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Zone oo integration

Project Role Strategic Area Personal Priority Who is benefiting from this work? Will this work: Improve life for nonhumans? Improve the health of the land? Help my community to work for selfdetermination and autonomy? Help my community to use and control its own resources regeneratively? Yes through community projects Yes Could I be financially honoured through this? What other regenerative yields?

Wild Heart Permaculture Msc / plant based permaculture research Brook End

Relearning, Rebuilding Relearning, Rebuilding, Resisting Relearning, Rebuilding Resisting Resisting, Relearning, Rebuilding Resisting mainly Rebuilding, Relearning


Myself, students, the land, community projects Animals, permaculture community, people worldwide hopefully Family, local community & learners Animals, humans via health gains Permaculture community, social movements Young people & growers, landseekers Local people

Yes through the promotion of plant based systems Yes

Yes through applied design Yes

Yes through community projects Yes


High (highest)

Yes, with book deal, teaching & later consultancy work

L/ C with family L/C C C C


Only via living example & as a learning venue Yes Yes through improving efficiency of activists Only through creation of horticultural society Only through creation of horticultural society, not explicitly Only through creation of horticultural society, not explicitly Only via inspiration Yes via support against vivisection Only if combined with action Only via movement support Yes depending on area Not explicitly at present

Yes, on this land

Yes through strengthening local systems No Yes, more explicitly than others Yes Yes


Yes to point, otherwise limiting costs of living Not as likely as other projects Unlikely though potential through course leading or occasional paying article Unlikely. Could benefit from practical support at Brook End & own skill development. Potentially through development of social enterpise e.g. college of reskilling. Energy honoured through timebank Yes

V-Gen/ Animal liberation organising Liberation Permaculture Collective Reclaim the Fields Transition Glastonbury

High High High Medium

Only via resistance to indsutral agriculture Yes via projects Yes via projects Yes

No Yes Yes through access to land Yes

Somerset Community Food/ Incredible Edible Somerset Hardcore zine/ Punk rock permaculture Community Herbalism Reclaiming Local Group ABC Prisoner support Local radical events/other projects Rewilding

Rebuilding, Relearning Resisting Rebuilding, Relearning Rebuilding Resisting All, resisting Relearning


Local people





Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium

Readers People involved in projects People involved, pagan community Political prisoners Whatever the focus is on Local people

Only via inspiration Yes via pollution reduction Only if combined with action Only via movement support Yes depending on area Yes via move from civ

Only via inspiration Yes Only if combined with action Yes Yes depending on area Yes

Only via inspiration Yes Yes spiritual resources Only via movement support Yes depending on area Yes

Maybe via merch or writing, unlikely to be much Yes via grants & teaching Maybe via Witch camp or venue hire No, unless potential social enterprise with prisoners No, unlikely No, maybe through convening events

L = Leadership, (main responsability) C = Collaborative, (engaged working with others) S = Solidarity (supportive role, occasional action)

Nicole Vosper, Wild Heart Permaculture 2012


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