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Unit VII - Sustainable Crop Production

1. Which of the following best defines sustainable development?

a. a conceptual framework c. a new development strategy
b. an intellectual approach d. all of these

2. The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) which was

formed by the UN in 1983 is better known as
a. Montreal Protocol c. Brundtland Commission
b. Sustainable Development Commission d. Environment Commission

3. The report of the WCED which was issued on April 1987 is entitled
a. Sustainable Development c. Sustainable Agriculture
b. Our Common Future d. Conserving the Earth

4. Economic development that meets the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is WCED’s
definition of
a. Sustainable Agriculture c. Development Economics
b. Sustainable Development d. Intergenerational Economics

5. Equity between the interest and rights of different social groups within a generation is
known as a. intragenerational equity c. intergenerational equity
b. both a and c d. none of these

6. Equity between the interest and rights of present and future generations is known as
a. intragenerational equity c. intergenerational equity
b. both a and b d. none of these

7. The ethical dimension to equity refers to

a. equity between the interests and rights of different social groups within a
b. equity between the interests and rights of present and future generations
c. equity between the interests and rights of human beings and other species
d. all of the above

8. The attitude that regards the value of nature merely as a pool of exploitable resources to be
used for the satisfaction of human wants
a. profitable attitude c. biocentric-holistic attitude
b. anthropocentric attitude d. none of these
9. What are the roots of unsustainable development?
a. Green revolution c. Market Economics & Market Agriculture
b. a and c d. none of these

10. The “Earth Summit” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 refers to the
a. UN Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED)
b. Global Forum on Environment & Development
c. World Conference on Environment & Development
d. None of these

11. Sustainable agriculture is any practice, method, technique/technology, philosophy or

system of production that makes agriculture
a. economically feasible and ecologically sound
b. socially just and humane
c. culturally appropriate and grounded on holistic science
d. all of these

12. The scientific basis for sustainable agriculture is

a. ecology b. agro-ecology c. green revolution d. farming systems

13. Which of the following are characteristics of Sustainable Agriculture?

a. SA is flexible and experiential c. SA is participatory
b. SA is proactive and forward looking d. all of these

14. Sustainable agriculture is

a. flexible b. experiential c. proactive d. participatory
because it is not prescriptive of a defined set of practices, methods,
techniques/technologies or policies that would restrict the option of the farmer

15. Because sustainable agriculture is a process of learning and not the imposition of a
simple model or package, it is said to be
a. flexible b. experiential c. participatory d. proactive

16. The practitioner of sustainable agriculture considers himself

a. the master of nature b. a part of nature c. an outsider of nature d. all of these

17. Which of the following are resource conservation and regeneration methods?
a. multiple cropping (multi-storey, intercropping, relay cropping. etc.) and cover
b. organic residue management
c. tillage practices-conservation tillage
d. all of these
18. Which of the following is NOT a farmer-oriented approach to resource conservation and
a. in situ collection of seed supply
b. in situ evaluation and improvement of seeds
c. in vitro collection of indigenous seeds
d. distribution of indigenous genetic resources (seeds)

19. A farmer can increase the productivity and stability of his farm through
a. nutrient and fertilizer management c. efficient farm power
b. crop diversity and management d. all of these

20. Which of the following are sources of stability of production systems?

a. biological stability c. management stability
b. production and economic stability d. all of these

21. The evenness of distribution of the productivity of the agricultural system among the
human beneficiaries is referred to as
a. sustainability b. stability c. equitability d. resiliency

22. Which is NOT a method employed in sustainable management for lowlands and
a. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) c. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
b. Conventional farming d. none of these
23. Which of the following is/are forms of green manuring?
a. improved fallow and alleycropping c. Minus-One-Element Technique (MOET)
b. Integrating trees into croplands d. Azolla and blue green algae

24. Which of the following is NOT a natural pest control (repellent crops) for an organic
a. Basil and Garlic b. Neem tree c. Marigold and Peppermint d. Rosemary

25. Sustainable agriculture focuses on the

a. farmer b. environment c. production d. income

26. A major strategy in Sustainable Agriculture is to restore the agricultural diversity in time
and space through
a. crop rotations and intercroppig c. polycultures and cover cropping
b. crop-livestock mixtures d. all of these

27. The pillars of sustainable development are:

a. respect & concern for people c. respect and concerns for ecosystems
b. both a and c d. none of these

28. Some of the external costs that are avoided in sustainable agriculture are
a. soil erosion, pollution, lower food quality
b. loss of biodiversity, species/varieties/breeds and indigenous knowledge
c. erosion of human health and social knowledge
d. all of these

29. Which of the following practices are sustainable?

a. recycling of nutrients and use of compost, green manures, etc.
b. non-pesticidal control of pests
c. diversified and integrated farming
d. all of these

30-37, Write A if the practice contributes to sustainable agriculture and B if otherwise.

30. Rice-fish culture 34. monocropping
31. injecting cattle with hormone 35. use of Bt corn
32. crop-animal integration 36. use of synthetic chemicals & fertilizers
33. using land owned by others 37. organic residue management

38. This is a holistic system of agriculture started by Rudolf Steiner that aims to connect
nature and cosmic forces (formative life energies) to farming. It follows the
principle that heavenly bodies (stars, etc) influence the growth and development of
a. Natural farming c. Sustainable Agriculture
b. Bio-dynamic farming d. Permaculture

39. LEISA is a farming system or philosophy in which most of the inputs used originate from
the farm. Deliberate action is taken to ensure sustainability however, it is open for a
combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer. LEISA means
a. Low-External-Input and Sustainable Agriculture
b. Low-External-Input and Subsistence Agriculture
c. Liberalized Economy, Industry & Strategic Agriculture
d. all of these

40. Australian philosopher named Bill Mollison that combines quality of plants and animals
with the natural characteristics of the landscape and structures to produce a life-
supporting system for humans. It is the “conscious design and maintenance of
agriculturally productive ecosystems that have the diversity, stability and resilience
of natural systems and trees are the important feature of this system”.

a. Natural farming b. Ecological farming c. Permaculture d. Agroforestry

41. This is a system of agriculture devised by a Japanese farmer named Masanobu Fukuoka
that seeks to follow nature by minimizing human interference. It follows the “no
plowing, no weeding, no fertilizers and no chemicals” or “do nothing” farming.
a. One-straw revolution b. Permaculture c. Ecological Farming d. Natural Farming

42. It is a farming system where trees are grown together with annual crops and/or animals.
a. Agroforestry b. Organic Agriculture c. Biodynamic Agriculture d. Permaculture

43. It is a farming system developed by Teruo Higa of Japan which means saving the
world which involves the use of beneficial organisms and inoculants to increase
microbial diversity, health and yield of crops.
a. Kyusei Nature Farming c. Organic Farming
b. Precision Farming d. Regenerative Agriculture

44. It is a management strategy that is also called site specific farming which employs
detailed information to precisely manage crop production inputs using computers,
telecommunications and global positioning systems (GPS).
a. Integrated Farming c. Precision Farming
b. Holistic Management d. Natural Farming

45. It is a mini farming system introduced by Alan Chadwick about the concept of double dug
method of making raised beds, intensive planting, composting, companion cropping
and whole system synergy.
a. Bio-intensive gardening (BIG) c. Site Specific Farming
b. Integrated Farming d. Biodynamic Farming

Key Answers for Unit VII – Sustainable Agriculture

1. d 11. d 21. c 31. b 41. d
2. c 12. b 22. b 32. a 42. a
3. b 13. d 23. c 33. b 43. a
4. b 14. a 24. b 34. b 44. c
5. a 15. b 25. b 35. b 45. a
6. c 16. b 26. d 36. b
7. c 17. d 27. b 37. a
8. a 18. c 28. d 38. b
9. b 19. d 29. d 39. a
10.a 20. d 30. a 40. c

Prepared by:
Agripina Rana-Aradilla
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
Central Mindanao University

1. Site characterization and selection of crop production in the Philippines require

knowledge of
a. geographical characteristics of the area
b. botanical characteristics of crops
c. Indicators of land, climate, crops, ecology, culture and market dynamics
d. geography, soil & climatic characteristics only

2. A component in crop production system that cannot be controlled by human beings.

a. Technological factor c. Environmental & Climatic factors
b. Biological factor d. all of these

3. Which of the following climatic components directly affect the type and kind of crop to
grown in a specific area?
a. wind velocity b. temperature c. solar radiation d. rainfall

4. What crop is best recommended when accessibility to market is not possible?

a. grain crops b. vegetables c. rootcrops d. fruit crops

5. Which of the following is NOT a shade-tolerant crop?

a. gabi b. ramie c. coffee d. rice

6. Climate zone to which the Philippines belong is

a. humid tropics b. tropical highlands c. semi-arid d. sub-humid tropics

7. Characteristic climate of the tropics (Philippines) is

a. erratic b. variable c. low d. high

8. Characteristics of farms in the tropics are

a. well-managed b. small and resource limited c. sustainable d. plantation type

9. The reason for longer period of maturity of crops in tropical highlands is

a. erosion b. poor seeds c. high rate of photosynthesis d. lower temperature

10. The most destructive consequence of high rainfall intensity in the tropics is
a. soil erosion b. low productivity c. plant diversity d. rainfall pattern

11. It is generally more rainy in

a. Mountainous regions b. lowland areas c. Seashore areas d. crop lands

12. Based on temperature requirement, rice is a

a. cool-season crop b. warm season crop c. subtropical crop d. temperate crop
13. As a factor in crop production, edaphic factor refers to
a. climate b. man c. soil d. microorganisms

14. The desirable soil texture for crops is

a. heavy soil b. loamy soil c. light soil d. sandy soil

15. Which activity listed below contributes to soil erosion in hilly areas?
a. plowing along the slope c. growing of vegetation
b. mulching d. contouring

16. Solar radiation is a very important component in increasing crop yield. Which of the
following physiological processes is greatly affected?
a. transpiration b. photosynthesis c. respiration d. absorption

17. Which of these areas are vulnerable to soil erosion?

a. arable land b. hillyland c. upland d. lowland

18. Corn production in Bukidnon and Cebu are primarily as staple food. In growing corn, the
most feasible nutrition management for the crop is:
a. Use of Bio-N (Azosperillium) plus chicken manure
b. mulching with plastic sheet
c. foliar spray of micronutrients
d. applying burnt leaves for its ash

19. If you are a pioneer in the Mindanao Region, site selection and choice of
appropriate crop require your knowledge of
a. soil and rainfall pattern only
b. soil, climatic and biological indicators of the crop
c. soil and climatic characteristics, biological and economic characteristics, culture of
the community
d. soil, rainfall, population and technology of the crop

20. In the agroforestry system in Mindanao, some good practices are:

a. sloping agriculture for fruit trees
b. industrial tree farming for paper products
c. cattle raising under coconuts with legume trees
d. papaya and pineapple intercropping

21. In Ilocos Region, the principal crops are rice or corn during rainy season followed by
tobacco or tomato. These crops grow well in this area because it has distinct wet and
dry seasons. The most probable land preparation is
a. plowing b. kaingin system c. chemical d. biological sprays
22. In that same region, the most probable cropping system is
a. monocropping b. greenhouse cropping c. multiple cropping d. plantation

23. The staple crops in Ilocos region are:

a. rice and tobacco b. rice and corn c. tomato and tobacco d. rice and tomato

24. The most perishable crops in Ilocos Region are:

a. rice and grain corn c. tomato and green corn
b. rice and tobacco d. grain corn & tobacco

25. In areas that are said to be “typhoon belts”, the suitable crops to be grown by farmers are
a. cereals b. rootcrops c. pulses d. plantation crops

26. Davao and Bukidnon become the preferred sites for planting export crops such as banana.
The reason for this is/are
a. the areas are typhoon-free c. estate farms are available
b. port facilities are accessible d. all of these

27. Setting up of a new production enterprise in areas where certain crops have become
dominant would be advantageous because of
a. proven adaptation of the crop c. a and c
b. experience of the farmers d. none of these

28. Which of the following crops will you plant if you have low labor supply and low capital
a. root crops b. vegetable crops c. non-food crops d. grains crops

29. A farmer has enough labor and capital but with a very limited land. What crop will you
recommend him to raise?
a. root crops b. vegetable crops c. non-food crops d. grains crops

30. A farmer inherited from his parents an arable land that is near an irrigation system. He
plans to convert that into a ricefield. What method of rice culture will he adapt?
a. direct seeding b. transplanting c. dry land seeding d. a and b

Key Answers for Unit VIII – Site Characterization

1. c 11. a 21. b
2. c 12. b 22. a
3. d 13. c 23. b
4. a 14. b 24. c
5. d 15. a 25. b
6. a 16. b 26. d
7. d 17. b 27. c
8. b 18. a 28. d
9. d 19. c 29. b
10.a 20. c 30. d

Prepared by:
Agripina Rana-Aradilla
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
Central Mindanao University


Unit IX – J. Farming Systems

1. An organizational structure that interlinks the various activities of a farmer and the
distribution of resources
a. cooperativism b. NGOs c. GOs d. farming system

2. The crop production activity of a farm is referred to as

a. rice production c. cropping system
b. corn production d. sub-system
3. A production system which avoids or excludes synthetically compounded fertilizers and
a. obsolete farming b. organic farming c. subsistence farming d. crop production

4. A means to maintain the chemical stability of the soil is

a. addition and maintenance of organic matter c. addition of chemicals
b. addition of fertilizers d. addition of clays

5. A cultivation system in the tropics which could become destructive because the fallow
period is no longer observed
a. subsistence b. shifting cultivation c. permanent cultivation d. agroforestry

6. A farmer has a wide track of land and wishes to raise fruit trees, cereals, vegetables and
livestock. Which of the following farming system is adaptable?
a. coco-based b. hilly farming c. lowland rice d. upland crop-based

7. What type of farming system minimizes tillage and prevents soil erosion?
a. hilly land system b. crop-animal based c. lowland rice d.upland crop-based

8. What factor contributes to high level of risk of complexity of a small farm system?
a. diversified enterprises c. climatic variability
b. price policies d. scarcity of cash

9. Which is NOT a characteristic of a continuous cropping system?

a. with irrigation c. continuous water supply
b. rainfed d. with water-pump supply

10. Which of the following statement is NOT a characteristic of an upland crop-based

farming system?
a. no levees and standing water c. soil not submerged and well aerated
b. good soil moisture below field capacity d. soils usually submerged to prevent
rapid drying of plants

11. Which of the following is NOT a salient production role in livestock-based farming
a. subsistence food c. fulfill cultural obligation
b. social prestige d. for building construction

12. Which of the following is a non-ruminant animal raised in upland crop-based farming
system? a. cattle b. turkey c. buffalo d. sheep

13. Which of these factors determines the sustainability of a farming system among
small farmers?
a. neighbor b. private agencies c. government d. none of these
14. If you have to plant two or more crops simultaneously in which the second crop is planted
after the first crop has reached its reproductive stage of growth, what intercropping
pattern is used?
a. relay intercropping c. strip intercropping
b. mixed intercropping d. row intercropping

15. Which of the following is an effect of diversified cropping systems?

a. continuous vegetation cover for soil protection and closing of nutrient cycles
b. constant production of food, ensuring a varied diet and several marketing items
c. enhanced biological pest control
d. all of the above

16. The study of agro-ecosystems, including all environment and human elements,
their inter-relationships, and processes in which they are involved is called
a. agroecosystematics b. agro-ecology c. ecology d. niche

17. Which of the statements below is NOT a salient feature of multiple cropping?
a. efficient utilization of soil nutrients c. maximized land utilization
b. increase susceptibility to pests d. promote microbial activity in the soil

18. An agricultural system where trees are grown together with annual crops and/or
a. Organic agriculture b. Agrofestry c. Biodynamic agriculture d. Permaculture

19. The common characteristics of the different existing farming system in the country
a. small landholdings c. with mixture of different crops
b. with animal integration d. all of the above

20. A complex mixture of trees and crops of different canopy height and shapes in mixed or
row intercropping is employed is known as
a. intercropping b. multistorey cropping c. relay cropping d. monocropping

21. What are the major influence of soil properties on farming system?
a. species suitability, land preparation and input application
b. species of pests, harvesting and threshing
c. disease, weeds and harvesting
d. all of the above

22. The formula of land equivalent ratio which is used to measure yield advantage of
intercropping is

a. LER = Xi + Yi c. LER = Xi - Yi
Xj Yj Xj Yj
c. LER = Xi x Yi d. LER = Xi = Yi
Xj Yj Xj Yj

23. The type of farming with rugged terrain with 18% slope or greater in elevation is
known as
a. sustainable farming b. hilly farming c. upland farming d. lowland farming

24. An LER index value higher than 1.00 indicates

a. disadvantage of intercropping c. advantage of intercropping
b. break-even point of intercropping d. all of these

25. The most critical determinant of cropping patterns in rice followed by rice is
a. water availability c. soil texture and topography
b. market accessibility d. technology

26. Because crop production/farming is a regular activity of rural people and without it they
will never have a normal life. Farming for them is considered
a. business b. art c. technology d. culture (way of life)

27. If the area has even distribution of rainfall throughout the year and the classification is
hilly land, which cropping system is suited in that area?
a. plantation-based b. ornamental-based c. rice-based d. vegetable-based

28. Ilocos Region has pronounced wet and dry seasons and rainfed lowland ricefields.
Which of the patterns is suitable for this area?
a. rice-rice-rice c. rice-rice-vegetable
b. rice-legume-vegetable d. rice-rice-corn

29. Row spacing and plant arrangement is important in multiple cropping. Which of
these multiple cropping systems greatly consider this factor?
a. intercropping b. relay cropping c. sequential cropping d. alley cropping

30. Intercropping could increase insect pest population on an area if crop combination is not
properly selected. Which of these crop combinations reduce pest populations?
a. corn+peanut b. corn+tomato c. tobacco+corn d. cotton+corn

31. A continuous planting of rice in small garden at regular interval and continuous
harvesting is called
a. Sorjan b. diverse cropping c. rice garden d. mixed cropping

32. The following practices are different options for contour farming, EXCEPT
a. SALT c. use of stones for soil & water conservation
b. use of rock walls d. use of sand & gravel
33. If you are to farm a hilly area, which of the technology listed below is NOT
a. Sorjan cropping b. Alley cropping c. Contour farming d. terracing

34. Planting of hedgerows along the contour with agricultural crops in between hedgerows
best describes
a. Contour system b. alley cropping c. Sorjan system d. rice garden

35. Planting and raising of wooden perennials together with agricultural crops or livestock is
done in
a. alley cropping b. Contour farming c. Agroforestry d. Sorjan system

36. Sequential cropping is denoted by “what word or sign”, in between any two succeeding
a. hyphen (-) b. plus (+) c. slash (/) d. multiply (x)

37. Intercropping is denoted by “what word or sign”, in between two crops grown
a. hyphen (-) b. plus (+) c. slash (/) d. multiply (x)
38. Relay cropping is denoted with “what word or sign” between crops?
a. hyphen (-) b. plus (+) c. slash (/) d. multiply (x)

39. Farmers intercropped corn with peanuts because

a. it reduces corn borer infestation c. it serves as sources of seeds
b. it serves as animal feeds d. all of these

40. The technology suited for hilly or sloping areas is

a. sloping agricultural land technology c. sloping land agricultural technology
b. multiple cropping technology d. integrated farming technology

41. Decisions on the quality of output/produce in farming systems are largely influenced by
a. technical factor b. exogenous factor c. endogenous factor d. all of the above

42. The major feature of integrated farming include

a. waste by-product utilization c. improve space utilization
b. need higher capital d. a and c

43. In a livestock-fish integrated farming, it is highly recommended to construct the animal

pen on
a. fishpond dikes b. over the pond c. away from the dikes d. all of the above
44. The advantage of integrated farming which is very related to the concept of sustainable
farming is
a. increased productivity c. great income
b. spread of both the biological and economic risk d. better diet for the family
45. The common fish specie utilized in rice-fish culture technology is
a. mudfish b. milkfish c. salmon d. tilapia

46. In the coconut-based farming system, the crops that are commonly intercropped include
a. cabbage, carrot and potato c. chili, sweet pea and raddish
b. pineapple, papaya and coffee d. eggplant, tomato and amargoso

47. A small scale farming sector is significant in the food system in a developing country
because they are:
a. the backbone of the economy c. they produce 80% of the food crops
(cereals & pulses)
b. a and b d. none of these

48. Small-scale resource limited family farm refers to farms wherein the farmer has
a. less than five hectares of land
b. very limited resources with low level of income
c. low standard of living
d. all of these

49. The growing of different crops in a definite order of succession on the same land is
a. crop rotation b. farming system c. integrated farming d. sustainable farming

50. In hilly farming system, slope is synonymous to

a. erosion b. compaction c. contour d. cultivation

51. Which of these practices listed is practiced by cultural minorities to conserve the soil in
hilly-land crop-based cropping system?
a. fallow-system approach c. continuous cropping year round
b. applies single approach cropping system d. mono-approach cropping system

52. In crop rotation, the most critical factor to consider is

a. proper combination of crops c. right sequencing of growing crops
b. proper intercropping of crops d. proper mixing of crops

53. In the case of small farmers, which among the livestock-based systems fits their
existing resources
a. pig-fish b. duck-fish c. chicken-fish d. buffalo-fish

54. The practice of growing other crops under coconut trees must give major
consideration on
a. photosynthetic active radiation c. distance of planting
b. quantity of input d. all of these

55. In hilly land farming, the most commonly used hedgerow crop is
a. mahogany b. eucalyptus c. ipil-ipil d. falcata
Key Answers for Unit IX – J. Farming Systems
1. d 11. d 21. a 31. c 41. d 51. a
2. c 12. b 22. a 32. d 42. d 52. c
3. b 13. c 23. b 33. a 43. b 53. d
4. a 14. a 24. c 34. b 44. a 54. a
5. b 15. d 25. a 35. c 45. d 55. c
6. d 16. b 26. d 36. a 46. b
7. a 17. b 27. a 37. b 47. c
8. c 18. b 28. b 38. c 48. d
9. b 19. d 29. a 39. a 49. a
10.d 20. b 30. a 40. a 50. a

Prepared by:
Agripina Rana-Aradilla
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
Central Mindanao University

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