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MovIng Irom u

SIngIe PurugrupI ComposILIon

Lo u
MuILIpIe PurugrupI Essuy
The generul stroctore is still
the sume!
You sLIII need Lo InLroduce LIe LopIc und sLuLe
your muIn Ideu, now cuIIed LIe 9088
You sLIII need Lo provIde evIdence or supporLIng
poInLs Lo IeIp supporL your muIn Ideu.
You sLIII need Lo concIude your essuy by gIvIng un
overvIew oI your muIn Ideus.
$4 whut's diIIerent?
usIcuIIy, everyLIIng geLs expunded und more deLuIIs
ure udded!
WIuL used Lo be u senLence or Lwo InLroducLIon Is now
expunded InLo u IuII, sepuruLe InLroducLIon purugrupI.
WIuL used Lo be your supporLIng poInLs LIuL were uII In
LIe sume purugrupI ure now expunded Lo eucI be LIeIr
own body purugrupI.
WIuL used Lo be u Iew concIudIng senLences uL LIe end oI
your composILIon ure now expunded InLo u sepuruLe
concIusIon purugrupI.
et's l44 ut un exumple!
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo go Lo
college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer Lhelr llves
boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL many people go Lo
college Lo make more money College graduaLes can
demand and recelve hlgher salarles because Lhey have
more educaLlon and Lralnlng lor example my cousln
1lffany ls a Leacher and makes much more money Lhan l
do worklng as a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe
educaLlon and knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren
Second people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen have Lo
seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher Lhan belng able
Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke dolng lf you have a
college degree ln a fleld you flnd lnLeresLlng you can flnd
a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng and fulfllllng llnally many
people go Lo college Lo be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or
young relaLlves wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell
a chlld whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo
acLually show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many reasons buL
nearly all people LhaL aLLend college are dolng so Lo have a
beLLer llfe ln many ways
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo go Lo college Some people are [usL dolng lL Lo
please Lhelr parenLs and oLhers are [usL Lrylng Lo delay enLerlng Lhe real world" buL Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of people have very lmporLanL reasons for aLLendlng college As a sLudenL myself l
know whaL has moLlvaLed me Lo aLLend college and l have also had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lalk Lo
many oLher people abouL why Lhey are ln college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer Lhelr llves
boLh flnanclally and personally 1hree maln reasons why people declde Lo go Lo college are Lo
earn more money Lo have a more fulfllllng [ob and Lo be a poslLlve role model for Lhose around
llrsL many people go Lo college Lo make more money SLaLlsLlcs show LhaL college graduaLes
Lend Lo make much more money Lhan people who do noL aLLend college College graduaLes can
demand and recelve hlgher salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and Lralnlng lor
example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as a
Leacher's alde Schools are wllllng Lo employ her as a Leacher and pay her a hlgher salary Lhan
me because she has Lhe educaLlon and Lralnlng necessary Lo be quallfled Lo Leach chlldren 1hls
ls Lrue ln any fleld eople wlLh more educaLlon are more ln demand because Lhey are experLs ln
Lhelr flelds of sLudy and Lhls makes employers more wllllng Lo pay Lhem hlgh salarles l know
LhaL maklng more money ls a very lmporLanL reason why l am aLLendlng college
Second people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng careers WlLhouL a college degree
people ofLen have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher Lhan belng able Lo focus on
whaL Lhey really llke dolng l know LhaL Lhls ls Lrue from waLchlng my mom as l was growlng up
lor much of my llfe my mom dld noL have a college educaLlon and she needed Lo pay bllls so
she had Lo Lake any [ob LhaL was avallable LhaL dld noL requlre a college degree She worked aL
resLauranLs and ln enLrylevel [obs ln offlces buL she declded LhaL she was Llred of noL en[oylng
her work and havlng oLher people Lell her whaL Lo do She knew LhaL lf you have a college degree
ln a fleld you flnd lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng and fulfllllng She declded
Lo go back Lo school ln a fleld she found lnLeresLlng nurslng now she ls worklng as a nurse and
she loves Lhls [ob She never would have been able Lo work as an 8n wlLhouL a college
llnally many people go Lo college Lo be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves wlLh
a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself My frlend AnLhony ls an example of a person golng back Lo
school for Lhls reason Pe has a Lenyearold son and a fouryearold daughLer and he declded Lo
go Lo college so Lhey can see LhaL he puLs a value on educaLlon and Lhe dlfference a college
educaLlon can make ln a person's llfe Pe even brlngs hls chlldren Lo LASC Lo walk around and
see Lhe campus so Lhey see how golng Lo college ls a real parL of hls llfe AnLhony knows LhaL as
hls chlldren geL older Lhey wlll see hlm achleve hls degree and he hopes Lhls wlll lnsplre Lhem Lo
do Lhe same
ln concluslon people declde Lo aLLend college for so many reasons buL nearly all people LhaL
aLLend college are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways Some people go Lo college Lo
lmprove Lhelr llves flnanclally because Lhey know LhaL college graduaLes Lend Lo make more
money Lhan people LhaL don'L aLLend college CLher people aLLend college Lo lmprove Lhelr llves
professlonally and flnd more fulfllllng careers And Lhere are also people LhaL aLLend college Lo
serve as personal examples and role models Lo people ln Lhelr llves such as Lhelr chlldren or
slbllngs WhaLever Lhe speclflc reason ls LhaL moLlvaLes a person Lo aLLend college Lhe resulL ls
Lhe same a person leaves college wlLh an educaLlon more knowledge and more opLlons
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
1here are many reasons why people declde
Lo go Lo college Some people are [usL dolng lL Lo
please Lhelr parenLs and oLhers are [usL Lrylng Lo
delay enLerlng Lhe real world" buL Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of people have very lmporLanL reasons
for aLLendlng college As a sLudenL myself l
know whaL has moLlvaLed me Lo aLLend college
and l have also had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lalk Lo
many oLher people abouL why Lhey are ln
college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally 1hree
maln reasons why people declde Lo go Lo
college are Lo earn more money Lo have a more
fulfllllng [ob and Lo be a poslLlve role model for
Lhose around Lhem
Pere's how a Loplc senLence Pere's how a Loplc senLence
becomes an lnLro paragraph becomes an lnLro paragraph
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
llrsL many people go Lo college Lo make more
money SLaLlsLlcs show LhaL college graduaLes Lend
Lo make much more money Lhan people who do
noL aLLend college College graduaLes can demand
and recelve hlgher salarles because Lhey have
more educaLlon and Lralnlng lor example my
cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher and makes much more
money Lhan l do worklng as a Leacher's alde
Schools are wllllng Lo employ her as a Leacher and
pay her a hlgher salary Lhan me because she has
Lhe educaLlon and Lralnlng necessary Lo be
quallfled Lo Leach chlldren 1hls ls Lrue ln any fleld
eople wlLh more educaLlon are more ln demand
because Lhey are experLs ln Lhelr flelds of sLudy
and Lhls makes employers more wllllng Lo pay
Lhem hlgh salarles l know LhaL maklng more
money ls a very lmporLanL reason why l am
aLLendlng college
1he flrsL supporLlng polnL 1he flrsL supporLlng polnL
becomes Lhe flrsL body becomes Lhe flrsL body
paragraph paragraph
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
Second people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more
fulfllllng careers WlLhouL a college degree people
ofLen have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls
raLher Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really
llke dolng l know LhaL Lhls ls Lrue from waLchlng my
mom as l was growlng up lor much of my llfe my
mom dld noL have a college educaLlon and she
needed Lo pay bllls so she had Lo Lake any [ob LhaL
was avallable LhaL dld noL requlre a college degree
She worked aL resLauranLs and ln enLrylevel [obs ln
offlces buL she declded LhaL she was Llred of noL
en[oylng her work and havlng oLher people Lell her
whaL Lo do She knew LhaL lf you have a college
degree ln a fleld you flnd lnLeresLlng you can flnd a
[ob LhaL you flnd engaglng and fulfllllng She declded
Lo go back Lo school ln a fleld she found lnLeresLlng
nurslng now she ls worklng as a nurse and she loves
Lhls [ob She never would have been able Lo work as
an 8n wlLhouL a college educaLlon
and a second and a second
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
llnally many people go Lo college Lo be able
Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves wlLh
a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo
acLually show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself My
frlend AnLhony ls an example of a person golng
back Lo school for Lhls reason Pe has a Len
yearold son and a fouryearold daughLer and
he declded Lo go Lo college so Lhey can see LhaL
he puLs a value on educaLlon and Lhe dlfference
a college educaLlon can make ln a person's llfe
Pe even brlngs hls chlldren Lo LASC Lo walk
around and see Lhe campus so Lhey see how
golng Lo college ls a real parL of hls llfe AnLhony
knows LhaL as hls chlldren geL older Lhey wlll
see hlm achleve hls degree and he hopes Lhls
wlll lnsplre Lhem Lo do Lhe same
and a Lhlrd and a Lhlrd
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
ln concluslon people declde Lo aLLend
college for so many reasons buL nearly all
people LhaL aLLend college are dolng so Lo have
a beLLer llfe ln many ways Some people go Lo
college Lo lmprove Lhelr llves flnanclally because
Lhey know LhaL college graduaLes Lend Lo make
more money Lhan people LhaL don'L aLLend
college CLher people aLLend college Lo lmprove
Lhelr llves professlonally and flnd more fulfllllng
careers And Lhere are also people LhaL aLLend
college Lo serve as personal examples and role
models Lo people ln Lhelr llves such as Lhelr
chlldren or slbllngs WhaLever Lhe speclflc
reason ls LhaL moLlvaLes a person Lo aLLend
college Lhe resulL ls Lhe same a person leaves
college wlLh an educaLlon more knowledge
and more opLlons
llnally Lhe concludlng
senLence becomes Lhe
concluslon paragraph
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo
go Lo college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer
Lhelr llves boLh flnanclally and personally llrsL
many people go Lo college Lo make more money
College graduaLes can demand and recelve hlgher
salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and
Lralnlng lor example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher
and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as
a Leacher's alde because she has Lhe educaLlon and
knowledge requlred Lo Leach chlldren Second
people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng
careers WlLhouL a college degree people ofLen
have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher
Lhan belng able Lo focus on whaL Lhey really llke
dolng lf you have a college degree ln a fleld you flnd
lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng
and fulfllllng llnally many people go Lo college Lo
be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves
wlLh a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld
whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself ln concluslon
people declde Lo aLLend college for so many
reasons buL nearly all people LhaL aLLend college
are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways
1here are many reasons why people declde Lo go Lo college Some people are [usL dolng lL Lo
please Lhelr parenLs and oLhers are [usL Lrylng Lo delay enLerlng Lhe real world" buL Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of people have very lmporLanL reasons for aLLendlng college As a sLudenL myself l
know whaL has moLlvaLed me Lo aLLend college and l have also had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lalk Lo
many oLher people abouL why Lhey are ln college MosL people go Lo college Lo beLLer Lhelr llves
boLh flnanclally and personally 1hree maln reasons why people declde Lo go Lo college are Lo
earn more money Lo have a more fulfllllng [ob and Lo be a poslLlve role model for Lhose around
llrsL many people go Lo college Lo make more money SLaLlsLlcs show LhaL college graduaLes
Lend Lo make much more money Lhan people who do noL aLLend college College graduaLes can
demand and recelve hlgher salarles because Lhey have more educaLlon and Lralnlng lor
example my cousln 1lffany ls a Leacher and makes much more money Lhan l do worklng as a
Leacher's alde Schools are wllllng Lo employ her as a Leacher and pay her a hlgher salary Lhan
me because she has Lhe educaLlon and Lralnlng necessary Lo be quallfled Lo Leach chlldren 1hls
ls Lrue ln any fleld eople wlLh more educaLlon are more ln demand because Lhey are experLs ln
Lhelr flelds of sLudy and Lhls makes employers more wllllng Lo pay Lhem hlgh salarles l know
LhaL maklng more money ls a very lmporLanL reason why l am aLLendlng college
Second people ofLen go Lo college Lo have more fulfllllng careers WlLhouL a college degree
people ofLen have Lo seLLle for whaLever wlll pay Lhe bllls raLher Lhan belng able Lo focus on
whaL Lhey really llke dolng l know LhaL Lhls ls Lrue from waLchlng my mom as l was growlng up
lor much of my llfe my mom dld noL have a college educaLlon and she needed Lo pay bllls so
she had Lo Lake any [ob LhaL was avallable LhaL dld noL requlre a college degree She worked aL
resLauranLs and ln enLrylevel [obs ln offlces buL she declded LhaL she was Llred of noL en[oylng
her work and havlng oLher people Lell her whaL Lo do She knew LhaL lf you have a college degree
ln a fleld you flnd lnLeresLlng you can flnd a [ob LhaL you flnd engaglng and fulfllllng She declded
Lo go back Lo school ln a fleld she found lnLeresLlng nurslng now she ls worklng as a nurse and
she loves Lhls [ob She never would have been able Lo work as an 8n wlLhouL a college
llnally many people go Lo college Lo be able Lo provlde Lhelr chlldren or young relaLlves wlLh
a poslLlve role model lL ls flne Lo Lell a chlld whaL Lo do buL lL ls much more effecLlve Lo acLually
show Lhem a poslLlve paLh yourself My frlend AnLhony ls an example of a person golng back Lo
school for Lhls reason Pe has a Lenyearold son and a fouryearold daughLer and he declded Lo
go Lo college so Lhey can see LhaL he puLs a value on educaLlon and Lhe dlfference a college
educaLlon can make ln a person's llfe Pe even brlngs hls chlldren Lo LASC Lo walk around and
see Lhe campus so Lhey see how golng Lo college ls a real parL of hls llfe AnLhony knows LhaL as
hls chlldren geL older Lhey wlll see hlm achleve hls degree and he hopes Lhls wlll lnsplre Lhem Lo
do Lhe same
ln concluslon people declde Lo aLLend college for so many reasons buL nearly all people LhaL
aLLend college are dolng so Lo have a beLLer llfe ln many ways Some people go Lo college Lo
lmprove Lhelr llves flnanclally because Lhey know LhaL college graduaLes Lend Lo make more
money Lhan people LhaL don'L aLLend college CLher people aLLend college Lo lmprove Lhelr llves
professlonally and flnd more fulfllllng careers And Lhere are also people LhaL aLLend college Lo
serve as personal examples and role models Lo people ln Lhelr llves such as Lhelr chlldren or
slbllngs WhaLever Lhe speclflc reason ls LhaL moLlvaLes a person Lo aLLend college Lhe resulL ls
Lhe same a person leaves college wlLh an educaLlon more knowledge and more opLlons

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