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WeIght CaIn 0Iet Plan

0Iets AZ, Food E 0Iet J Fesponses

Dct 112010
4J9 vIews
f you
want to gaIn weIght then a healthy hIgh calorIe dIet whIch Includes a combInatIon of
carbohydrate, proteIn and vItamIns should be part of your daIly routIne. CaInIng weIght Is
dIffIcult as compare to losIng weIght because you need to eat more calorIes than you burn.
Thus, It Is Important that you should follow a proper weIght gaIn dIet schedule that Is healthy
and nutrItIous. Let's have a look at the weIght gaIn dIet plan and know the easy ways to gaIn
weIght quIckly.
Peasons of weIght Ioss:-
O An Inadequate dIet In terms of proteIn and kcal.
O 0Iseases lIke tuberculosIs, dIabetes, malabsorptIon syndrome or cancer.
O atIng very lIttle food.
O 0epressIon / very tense.
O PathologIcal condItIons such as fever and stomach dIsturbances.
HIgh calorIes, hIgh proteIn, hIgh fat wIth lIberal vItamIn, antIoxIdant and PH to nutrIents
Intake are recommended for weIght gaIn.
Igh CaIorIe, Igh ProteIn 0Iet:-

%Ips for weIght gaIn:-
|eals quantIty/Intake should be Increase. asIly dIgestIble foods lIke potato and sago should
be Included. at drIed fruIts, sweet, frIed food (servIng/ day). FluIds should not be taken or
wIth meal but only after a meal so food Intake Is not reduced.
O motIonal well beIng Is essentIal to have a good appetIte.
O onstIpatIon reduces the appetIte so the bowel movement should be regulated wIth
adequate fluIds, exercIse and fruIts.
O $ynthetIc drInks, soft drInks alcohol, too much of tea and coffee reduces the appetIte and
should be avoIded.

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