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Dr. Trevor B. Neil

Dr. Trevor B. Neil Training in MulTiculTural and cross culTures Copyright 2010, Dr. Trevor B. Neil All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author and publisher.
Published by: Genesis Institute, Fort McMurray, AB Canada T9H 3G6

ISBN 978-0-9780568-5-8


Multicultural Evangelism is theological, historical, anthropological, sociological, and statistical. Its purpose is to invite pastors who understand the times and know what the church should be doing, to take a second look at the Great Commission with the global vision and mission in view. Secondly, its purpose is to invite ministers to an open vision and an open door policy to the rare opportunity that presents itself as one witnesses the fulfilment of the scripture that says that many will run to and fro in the form of immigration and migration of people from all walks of life (Da 12:4; Am 8:12). Our present day distress of nations is an open door opportunity for the church to reach people with the gospel of hope on our own turf as well as abroad (Lu 21:25). The world does not understand the times or the reasons why people are running to and fro. The church must be graciously evangelistic, not ethnocentric. The Prophets, Apostles, and Christ identified the pride of life, the lusts of the flesh, and the lust of the eye to be of the world and shall shortly pass away. Therefore, the problems and the pride of the world must not be the attitude of the church. We are not here to clean up the world or to preserve this present worlds social behavior toward its fellow man. We are here to pick out a people for His name and to prepare them for a new world without ethnocentric problems and the pride of the sinful, carnal, sensual flesh (Lu 20:35; He 2:5; Re 21:1; 2 Pe 3:6; Is 65:17; 66:22; 1 Jn 2:16-18; Ja 3:15). Only Pastors, the Priests of God, are qualified to bring about this change within the local churches. Thais change is to, bring down walls, partitions, principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places, and start reflecting Heavens congregation that John saw in the book of Revelation (Re 21:24; 5:9-11; 7:9-10). Finally, a few wise men of God have overcome societal ethnocentric impasses by development of ethnic daughter works without creating a new institution of religious ghettos or the proverbial Am Ha Arets found in Judaism. We must emulate these leading-edge pastors of ethnic evangelism in our ranks.


Problem Definition............................................................... 1 Benefits of Cross Culture Training................................... 2 Reflection by the Trainer on Self Awareness............... 3 Training Learning Objectives ........................................... 7 Rationale .................................................................................. 7 The Trainers Presentation Objectives .........................11 Evaluation of the Sessions Impact ...............................13

LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 Pastors are Ambassadors of Christ ........................19 Origin of Cultures ........................................................25 A Lesson Learned about Multiculturalism ..........33 Understanding other Cultures ................................41 Ambassadors for Christ .............................................45 Removing Barriers as an Ambassador..................51 Be a Church without Barriers to Minorities ........55 Integration Strategies ................................................57 Communication across Cultures ............................59

LESSON 10 Practicum Ministries ...................................................61

Problem Definition
The Great Commission made it a Christian imperative to interact with all cultures. Conflict due to assumptions and other maladaptive behaviors can lead to roadblocks to evangelism into ethnic neighborhoods. Here are problems that plague those untrained in cross culture interpersonal relations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Absence of effective cultural training Without diagnostic tools for dealing with cultural differences Inappropriate attitudes when working with cultural minorities Inability to resolve misunderstandings between cultures Not equipped to avoid offending other cultures Inability to influence others from different cultures A lack of cultural sensitivity Negative impact due to preconceived beliefs Misunderstanding of other nationalities

10. Wrestling with other cultures value systems

Benefits of Cross Culture Training

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Self awareness : Strength; Weakness; Opportunities; Threats Clear lines of communication benefits Confidence with meeting new challenges Ability to diffuse conflict Breaking down culture barriers Building Bridges Winning friends and influencing others Empathy skills are developed Ambassadors for global evangelism

10. Understanding of other culture terms of reference

Reflection by the Trainer on Self Awareness

As a trainer, you must first be aware of your own hang-ups, beliefs and bias, before you can tackle multi-cultural issues. The questions are designed to make you more aware of your strength, weakness, threats and opportunities in dealing with multicultural issues.

Be your own self censorship.

Learning Objectives
Gain the ability to know your mind which you so often speak

As an instructor
Respond to what you really mean when dealing with visible minorities and you come across as fuzzy in your communication to the other party who is feeling the impact of your demeanor. I.e. how should other cultures interpret how you come across to them during interaction? Which do you mean? 1. Do you mean to be bias or racist? 2. Do you mean black or colored? 3. Do you mean nationality or race? 4. Do you mean to show your preference or prejudice? 5. Do you mean to be discretionary or discriminatory? When having to interact directly with other nationalities for the first time, which of the following experiences defines the relationship? a. Anxiety attacks b. Phobias

c. Mild depression d. Acceptance e. Avoidance f. Accommodations Which sentence best describes your true beliefs? True or false? a. I am an active racist b. I am a past racist c. I am a inactive racist d. I am no longer a racist e. I was never a racist you strongly believe that: True or false? a. Hispanics in USA are all here illegally in USA? b. Black is bad? c. North American Natives are drunks? How would you respond to the following statements? True or false? 1. Its ok to run around with some one that belongs to a racist organization? 2. 3. you hate to see mixed couple marriages because it was not the way it was meant to be? Do you believe there are much more physical differences between races beside color of skini.e. superior race traits Nature shows preference to whites over blacks Black culture is the problem and not their skin Sometimes racial profiling is justified against minorities

4. 5. 6.

Test your acquaintances 1. Who is the prime minister of England? 2. 3. Name the president of USA Who do you feel more comfortable with a. White babysitter b. Black babysitter 4. Name one African leader a. Name an Chinese leader b. Name a Caribbean leader 5. 6. Name one African country a. Name a north American country Name one famous black leader a. Name a famous white leader b. Name a famous Hispanic leader 7. Who carried the cross with Jesus a. A Jewish man b. A black man 8. What color was Jesus mother a. black b. brown c. white Test your sensitivity 1. Racist commercials are in good taste 2. Stereotyping is okay of other nations

Training Learning Objectives

At the end of the training the student will be able to: 1. Define Culture 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Identify the needs for reaching across cultures by evangelism Work with cultural differences Demonstrate positive cross culture interpersonal communication skills Implement biblical models of multicultural evangelism Apply various proven methods for strategies in diffusing cultural issues Works competently with the challenge of inner-city evangelism Building bridges that crosses linguistic and ethnic barriers Assist others to work around cultural boundaries and road blocks

10. Motivate others to have Churches without ethnic and linguistic walls

Cross Culture Evangelism into Afro American Communities Is a Christian Imperative The world is rapidly removing boundaries and differences to form a new unified world order without national boundaries. This is an opportunity for the church to do the same. One body but many diverse members unified in Jesus Christ. The Afro-American evangelism training manual was created to equip others interested in practicing membership integration of cultural diversities in a non threatening manner when reaching out to prospects (Read Mt 29:19-20).

The church can get its foot in the door. Cultural diversities must be faced for Christs sake. It takes leadership to face cross cultural orientations and pattern of thinking. In travel and daily living, culture shock is declining and the world is connecting. Readiness exists to explore the ROAD NOT TRAVELED BEFORE. A cultural bridge called Afro-American Ministries is prepared to take us across the gulf that exists. In Acts, case studies safely navigate us across different cultures. Examples abound on how to avoid the pitfalls, ruts, and traps while making use of rare opportunities to cross into meaningful cultural relationships by taking down ethnic walls of the past. Acts is filled with models of how to cross communicate, relate and reduce apprehension between cultures. Genuine trust can be established and met with true acceptance if we are willing to ADAPT and CHANGE in the best interest of soul winning and the CAUSE. Challenge of Inter-city Evangelism - Transit, congestion, delays and high speed people movers, create a challenge for Evangelism. A special, coordinated effort is needed to achieve and to meet the needs of those individuals traveling in high density corridors. The goal is to design methods to achieve an intercity outreach for lost souls. The challenge involves working with diversities, demographics, and understanding the mission to all cultures in mass evangelism. Another goal is to develop church marketing for inter-city growth. Strategic Thinking for Multicultural Evangelism Maturity of the multicultural congregation is the key to strategic thinking. Understanding cultural temperaments is essential to reaching other cultures. Knowledge of mores, values, and predisposition provides the ground work for developing a strategy to cross culture outreach. The goal is to impact other cultures by strategically icebreaking and by connecting congregation and community through intentional restructuring of relationships.

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