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Complete Breath Proper breathing comes from the diaphragm. During inhalation the diaphragm should move down slightly, thus pushing the abdomen out and creating a vacuum in the lungs. This fills up the lungs from the bottom. Imagine the lungs are divided into three levels or parts. Concentrate on filling the lower section of the lungs with air first by pushing the diaphragm down and forcing the abdomen out. Continue by filling the middle portion of the lungs by expanding the chest activity and raising the rib cage and chest. Finally, fill the upper portion of the lungs by raising the chest and shoulders slightly. All three stage should be continuous and smooth. Breaths should be held for several seconds and then exhale by pulling the abdomen in and lowing the shoulders and chest to empty the lungs. Abdomen should be further pulled in to force the last bit of air from the lungs. During the exhalation, you should feel the air drain out of the bottom of the lungs, first emptying the upper part, then the middle, and finally the lower part. Repeat. Rhythmic Breathing Inhale to the count of 4, hold for a count of four, exhale to a count of 4, and pause for a count of 4 before repeating the sequence. 1:2 Ratio Take a deep, full breath and then exhale fully and completely. Breathe again, only this time to a count of 4 on the inhalation and a count of 8 on the exhalation. If the breath runs out before 8, next time take a deeper a deeper breath and exhale more slowly. Practicing these breathing exericises, and finding one that works best for you, will help you reduce stress and anxiety during the holidays and all year around.

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