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Think carefully about the statements below.

Write True or False next to the statements depending on what the story says. You need to be ready to explain the reasons for your choice. LEVEL ONE What the text says 1. Billy walks briskly down the street because he is cold. 2. Billy is expecting Bath to be a pleasant place to live 3. The landlady had lost a son in the war

The Landlady Y9


When Billy looked in the window he was pleased to see the animals

5. The name Gregory Temple in the guest book was familiar to Billy 6. The eggs for breakfast made the cost of the room higher 7. The house had four stories LEVEL TWO What the text suggests 1. Billy decided not to go to the pub because the B&B looked cozy and comfortable 2. Billy felt nervous about the Landlady at first 3. Billy smelt a strange smell a hospital disinfectant in the living room 4. Billy was suspicious of the strange taste of his cup of tea 5. Billy thought the pub would be too noisy with people drinking and playing darts 6. Billy dies at the end LEVEL THREE What is in the text and what you know of real life 1. Appearances are often misleading 2. Billy Weaver is foolish for deciding to stay at the B&B 3. Taxidermy is difficult to detect

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