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A Purim Dvar Torah Can she be my hero? Ive always wanted to be a princess. But, can SHE be my hero?

The winner of a beauty contest. Turn it and turn it and turn it. Could it be that I could be she. But, he could me me. Who is he? Evil he. Turn it and turn it and turn it. Evil he and who is he and where is He. He, or shall I say She, about Thee who is neither He nor She. He or She or whatever, is not there! No where in that land of no rules And no lines all are invited to the party, Except for He/She. Vash-tee She is invited. Oh yes, she and her crown. Her crown, but not her gown is invited to the party. The party of no rules, No rules just booze Lavish lace and liquor and wine. For the king who shows all Whose wife should show all, But will not. Turn it and turn it and turn it. A crown, without a gown. A woman who does not know her place. A king who has all and shows all. In a palace, as lavish, as the Temple. Turn it and turn it and turn it. Is this story for real? A king, who is no king. A place not in THE place. Governed by rules that are no rules. Is this story for real? This, does not sound, like a JEWISH story.

Turn it and turn it and turn it. Can she be my hero? Who is she, called from the countryside Beauty astride, a mask to hide behind. Soaked for a year, pickled my dear! To prepare to meet the king. For but one night when she can Touch his scepter, And change her life forever. Turn it and turn it and turn it. Is this what it is to be a woman in power? Fingertips - mastery of a scepter? Are men so easily tantalized, That they would devise all of this? A contest, to hand all away to she Whose mask is most persuasive?

Do not tell that you are a Jew. It is you he wants, yes you No you, not you, you Jew You who are same, yes you, not you You who will do what he wants you to do Yes you, not you, you Jew. Turn it and turn it and turn it. Her mask, her beauty. His mask like pins. Pins which are POINTS which are knives. Knives to slash away all those who are different. yeshno am echad, mefuzar umefurad bein haamim bchol hamedinot. Datehim shonot mekol, vet datei hamelech Einam osim It is not befitting for the king to tolerate them. (3:8) Who is he? And where is he, In me, who may be she, but is likely also he. And where was he?

Was he abused as a child? Boo, hoo, hoo, hoo. Yes BOO we shall say As we wipe him away. Destroy him because he destroyed us! (BREATH) But, Im getting ahead of myself. My heroin is queen. The evil one is plotting. He who is far more likely me, Dwells outside the palace of no rules. In a sack. Over the decree Of he who is certainly inside of me. If I turn it and turn it and turn it. And then she, who I wish I could be Begins to find herself. Umi yodeiah im keet hazot higat lamalchut? (4:14) And she is awoken. Is this what it means to be a women in power?

To reach inside, where we generally hide As the tide of our lives wash over? To reach beyond the rights and the wrongs Beneath to what is within. NACHAFOCHU She turns herself In-side-out And finds A Heroin. What makes a beauty queen turn inside out? Or you or me for that matter? Must it be arriving at that et ha hi When we turn it and turn it and turn it?

No God left alone, yes out on our own When we turn it and turn it and turn it. Is this what we need to come into our own? To remove our masks of pain? Layer upon layer, could we peel them away Without threat or abuse or shame. What does it take for people to learn That we wear masks but we need not. And that God hides so that we will seek God inside If we turn it and turn it and turn it.

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