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Photo Field Trip

Emergency Numbers:
Washington D.C. National Gallery of Art Smithsonians National Portrait Gallery
7T ME H S ET tree HE t E RE ntr AT anc 11 e AM

Mr. Cecil: 410-818-0347 Ms. Appel: 412-952-6 9 14 seriously, if its not an emergency you will be punished!

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9:00 Leave RHHS 10:00 Arrive at the National Gallery (7th St.) 10:00 -11:00 Explore the Harry Callahan show (there is also a Andy Warhol show in the East building if you have time) 11:00 Meet the bus outside Natl Gallery (7th St.) 11:15 Arrive at Portrait Gallery (F St.) 11:15 -12:15 Explore the Portraiture Now and The Blacklist show 12:15 Get lunch nearby to go and wait at Portrait Gallery 12:50 Meet outside Portrait Gallery to leave (F St.) 1:00 Bus leaves (with or without you)

The National Gallery of Art Harry Callahan at 100

What I would like you to get from seeing this show:

An appreciation Harry Callahans work, some over 60 years old (imagine what people will think of your photos in 60 years) Inspiration to try new things and bring photography into your life more The courage to nd a voice with your photos and explore an idea completely A better understanding of what makes a good photograph or what a photo can be How beautiful photographs can be found in where you live and the people you surround yourself with Despite no formal training how Callahans work is considered some of the greatest in the history of photography

4. Find a photo that exemplies this quote about Callahan, he realized instead of replicating the world in front of him, he could create something entirely new with his camerain a sense, he could draw with light. Write down the title, make a sketch of it, and explain how it represents this quote. 5. What do you think Callahan is exploring in his multiple exposure photographs? Find one and write it down, sketch it. 6. How is Eleanor (Callahans wife) portrayed in different ways or roles?

The National Portrait Gallery Portraiture Now & The Blacklist

What I would like you to get from seeing this show:

An idea of what contemporary art looks like An idea of how artist explore a similar idea in different ways How these photographs are presented differently from Callahans

To look at and explore:

Make sketches and notes for these questions in your sketchbook at the museum. You can then answer the questions more in depth at home. Due Friday 11/18.
How Callahan uses different sized prints and presents his photos in different ways How he frames square compositions How he explores an idea over time His use of alternative processes Where he places himself to take a photograph How he breaks the rules His use of abstraction The way photos are printed contrast, exposure His exploration of where he lived

To look at and explore:

How does the artist or museum help explain the meaning of an artwork How artists explore the idea of identity How artist explore different ways of taking photographs

In your sketchbook:
1. Find a photo in the Portraiture Now show that explores the idea of identity that you nd interesting. Write down what you think of it and why it interests you. Write down the artist, title, and make a sketch of it. 2. The artwork Kyopo means, in English, "Koreans living in another country." Have you ever been an 'other' or had to adapt to a new place? 3. How did you deal with this? 4. How does an artist explore the idea of a portrait or self-portrait in a unique or unusual way? Find an example and write down the artist, title, and make a sketch of it. 5. In The Blacklist show how do you think this show would be different if the prints were all 8x10? 6. Is it important for there to be an explanation of the person next to each photo? 7. Why?

In your sketchbook:

1. Find a photo where you feel Harry Callahans placement of himself in taking the picture is especially critical. Write down the title. Sketch the photo and draw a diagram and/or write an explanation supporting Callahans reason for placing his camera there. Think of it like an argument for why he took the photo. 2. Find a photo that breaks the rules of photography that you have learned, yet you feel is successful. Write down why, the title, and make a sketch of it. 3. Find a photo where light is really the main subject or main principle. Write it down and sketch it.

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