by himself.
Expression of boasting is
Moana: Come for this? The heart? traceable in sentence "I'm
You mean this heart right here? a demigod" that is used
by Maui to express him
ability to doing
This statement includes
expressive speech act in
the form Thanking.
Moana: Come and get it! Moana uses expression
of thanking to react to
Maui: You are gonna get us killed! her thanking to maui
22 √ because want to help.
Moana: No, I'm gonna get us to Te Expression of thanking is
Fiti, so you can put it back. Thank traceable in sentence
you. You're welcome "Thank you. You're
welcome" that is used by
Moana to express her
thankyou to Maui
Moana: Ocean! Do something! Help This statement includes
us! expressive speech acts in
the form of blamming.
Maui: The ocean doesn't help you, Maui uses expression of
23 you help yourself! Tighten the √ blamming to react to
halyard. Bind the stays! You can't Obligation him feeling of asking for
sail? Moana responsibility for
something bad happening
Moana: I, uh... I am self-taught to him. Expression of

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg

blamming traceable in
sentence "The ocean
doesn't help you, you
help yourself!" that is
used by Maui to convey
him feeling of asking for

Moana: There! Right there! You're

turning? What are you doing? This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Maui: Uh, escaping! the form of Regreting to
react to her feeling of
Expressing sadness to Maui.
24 Moana: The heart! √ Expression of Sadness is
traceable in sentence
Maui: Forget it! You'll never get it "The heart." that is used
back! Besides, you got a better one. by Moana to express him
Hey! What am I gonna steer with? feeling of sadness
They're just gonna kill ya!

Moana: Hey! This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: Yeah! We did it! the form of boasting.
Expressing Maui uses expression of
25 √
Ability boasting to react to him
Maui: Congratulations on not being
dead, girlie. You surprise me. But ability to doing something
I'm still not taking that thing back. by himself.

No. Data Type of Expressive Speech Acts Function Explanation

Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
You wanna get to Te Fiti you gotta Expression of boasting is
go through a whole ocean of bad. Not traceable in sentence
to mention Te Kâ. Lava monster? "You suprise me" that is
Ever defeat a lava monster? used by Maui to express
him ability to doing

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of expressing
Hope. Moana uses
Maui: I'm getting my hook. End of
expression of expressing
hope to react to her
Expressing positive feeling that full
26 Moana: You'd be a hero. That's √
Satisfcation proud. Expression of
what you're all about, right?
expressing hope is
traceable in sentence
Maui: Little girl, I am a hero
"You'd be a hero" that is
used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

Moana: Maui! Maui! Maui! You're expressive speech acts in
so amazing! the form of expressing
27 √ liking . Moana uses
liking expression of expressing
Maui: We'd never make it without
my hook. Not past Te Kâ. liking to react to her
positive feeling that hook

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Maui. Expression of
expressing liking is
traceable in sentence
"Maui! Maui! Maui!
You're so amazing!" that
is used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: Maui's fishhook! the form of expressing
joy. Maui uses
expression of expressing
Maui: Yeah!
joy to react to him
28 √ positive feeling that full
Moana: Sorry! I thought you were a Happines happiness. Expression of
monster... But I found your hook. expressing joy is
And, you're right, this Tamatoa guy traceable in sentence
really likes his treasure. "Yeah!" that is used by
Maui to express him
feeling of happiness

Maui: Hey, crab cake! I'm back. This statement includes

It's Maui Time! expressive speech acts in
the form of expressing
29 Maui: What do you say, little buddy? √ joy. Moana uses
Ability expression of expressing
Maui: Giant hawk? Coming up! joy to react to her feeling
ability. Expression of
Cheeeehoooo! Cheeeehoooo!

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
expressing joy is
traceable in sentence
'Hey, crab cake! I'm
back. It's Maui Time!"
that is used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of boasting.
Maui uses expression of
Moana: We're alive! We're alive!
boasting to react to him
ability to doing
Maui: Listen, I appreciate what you Expressing
30 √ something by himself.
did down there. Ability Expression of boasting is
traceable in sentence "I
Moana: Mm-hmm. aprreciate" that is used
by Maui to express him
ability to doing

Maui: I'm sorry. I'm trying to be This statement includes

sincere for once, and it feels like expressive speech acts in
you're distracted. the form of apologizing.
31 √ Maui uses expression of
Moana: No, no. No way! Sadness
apologizing to offering
an apology by expressing
Maui: Really? Because you're his feeling of sorry for

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
looking at me like I have a..shark having done something
head that has caused problem
for Moana. Expression of
apologizing is traceable
in sentence "I'm sorry"
that is used By Maui to
offering an apology by
expressing his feeling of
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
the form of Sadness.
Maui uses expression of
Moana: It's not cursed. Sadness to react to him
feeling of deeply to
32 Maui: Shark head. √ something mistake.
Expression of regretting
Moana:It is not cursed. is traceable in sentence
"Shark head." that is
used by Maui to express
him feeling of sadness
This statement includes
Moana: You took the heart for them. expressive speech acts in
You did everything for them. So the form of Sadness.
33 they'd love you. √ Maui uses expression of
Sadness to react to him
Maui: It was... never enough. feeling of sad to do
something. Expression of

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
regreting is traceable in
sentence "never enough"
that is used by Maui to
express him feeling sad
This statement includes
Moana: Yeah! expressive speech acts in
the form of expressing
Expressing pleasure or
34 Moana: Hmm? √ happiness."Next stop, Te
Fiti" that is used by
Moana: Next stop, Te Fiti. Moana to express her
positive feeling that full.

This statement includes

Maui: It's time. expressive speech acts in
the form of expressing
35 Moana: Go save the world. √ pleasure or happiness.
Happines "Go save the world" that
Maui: Cheeeehoooo! is used by Moana to
express her feeling

This statement includes

Moana: Maui! expressive speech acts in
the form of Sadness.
36 Maui: What are you doing? √ Maui uses expression of
Moana: Finding you a better way in!
Sadnes to react to him
feeling of deeply to
something mistake.

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Expression of regretting
is traceable in sentence
"Whar are you doing?."
that is used by Maui to
express him feeling of
sadness deeply

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of Sadness.
Maui: Turn around! Maui uses expression of
Sadness to react to him
Moana: No! feeling of deeply to
37 √ something mistake.
Maui: Moana, stop! Expression of regretting
is traceable in sentence
Moana: No! "Moana, stop." that is
used by Maui to express
him feeling of sadness

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: Are you OK? Maui? the form of Sadness.
38 √ Maui uses expression of
Sadness Sadness to react to
Maui: I told you to turn back
feeling of deeply to
something mistake.

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Expression of regretting
is traceable in sentence "I
told you to turn back."
that is used by Maui to
express him feeling of
sadness deeply
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
the form of blamming.
Maui uses expression of
responsibility to react to
him feeling of asking for
Moana: I thought I could make it. We Moana responsibility for
can fix it. something bad happening
39 √ to him. Expression of
Satisfication responsibility traceable in
Maui: It was made by the gods. You
can't fix it! sentence "You can't fix
it!" that is used by Maui
to convey him feeling of
asking for responsibility.

This statement includes

Moana: Next time we'll be more expressive speech acts in
careful. Te Kâ was stuck on the the form of Sadness.
barrier islands. It's lava, it can't go in Expressing
40 √ Maui uses expression of
water. We can find a way around. Sadness Sadness to react to him
feeling of deeply to
Maui: I'm not going back.
something mistake.

No. Data Type of Expressive Speech Acts Function Explanation


Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg

Expression of regretting
is traceable in sentence
"I'm not going back." that
is used by Maui to
express him feeling of
sadness deeply

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of Sadness.
Maui uses expression of
Moana: We still have to restore the Sadness to react to him
heart. feeling of deeply to
41 √ something mistake.
Maui: My hook is cracked. One Expression of sadness is
more hit, and it's over traceable in sentence "My
hook is cracked." That is
used by Maui to express
him feeling of sadness

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Gramma: You're a long ways past the
the form of expressing
reef. Expressing
42 √ joy. Moana uses
Happiness expression of expressing
Moana: Gramma?
joy to react to her
positive feeling.
Type of Expressive Speech Acts
No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Expression of expressing
joy is traceable in
sentence 'Gramma?" that
is used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of lamenting to
Gramma: Guess I chose the right react to her feeling of
tattoo. disappointed. Expression
43 √ of lamenting is traceable
Moana: Gramma! I tried, Gramma.
in sentence "Gramma! I
I couldn't do it.
tried" that is used by
Moana to express her
feeling disappointed

Gramma: It's not your fault. I never This statement includes

should have put so much on your expressive speech acts in
shoulders. If you are ready to go the form of expressing
44 home, I will be with you. Why do √ liking . gramma uses
you hesitate? expression of expressing
Expressing liking to react to her
Moana: I don't know Liking positive feeling that hook

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Maui. Expression of
expressing liking is
traceable in sentence "its
not your fault!" that is
used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: I am Moana of Motunui. the form of expressing
Aboard my boat I will sail across the joy. Moana uses
sea and restore the heart of Te Fiti expression of expresing
joy to react to her
45 Moana: Te Kâ can't follow us into √ positive feeling.
the water. We make it past the barrier Happines Expression of expressing
islands, we make it to Te Fiti. None joy is traceable in
of which you understand, because sentence " I am Moana of
you are a chicken.. Motunui" that is used by
Moana to express her
positive feeling
This Statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Moana: Maui! the form of expressing
46 √ joy. Moana uses
Happines expression of expresing
Moana:You came back.
joy express her poitive
feeling. Expression of

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
expressing joy is
traceable in sentence 'You
came back." that is used
by Moana to express her
positive feeling

This Statement includes

expressive speech acts in
the form of expressing
joy. Maui uses
expression of expressing
Moana: But your hook. One more hit joy to react to
and... Expressing himpositive feeling,
47 √
Happines ability. Expression of
Maui: Te Kâ's gotta catch me first. expressing joy is
traceable "Te Kâ's gotta
catch me first." That is
used by Maui to express
him feeling of happines,

This statement includes

expressive speech act in
Moana: Maui. Thank you.
the form Thanking. Maui
48 √ uses expression of
Maui: You're welcome. Thanking thanking to express him
Cheeeehoooo! thanking to Moana
because want to help.

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Expression of thanking is
traceable in sentence "
Thank you" that is used
by Moana to express her
thankyou to Maui
This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
the form of Sadness.
Maui: Moana! Moanai uses expression
of Sadness to react to her
Expressing feeling of deeply to
49 Maui: Get the heart to the spiral! √
Sadness something mistake.
Expression of sadness is
Moana: Te Fiti, it's gone. traceable in sentence "it's
gone." that is used by
Moana to express her
feeling of sadness deeply

This statement includes

expressive speech acts in
Moana: I'm sorry about your hook. the form of apologizing.
50 √ Moana uses expression
Maui: Well, hook, no hook, I'm Maui of apologizing to offering
an apology by expressing
his feeling of sorry for

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg

having done something

that has caused problem
for Maui. Expression of
apologizing is traceable
in sentence "I'm sorry
about your hook" that is
used by Moana to
offering an apology by
expressing his feeling of
This statement includes
expressive speech act in
the form Thanking. Maui
Moana: You know, it'd be rude to uses expression of
refuse a gift from a goddess. thanking to react to him
thangking to Moana
51 √ because want to help.
Maui: Cheeeehoooo! Thank you. Thanking Expression of thanking is
Your kind gesture is deeply traceable in sentence
appreciated. Chehoo "Cheeeehoooo! Thank
you" that is used by
Moana to express her
thankyou to Maui
Maui: Gonna miss you, drumstick. This statement includes
expressive speech acts in
Moana: You could come with us, you the form of expressing
52 know. My people are going to need √ liking . Moana uses
Liking expression of expressing
a master wayfinder.
liking to react to her
Maui: They already have one. positive feeling that hook
Type of Expressive Speech Acts
No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
Maui. Expression of
expressing liking is
traceable in sentence "My
people are going to need
a master wayfinder." that
is used by Moana to
express her feeling of

This statement includes

expressive speech act in
Moana: Mom! Dad! the form of expressing
joy. Expressing joy to
express her positive
Sina: Moana! Expressing
53 √ feeling. Expression of
Happines expressing joy is
Moana: I may have gone a little ways traceable in sentence
past the reef "Moana!" that is used by
Sina to express her
feeling of joyfull

Villager 1: She's back! This statement includes

expressive speech act in
Villager 2: Moana! the form of expressing
Expressing joy. Expressing joy to
54 √
Happines express him positive
Moana: Pua! Oh!
feeling. Expression of
expressing joy is
Villager 1: Moana!

Type of Expressive Speech Acts

No. Data Function Explanation
Apg Blm Bos EJ Forg Lam Prs Regt Thg
traceable in sentence
"Moana!" that is used by
Villager 2 to express her
feeling of happines

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