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Colon National High School

Integrated Senior High School

Colon, Maasim, Sarangani Province
Summative Test No. 4
Name:______________________________________ Grade Level and Section:_______________ Date:_______
TEST I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place in it.
A. environmentalism B. environmental philosophy
C. environmental aesthetics D. environmental justice
2. This view considers man the most important species on the planet
A. Biocentrism B. Ecocentrism
C. Anthropocentrism C. Environmentalism
3. This view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected
A. Anthropocentrism B. Environmentalism
C. Biocentrism D. Ecocentrism
4. This view places at great value on ecosystems and biological communities
A. Ecocentrism B. Biocentrism
C. Environmentalism D. Anthropocentrism
5. Which of these statements about humankind and nature is NOT true?
A. Humankind can use natural resources without regard for the consequences
B. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature
C. Humans are able to transform and change the environment
D. Humans are stewards of nature
6. Which of these does statements does NOT reflect environmental ethics?
A. Man must take action to solve environmental problems
B. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities
C. We should reflect on how our actions show regard for nature
D. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it
7. Which of these statements is NOT related to sustainable development?
A. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment
B. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently
C. Resources must be conserved for other people
D. Humankind must use up all natural resources
8. What is environmental philosophy?
A. Discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents.
B. Is part of the world, and we significantly affect in environment.
C. Significantly role of humankind in the world.
D. Extends intrinsic value and moral consideration to higher forms of animals
9. In which of the following scenarios is prudence demonstrated?
A. Ordering food that you can consume
B. Searching assignment answers over the internet
C. Keeping the lights on all day
D. Being friendly to neighbors
10. Lila wants to buy an expensive phone using the money she has been saving since last year. She asked for her friends’ opinions in making
her decision. Which among her friends is frugal?
A. Jen suggested that she should spend the money for travel abroad.
B. Marco advised her to spend the money on the expensive phone.
C. Aiza said that the she should go on a shopping spree using the money.
D. Jack suggested that she should keep the money for future, more important uses
11. How might an ecocentric person comment in a conversation about climate change?
A. 'Scientists constantly reverse their findings. I bet they will deny climate change in a few years.'
B. 'We can't live here anymore. It's time to find a new habitable planet.'
C. 'The Earth has always experienced changes in climate. It has nothing to do with what humans do to the environment.'
D. 'We have harmed the planet and caused climate change. We need to fix this problem!'
12. Finish this conversation between an anthropocentric person and an ecocentric person:
Ecocentric: 'We need to stop the destruction of the rain forest! Species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate!'
Anthropocentric: _____
A. 'I agree! It's petrifying! What can we do to stop it?'
B. We need those resources. Not only do we get timber, but also oil and rubber and a number of other things.'
C. 'Why don't we just plant a new rainforest elsewhere?'
D. 'Well, things change. What can we do?'
13. Why did the discipline of environmental ethics emerge?
A. Because business leaders urged people to care about air pollution
B. Because people became concerned with a growing population misusing natural resources.
C. Because new oil deposits were found.
D. Because governments became concerned with climate change.
14. What is the role of the environment in achieving sustainable development?
1. It can reproduce resources.
2. It is the venue for producer-consumer relationships.
A. Statement 1 B. Statement 2
C. Neither statement 1 nor 2 D. Both statements 1 and 2
15. Which of the given statements is true about frugality?
1. It is only limited to tangible or solid materials
2. It applies to a select few.
A. Statement 1 B. Both statement 1 and 2
C. Statement 2 D. Neither statement 1 nor 2

For items 16 to 20, refer to the choices below

A. Sustainable Development
B. Environmental Aesthetics
C. Prudence
D. Environmental Integrity
E. Frugality
16. It is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
17. It is the capacity to direct and discipline one’s activities and behavior using reason.
18. It is the quality of being thrifty
19. It is a philosophical view that believes in maintaining order in the environment will bring out the natural beauty of surroundings and
contribute to the well-being of the people and other organisms living in it
20. It means that any human activities or economic advances should not unduly disrupt the environment and human communities located in the

For items 21 to 25, refer to the choices below

A. Ecofeminism
B. Deep ecology
C. Social Ecology
D. Economic efficiency
E. Equity
21. It refers to conserving our natural resources so that the future generations will still be able to use it
22. This is to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste in using our natural resources
23. It assumes that all living things possess equal value and intrinsic worth regardless of their usefulness or utility to other beings.
24. It assumes that male-centered view of nature is the root cause of ecological problems.
25. It believes that ecological problems can be traced to social problems. Societies that are structured around hierarchies as well as economic
classes use their authority to dominate natural resources and exploit the environment for profit and self-interest.

For items 26 to 30, refer to the choices below

A. Environmental Integrity
B. Economic efficiency
C. Equity
D. Eco-feminism
26. Bringing your own cup whenever you refill your coffee in 7-eleven shows what principle of sustainability?
27. A businessman grabbed and bought a vast land from the farmers and decided to convert it into a subdivision. During the construction,
farmers left without jobs and hundreds of trees were uprooted and streams were covered in cement. What principle of sustainability was
28. Franciso Moreno, Mayor of Manila, declared Arroceros as a “permanent forest park” as part of his vision of building a Green City in
Manila’s Lawton area. What principle of sustainability did he use?
29. A factory in a province irresponsibly withdraw their wastes in the river and hire mostly women because of cheap labor. What theory in
radical ecological philosophy explains this ecological problem?
30. Finishing your meal without leftovers shows what principle of sustainability

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