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OC............__. ..g, _ .. _ . _ ......_ .Ny 10-0-.
t o S e lf Relien c e end
." n.:-.s Ja.
Clady. &be bid u- _ IIpCIG .... 1III!IIo ..., rumi_
tao: ,...., en-. .-. nlDDfd jaNioe ..ithaiAa fII)'OIdII
poapk' by .. cd'g,_el 1)__iucraled i.
IIOaal1SlIl 1haa lDI.IIiwwI .-..
_ poIi1:1c1 boq esrabIiW4. ..., &be spJI-QlftUO/ propa-
pft<b ....illl fonb fnllll the mass medla iI bc<;omc$
:appamol .nCP>' d,sast.... of .... ....pti'llik
if, d1Ie 10 NpptlI ibonJy.
So:lrM people: disaUW . nd IU1C lhal 1hc diPlSlel' hal ai_
ru4y occwnd IJov, Iy "'"n I period of nnw:. and Ih>l the
C>'CIllJ . C an wit nessing toeby,lbc cees I Slated talhn. In:
1CIUa1lllhc bt"oo,ol of . don. .,eI. OM
behn -es. """ thin" is a nai n, Times "re <hangln, .1Id the
o;!Ianllcu,cn1 rOI (he beuer ,
All II 1\01I0Il hcwr, for ..he rcoogniu Sll"iel)"l
do" n"..r<t llpi ral and take 1.llt' li me 10 make . pp<oprillC
prepo""iont (or the sun;,..r of these perilOUl li""" Thoo:c
rooui, hllOtake lbc Ilt<XSSary II>OUIIres 10proICl;I
1btmw,,'eS . nd lhe" !anuJy ,,'ill """tMr thc SlOml)' dill'
ahead, ........... pn<;da;s Icpcy ro. lheir deocmdenll
As more people: m:op;u tbI: daneer si"" 01 "M's 10
-. lhey lUlize IhMth= if, Il1O bdp 10be fow>d r""" the
....... 1II<d&I WlIn!be IDICl!ia does R"'OI"''C CaI ,....
1m. .... riSU>J cri_ nIC rar c::ampk. the _ic _
.......... .-oed roru II:r" IIle eobun aDd ........ ""'.. . 1O elY
b' uorn:asma ..."_ aDCl rII Ibt ciluI:n(
ripe 10 odf.ftl_ 8Ad eena.. IWlOnluI
I)"", I. OIl' I"'ctnllle1lll .".., 10be CIftly _ .,111"110 K-
(qII11Icsr ......._
T1loI does 1IIXbI.., 10 Ildp I!IosI: . l!o do:sIn: 10
13b oll!lelt ll'lOlIli\-a reprdla.s fII_ r-n,
"PI Ihto>o ....... 11 _ a11"C1dy JaUlICd i ae-:iOr
III....." fII pwpk in lhis alWllI)' .. bo denied II)
,_\oc:aI and rqiorIal .... cmmc:nl$ ... adcqllMC_
II> dtl'1/OId lh:mKhu .,l1li. cnmc. It ..GlkI ....... 1M lie-
led pco:lfIlc '0 !he pcnlll'lC'tll and Il>tdJ,o arc purposely tI) -
.... II> "oncn IIuI """Nl)" rilUatJOfl 10 th3l Ihqr 1tIip. bf
ohlll II> i .... """"Ii ... lOLIlilanal\ Amcflb, and en-
IbYc lhc maIICI.
To ... dIarJC 111 )'OUI' Ii&:. odIic>'C InIt h "dtllb\, aDd
_iuo 1eIf-l'CfWu n-Ibl: ........ jlh . Ibl: IOlIowi"I
*JIfarcW'O""""" :l
11 Ac:q>Iire 6tt:armI fII k-.o fd_llIy. alJbcr
aDd ..-aiID1u)- ...., ..uIl ...... aa4 .. '*
riel ( ....pz1-. 1Iluop.1CIOp:I. __I P i ' -'_
..-i1.Il your -=pooII aa4 Jrar. Jb<M id\HuoiKd -.po-
on.,-u>d IlUliwy IX'lic:I.
1) MaiNaid I 1aCf\'Il ammuniuoa lIod: pdc ror )'OUI"
..... . lbc minimu", ICCOIIlmmdcd "OUId bf ..
kasl 'lOO roundI p:r " 'C'Op'1l, Wllh 1000 \ltinR
3) Purchase ps masks and Ieam Iboul der...... from dU-
clear, bioJOBical. II>Cl chcrrucoJ "":c:ard.
4) f CKTII i nlo g'oupI or Ih.... In 1m trufl....nhy and reli
able pcopk
'1 Keepyout grouP'1 profll. 10.... and refrain from ,,",'. n ac-
t ivi ty W I "' ''''ld I lllllCllln"'lInlod " lentign
6) Ot\-..lop al,.rnal. communicltiolUI)-fle ms IUCh IS (XIII-
lien, radio. or <:ompll'c. IlCIMIfU
7) Gathu IS ......,;:h IS pouiblt .tlouI1bl: ,'IIi.
lIUI rxt"", lffoctin,)'OUI .....,,'111 ill your _ and""_
l'OIlnding reg&OBl Make your ,roup's planl-=rdingll>
iaformatiwl )'OII1'CCC1\'Il
I ) SIodptlc I mllll"'.... tbrcIe _h1O!'IItl)'CU food and
...... suppl)- fer your JI'IUP
9) Al;qwre """"......iaIlioes oquipontw., Ok. ICaIlIlCn.
ham I3dio 51Iomo..-'Il 1'tUn'lll'S. .....x....
pIdct radio eqlliporlIm.. Ii ........... _-ocu. ew:
10) Aapaire a reliable. ........ asil)' repaired ' chi.. -Ic
Coned spaIC pans II>Clll)' 10 \.ccp I 1lLin.i_0140-:50
pnor. fII Jicl .. bnol
II ) Lam about alcohol fucbI e.: .. 10... ap a.,nand
.....'CfI your >'Chlc:1e for alcohol Jicl usc
Ul .. al IasI Ii.... oop;er. 01 this llticle and
lI\OIlSIy ICfId Ihcm 10JlC1lP1c "'honI 'ou fed .;11 make
"'"or it
Il ) tr ,.... hnca, already. ...... a...m.l lnde .....
lIblc: you Il> cam ......' " ' "1a IW10I area, SlOCkptlc tools
and In:IIet'ials reblillllll)'Oll' Indc
u , M",.., II> a rural ara if powblc. .\(:qui'" a I) "'"'
(r)Oll du ne . blt to do 10) buildable (or
alread)' boIi ll (0) plot l>lb n<! nca< lmllll ......,.".,ill.,e,
1$1 leanllb<lal firol aid, WIldo:HKSS ....tK:i1X. batItal b-
Ii-. and lItIKr mcdlcaI ..... ....1111 ICCh-
.....- rKld and- di _
oo,ul'lll fix aDd acquin: iID EMtJPanmcdlc C"CI"
l1focalNlft .f>d beyond lh:ll II"posa; blc, aDd)'OIl fffi P" _
ti"u lltll dr.wn 10 lhc ""alln, . rts,
16 ) lanl M Ietit the buies l>l pnxIucill&'acqwria, ,......
...." food if """ u.;.. bowo' ... clg lh&l. )'OIlll be 01(
.. -.a..baiI I III the ...... H.\..q. -uk-
iq '" ...... ,p .. lWwo.. ptdcaiP, (parUat-
!atly UlIall-sa1c bydruporucs), lr.IppIn..
of>d " '"IIiOnnnal, ....i ll 5lO>" )OIl1llOf\C)' In food bi lll,
and po<oibl}' save your Iiro oomctime,
11j leanl lhe t-ia of """Ila buildrn& As; lon, Ii }0Il
.... II> 1ft bol.Oo roof ",a )DW head IUIIler
' 'If'J;'''' a-'I'_ )....11 be0](
1' 1 S-ct.-cr IIop lClm,nc "'-ledge equals f, a dtHn
TheselIcps ttpreoolll a basic Rattl n, poInl ror 1'-tad-
efl ; nle reSlcd in ltUt: ..,If-reliance and- prepare\llloiS; not !he
bWlslul lltlt otIca fIIOloC$ lOl' It
1bI: iIIlft ..... hi: a jack 01all U3dcI andIIIIIDCf 01a h
WI ..-ill . ", ......, i ; adtdl!)' fl'lllP "the .......
...... Ii poaoblc Aallllly, 11", .. Ii ",olau"",st .. it
-.ndi YOtI IhouId hi: ll'lt!>Cip.linl ,nlhe CCOIICltIIY d the
1tTI31l, pleasanl oOmmUnll) whc n: lOU I;'". The J)'stom
lw11 be independenl of is the mcu 1h,sI'S m pol\li blo for
thIS OlltInlI)'J det;!i lk
Whi" l Oll an: tmia, )our IfIl'U"l ...d cd.-Klll iJllhe
.canous sdr-n:lilaa: (odds, )'OIl ..... gncb""""l br drnll
10 JIIrtlCUlarOClCS, 1'boooc an: lhe <meI)OIl shnald lpCCiaIize
,It I nd 1ttII1C1, Thll "'Il "'"'" a latl onkr. Some ..ill sa)
il'. impooOJ ble, In U.e d.:Il' l br fon: TV 0'-" el, el e. _
ICIly .d"u I am oul!Jl"ltin., OUt ) ou, 12 JIUIC. Put a
round 01no bIrlsbot iolO!hIt tWnncd iclial 110>0, Ml il it 10
Dasr.1bIhcr II a Ilha "' ...... tOIl th1'*- 01_ .. l rl1ll !hlt
out '" roatl pIcftI). 01
UIIIe 10 lea." . lI3I ) tIII nad for the Iwdlimos iliad
' ;1 ptupl. who ..... '0b. ,110" 0_ , ......","', ""'"
,h. "",,11.. . wllh Ih. po...., k"",,'I.dll' 1/11"'"
.lama toladi _

Citl l"e n '. Band COrTIrnu n icat lon.

PuJpk looki"C roo- aD inapcnoM- " 'I) 10
no l1Id>o on... oflcIosc .. &lid. Of "CS" .. tlKtr
_Ill C'B is. prollQbIy 11>0 _ ..>ddt l>ICd oorn...........
l ION band in lhe U S
CB .... a co1OffIoI hi$Ior'y in \be U S In the laIC 70'1 and
early RO'I it . ;IS !he fO<:Ul of a 1=1 bel in thi. OQUnuy
.'!rich l"CIullcd ia ......ral 1tlO'\1es and popuht 5OnI' of lhe
en UafonWlMdy, this publicilJ c:auotdthe band 10 Iooc ifs
n:pMM_ .. IIliUicKts '" pcapJe . put tbtil" CIt1 OIl" lIlll
l>ICd it II>poIf:Ii<lethcU ....",..,.,. IOXlCR&-
wtulc the "p:d lJuddt'" en hall*Rd _ people lUll
I C'B i" Ihci. <:at ., It remains the btoI '"J It> detn
milk hi"'w.y condi tio... and nquesl ...i>tana: wbo-n "lICk
on ue roa4 In any iCmi-popu1atcd area, a C'B luned to lhe
rips chonnd is. UI dfectn., i .... lliFftOC _ vi the .iI-
p: IeIqnpII .W>ClJ. \l,...... . d iD, haW'" ....-..:1-
so Fl$0II the ..... II>.. and 1""ClI1Ii. aU
the dctIlIl- AI'Ict a diSlllC'f. \be .-.-..........,.- '"CB
ajU,pmtnI 11111 make ..-.lOrinC lhe CD bind lKCeSSilJ
to p ihot' inlcJhJCI'CC from inclivi<!uols wllo .. ill be trans
mi ll;n' lCIl-cinK .. r",m l he di _ or area Allor the 001-
Iapsf: it ..rn help)'Oll lklmlll lk the iJItcntions 01_ 01
the many I""IPI ho .;11 br rgaIIli nl atolInCI tbnDI I
....... bind lh.., "';k::s d<Jvo. the 1<.:1 b=Idl"C _atdI
your hew eacI ..ill cDabIc )ClII 10 make speaal prepora-
tioftl for their a 1. (for more detail.. m er 10 lhe Cia).
more mi ne pia in IISUC U or C),l
The C8 ba nd OlIMiSll 01 oil) channels bmoftn 2(; 96'
Mhz- and 11 illS Mhz- ,.".".. outpul il l imilcd to ' . *IS
PSi"C AM lntISmImon and U "'MIS ..... Si..p- Sodl:
Band (SSB) UIt\Ift\IllSioo TIle nft,c fnt n:Iial1le CB
iI , It> 20 miles , althoulb ...-I!lo:tl .._
phenc w ndilions an: ri"'" ..wlcl..idc: II
pos . ible.
Tbc Il1Iin ach..nt.I,e and di03d\ :an..,c to CD iI ilS wid<
...-.ilabilol) andbIoad -.or As panchenl as this ....
is UW ",.. dtar-aatnwa of CBCftIbk ,.II>__
p il/ll llt'\ imporwu \hiJIaI. C8 aar is ilc'j 'w aad
..-idcly ... ailable. You "';11 hi: IbIc 10 buy your n p II ItadMI
SlI:Idl 1>' 0 elcp,"menl store and ....,mble a siUlble ecm-
"' '''''''''lIOns. not ..o.-k easi ly and for rtLah'dy lillie 1IIOfIq- .
Si _ CB is In ""'Y 00IIII__, )'llUt """""lIII.ica-
IioIlI Ubr IlllJllllCll>COd _,ilk l bons " pds 01caber
pc:r;fIIc- an: lUIn, CD,n t_ ara
Hr,-illJ CB Jell' La)llUl' ''' ricn ..-;UncJI all I"m t_
10 lOll any rnot1! than il ..w id for C\"CI)'one el.. .. beI OOOllS
il. c a will . ltO probably be the Ideal int"'-oommunilJ
palt)'.line mel ' ''''illn. frcqucl'lC)' .
\hi: linK ohlnr;tcnsua al tO '*- pl tt l _
Tbc- shar manber 01-.. QUOa iMe&: I UQ lIIl'tId: .......
pen ,...... ....p , E...,.,t>ctdy.;th a CD(......."C
\\'(111\ 4 br Ible to li51m II> yow J1UIIp" IlpCtIb(lnI, and
know lhlt you ......., in lhe are:!. Tbosc lime li$lenerJ would
be ab-l e to dill'llpl YOW' Wmmunocallon. jldl .. ....ily IS
ihcy .... able 10 Iislm ill; .., Ib a .... riorI)' 01 _ -..n,
r""" 1Unp/)' k<qIIDI thc:it miatIphf;Inc In n:ccnt.
and bid; ,...... pl"C\1ous In wrofuot:
)W. Whi.. th.. IS INC In. c-eNla ""!C<ll . Ub all fonns 01
radIOoommuno<;;>liold, e1ca",nk CQUP1<:III>CIIuta II most
easil)' conducted against CB communications, Your group
should a ce rig in its commo shack and in e>1:1)1 vehi .
cle for u.., al an intelli ger= coll"",ion aid, means of com-
municatiol\$ wilh lhe< "wid, and all.male
communication< netwOrk for your group, Any base or mo-
hile CB acquin:d ihould have sse capability,.s SSB gives
more range for lh. power uso:l, doe 10 irs na""", more
effieienl sie nal To !he heSl of my knowl edge. !here are no
\01IkiHalki. CBs !hoI have SSB
The rigs you buy s.hould he capable of hei ng modi fied fo,
enra OUlput power and extended frequ.ncy cove<age, The
highe, outpul power will e><lend your communicahons
range. and !he .xtended frequency coverage ,,'i ll gj, -e you
c><lR channel< lhal olfer a liol . more privacy,
boob are a, 'aitaille ,ia mail o, der lhal provide details on
"""h modifications, NOle howe"e' lh.n modifYing CB ra
dios for . xtra IX""" oU'pul and frequeng ' e",=se is
againS! FCC regul.t ioni uoless you art: an amateur radio
operalor ll'IOdif)'ing them for 10 meier hand (2S Mhz. 10
29. 1 MM. ) operation, Sbould )'OU get cauSht ,'i ol.ling
FCC rcgulatiOllS you're equipment ",; 11 he seized. and )'00
" ill mosI hkel)' get hil "ith. oi7.1bl. fin.
Since you re.lI)' ha'-e bctlel things to do with your
mon<)', I ...gge' l )'OU play il safe and obey f CC 'egulatiolU.
Afte. lhe collapse occurs ho"e"e" "hau:vcr work. 10 hel p
)'OU ,ul'\'ive " ill he the order of lhe da)'. and I l hink there
will he " 'o,,e lhing. Ie WOrT)' .boul when the balloon fl
nail)' gO<:$ up lhan !he FCC,
Whe=e, possible. you .hool d u.. SSB for
communicahons, MOil CBs used by lhe ge"",a l publ ic only
fealure AM mode ali that fonn of transmission requi,ei less
operal or experti se 10 use: .. in a , ..hicular 5et1ing
"hel'<' lhe driver i, al so the radio operalor. In addilion to
p' O\'iding tener range, sse \tansmissions will lJOIlnd "gar.
bled' On an AM>Qnly rig , This will pr",'ide communica
lions IICCIl ril)' 8gainSl low..,nd CB users (lhe majoril)' of
people ....ho use an FOJ lhose of yoo "ho al'<' wondering.
a properly IU""d sse rig will be: c.pable of re:iving AM
l ransmissions so you'll he able 10 hear AM On lhe
.. me ch.n""l ....hile in SSB mode,
When usi ng a communications mode as popular as CB.
""me form of communicalion. on<' f)'PliOn Is a lICCcssily,
Design a <:<>de >yilem for use "ith yoo, CB gear and
ehan,e it on a freqoent basis, Desi ,n il so t hat il makes
)'our group's communicalioo. sound like1)'PkaJ CSe r 3Cli,'-
il)': .och a, 8 few fj,he"""n Challi ng aboul lakelslrtam
condilion. or local re>idenl. calching up on gos,ip, A i}'"
lem like lhal i s IUperiOJ 10a CIXk f)'stem lhal sounds mil i
lO')" because Iistene" ,,;11 assume lhal inoocl>O\lS sounding
is ....hal ir appears ro be:; ....hereai if you sound
h,gh...peed people will know ""melhing'. up "''en if the)'
canl undersland "hal you'l'<' ..ying.
Those of )'OU intere<led in learning mor e aboul CilllCn"
B.nd oommunications and CB modificalions should refer
10the following:
Recommen ded technical manual. for CB equipment; ....
pairs and mooifiealions for betler performance and 10 me-
Ier ham band usage:
'/1>. CDRadio Had.r'sGuid<. h)' Kevin Ross
CDTricks oflh. TTad<, by 1. L. Riehardson
CD Tricks /I, by 1. L Riehardsoll
TIro Exporl's"Guid<To Do-JIYouno/fCB
R. pain mrd ModificntifHIs, by Lee f ranklin
Good general guide 10 CB radio; hiSlOlY and operations '
Tomeot'" BIG CDHl11tdbook. by Tom Knellel
All of !he abo", are a-1lilable f,om:
CRB Book.. In
P.O, Box S6
Commad<. NY I172S
(Catalog; $ l ,OO)
An excellenl $OUr<:e for CB technical information, parts,
..,,,ice.. repai, book" and high performance =""ri"" is:
C8C Intemallonal
P,O, Bo:<31SOOPC
Phocni ", AZ 8S046
(Dwog: 51.00)
POfJ"ln' CGmm""jentions is a general radio communica-
tion , I radio monitoring magazine t hat cow:rs CB as pan of
ilS fow. , Wi . vailable al all)' decent book store (Barnes &
Noble. Borders, e" . n Waldenbooks) 01 news ....nd

Survi val Notes (I ' 1

by Wildflower
DR\'I S G WET BOOKS: Can he a long messy precess of
taking apan the boob , 5Cp3raling the pages. and ....aiting
for a long dl)'ing period. which rot fl. mold can >lin
book permanently. At leail l hal is lhe old process. for
maO)' ycan, NowadaY' '' books <;an be: slowly dri.d
f.slel at low PD"er seuing in a microw;!\'e ",'Cn, This proc
.ss .liminates separaling lhe pages, I'<"loring lhe "'hole
book al l he time. ,,;thout major
.liminal;ng in>CC1S& mold in !he dr)'ing pnx:e>s.
CACHE STORAGE OF BOOKS: Utilizing I S50 vac-
uum A. heal iClI ler, $Old in moS! tlUljor depa rtmenl store
chains. a book can be Slon:d ;n a plastie bag, "hich has
been "acuumed of air content, then heat sealed. TIlen
bagged book> . r' 1101'<'4 in I wa terp, oof conLaint;r. such a.
a . urplu. ammo .., Ind t hen buried ;n ",all., 0' ,round.
Ifa book Is zapped al low sethng fo, 10 minules in I mi_
"''ell. Ihis woul d eliminale .x.... ",al. r conlenl.
in>CC1 egg.. and any mold 'I'Ore.; before bagging the book,
11le Yacuum &. he.l scaler JOa<'hinc o;:rn also be used Ie
pa... moi ilu,e fl. mold sen.ilive ao iel... for storage.
For example: clothing ilems.. bandages. maleh.., toilet pa-
per , ammo. elc, A good rule is 10 cache away it<ms
_ ;.1 lOr 1lWYi ...,.nbIJ 10..w..t ..."",, iK til, or
...........rd '" or nlld 1101;1' on bamplto ldIa,
"'pod "';rc. 1taIIIoIIWt1o. pnnM1'l.1l>e"'_dCt5. ClfO.
I cu build II)' on ' .. , lUi .. _ 1M
.....-.- bit <bma _ IN, 'hIe CM "'" .., on
.. ,
ItoelI T.'"-. . Wl;:lll cu .as \loIIlI ..... arc
"",. , ., --...,.
.-c .:-lID & )'ell c.icr II I a.,. iii h ,-.
-.II _ . bd<ft ba-t b'ocd .. \llIr&
Ant. Tfl l COl..LAJ'S1.: ........... ,-s. _ ...
...u "" ...Iocr.a ._w..e J ..
II) peopk " .......... """'-"
....... _ . 1 "-"'
IIIId I t'.' _' ' t--= hdl. c:q>lAW'" .
"'" .... .....,. I __fJI ' "' .a "" ...:I
=,., t 1 . ........ 1lIa
F..r tt8O'd. _ ..... Ill: ...... k)dc. b, Ad
lIo*a. " _ .. pMIk. _ ..q C fIl_.
MOPI'll...J C\"" rwa" ' Ie (.... ,-s 10 11,. .. ...
nIIdI .,d ee Idl")
1I0Il _ .oJ--. ..fIl m-d '..-cd b) _ ,....
""".,... pi " T1lI5 .. m-d b)"lCQft. fJI-.a) ......'
Takc IlIr 1M.... IIIOaOhIC 1llCnA..we '" lab off M4
bIld ftc. __abouI .. ""Ie Ie _ .
erial fIl m-d , AAd lOr ..... p;.
kIu lor )at1 ""efktorll .... and !OWl mp_ g.A.
",MW'" . do M4 . ,-1 DllmbI_ lor
............- .......'11, 1."C1C ... .
o:qII nr:- ......... C\.... loc::III " t , .'
Or ..... abouI "'dr. 'tw'- boll..... _ dlnlfbln lor
....d V "' ...." _.-4. Iky eM k '".. ..-14-
>de no.d, at " n dlclr 0'" t\ocI fIl.n:nII .....
.. fill. j ''1. C'*,,- _ p-.d..... ., II,., fIl
I I aM r.F1 VII&...,4rosa .. 'f;fJ " "
'--.I,.bel --... ... iI tblo .....
rr- ......10 ....., __en-s --.I pi
....), eM k ...:I ..-r:I), Ho:t. (ia _ dod b'
F..r _ ...-. pi 7 ' ') Ill: __ blI ......
__-. c.oI It__'" -
.... _ As b' .. WI""
" ,..._ .... I nIIiII br: ...:I
AM .. de*. M' '_....... MbIuc cd-
... _ 1 1M '_
...J I alIoo:r r- ......... M4 pvu._
d local!)'
n.. _ 1lI-. ... ..... -n pRPUCIIl roor '-c
INde ....;.aI Iitnr) . Ya., .... iI.OlDI IO u.-e 10
,,,,,lucie ..'1IMC"ft boal . _ '" ohe <Sc.IJ nul.......'"
or lhe h h IfI<h II, ... you .. ,11 nct;d. . Ion i,h t he loob Of
,...._ _ "" """.. Net,,,, 0"'* lool.. "'"""""",)' to build
1o)'d"'F" proofl'abrica, helium t)"IImII. Of C\IlIInJ
,,11(lOOI .. aten into ' nlqraltd ",rcuiUI
Abo br: IfIOlI .... 10pttlacaw '" -... .... JJMl
boob. _ indullriJI IIIId IlljljIbcB l'or
I\INn: alia "" til I nil IUfl)'
u b
I IIMIr.d Ii i : ... ,... _ ---
S-(:a. br: AicI ..,. loc::III lOt' 1 '11;&1 Ii ._
raI pi MIls.. ,... __
ALTfR."'II.'TI\'l: I:!'O"I:.CY: V ,.. e:- JIJor'lI ...,. ,...
Klbr g:jI pIfICb.. ..,dr I hie. .. p-
'I _ ......JIICru:
... ..,... _ at -*
As b' tbe CXlII. <Ill j I _ cd! ,...t fill
...pi" .. , orUI be MG g,..1ocIII
ChI) dla. ... pol ',lOr -' ...... ,..
pIIJ ..... ... rwlIdI .. . ....... I "' 1M P'"' ..
lAST' AJ\r:r Iloo: til , iI ..... k _ .. IooItII -
b'.,.. '=Do- io.... ..... .... , AN b'
...... ...... doda' - ,..oIf .. tMOr ..-
.... ""cr the '" lAC. btei (aln1!l )'
..'"- - ---
Ln"l: Lose " fIl,UI

Deciphering the Red l o Stlc: ker Code

To ..... thrap_e- . at I ....
f ..col pilot IirIk ardc (doIl llYpld **""
fIl._OlIon_ dlclr kooo .. ..
.. at JlI"bI:'''I .tadl 00-II ....
__plpJIIr -.I" _ fI 4 n.
1IId.o''' .... i\ I U. ..--
tllii g:de .lD 1leIp,.,. l"lJI"t'C jiMf t c
...... , -, cc " - e-
dlloo: '1 boaa .. _ 7 to , .. ,.. .., .....,
., *"
... Iloo: fIl ,.. b I II:: I ' , Ill ... g:de
WIn ill dDirlI SKiINT {SopIk I d J ' 1-'- d
,..1lMe .." I " ,__
.... ,-., c the ........ ...:I ..,. ""= ......
,.,.-u "" JbIe 10dek' _"""""""" lor ......
u... '"'" sbcUr i$ asuaIly .. the JD-ft' fforlt .. -=t. fIl
the..s;" T1tiI 10 _ ttw Ilida .. tin .'1 110-
lher rD\i"ll i. ir'I hell camer. Of .heft 1ft bIOi", IIrid "10
the opcnIOf'S head .. !Uk br:i", .....:
Red Dol- 151.625 MHz
llfOll,n oe . 464.50 MHz
l Dol 467,7625 MHz
SiJ.-e. Star _467,90 MHz
Blue Star _ 467.915 MHz
Purplo Dot - ISL955 MHz
Yellow Dot _46U 5 MHz
K Dol - 467,8115 Mi ll
Gold S...r . 467.875 MHz

p ..udO , . ,,00 ' SlN , IPI 1 I

18(H I '
'"D; ipudo l
ruNC'TION . no, ph", , ."" v.1 u' R"""' I

""GIN l . oo1pho<)
IT I '-"'o Ivduol , > ;: "" 1 THEH
,. . p"""O [vol u'l - , __
, _ orig pudo Iv"uol'
"", ", l onoi pho . )
One-Ti m e Cipher
by Nick 1/lJljlmgu
Thi. is a one-timc: cipher . The formul a used is
Tho program asks if you IRcnro::ling or decoding the data.
Typ< E or D, Th. program a>l<.)ou fo' !he PLAlN11:XT
filt name. Thi . i. the engli.h ( Of bi nary) data when it i. IlOl
coded. The program a>l<s j'OU for the CIPHERTEXT fil.
name:. Thi' ilthe encr,.-pted data
The program IIks)ou for tho m lli ng . 'lIl1IC of X. This is
one of the t...c paramcie.. !hal arc special , The pros,"m
asks }'OO for the , tep val ue: of X Th is is thr: OIher special
To decipher a meslllge. yOli need bOIh tho START and
STEP ...1..... If <omen.....Ise finds the...'alues, thon lhe
data can be: read, You muS! find a way Ie deci d. thr:.. val-
ues 50 that 1'ICJbodj' el se can figure lhem out. Yoo might
want to usc thiM81 like t.... f,le dat e/size, or <omelhlng
lltcy caM be all}' rcaJ number.
If you don1 know what a one-time tipher is. or ...h}' it i.
SOCIIre. find a good book on ciphers Or securil)'."d find oot
Thi s is nOi !he for a description. You don1 need to
understand whal mak.s this securo, but it docshelp.
l">-e l ried about ]/2 meg of ",mple ""-ta. including exCCII-
table file. and Ie" fiI . The r. has not been OM . ingl. error
in encrypti on/decrypli on in lhat t ime. How,,',.r. I can't
guarantee th:It lher. aren1 all}' bugs. If )'00 put the wrong
filenames in the "'TOng places, )'ou mal' overwrile }'our
soorcc ,,"-Ill. Tho program i. " ory basic. nd doesn'tcheck
0"' -" '" c,..,,,o< oy" 1
o"._" ..._oi'." ' '"<,ut , 0" <'", ."
US'S crt;
dot"'" _ rILE or "YTE,
pl . , " , d.,.",.,
cip' .or , d .,
no,t ""'J.. ,
>t . p .",1.,
" " " ,CHM,
' uneUeh, w" ' oh cou1 " bo " " " t It
,,, "' 1
l"UllC1'l ON p..<4o I. , ".A.Ll ,
GI N ' 0""'01
ruHC1'ION doe 'ph , BYTE, ' ''''''' 1
S, n,
S'C'N Ido oi p' ,. d
If , _ p..'-"'o I vo 1u'l , < 0' TH'.N
, . """"0 Lv.luo l ,56
Ooelph.. , _ _ p ""o IvolYo"
NO' l d. o' poo<l
."''''': 00".,,""".,
VM ,,"0<. ,by< .,
<u,,",.t , . 0.1 ,
, byt o ,
"EGIN lonooo.,
Ic ' phor l,
"E. n 10;. ' ''1 ,
curroot , _ o,.Et,
"' Hl U: "OT EOr (plO1M XI
BE:;l " l"hl1o l
Rv..c "",.,e l '
t ...,val , _ onc! ph.r'"ho,. , c unoMI'
'''''1TE ..
""" On' , _ O", ' onc _ .cop ,
SO, I _h il . ;
l enoooel

vAA .. h... ,byt.,
c ur ..,, ' e,
, by'.;
Icioc od . J
Ip l ..n"
<Y"" '" , _ . " ' C'
W" I LE NOT t or I c l ph , 00
SU IN j".,,,.)
"EAt> ,<, ph.. , wh. ,. ! ,
" ,,<,vo l ,_ <u,,'o')'
" "Tn ' 0"""01 1'
""r r . " ' ,_ o" , <on'
LSD, {wh1," 1
Idooo. "'
atO: N (... ,nj
<; " 0"
... Cl ph", 1 .00 ' 1,
wr lt ol n,
"rit ' ('II""'" 0' 101.0<",," i ,
u, . r ,r d h y,
"rit .en,
" ri t . I ' ''''r.<Ox' 1, 10 ' I '
ro.dH.ll... "" i ,
o,0 19 ,. l p: . 1" , 1...... ,;
" r it . : ' Ci ph. " . x< H I . M"" '"
r " 1c.1 'n. ",,! ,
0.. 19C.ldph. " 'n..... I '
",1to ! ' St .., valu.. ' I ,
t ..
" r lt . I ' S,"p valeo ' 'I,
" ' d "lo, o p l '
lr upo..o I U"," )_ ' E' ' " on one od . ,
'F "<,<... I US' " , _ ' O' <hen
..n ) ,
<I ou (c i " " " , ,

M emetic Eng ine erin g P' v O p a and
Viru t o r t h e W e t_are
a,. .4......
U-"" 0.-_.n.r .\'_ ii. (",..,.,
..... kclol ' C ptror.c. ..... '11m .. s-d ...
MolAl prxuc-.s fl lloc iOtiIICCS Icd; .... IftnI
_ ....,. .a.r 10 .1Ioc 'Iouy' ...
_ _ 10-.110 ..... obMn--. ..cIl _ Of
=-1)'''' .. I ' TMit .......
s . , ...._ .... ....,. Icd; ..-.:I'" ....,.
_la ' , ........ .. t.... .... .......
plIaee:i, CAT .. .. 6ba't. all .. he fI
dlcif ........ ...,.. (lIlWId I
A flu ' __ .. bi::I"' . ....
-. ........ Of ..-..., ,.. JII<i. fI __
..... >CO) :-a'" ""I"dI fI ccrIIiil .....
,_ , .., . , I .. ... I _
i ' In.''''.1 ; ..4 ' ''' n. .., .
fI<:i ..,od ..... rt I!le ICPCOC fI M:Il Wnod fI
s =_.':= ..,._.... po ' i fl
... . _Idol __ .....,..... "
n.l< fI '" _ .--. s ,.,oed ... ' c ' Of 'QII.
.... ...'Neaa _...rr_ 5 10
.6dd ... . ; _.....,'...... K-
'* '''. 1 5., 1
1 L 5 '
"I). , s .......- FJ .. ' I>. -
"'*'D. -.I" 5 6',.- c,a Il.I"C
..W. Of 'ow "Iltad) 4ef;ookd .... )OW 1iIooU:5a'
.. tIoCiI -.. ,...u'. baac
e- fI" ' Camui ..., fI NuaolW C-.I (Jod:Ibebl.
.. Of So: 5 L Call 11oMIard) I"'" dr:Ir .....
_ dill 1M C 5 i -on.; "- IIonc. II ....,." _-
II:>' fl.", ... fl . plot It 10 _Ill . _ for,. fI
..lIodllW dde"",,, 10Ill -' CIil . n:faTK
10. _.".,.........
U J. , .-d
E'olUlIOf\af) 1Ilolop" RtcbIrd 01...' .... III boot n.r
0.-. po ....,.....:l 0IIfQpI he iCi'lbed _la..
mroIl..,. 10 J<'I'CI1n. bui In !he domIIlI flw ""lid raobt>
l....n molcculao""""'" A __ iI' lIlIl i oIlMllIOi)',
buI ........ a n be lra.....nnd (,.. bnwr
' ....n F"C, rnt"," u n "'" rrprodlKCd try ,'ann, of
m....nlSml 1"""=01 b'oIol"
for Oltwkill$ and otMr bIoloJilU, Ill,. fIIM.ion
limilal5, 10 ue di5CfCdlied pnt'lClpln ol Lamard.ian nvI...
tion. "",= a<:quim1 trai .. f;WII be paaed011 10 oIl' ' t
011 a praaic:all*>laliallc>d. Ii IbIur4; tile -
WJo, fnlm IiDJdi ...mIICII ihc oIfopn 10 be .....
"'1.bouI1Wib. \1.'lIill: plr}1,al dIarac:Wii I ...,
ba wu oblc iidl. a cou hoot, FJd "WICWI
dwacleriilla do iJdoed __ III be TIIli fI _
...,. tp:cics l3I>l bas pmau praciIllluuap imacJ, chIl4-
lloo4. aDd .....h!w>ct IR'C'WIII ......... ' w= 11
!hat it""""". Jar. dwuP ltolapo c, 1 ....
cam IIl W iii. _-drka__fer 1!Ioo ...
_ and .. _ IIl ....... __.tIIIt-.l I
Ia "'-" bciotp, !aIdl , lip'
pear 10 II'PSb db". , po_ panfI _
bnoa. ......:ai4 5i 5 ., fI ..a. _
'dpoo;: ..
Ia a JYpic:>o? ol ....". 0....... 5. rt iI
" tIla!'iaoft -
......,_.tItr1: _ , . _.-1Il 1 b
.-'Ill fl ...... ' n-u. ; 5 .... rt-.
_&rhIN . -.1,, 010.,., I')
bIaco' tbaIo tboor t . W .. tImIlJa. _ ItIaI ... ..
_ IIIIiood it '=<Uc ....." fDr S GMH _
*,--=n t.:iJO-d -.I a fl55 5....
-4=dIY. 5. -1: ....' -.11
. ........., " .. -1: . , t Uy, aI
_ c:oa/4 be iaCicda::ul. dli "iI: r:, ..,.,
<ill .. tile ..- radocr IlIoM lila T. fIllll ....
lind ++ fllIlIot:oI ........... ...
1.. !>liM. [ 'L!', IIII.....
[TJw.-...p.... -u
sa . .c.::-- . u.. ".,.. X.... "-.
a-... .' . r.." ,..,., lib--
W". '"-.1 .. tIwr -v_._
........ --,,.."p ..,J"""ac,.,.,}
YCli __1I:qICt'I 011 dol: ... __ .ncr II, )OW_
. 1 ol e- U s ' , , _ _ .
...... Hc-.eo.o:r. ,... ....'C ...-pd. IIC' far
IW hk, 10"'" "101Wklt _
fI ila1f, jus! hh a lOp fI .. bile. 4 Ie p.
caiIy talft CWl'C fllbe:lII:Wb and '-'to lbe:1ar... -.s..
1O)va ihiI wnaIcJ) i'Ionloti',
tile huorwIlnm _ moody lOCI fer tile ""- ......t
and I'unba impliCWOOliS f_ 1hM. Il'C IcfIIIllbe: n:adl:rl 11
,... IlOl..... alMu hcot , _ think. ,_...';1 find ,.. ....nd is
made II """ 000 I(S, hom. WfId "'* iIQli fl lIOIilJ; ,... pocUd
1hcoe up lhrcllgh amnnll31 mlll"OIallltnl Iild ...."" beC'II
1Nfe fOi il (sa..... thinp an be lIuJht, or""" -'" 10 br:
learned) Using. compul eo mruphol, ,...r """" II Iwd
"'Jf'C ((be: &reY ""!leo. prG\1d,n, lOU .. nh _ _
1\CUrOflS) and sof\".rc (combined r. om 1 1 add
or )'0'" being 111.11 ;1 <loin, ,he ren e<;tin . and lhe ma
loria l il i on""'ing upon. or liko C'C"'l"'lor pro, ram
.. il$ dau). ".. isll' u.c oobaII: ,..,.,.. 01COOUK; tlIm: if,
...' 1 D1ir...s eIlUlI c:oonP"""" lbf:
rree .ill, . ...,,-. Idf_ we _ 10
..Ioi"ll ....... Ioow tlliI pea: -orb. iC JIllPC'IR 10be .. odd
.....PMioaola-icudllOd>aaic.. tt
... bclJL A.booa lbc 0I>lJ t/lj1lJ .... for cen:ain at>out
llIe ""- .... lId;, I/UII .... u.a., e-'CtI. tqulllO lllihze II
10il$ rU.n "",c.,
Very lillJ. nr ..-IIDI "'" think of as 'COll$CiouI' thoulh, I .....
<PI"';lhoId lDnl lllJe, language KClI\1 l1Q1 .. much In ec-
pm:oioII of thought. bul lito basic UKmbIy lI\3.ertDlt of i, ;
ouch, il is PlIO tile l ltnr\J.... fDctor 10 . pcop1cI' thou""
procntO (for an illSlnlCtiw n:ampk. ttael the historic:D1 .....
lImcy ID lito World far E.n.glilh opoDkon 10fD\". frc:c
_rUU Dnd ok.._'at. hi .. Spani1.II speak"" r..wal
_rolled markN DJId oppoeui..,
.... Iillliullioftf; roc iIIIWIco. Ibm U'C toITIC till. thM
ca.' be ' ......m'd, cod<..... 1llICh .. _ Con>-
.....iatioll i1 tbuI 111nMd 10 tile .....lIm 01 dotmD. .hm=
lIlc I}mboJl puoi", bKk . 1Id fonh poopIc nreju1c
-.d-h3nd i1ice1 01 oomcoo.. 01..'. porn' 01 ......., Tho
Imulnl l hins ;, IIlDl il ;, <:Ilpable or oo:wnng PI Il l.
""hen ..cry )'nunJ,. .nd ..;th lito mind KlinE coru;n""lIy
10DCqwrc: patterns 10 imi13I. ' od mi miC. 11M: llDIic bui ldinll
I>Iocks of commllnical;en bomc prognmmcd View t hem
pr=Il'IOB, primili.'eI. or m:hol)pn.. lhey .'" crilicD1
JI'CC" noceuiIIl) to .ill! tile lI1Mronmmt for the
I'rSlI or ,our I,r. When _ Idls )011 Do<nelhial is
bl ue.' )1lU are roroaS bad into lito onJiDII rClWl<btioca 01
,.- 1acI..... skills; the _ ror _ Dn)thiAa ",....
.. '*" gl1o..' I!loIe IilllJ* cae-s,ilIbk -*thM fang lhc
bit ggnmog 01 aU 0l1Icr a.....
ausIy, DCaSlIO lim primDI mochaniaa iD" __1IIlIld
-..aId too qui'" aouss. hooon'n, bt...."'c:s
comphalCd ""'n u..... tl oppoan thai without COfU13III...e.
!he ClIpabilily Dlrop/llft. mIlCh lib _Ie; _ .c pow
Illd bcwmc more sopllisu c:3led. hill""' _"",inll ecru....
Inc! ClIpabililic1 of obIIraction come inlOpI')'. lCll.'inlllM:
more "", ic . nd po,,-.rl'ul '. to.... and r.peal' fII nC\l en, alene
W tsc lend re crealCI CCnler ordisbeli.f. ... hil. younE. il
;, I!.II;WCO!;lly Iik.I}' lhl mosI or the hoh""lor Ind languasc
a:qwrcd is . ..-h,1e \lIl<:r i. ht. 1Iu. probIllilil)'
de... Any adlllt ...ll! e:<po$II.... to cbik\Jen
..II _ 11000 caI). it is 10COO\1-IlCC lhml 01 tIIlap; iODII
ebtklre:ao 11"1' bdim... in I!Ie EDJIer 8unI:r)- or
Suu Onus. DDt CI!ltt IPUf'OUS bill thai PIT ...,- 10 'root
.. ' We IIbill fJ 10 bo IDOft IdD;uw ill _ bcbd...
tbc <11 "" ..... -..... fl"X'OID lhal II
.>... 10 lbc __ and- 1lIoIl is .bOIl 10 u,- thall!le me-
fO"5 '''Dr. it cloe1 l1C1t; it is OIIl}' Iwdof 10JClIO
HumP... ,,",'elop b li mcl<:t1,: I i'IInctloJW mabllny ID m:os-
III"" Of plOCCll CII"", a 1VlIIbol' or conccpl' tlw do IIQI
Ign:c wil h llle cpcrlll ,onaf l"}'Chc klgy or l ho "",<lonl
Knh4. " hal aanliNflJ ociemiflC P'''. ..... aJinc4
the ICllII 'paQdipl' ID pPWn ee isw:. palpIe __ fOIC:-
p- thai ......... them II> ... or INapl:c tbc
"WId arllWlll1lleal1DI .. wil1l thai . hidl lbcy
aIreIdJ bd><:\'C- 0ddIJ _&II. !his __.. oddQ;lRIlhcy
01.. iMapRUliocl Ill or tbc
bane III !he " wl ifItdI,FDC" pthmr hidl is 'y.;.
JC' ..tIM "",look for: mil In onacoy _ 0I>lJ ..... JOII
loot for, Tho hl1CflVl mind has D11l'",1Ie lbilily 10 IDU .
body or da1.l, or In I11'1knc7M1 l illlDl ion, and put .!lal
inte'l'reIIll;on upon i, will them the most, iJflOrinl
""rylhinS etse Tako IS Jiven this 1..,,1 of ur>;<:lUinly as to
the under1};nl 'nulh' 0( tlunp. l lId sure enouJh, )'OIl corne:
artlWld to ' ell lbem enouSh li mes, lind thty _10
it: lhe opnmonal plulolopby 01 bolh Gexbbd. and Madi-
01, _= x_.cdd....,. be IodpI\;JIM lhiI
pol" " I waIk-throllP tI ,. order ,
Pu1) Able01 tbc _-.icJtioGtqI.. ..m. an inlmt, a
1'01' "UlWI& 10wmmu.niatc. A dIaIUld for goon.
""'nial liolll is cllo1cn by Able. lhe chan... l and medium 01
communiCO!;linn has amain Ulliu 1I'hich dTcd lhe 1h01$;l8
There are tN<JUEhpul, how fas! you can eomnlllniCllte:
bon1.. idlh. 00'" much )"OII can eomnIUnicaIC; .nd ;n\l' x ,
U" Iy. ee okgrec . lId frequency wi ll! which lhere i. contael
" i lh!he otbcr PO")' , I'ropt'r choia: 0( clla.nnd II cnucaJ 10
the Dbilily to succadlllly communiatc !he _gc: I pIC-
11m can bo -ortlI I U1w1Dnd -orm. and ,,;.,. _ Adda_
UOIIDl choioc:Iei. _ llOI _tstioIIsIy. PIT 1tIU .!he initill
of DAd for _ ,oWioa, h Nlch1k' ''I 1O aPt-
firm thai tlIm: is d:taIoI pc*i*. and lhe btiic buildtnl
bIodf, to be g!iCIIllI> tl c Ihe .v lhc pnlDMU,
................. DR:bor}l"'" AbIc tbI:a f1aaon lIle _go:
ThIS n::ss:Igo: mlmd:s 10impat i..ror--.l . abc ID
the lixipiall; ,here is. 11MIi as 10...bcdw:r ad! inteD-
bOll 11 . -a!uc-f\II.,.l ...........mea.ioo or IIWlipulaooll iJl
. . ryinl degr.... of I>ll;!Ily (. pme lbc<>cy .. of l:\l>"
IUlio",,')' bcndll1 of COlfImu n":llli(ln D$ I I0OI con<:n'le1)
JUppon. lhal manipulluon or Olhen and lheir reIOUroeli i.
lhe pri..... ry imenl or ,he foo:ulM, The rnU1DSC WIll conlaln
\'VIable cJ e'plic il .-.1 implic1 d.:Iu poI nl1 Ex-
p1icil IIDrd poInl1 . '" ,he I!.IrdDrd "' ho, " hDl. . here,
hooo. DJId . by; 1Ol\ poilllS Ire ' ",lDti, 't' a>cM:qlli
conunonIy achanFd ill DbscI>CC 01 tad! PI
. ..... ill pain .JudI c:aa ' obe s-P"" all or ..........
_ ........11 ""'Ihout rdc'mllsJ; acad Ibm '"' abo 'IIDIll'
po;.,n _II Pi I1lc fonnII or k>-.:I 01 poIl1e_ I..picd
""'*"I 10 _ .. caa _ fiaIII u.ft'1C..,.... (p'tft
I _ ' 1IICDIly S1paf\ca11t .. 10"'OI'l< from) "0 Pl1bc
IDlelIIlOCIaI DJId ........ CIJliona1 incIuoKJIIi DlICI ClIlIISSioai III
tIIoc COIIlent t..hM;1I. impltn the .... PI 1IqIIi,.
Ienl or paler 1o._1cd# 01 the corllClll IOpics III
AbIc:'5 IIM'' P' may be II:S\t in many fonT15. many UIfteO,
\'ia IhlIny ehannels and .....t.. I)'PC' lO illl;fe3!iO 1M prot>-
MIlloI)' <II p"U"'oMly Kluc\inJ!hI: 1M in-
_ 11'1) n:quin: conIi tcinf", Cli" lClIl, llna bmdIti",
t.- !hi: "'pal anaraboA,' ... Ihis IN) '*"'"" ....uta.! ill
1lI ' .... 1' 10!hi: <II Ahk:'5 purpoR
,..". BMa is IlIIO I . .... P'"Y <II !hi: BIker
...,. or may 110II be . ..'il.lIAt P'"Y 10 PIdIo" _ :moo. is 10 iaIt ..31t4 and .......
IIqIOiIibrium; 10 do tIoil, BMer pa-. tbo a V (aln:ady
hari.. POi", 'ially PIlI'etl:d loa and IlOise reWed 10 1lI
dwud) Itvoup. .. wncIy <II ._tic cop>iti\>: l\l len.
PdI u Baker' . openIlOUI puadipna.. inleT
pmallON. and framo: of rderulcc. Wh3l such mo:cbani5ml
do II Slnp !he _ I' doa.. 11 111 thai il can be ", Pllc:n:d lnLO
,.. u""ful componenl p.IlU; the ,""II> may be complcw .c-
c:q>UIncc of .ll ,Olltelll , or ICIlaI ' ,Imllioll lIr 1M It!eS$ABC \Ill '
lil lhe", i . 00 content. TlllI II product or !he buill
by l he ' mimicry' mecll.1l1llm and compounded b,.-
Illtt lll>pi ll\'C racuJliCf Dep:nd.lnl upoo the medl um and
e....nne!. Baker 1M)' Ii'-'e focdbld. 1qIl,-. d: for cWUw;a-
Iioa. Tbc _I' GUY Illi IIa1e IICtionI or n:Ktiolu in
fW.c:r hued upoa all ac:o:umt mateII-up <II IC"
aalII. and1;OflCI:fltI1haII <espIlIIR
Bakcf 11'1)' _ .. beo;oman,lhc: Ahk: pIII1)' in
1.IlI . ..... !he _ .. _ be m-__ed .. !he I'JbJ flI
Ihc: IAIblI tnuc:r 1I1l1 _ d!hl: l.IUIW -J!l' --
a.-lII 011 ( !bus Sw 4ul1y QoUIina or Inn>-
. ba"I __ ..'111I co ......r. Has !hi: __
chaap:d7l1 .... "-.5 if dOIIe poorly ('*I n:pliation. ..,..
lik.t Ihc: pmc 01 'lekp/loac')? Oddly (.....laIion)' l"'P""'ed
IlpoII .... added 10 fagn:ptioJl }'1 Old iI .... IICW Cl>NCOII
TalclI in iI$ enlilety. II\'ftl buM: communiallon iI i ...
cml'bI)' complc:<; as RaiN earlier. il'l amuing it oct\IlS aI
al l As i l eo'idenl in lile rn.o<lcl . is j lOSl howeloMly
communicalion or ideal; _ ml congruenl wit h Ihe iple'" or
infecti",, : ",,'ie'" of iOme baliel en d,sc= "ill hc:lp elatif}'
!.h'1furthet .
Dioe. .....1IdOlller Aul on....
No In.1I1Cf ...... ebe ""Y be: lppIn:nl d'ro;t, !be onI)'
JIUfJIlIR d. dIseaIC(and auIOOIIaU) is IIw or n:prodllClio.
anoi ............... EWf)1IlI"I d'" iI .....da;y. _ 0"
i ...: cao&ICd "" . ...... .-Oil,lIIdl'
i _ . d,MiooW kOIu; 1he (lCICllUIi blalily fII 1M
.. OJ 10... _ 4 ;"1 aoadla-
_ !NI QfIlIOI Icmice l/Ioc: moalII i. !he C"mII cf. _
ally I ng (a ... o-y eqai Mn .... WI ..>!II
'nlifIIW' pIayen 1lIqWtcl' Ihc: _ cl _ ....,
,,-".1Id don, "",0 and IS
IntC'CtlO1l, rtprllltss ()( ee toura: lbacIeriai. >ira!, fun-
I'll), il opportunistic; all iI "."nl( i, aa;eg 10!he rcsoutmI
""",,",,",oJ 10 fJ'Ilin"" en iU 4_ fot exp:an_, Tho
\'ia " 1lidI!he . ... omau and
n:pl1alC 10 additional boou.. _ nned c/wInds; all reo
<1"'''' IhM 'I01DC aantplI: or!hl: ........... __
petIded in Il'lCdlarusm thai an iIS IIICIJCf claim
10 ,LIe.' be: exchanpd
l..imiu 10 11M: """ttl and IjlI'CId flI sudl.t - .....
"""To !hi: di\WliI1 01 tlle 6omai.a <II pote:oIi.aIlMI5II ibdI' iI
bameI". "lICe POdI...n.iOII b be)uMf 11M: .....1_fII
_ P" 10 I'CjlfIIdIa% UId be: Infl$nIIltCd Ia;. 1IIc' 'Yea!
..-u.....:..... lIM: _ IuaiIcIIl moura: ........ !hI:
sr-. abo -u10 1M __'1deai-. _ _ Iy
1l\ttIup. IiIlll IiJll tIaI! ......tler 01_ and...,.ibbk IM:Mu ill
brownian dIOIioIl-l)''jlC c.,.a..n
Cmain jlOIC'N1&I IM:Mu b.1I: lUoSCqllIhIil)' 10 beil\l i...
fcacd, """'" 1hf'QU&b BCncuc or h=dilll')' pt1I:diljlflOilion..
Of because of ' 1", wi lli. )'OWl&' ' nexperienallf immune
ryllem, or;\II old ' ired' ""," , Tho lIosl's immuM 1')'lIelll " ill
comlt'lQllly lhe infection ror what it il.nd toe,in
an immune mponsc,'" .11empt LO repell.beim'lder or in.
lC....'e iI inlO the Wlule the hoa dc:aIs ..n il 1M
lUIomala on a 'micro' Ievd, lIIen: an: 'Inacro' Ic<od KtiooJ
u oodl. lIIen: an: '" fII contai1lfllC1lt, !he coauol aIMl
" 1'1" ' 00 cl \1I:CfOn" 'Judi .......... willi. s:pecif'.oc
--. and 'foRbn:all' iIllel>delllO jII'C'o'CIM. Ihc: ,;pnaI1
iI all atIennadI .. dcooI.., w:ull !hl: hI reo
IaIed IC Ihc: ...,........ C'l"" _ .. (. .."" addled) .... ocu.;.
_ (\-.Iue ILIblncIed) df-. ..-Jod, a>2Y vary r.- ee
beadilS 01 E Qlli .... alitodlcIldna, Of U imjM'o<1I:d i-_-
'"P'"'P', or the llama&" 01 .... or t"""" ilo-
_ respoIlI"'; .... 1bc Ic8 at """" n:tOUlClf ill tlle OPt for
-...... willi. lIM: "_ >1' h lalla ... FalllmCllfli lhe
1I11. i1lWM1R IO dnw tile parallds bmoee:o d' IM" r ........lJ.
aDd "-kaKua. lhe SIudy
communi<;ation-,nfonn."' ....oroata, "ill become
acncra1ly rw: ldot incn::ali ng imponatlCC, At one
poi nl in Ii...... hillori<:llly, "11: had no biol ogk:al or 'BCtnI'
lheory or dilQse; toc:cauoe of !.hil. wewere laiC 10 cope
lhe effects of oeocu of automata 10 lmp1O'-ed
di_ '=010 (.. limplc .. neu on DIS spreadin, lhe
placue to ltoe effectl of . it 1fI',-cl on ll'lQdem,, )'CI primni '1I:.
epidcnuology); "'C an: PlIJerillJ ,..,all). ........ toc:cauK IUCb
poor Jw a1lo1Oed. 1UCh aootomaLI .. AIDS 10
pI". p,llificanI r-hold, and Clher 'dead' do...
cues aremutfU"'I
nom an: _ p fllillr __ill placefor ......uc l)lM'
... fa: ,,'il _ 1lMI 1IIId>a n;p!oPt'- at ' d " ........
-. cat>k. ra:. , oIer aad I _ _, boob, -JIli... poReR. b!lbwltI, ndIIl,
..til;per it II' CIld:Iea Atld ...tlde -..nIJ)'
t>w."ioal dI .... alajlly lIjIjI<IrtUII1S Pd ....>: ...
-" --. IhCtIlC:I .... be \try IarJeWd. aI RIf.....kletin' alfillil1 poujI& lba _iU .......c 'tdeaI'

6,0 Memolic..... 8n Applied Sci en

Plato ba nnod music f'om hi. 'Ropub1i,' because of hi'
primil i\'e MlUral understanding of memeti, engineering;
lhe nolion of on 'idea' comi ng olong .nd ht"'.!!), , e" riling
lhe n'lut<: of . C\lltut<: is ob\iously an old one , E><amples of are illSlrucrive <:a5O srudies and merit e:<amiJl3tion.
6. 1 Primll!>-c and NOI_So--Primltl H Alt c"'pU
Santa Cia"" is a "",me lllal patents deliberalely infe<:(
tbeir chi ldt<:n wilh : the purpose for it is qoile unfalhom-
able, and =01s 10 I'\UI al ong two palho - it didn't seem to
hurt the parcnl when Ihey had and il hell" to explain lhe
00d hoha. i or thai peopl e gothrough once a year, The Claus
rnc:me in a ehUd belps the way CO\\-pox helped "ith small -
po:<: pan of growing up is the 'trauma' of lcaming. Oll<:e old
enough. that Santa is a m)th. and that people, induding
one' , 0" 11 palCnls, ha,-c $)'Mernalkal l)' Hod to )' OU Thi s
may seem a callous way w vie w it , but f'om the \' icwpoinl
of buildi n!: cogniti\'C mcchaniSllU, this is one of lhe ellt liest
" l: gain that foste,.. lhe abil ity of disbelief,
I'u i'm. lh. m)1h of Gennanic .acial ,,"poriority, is ,n in
1= lOg lool< at a common historical Hitler
prov ided the skeleton, bul Goctt>els and lbe Propaganda
Mini stry put fle' h on the bone,. Use of constant rei nforce-
ment , triggerin8 . n . mazing numbe. of cultural ...
5IlCh as ' noble sacrifice' and 10la1 uSC of the
'elite ebooen by God' ltlC.woo" indoct rinal ion of the
all were a mas lerful i mplementat ion by a nalu tal talenl
The meme. howe\l:r, had the JOO1S of i15 demueti on built
ill, " jlh non_t olerance, the i".bility to conceive of losin g.
and lhe petpclration of unspeakable aCl5 .. sjde effects lhal
comblOed 10 kill off those infecled. Nazism also gi"os an
e><ample in rccem hi'IOI)' of a s.ucces,ful memc aCIually
managing 10 Ix:come . n operahona l paradigm fo' contin u_
Religion and cullS are understandable when one "",Ii,..
lhat a cull is a mcmc tha I spread, throughout a populalion,
bul once u00r01llC5 the operaliona l paradigm in a signrn.
ca nl number , il act s as a religion, Judaism i, in-
teJCSling for ilS ex<epllons. iuch as the lack of the abilit)' w
COm-cn into lhe $)'SlCm. and the requirement lhat l he Tal_
mud be dupli<:atod. " ith no changes o. inte'Preta
tion . The'" have acted 10 gr.-c the followc rs a solid cullu ral
ident ity thai has resisted schi' m and other, 001
able, attacks. The odd beast kllO"11 . s 'Scienlology' i. an-
OIhcr dear exampl e of natural talcnl al work, Hubbafd, a
failed SCIe.... Ilct ion author. crc.aled Dianeti.. on a " " ger.
r"",ty plagiarizing cri ti cal concept. from an older 'IJl)'Slical'
group he monilored when )'OUngcr . Scienwlotl), w.. delil>-
eralely engineered to give power and "cahh 1o ils creat Ot.
" hile prO\i din g an operational 'philosoph y' of li" ing' 10 lhe
<ertain 'religious' lUl><1ion' 5IlCh as 'clearing'
with a pseudo- pol)'graph devi ce crc.ate addiiional opponu-
mlics for control lhrou gh blackma'l. A ro mparal i\'e slUdy
of relig;ons and ..ligious histo!)' is an inSiruet iV<' lesson in
meroetiesend cultu,"1man ipul' l ion.
Finally, the mililary provides anot her "iew of n"'''''' lies
Milllary training and indoctrination aTe faclo')' for me_
metic implantation: such trainillJl ,trip' the individuals
down 10 lheir basic core personalily and rebullds them in
the image des.ired by lhe "'Nke, S""h lraining uses many
of lhe accepted tactics of 'brain",ashing' : de-
indi vidual ization, m.:p deprivation, exhaustion, coniloi of
the means of suppon, imme'sion inlO chaos and personal
incomjX1C1>CC, and the creation through reinforcement of a
new doctrine: and idcnlily, II i$ suspicious , in fact. lha t mili-
tary personnel a nnique snsctptibiHty to br.inwa<hing
atl;l<;ks. 3$ it has been done once: such indoctrina-
tion techniques " 'Car <krn1l an ind i\; dual's resi, tance, but
do nOlllCCC'SS3 rily build it back up properly 10 act ns .n im_
muoity'. Addi honall y instructive is the lack of succ:ess of
milital)' spon$Orcd 'hcaru and minds ' campaigns, whe re
me me. are n",'er cral\ed W be<ome the operalional para-
digm of the target ed people. and so ha'l: instead fostefUJ
hosIility 0' resentmcnt t hrough lhe ev<:rsalUration of ,,'hal
lhe target's \'iew as 'noi",'
6.1 MO("hani,ms
As the Noble Prize "inning phY'sicist Richard FC)'nman
staled, )'OU can't prcd; C1lhe lICl ions of a si ngle Ihing at a
, ingle l ime because the re is no malh_predict ion is a rough
adhet<:nce to an average. which requires a Statiotical body.
Use of memeti ... 10 manipulate individuab would seem to
be out of the quest ion, but lhe latge scale use to ma nipulate
large bodies 01 cultures is not, Anyone: famili a' " ith $)'"
lcm, operation, i' aware that , in rough lerms. 20 percent of
l he membe rs of an)' average set will produ ce 80 percent of
Ihe eifeet5 of the set (fo. example. 10 perccnl of the ocien-
lifi c = rche rs in a given domain will produce 80 pcroent
of lhe di <t;O\'Cf\C5, or publish 80 pctcent of lhe papet$l . [(
doe. not, then. rtq uire an unwieldy number of'conV<' rt.<' W
manipulate a large bod)'. as controlling a sma ll numbe,
gi\es the . ppMenl eITect of conl rolling the stal istic nmjot -
ity. What i. imponant is the eotrect identification of tho5c
who wilj be ,usceplible. reaching lhem. and doing il "il h
lhe fashioned message to evoke the desired
It i' impon ant 10 remember at t his time t llat the mecha-
nism lhal can be relied upon fo' replicalion of a _ inlO
a hoSI is a primitive one: it i, not susccphble 10 reasoned
argumcn15, 01 sophi5liC3ted one '. Thi ' is mot<: of, case of
Iif. imi tating an ; people don1 pcrcei,'e teali ty, only the:i.
per<:cplionl of reality - e\'C')1hing is second hand: people
1i\'C lheir my1hl and onl y wlemte thei' reality.
6,2. 1 Tal1eC1 Ho, t.
Proper ident illcalion of lhe targel host . con",rves re
s,,,,,,,,,,. and so should be doroe carefully, lnd i\; duals who
how: .....,atly uador..... 'm sii an PIU'lia>W1y Ad-
tqJllbk 10 n>oR Iny messlF: !his 8JOUparc the mooI likely
10 IIDClapl II n:bpous COll\'a'SioIl Of 00fllI>lctc' chanse of
htl: ""......... Tht unodualod. incI<pcrimced. Of IInsopluf-
bCaled Id. the .......,. No'8aoed cognilri'e I\WdlafIiSlt\l for
aampuIalioa of tonpF and for 'lillmn" it. Kti... 1iU:
III ......- '1_ l1>ltnWua/$ ..-IIo -.:d to ti ll a ' old.
IUdI II Iludcnu fnIm bDrrK, commoool)' for
the ti ,. lime. arc ripe WICU b' IIlIln ttwlu ........._
... ..._ cuI1s ..11: fllllDd T1Ic Jcsuil bdid' thai if ,...
'e-dl llacn _I), and !hey arc , __ for life' ........ _ for
Ihuo f\'Iit;ioIo; I1IdI idmtif........ . 'brud Ia)t1ty'
_ aloo rl-lCll .. iii......,.....
For _ ."'2M'ed 1loils.llot _en _ "" men
4dI\oc. buI dlal ,. bet __III aMI ill 1$
peopIc atQllI Iwlkr 10 bear a ..tuspcr,> thai lhe)
'Iboort!' or """;'11: thn;Iup ClC1npo'"'ioa seem 10 b)-opm
bmCl' This 10 "" WII 10 ....cmi.... in __
piclum.. .. ... i11 the a;tual je:ny IhOlions
11'10 xuon; people fill III (ncb, lhey Qle,.,nlC.
and thew Imlkna1l:$l;U "" pullO sood_,
6.1.1 en'tin&l be Me,.,e
A robu.. memo: needseood. lhouShtful dtllpl. hkc a " e ll
laid 0111 houO/l 0' cil)' . Mill)' "",,,," from 'orClnie
KI'O\\1h' problems, "he.c thcj.' an undi, ecled. Unnll l\llKed,
and IiDOn die l!le,r own " ci l:hl Creation 0(. n'oCn'oC
lhal the 1I:IIgi....... f.ame: l!le COITeCI inlenl tor bc:a
pcrfon","1CC juSl as " ilh a milillry mililiion. i( }'OIl
c",,1 IUIC ,he objccti' '1I: , ) '011 Ifm1 10 suc:c<I. Il il
imponanl 10 Nknlil;- ,he righl 'bulla,," 10 pw;h.'!be 1'1I:11I:u -
e'" or InUfti rOf "" al'1l: desired. I\IIIC' hoi I 11'
p:! IlIbjea a n IICI or 1CIoo. ' twcd upon a lhtfh1I:. and a
dcasl) dJ'o;lc:dou,ld ohooIld "" built ,n
Uahke ..' lh I biolopool automata. the IIlC'mC ohould _
.... I'll}' IInpai. the '- and thci. lbilil) 10 fulla_ ,
IIIakttlJ C1I:IUlIl thai the _ and ... inlll the Ii)llCRI
ill f;nID10t.IIo spread and ....-=lI iIlfIlI1I:Bllt of the rnmleC
Tht metnetoe: etlJI"1I:et' ..ill hkcIy .._ d"".,. -.lleKd
of the ........ fiorD lioolII lO .IooIl. . Ihar ...... II
....... baRs for pn:dictioII of aeticaI IIId , _ _ A
n i l cnflcd _ repla ;"'lIlId_
elk tac\or) 10 Othcn; it ohoWd at", II'""" a
'poup to p'e """" a (<<h",
Iargertbao the.......1:Ii 1_ ill
Jady m.t lbe __ .Mn or t : c 'oeli the boIt'l open-
uanaI .... i a \u.. enit"'h IhiI "",,1dc:I the IoIIps
ww., df1 of tile -.ntbcr kia, JtI'l I "tad ' II
-Wbe IIIeful If it IIelpal LrDpUI a n!II....llCIf 10 tunba
I1:PfOIraaunin, tlb1l: strerIJLb of 'fanll 'l. and '-ldn1 ...
quif'l: conllnual reinf=mmt i " 'hieh, 10 pT'C'eN "'eno.d.
o.. fUlUl,. ..pal \-analioa, ..lIieh may thea CluO/l
"hi.....) A mcme .hould "" res;SIInl lo schisms Ind lnl er,
pr<'\lI'lOfI encou" glng 'doj:ma.' accept.,ICe of lhe com
municaled experimoe .a,1Ier l han I <Ii ...... -. and enforce
a <bi n: ror Cldel'lll1. ; pUdlo
ElfectS can aI... "" lhtou&h lhe .... ofalClf1l:PUoa,
al teratiooli, eo:paPlio'\ and oft" of exislia.
Il>m>lS. i111lW1) qys. \his Is... asia' usk 101IXOIIIP1idl.
lina: tile engineer <:11II 'hijadl' a pnMn ...-... _
",lh SIll>llIt or iI>OIIfa1l c/Ic;:ta 10 thci. dcsm>d iJW:<lt autl
....'11: a tDbd likdihood oflUlXal
The ....... or "'I poap will tIOIOd to ha\"l: I<:-
CCII 10 the 1 _ dn _ I for duIribwtla. Ile-
IeItCll will ;Woo bILdj PfO""'de 1eo'ft'llC poilU. .. tile
dJort itnated p'1:Ii back .........' 111 1'1l:ftlnl II . i ll "" i ....
porwu 10 mairuia a _ 01tuIlsm. Iloooeott. and lOcus
dons based 011 the -=. of the iJIIcrIdcd pi; Is _
Ill)" 10 ""., a IiJDI6c3ar nwnbc:r of pa>plc ..-- a obon pe-
l'lOld ofliroe..or a (C" , people ",er lllonFperiod
of I"'oe? The ...,....... IIlould (ollow ee -..rtIUJIicaaon
model and _i nla'D tile pruper f<llcand acIionr; based 01\ iI .
M3Jllpul:llion orIhls IOn oa:urs al l tile lime, 1Ibe'l pnmi
ti''1I: and direct ed al ouc:h Ihinll' u 'Drink Coke' o. 'VOle
<Whomew:(.>.' 1llef'l: . rt a greal numbc:' of IlClIIi thaI lI\C"
could ha"e to'IICscale erred.
Sina: _ pe<lfIle don1 k_ lhe dilferenoe brt>o..... real
..oM and pm:ei>>ed \ -atllt, !hey Jd the m "l:f)' confused
....111I nW<tl a Cl:IUin Sloek on lhe man el ooonII mor1I: lhIlI
a ""'bc:r"P 1l'hat ClLneS I banIL run? People.. pm:eptioas do:
..... iIOCb l;U br.., lhc same n:aI woon.II and ) '1:1 IldI fOf
..i ld!) dilI"eI'ClIt a_Ii", prn>:ptioa 01hanIL ill5llbrli1)
ui gmn.a NIl t>c:cnolcs I self tuIfll..... l"opIoeq . II ill all
popuIIr IkIul>oDs and the II' ' II of aoonb. DdJknIe
Ift&IllPUlabou of p:reen1l:d ,... _ can ......, dJedIi
... a -"01 and" ".,.
Cud1d _ of....ue .......jllI CIII p""Wk I.he iaIelb-
FIla: --......,. oriIh lho: ideal pIOC'l:A tot _ .... -.:a
CnIb", a aet: of mmo:a that tab .-__ per-
a:poons of 1I:>enIS can Cf'C:IIC III cII-.:. !be
......r fiKts are ..-..ppcd. lib I' m'" b),," of .......
around the am: Each of tlle 0lU0Il is ,..,. another
plausible of 1I:>entJ ....lh 'n:d beninp';
..... of mul tiple 1Ilft' insun:s thol if one or a ,.." sa peoeIed
off, the\l\rIII still n:nIIina
few l3)'m ollhe mml1I:Iie co.", IiIOf)' for I)JIt$ of
can send them off " 'Ilh their npectalion. pruperly
mel . buI ,..ilh lbe lrul" 1illllli\ll1l:
M a ....., of """ IfIIC\lo.,esa and opeo1Iliooll. .........uc:
m,:;.......... has abIe P*N"" Pol'Ia lP)' ill _
lld't bcs (pull inu:fIdcd) pcnlCJll.IMI. lIflId 16 bt>:oooid 16
easy wld I'orl lliI """ of opcrat oa"
Ire ottac, I&OCf r.. w pno:ti<:e tha i &re mote indi-
tttI )fl beneficial . Yor inRll""", lhe regioo of the fonner
Soo.'ld Union I. In cha.... 11M: opcn liOll3l parodi.m llndc,
.hidI lbcy been opcn\ln. havinl bccfI
Wncnd. Some"'1Il110mum 10tho olcI _ 11bcao.... II: is
liImihar. il IIlS.1tJr, their j:al'Idlpl. Yet all tboIc people
ha>.. had their "'YI hI ohancrcd. WI maa lhcm ".,."".-
-'Y 110 IJlY chance __ thai !lapp:ftI ....
Takm& *"'-.: of this .., WJC'l pwp""
be dual: 1$ _ .. pD.sible. imtillolll a ..... llI)1/!llhll is
bmdic:iaI 10 lbc W... of. I quasi.",lipaw;
lCmi'S'Olilic.l ,,1111 a charismatic '-'cr, prcadl-
in. """ l he: coll:lpSC of 'Sociali" Reali"",' obould
killed 1I1(m off, bul how lhcy Ire I "mn, peopl., .bl. 10
'amqucr' any QblucICl . ..""Id be quite . lfcct.i,'C, free mat-
kct ,.,.J.... Ind lhe uphuv:a.l "'"""'>' 16 m:lI<c lhcm a , cal_
mllde pa l.al3bl. by poI mllll 0Ul1hao C>'CIl ..lib oo;ti....
GppOS>l>Oll. and.,1ll a ._of DIlflIidcr3bl. !hey
bad _ bccfI thcll lIoo...... ttI:a1 they.... IUJ1l
IhiI CllICJIl and lba, l'l:SOOl'CCS 16 . U>nilll ill tllc rnatket
C3I! be CwrcfIt rd'orm procell is prvcud1111
far .... lofty ... imcllcaual ....d and is doCImcd foJ fIilurc;
a 01 hDchlc torcea 10 the WC$I '" lbc ....
_ di:slnibI.
This il jUll one example 01 11M: Cll\'Cf1 p:>lJueallIOCat me
mc:Iia; ;1.. ill 11'0'" 10be a co,uicScrllt>k lOOl for operal ions
lhal ""'y not usc mo,. coo"i," form. of manipul' lioll
. Sp,u-d and COfI l ro! or rot........
'T'hm:: arc mall) WWII1'em:l questions thai will on!} n:-
crn'C _ us ..lllI UIbC and Amarl, \heftO II'C IIWI)
l;l'1lX:01 p;a.... IlldI ........ do y(III dcal ",111 Intmalioa
once if .-. n:1caIaf> YCIIi ClO't Uke II bad. ICI hid beltcr
ld ill riP. 11M: tiilt ...... Hlno 60 you ",ht a" idea1 Sucb
Ih,np as au" COOIuol <;:10'1 ""'"' .. lone as thcI'c is lhc ba-
A: idea 011 ...... I nd 11M: k_""" 10assembl e aM. E,'On
Il\<m iml"' Manl i. dealing ,,"h a mcme like M"",i.",:
.. hich ....I wrnlCIly """n as': lhe
.a:omp;lny,n ll pa radIgm olull..-u I Iimpl. lX>tIOCJI\ (a. 0p-
posed 10 e><pla,oinr. a wrnpli.:atcd dtt!>cX'acy 10 ill ileme
and pasanl$l aud IlIQ;U>'C 10 lbc OlI)Orir)' 01
lhooo: II: infCdCd 1Ig, thcr IhDuld b>e coplIOI. a ..
ouppIy of. rcod. an odlQ'ioI. toudorn f...... 'ttac cop, _
01 ohc """III dau' V.' lhoal instill,oIin. a cartl'ul 1Il>dy 0IIld
0!C>CIa of laC...etia., 11 .....a bo1l III dICal with
....h Ihmp .. Illc lui"", rl IIllPO be .1I:p"'cd
..... IDllCldutuclfI 0I1Il6ther pnmrtNc 10 Cl)IlIIIer ill
.. ould " url<, ,r Oft1y l hrwp lhe pcrpetuab of a .;haot"
A.llC of alhin aDd !be subKqucN llJlICqllibihl)' of !be
popdnigll. tIxa Iakll of I"- .1111
-..... !be rUe of N"P""'- .. aD tump6c),
ThehcIl WIllO proIect lnICSCl! k_ ; n. thM this tort of
lb,n. poss ible, w Delphic lnCIe'S llOft'Imen.l 10 'kJIooA.'
lb)'Klf' Undersundi n8 lho rudimenls of ...hal is goin. an
aJlD\\ol far o;am;dorabl...1f pmgramm,ni and self c:an1tOl;
a peI'IOII ill tae! .".;11 1La\1I a ItWIIber of pull'
dll"'l and shill lhml II wd l tI is i nl trali", 1Il lillie thal
poopb)laaie me-. thif,.-I of Ihi", ..... ....
lid ,able r.iSlOly. lOr Spor;ubiM F,o ) . ill
an -... 10 QDI ' eo*" Iloo rile of ....... iRil:iw 0IIld 1Iw
I'O"'Cf of the Omd.. -.l mull 0IIld i .
(\l op! _ lIl ....' II the 'mod ........ 110 Illc puuc:i l
10 11Mlte and ....., I __ of mind Ind loci. lhnJup
' pIOIlS.' """",ic:,a, The inll-. Ioallorical ly, of
such vaups illtill d<balod, )fllhe: influence of lhe: pncIi-
lio""" OI i ll ",mai",; we vi...., 1IM:m .. 1IM: IIIOSI . igJUt\cllll
r"", lhi, lkeR, anim, . nd ",ienlisU or IMi r ' i e. Clearly, lho
shi lll)' 10 conlin""l!} in.....,e the lil"ll' _ RCei,'aI and
, ,- _', ""n 1CIl00l and raaionl is I beoIcfIcial
a ....""
II.' C_"'....
A.a old p""m IU'CS ttI:a1lO '1M I ...... I ftdIli
10feed Ililb 10 w:.;h a INlllIO llsll is 10ked bilb
for bre' Theda"""U)' .. 01 COftOCPlI and II>C'n>Q
and 1UbIcq_ uanomiuion 01 theon i. t he: II"'Y of Man
Yet mall)' other Ililloncal pressures. once I".... o;:an:fu1
ha.... yiclded useful. beneficial engiJle<'rin, prac-
liea . nd SC'ic:1ICeS,
It if, only .....ncr 01" .... before a of mcmdJel..
<;:Illed .umethill& ttI:a1 .'ill make if pal:lllblc: aDd
comes IIIlO rorm.J eUII CDCC Hopefully. if lri ll be -. II
lhcrc an: I IlII.mbcr of ...... 'at 1E1Idy and i-p'l 1->-
i,", :, lid) .
Meao.. hiI. ..juIl ll dlocasol CIII daIo. hlonwIiIy lid"",
IIIIdcrIIood about lCf1Il$, II'IC1hC$ I;Ullilll lhroo.r.h aud
thei r dft. AIncrican ' cul l is particularly _
ocptlble. "'-vinr. '-"'= highly ured 16 it CWt..... iI,
in hct, limply I sunilllCll aggregale otltac m r>fOfOed li.-
""I ....., in I body of people. Europe-I n Ind A.ian ",I_
N rcs, ..'ilh eonsidcrable tradilion Ind .. hal could be IffIIICd
'CIIllW'll inertia: ....,do:< 10 man,pulate 'apinst lbc
........ AbanlionI h II Nazi.... an. _ intl......,.. I....
fUll 10 a c:ullW'Il bias - lbcy .... . i " raa. a tlPl
rc.....k Irq! of tho wltlU'll iclcrItity
u-a<d bod i-. tk coMi.wI)'. aocII 1Y.e
ill a -..1 .,-
l1ac U S hal liO adfutc a..r- - lllpid ........_ of
b,gIHhnJu&Jlpa, hllh-blodwidlh IIJfUlI dQlIlflell. ttom
phenes Ihraur.h hI>-e croclcd
w'bat culture thore was arid it with 'instant gralifi _
<;ation,' 'pop cullure: arid -SOIlnd bites.' Cuhure is a !ilatini-
cal average of lhe and American, "'0 subjecled to
continual bombardme nl of eve r.-:hanging and inconoin ent
"gnals; C'U llural schizophrenia is the lea51 resullanl prot>-
lem, )'el causes splimers of the cullurt of retreat inlOmore
insular CUlNraI iden tificalions Studi.. of violence, drugs
usc, and other beha\ i or are i ncompl ete " it"""l an acwm-
panying memohc in\'CSligalion.
Control of the oignals and message. p......nts the c himate
1001 for defining, shaping, and controlling a people. Ameri_
can or Olherwi... Whal of the considerable inve stment t>,-'
II\<: l apanese in Amoric. n media organizahons , or me faCl
that mort chi ldren recognize Super Ma rio or Sonic the
Hedgehog tba n Mickey Mou",? Memet ic. can be po"er-
ful lOO1, and can be 5teIl as a culminatioo of the Japanese
..ntiment that the pen and sword s"""ld be used loget her
(10 thillk and ac1 ar c 00<:) and can eve n be Ihe same
" ...pon.
This ",",ument is an auompt al "",""'lic manipul alion a.
well , You tbe fC3do' now ha"e a spawn of new II(lf
10 mention the mcme of mem.., in your per sonal
Tile diffe renco is that intonl i. 10 lum ) '00 lile reade r
imo a rather tban a pawn You lru5l me. don't l OU?

A Look et BU8i n ess D8ta Security

M easures
by 11",,,,a.' /com
I\'e rccei\ -ed some information from our readers rega, d-
Ing tho dal.1 processing !iCCurity guideline, set by various
and Ilow they are p,,:scntcd to their "rallk &:
file" (ie. non infor mation ')'!OIoms depa nmont) employ""s.
1\ '. Iaken the 10 mos1 COmmon gui delines and p......nted
tllem in thi5 .nide; SO U bellor g;,'e lile 'zinc's readers an
idea abOlll bu,iness dala .ecmil)' n"",.ures, If )'OU run a
bu5iness l hal mak05 uoo of COmpulers and art intel'(:sted in
how 10 prOtect your dau. you "ill lind thi, informat ion
1lte ni,e thing aboul these measures is thaI 00>1 nexl
10 oothing 10 impl eme nt, and if consc ientiously applied.
"ill do a great deal 10 increase your of data ieeurity,
1) ACOO\l nt (use' ID and pas.....ord) infon":nion (01 remote
S)'!iloms should nol be residenl in a PC 0' iI'S soft....are.
They .hould also lIOI be ",rinen down in an)' documen_
lal;On, or oille......'se be easily a.c<:essible by un:lUlhori2Cd,
1) Remole pa..... ord hould be <banged ",'01)' 7-60
day" (Each oompanl' had a different l ime period .ped_
fled in thai ",nl,'e ,)
3) Telephone numbers to ,emole oy!ilCllU should be sup-
plied on a "need-to-know" basis, The numbers sho\lId
lIOI be casil)' a=ssible by una uthorized persolUlCL
4) ACl:OlJnlS belonging to tra nsferred or lermilllned em-
ployees . hould deleted immedi ately.
tnforma tion oopied from a JCJ1IOIe system 10 a worksta-
lion should be assi gned the same lo:o.'el of protection thaI
it had on the ",n>Ole .,.'51=,
6) Users should logoff a ren>Ole S)'Slem before lea>ing their
termi nal.
1) Computers . nd related m:nerial (di$kents, software.
ma nua l., modem.. et. II ,) ihouId be gi\-en the 53JnC p, a-
lection as any othor highl)' portable and valuabl c prop-
cl'I)'. When possible, the)' ohouid be secured wben 001 i n
Personal Compuler use.. should make WJe of the ')'S_
lorn's keyl>oard lock when lIOI in use. TIle: le).'" ..,rial
number shoul d be recorded
9) Data on hard disk or nopro' di ,kcues should be
b.,ked- up, wim the floppies being $Iored in a se<:urt,
preferabl)' rtn'lOlC, I_ lion,
10) PJoprieuuy or Confidential informahon should be
5lored on floppy di skCltes. mther than On a J)'1Icm's
fixed dIsk

D oi n g a Radi ol
from 0;.,;;10""" .30)
I have found a way of """,i\ 'ing your greal rndio program,
which 1 feel "ill help mhe ... """,i, 'e Fu ll Oi""l",ure Li, 'C' .
(Ed Note' Full Disclosure Live is on WWCR Khz.
Sunday's at 1-8 PM Time). Sinco I am in pri son.
)'ou haye to find new of gelling to hoar the uulh.
This docs ...",k, a, I regularl)' Ii.ten 10 Full Oiscl",u",
Liye , VOA, RCI , CBC-Canada, aec. France,
Netherland., R.O.C., Cuba , Time Signals - VolWV - CHU,
and morse ,;ode, all this on a modifi ed Son)' wal kman
bought here at lhe pri son, I modified tbe radio to l'tlC<'i\'C' up
to 10 Mhz
Sony I'MIAM Wal kman Model
Modi fyi ng . walkma n 10 recei \ 'c sllonwa,'c
I) Open the back oflhe radio, remO\ing the 1\\'0 scrC\\1-
one ;n the batte'" holder - one under the belt clip
1) After the bad or UlC radio is re"",,'Cd, look for asmall
coppe r wire "'Tapped i ron bar al lhe lOp of l l1e radio,
This i.ll1e A."l anlenM.
) you ....iII see foor small ...ire. soldered to tbe antenl'lll
How To Conta ct The Militia
I'fLE: PUB 94.()()1 DATE: 18N0 \'94
The follo" i n" SOl has betn b).' V:EST/PIJT NY
UNORG MILITIA and i, imended fOI 113l ion"ide unclassi-
fied initiai contact communi""lion. need. belween differen l
mili tia uni.. SundaJd OPSEC and COMSEC procedUJtS
Militia unilS should adopt their own se<;U'" SOh for
intr ...,nit communications, and for imerunit communica_
tion, aft .. i nitial conl3C1 and I;fedenti.l ,' orifi""linn. DO
Ed Nau: fn light maws made by eluted rep-
ffunNtiw:< and Iheir OllI'ld be
t;OnSideffd totaMan'an, propl. across It<W<
lormlng citizen', ",ilitial. Th. conce", 01" citizen mi_
is -" /l li In law; -..hichCO/1,;tk"
n>t'Y citizen abow Ih. 01/8 pari 0111, and maltu a
di.tinction be_n it. calling milW",
tM orgoniz.d militia which is lho gl'ard a>td
ffHrve' . 10 oddilion, ....ryem. ca.",s involving fi ff-
arms o,,n.rshlp haw consi,Untly based deew"", on
""HaMIlIy 01 ... apons lor ", oIilio If OM
chocks 1M lawl. they ..ill find that comrary 10 the ffcont
rambling. 01 coriain soclalisl ",.dia Iyprs, lhose militias
aff recoiwd 1M. prtu ",lease
from ""e ... ""lllia ..
4) Take six inches or small mulli-mand wire, after strip-
ping about one half inc h of the plasti c from both end. of
lhe "ire
Carefully "Tap one end of Ihe wi,e a, ound place ' 2
(1lQlC: on."me rad,os oflhe lo3me model, place n pick.
up beltet)
6) Careful ly solder or supet sJue Ot juS! "",efully l"i Sl the
,,'ire onlO the besI. place ('2 or ' 3)
7) You ""n cut a small gtoove in lhe edge of the radio to
let the wire e'<lend oulSid<oflhe radio when the ase is
8} I cut a small bole in the back of my radio, ." I could use
the adju'table ted coil to fine tune Ihe .hortwave
9) The Ted painted 0011 _ Itt .bove _ is used 10 fine tune
the Slalion,
JO} Vel)' ""refully lum lhe coil 10 Ihe loll - counler dock-
"ise _ the ,;oil i, very easy 10 tum. do noI fotte it.
break. ea,ily, 10fine lune 5!3tions
It) Take.1 least feet ofsman mulli Slrand "ite, ifnol
multi solid "'ill, ",ist one end oflhi, " i'e to Ihe
stripped end of the "ire coming cuI of the radio, Be
su,e Ihe end of thi, wire i, Slripped of insulation for
.bout One or two Inches.
H} Met s\tipping the olhe. end of Ihis "ire, touch 0'
hook il to a metal frame -I usc an alumi num " indo"
frame fot thi" still in l he "indo,,",
tl) If thi, "as done propetly )'00 "ill n:cei\'e quite. num-
ber of .hortwa-."<, wohon<, mainl)' a, night
14) I rcgol.,I) ,eceive g to JO engliSh speaking stations,
"",'eral french, getrnlln and .pani,h ....t;on. plus morR
code _ in the shon"a,,,, bond
Wilh this modif,calion you ""n lislcn 10 full Disdo-
""e li\'e '
16) Be ,;ute Ihe t.dio i, luned to In. A.\l bond of)'ou, t.dio
not the I'M. S"ilch it to A.\1,
17) You will noIlosc Ihe I'M 0' AM band. you will ha\'e 10
relune lhe {""dio to a local AM Slation aner liSlening to
shortwave, by adjusting Ihe Ted coil.
Ed Nole: T/oi. OFliel. ,.'aJ fffJ'lnl.d from 1<110' in
o3D erc./I.m peri<>Jical D,se/oSllI'C, Dis_
dOSllI'C haJ top notch t1r1,elu and InformQlion SIIr-
wmonce, fJ'ivacy, and consl,,",Ionol iSSllu, J ....commmd
that ....b... 10ill Di..,loSliff i. $}9,95 for I } Is
",os, payable 10: First AmeNlJmtNt Press Inc., P.O. 80:< 67,
Lo...ell, M,chlgon, 49331,
I _Cilizens B.nd
Primary (initial contact) Channel: 14 AM mode
Second.ry S, 1I, 30, H AM mode
The oecondary channel$ arc 10 be o<cd in the orde, pre-
<cnted .bove in ca"" of interference (14 10 S to I I to 3D to
lS to 14...). Tell pal'\)' 10 "Go up one " , .nd then pro-
ceed to tn. next "",ondal)' ehannel,
"''hen communicaling on Ihis band, call - Break for Union
Jack" 10 initia,. ",j, h other Militia
on frequent)'
2 . 2 Meter A....'cu' lUdio Band Mil. , S,mple..
A. .......... ,..;110 hce_ 01 -, ... Teo:;hnlau ewIS
falIIlrW 10 Dpef_ DOl I/uI 1... bl'
whOI CQ, .Illl ddf;nrII) bI'I"l'''' lip the oubjo::a. t-"OTE
,.....rnq, lac, II .., . ... .... -..nlloldi... Ihc!lJ""
licctao: dISIa. A flllhclD do _ dwc
..... bd,d l
} , MIl.t No IbIId o-.J A.B,C.D. ioo 111M:
onkr I,." 4 , _ .. ,., ..... .. Ihc _
... .....
..... -.a. !lui ."'_pa I j. flldlolcc>.'

L!'o DEIIGIIOt !'oD ' '''OIl'lAno.., C I SoanI; .

.......... ""*"- s.-.a- C"l , I " , . ... -
C 'I ll SHP."2 , . _ ,, _ MIlt -.
...... 0 _1.
CO.. ..\"LTl'G nll\'K'U A\',ul..UU: Tk
IWf fllOCL _ : ....., () __ , ..
;;;.< I.. .... rtrn..... , ......
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..d ...... ' ...... -
7 "01'-'" _ ()(lJM I ' t
C..-.. s.rn....... P.o. ... 601. . .... . !lil' lto!lM
"""-"lTl:D: ",*In " c, ' le: 'ftc .... ......
kill 4 , , . prII;liaoI. 1II1oIdel. ' '''1IJP"'C!lI fll
""'.. ' " . d-:- ....... '" can
RAftr. ass ..-sfll_... ; iT..
.. __ 1I1>dc
0II0Il'"0C1II,y f : , ............ :10 _
Dc.dIiM... !'olatdV" priI I : 'S. 1995
SnNl ... .., C)1octtri.. PO b M. 8rc-.... hOY 109
"Tn: a.-rocdo

s., .lor [.lI....,.....bPl...

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NY l um
,loa",.. ".." ",1i III ' m,
LI,out t:dil,,'
Alfll&llil l110
BBS S' .....

Bnaa.ObIrvioaIRDTI\.OptII .....' I..tauIn
Sorbo.. l..... " Mallloo,lkpl. A"ic, TkHat .-oI DtItIo.
s.uo. s--r. '-='lIRO
_ .. ..s
TkJl c. BaS
ItIl O\\'HQ
t-(lO) ...12.... 1
"""' Usa Pm d C)A4 .d
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LDplI. Jbo} '+ -
Tcbocc-lOpIo! .-
J'T1>. Ilp.IOpIo!. _
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Oocnoao 1.'S
.,;...... ndos 01 ..... ptf lll SO II. -.. ... die-
_ "' 1"..... atl'oa: ., I '" Clf"tIclIift. aood S2 -
...... a:u:....,:l .. beot 01 ,..,.._
(.)tIcnd Ncol:<kloer CCIPJ...... C 1t'U, 1M .,
..... R.poaRcocr>_
Tk II 1htI ...'llcner. p c. ..........
lo0OIII poarpwa ..,..No aJkpI _ illl!lf'loed i4 1
_ _ 1"""<'1'- 1/..,. .. _
""'.. .. ..,..d "'" I . ........ "" ...... ....... . foI-
'-Ul, 1M win tIhra)., bI f1Mdd of dtrfr ,......... Mil
..i// Ioao... ,,,.. _-.- 110 tItIII..rII prnKOt_'
TlIcInoII """"
I '

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