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LEARNING ENGLISH WITH POLO INTERVIEW JOB Hello ,everybody and welcome to polo aje lesson .

. my name is polo ,Im from medan city . and youve come to learning English course . this day Im doing a continuation of job interview preparation . well, first of all I would like to present you how to make a good interview to interviewer job .ok , this is my first very important piece of information is try to use vocabulary which is within your grasp . its very common in job interviews. for us to get nervous! Were under a lot of pressure and a lot of stress and we want to impress the person who is interviewing us . so, what I can advise you to do is instead of having an impossible word which is on the tip of your tongue , to try and put things into laymens terms saying basically the same thing . my second piece of information to you all ladies and gentlemen is please beware of using false congnates when youre doing your job interview in English , a case in point is my friend from the same college but different class . we were doing some job interview practice and when the word came up about tell me about your education as he went along he fell back into his mother tongue and told me in English about his formation and he really wanted to say education . Ok , now , education as a false cognate in French educasion , in Spanish educacion but all of those means manners and that of course is totally different from education English . so you really want to be careful not to use the false cognate . my second example of a false cognate is actually . actually in English means in fact but in many of the latin languages and the Slavic languages it means something totally different , it means something which is current . so , actually in French actuellement In Spanish actuelmente . but all of those have a similar meaning in those languages as being something current but in English when you say : actually it means in fact . so be very very careful of your use of false cognates . and here is my last piece of information . it is very important for you to focus on the positive . it is very easy for us when we are asked why did you leave the last company ? . To start to feel those negative emotions which often come up when were leaving a job . we want to use euphemsisms . so that we can take a negative situation and turn it into a positive situation and turn the to your advantage . so Ill give you an example : I was preparing a business executive who was doing a job interview . when I asked him . why are you leaving your present job ? he said , the company is going down ! . everybodys leaving . its not a good situation ! . and I was able to give him a good euphemisim for my company is going down . you dont want to say that your company is going down like the titanic . you want to say your company is going through downsizing . see how nice that sounds ? and thats the kind of language you want to use when you have to give an answer about things which arent necessarily the most positive . Ok . that all of my explanation I hope for all of my explanation that will help you in preparing for a confident and successful job interview in English . have a great days ! .and see well see you on next coming article . bye.bye

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