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Christmas 2011

This is the month when I was born. So, this time is a special part of my life. Its also the time of various holidays among numerous creeds or religions. Its a great time to have connections with family members and love ones. Its still a controversial time since its near a near year. 2012 is coming soon. 2012 will be an interesting year indeed. The reason is that many predictions and claims have been made about the events that will transpire in that year. 2012 will be exciting to see the events. In my life, Im near 30 years old, so in this era of my life, I reflect more. I think about events more critically and in a more analytical fashion. Also, I think about tolerance more. I am tolerant of folks of many backgrounds, yet I still have a controversial streak. I guess many of you already know my views on Christmas. The even is near the Winter Solstice in December 21st where witches perform their rituals and so forth. I dont have a problem with religious celebrations about God on any day of the year. Yet, sometimes holidays have been exploited by certain interests in order for those interests to promote greed, materialism, and an omission of spiritual principles. The story of the birth of Yeshua is an important story to know about and internalize in peoples heart. The great prophet & Messiah Yeshua is a liberator and he

did a lot to promote peace definitively in the world. Yet, we are not required to have trees and ornaments to prove that we know about the teachings of Yeshua (peace be upon his name). Jesus Christ taught love and forgiveness. Independent Christians long before the celebration of mainstream Christians broke bread and enacted the worship of God (in a sincere fashion). Therefore, I do believe in respecting Jesus Christ, Mary, and the apostles that risked their lives in order to advance religious freedom. Jesus was an ally of both Jewish people and Gentiles. Yeshua also condemned the hypocritical Pharisees. We have some Pharisees today that are very much anti-Christ. We know who they are and what creed that they are into. LOL. They are anti-Christ indeed, get it. They are in Secret societies, political groups, and in the atmosphere of the corporate elite. Many Christians are persecuted in the four corners of the Earth. I love to be controversial since thats my job. Not to mention that numerous people of every ethnicity are trying to fight for justice and liberty. They shed tears and shed blood in a myriad of occasions, so we could live fortunately in our time. Therefore, we all have to act like men and like women to not let our ancestors down. Its easy to witness that all men are created equal and all human beings should receive equal rights. Anyway, there have been many people including Christians that have exposed much of the pagan elements of Christmas. The Roman Catholic Church glamorized Christmas heavily originally. Today, tons of denominations have done the same. This time of the year is a special time and there should be mutual peaceful love among humans. Its also a time not to be carried away and realize that the true gift is a spiritual connection with God (and the human race) beyond material possessions. Real men don't hide behind swag to achieve greatness. They express themselves overtly, act honestly, and won't scapegoat all women either for their own issues. For the record, Rick Santorum should be ashamed of himself for his recent anti-poor, prejudice, and offensive words. He doesnt want personal responsibility to the big banks receiving corporate welfare. Many single parents and tons of poor people I know (who are my relatives) work their tails off. There are tons of real male role models in poorer communities regardless of what Santorum says. Santorum actually defends income inequality when mainstream economists have proven that income inequality contributes to the recession period. Also, this time of the year doesnt mean that the struggle has stopped or it ended. The struggle continues when you see anti-voting laws passed by Republican governors. The struggle has been relinquished when labor rights are under threat and some states want child labor laws to be more reactionary in 2011. See, this stuff isnt occurring the 1950s or the 1960s. Its happening now. America should be ashamed of itself for its errors then and now. America ought to repent. Everyone should repent basically. Therefore, spiritually and mentally, we have to aware of these occurrences and be conscious of the tactics that the enemy regularly pulls. During this time of year, its fine to have a social renewal in order for us to promote better families, to have charity, and to have better communities. These goals are legitimate actions to undertake during this part of the year. One big symbol of Christmas is Santa Claus. Santa Claus in stories and movie is really a criminal. Hes a trespasser into other folks homes to send gift without their permission. I wonder why the stories about him refuse to show the police trying to arrest him? LOL. Santa Claus nickname is jolly ol St. Nick. Santa claims to know which children are good or bad. He flies around using reindeer and he wears white and red on its clothing. Santa Claus comes from the legend of St. Nicholas. The legend of St. Nicholas talks about St. Nicholas helping children

all around his area. Some deny St. Nicholas historical existence or that he might have been a bishop in Myra during the 4th century. Myra is in Turkey (or Asia Minor during ancient times).
Pope Paul VI officially decreed the feast of Saint Nicholas removed from the Roman Catholic calendar by 1969 (for controversy over Nicholas historical existence). Encyclopedia Britannica describes the role of Nordic mythology in the life of Santa: Sinterklaas was adopted by the country's English-speaking majority under the name Santa Claus, and his legend of a kindly old man was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents ("Santa Claus" Encyclopaedia Britannica 99)

To keep it real and honest, Christmas is not a true Christian holiday. Many of its components and ideas are not of God. Christians all across the world have discussed about this issue. As the following sources mention:

*The Encyclopedia Americana, 1942 Edition, Vol. 6, page 623 reads thus . . . "Christmas. -- It was according to many authorities not celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian church as the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth. A feast was established in memory of the birth of the Saviour in the fourth century. In the fifth century the western church (Roman Catholic) ordered it to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol." * In the new Americanized Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1900, Vol. IX, page 5236, we read . . . "Saturn. -- An ancient Italian god . . . Saturnalias, this is the great 'Festival of Saturn,' celebrated on the 19th, but after Caesar's reform of the calendar, the 17th of December. Augustus decreed that the 17th and the 18th should be sacred to Saturn and the 19th and 20th to Opalia the festivals of Ops. Caligula added a fifth day, 'The Day of Youth,' December 25th lasting seven days. The time was one of general joy and mirth. The woolen fetters were taken from the feet of Saturn and each man offered a pig. During the festival schools were closed . . . "Gambling and dice at other times illegal was now practiced. All classes exchanged gifts, the commonest being tapers and clay dolls. These dolls were especially given to children. Varro thought that these dolls represented original sacrifice of human beings to the Infernal God."

That is why that it isnt unusual for the world to love Christmas. Christmas is at the birth date of Mithras (the sun god). Even non-Christians celebrate Christmas every issue and they deny that Yeshua is the Son of the living God. We have to worship God in spirit and in truth. Popularity is never a justification for false living. Non-cooperation with the worldly system is better than loving uniform, crippling conformity. Christmas comes from the words of ChristMass. So, Christmas relates to the Mass. The Mass is not spiritually attuned with God since the

mass is a religious ceremony that claims to repeatedly slay Christ over and over again. The book of Hebrews is rather clear that Yeshua made only one sacrifice for all time for all of the sins of the world. So, its important to pray during this time of year that deals with safety, preventing abuse and human sacrifice, and to have deliverance from evil. Also, the mainstream media is trying to promote the lie that Mormonism is Christianity. Mormonism was created by the Freemason Joseph Smith not Yeshua at all period. Smith claimed that an angel of light gave him a gospel (this fulfilled the prophecy from Paul that men would be deceived by angels of light as found in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Mormonism teaches that a man can be a god on their own planet to make children after a person dies. Their religion, ceremonies, and rituals are heavily influenced by Freemasons (as their early leaders were Masons ironically). Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers from the Elohim (or the father. The Elohim choose Jesus to save the sins of the world according to the Mormons). The Mormon religion teaches that the atonement began in the Garden of Gethsemane before he went to the cross. The Mormon religion teaches human godhood. Mormonism teaches that the Farther has body of flesh and bones like humans, which isnt in the Scriptures. So, the truth is known. Although, we shouldnt go out in the deep end and express abusive language or agitation against anyone like Mormons, etc. We should express the truth in a tolerable fashion. Mormons have the right to believe in their creed and people have right to peacefully disagree with their religion. Its taboo in America (in this country that claims to promote free thought, but readily demonizes people that opposes fake patriotism or this criminal war on terror in serious terms) to even publicly say that I just dont agree with Mormonism. I have the First Amendment to express dissent on any issue in a peaceful manner without censorship. When people do serious research, they will witness the real origins of Santa Claus, Yule log, mistle toe, etc. They are not related to real Christian teachings or real spiritual dogmas at all.

People are exposing Christmas more and more. Some Catholics follow Christmas in the evening of December 24. The false idols of Christmas are very common in the world. Revelry, a lust for material goods, and a festival of misplaced priorities are included in that holiday. Confusion occurs on December 25th, because even some well meaning human beings dont know the origins or compositions of Christmas. When people expose the truth, some of them are called narrow-minded and even sacrilegious (with the typical dont judge mantra). Yet, the truth can be very judgmental and very narrow indeed. When the majority of the public supported the Vietnam War in America, many folks risked their reputation to oppose it. When most Americans supported the evil, unjust war in Iraq, people still opposed it back in 2003. So, just because a holiday or an event is popular, doesnt mean that a holiday or event is morally right to follow. Now, the evergreens with decorations on them represent symbols of life, fertility, and reproduction to the ancient pagans. Jeremiah 10:1-5 forbids the creation of trees with decorations on them for the purpose of doing heathen customs. The Yule Log comes from Scandinavian nations where their pagan sex and fertility god was called Jul or Yale. He was honored in the 12 day celebration in the month of December. The lit Yule Log represents again a "phallic" symbol, and being a log and lit, it represented a good omen for heightened sexuality for the coming year. Mistletoe was used by the Druids and worshipped by them to cast spells. Once again, the ancient pagans used mistletoe in relation to human sexuality and mistletoe oil was used to anoint the foreheads of the Druid priests for services.

So, honoring God on any day of the year in a legitimate fashion is fine without the pagan influences and without compromise. So, in this time of the year, we ought to do charity, we should give back to our communities, we can work in programs to help people, and we shouldnt be hypocrites. Its always time to improve our morality, to improve our spirituality, and to keep on fighting for justice. Every race, color, and group of people has tons of individuals that tried their best to fight for truth in this world. We ought to respect that. We

have a long way to go, but we can fight for that prize that we all seek. To serve and to give are great actions to do. To give and to sacrifice is a great motto to adhere to. So, never give up. You will win if you keep the faith. Keep the faith. If you worry about the naysayers say about you, you will fail. If you are not worried about what they think about you and you just do

what needs to be done, you will win.

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