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nu8 ALlA AlllAP 8ln1l PAMuAn
nu8 A?unl 8ln1l 8CZAkl
nC8 ASMALlZA 8ln1l 8AkA8
nlnA ALL?ZA 8ln1l kLCL
Scene I
In rbe sebooI
Scene 2
ew years Iarer.....
Ar rbe garden
Ar rbe
Symptoms OI
Colng Lo Lhe baLhroom
afLer meals and smell of
leellng ashamed of
overeaLlng and very
fearful of galnlng welghL
Pas frequenL welghL
Lack of conLrol over
leels depressed or
Pavlng blngepurge
Scene 4
In rbe
A tew monrbs Iarer...
Ar bome
Scene 6
In rbe bospIraI...
Lhe end
JhaL ls bullmla???
8ullmla nervosa ls an eaLlng
dlsorder characLerlzed by
frequenL eplsodes of blnge
eaLlng followed by franLlc efforLs
Lo avold galnlng welghL
auses of bullmla
8ullmla ls a complex emoLlonal lssue Ma[or causes
and rlsk facLors for bullmla lnclude
W oor body |mage Cur culLure's emphasls on
Lhlnness and beauLy can lead Lo body dlssaLlsfacLlon
parLlcularly ln young women bombarded wlLh medla
lmages of an unreallsLlc physlcal ldeal
W ow se|festeem eople who Lhlnk of Lhemselves as
useless worLhless and unaLLracLlve are aL rlsk for
bullmla 1hlngs LhaL can conLrlbuLe Lo low self
esLeem lnclude depresslon perfecLlonlsm chlldhood
abuse and a crlLlcal home envlronmenL
W |story of trauma or abuse Jomen wlLh bullmla appear Lo
have a hlgher lncldence of sexual abuse eople wlLh
bullmla are also more llkely Lhan average Lo have parenLs
wlLh a subsLance abuse problem or psychologlcal dlsorder
W ,a[or ||fe changes 8ullmla ls ofLen Lrlggered by sLressful
changes or LranslLlons such as Lhe physlcal changes of
puberLy golng away Lo college or Lhe breakup of a
relaLlonshlp 8lnglng and purglng may be a negaLlve way Lo
cope wlLh Lhe sLress
W earanceor|ented rofess|ons or act|v|t|es eople who
face Lremendous lmage pressure are vulnerable Lo
developlng bullmla 1hose aL rlsk lnclude balleL dancers
models gymnasLs wresLlers runners and acLors
LffecLs of 8ullmla
W PearL problemslrregular hearLbeaL
W llulds and elecLrolyLes problemdehydraLlon low
levels of poLasslum
W lnLesLlnal problemsconsLlpaLlon
W MouLh problemsgum dlsease LooLh enamel
W ury skln
W lrregular or absenL perlod
W SLomach problemspaln ulcers
W 8lood ln vomlL
Pow Lo 8LvLn1 bullmla????
ralse someone's LalenL and sLrengLh
8e a good llsLener Lo Lhose who have eaLlng
SupporL Lhe lndlvlduals' hopes and dreams
Pelp Lhe problemaLlc person Lo make new
frlends who are supporLlve
8emlndlng Lhe person LhaL a healLhy body noL
necessarlly a sllm body
Lncourage Lhe person Lo be acLlve ln Lhelr
hobbles and anyLhlng LhaL Lhey llke
Pelp yourself!!!
See a quallfled
menLal healLh
professlonal Lo
geL some advlces
uC ?Cu knCJ 1PA1???
All abouL 1L88l
SPAvlC was
exLremely 18uL

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