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What On Earth Is Happening - 033 [Abridged]

Mind Control Methodologies, Pharmaceutical Industry, Western Medicine, Vaccines, Flu Shots, Chemtrails, Geoengineering
Podcast # 033 All Images Psychedelics, why they are so demonized. Terence Mckenna If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on.

Consciousness exploration

Help break down barriers that our social conditioning has erected in our own minds. They break down barriers that we ourselves have erected in our own minds through not wanting to look at our faults, not wanting to look at the negative aspects of our personality. These substances make you confront yourself, look at the ways you are falling short in consciousness. The ways you are still divided in yourself, still in opposition with your own consciousness. The goal of becoming awareness means bringing the three aspects of consciousness into alignment and unison with each other: thoughts, emotions and action. True unity consciousness within means that as you think, so you feel, so you act in the world. This is what enlightenment is. If you are no longer in opposition with yourself, the thoughts emotions and actions have come into a higher form of awareness for the good, the true will. There is something called dark unity consciousness, meaning some who is basically connected to the work of evil can be connected to this oneness for all the wrong reasons, the opposite of the great work. This dark occultist, sorcerer, call it what you want, they do have a way they think, and do feel a certain way about it, and they are in unison with eachother, their emotions do not betray their thoughts. And then their actions do not betray either one of these, their actions are in unity with their thoughts and feelings. This is why they continue to be successful and why we continue to be largely conquered. Mainly because many of them are on the same page, they are unified. The universe is respecting their unity. It will give us what we wish for as long as we are in unison, in unity with these three aspects of our consciousness. Sadly they have this form of unity, dark as it may be, and the human population as a whole does not. We ultimately need people who are doping the great work into this positive unity consciousness. Psychedelics can be a tool and help us in this respect, or they can harm us if used in the improper context. Natural agents for consciousness exploration. Dominators want us ignorant of self, ignorant of the laws of nature, ignorant of the natural world and the Natural law.

26m Psychedelics are boundary dissolvers. They help us break down walls in consciousness, explore aspects of our personality and deeper aspects of ourself that we may be resistant in an ordinary state of consciousness to exploring. How the dominator regime in science, medicine and government attack the physical body. Two of the most damaging way they do this is by vaccinations and flu shots. Vaccines are administered practically out of the womb. 40 different shots given to children before the age of 2. If you dont find that figure insane in and of itself, I dont understand how you can think like that. If you think that children who have grown up without these things for 10ks of years actually need this sludge of chemicals injected into them in infancy in order to live and carry out a normal life. There is something wrong with the way you think if that is how you think. Shots, and 40 at that, are dangerous enough to take as an adult, let alone a new born child. Look at the substances in these vaccines. We do not really understand the long term effects of some of the things being injected into our children, we dont really understand what that will do to the brain as it begins to develop, or to the immune system. Doctors tell people that these cocktails of chemicals we call vaccines are safe for our children. Look at what is in some of them: Aluminum phosphate - a metal, associated with alzheimers. Amonium Aluminum potassium sulfate Thymerisol - preservative added to flu shots, form of mercury, 50% mercury by weight Formaldehyde connection to autism Dr Bernard Rimland autism conference vaccines, hundreds of people confirming autism after second rounds of shots about have to do some mental gymnastics to say that there is no link between vaccines and autism when people recognize the change in their child after a particular substance was injected into the body. We may not be doctors, can we can recognize patterns of recurrence between these two links in many cases. You can pass it of as a coincidence if you like. Dr Sherry Tenpenny Russell Blaylock Children are in such a delicate state of development, this is their most formative time period, brain, body, etc developing. We need to keep the chemicals down to a minimum. This is basic common sense. Why would you want to bombard a child that is still growing and developing with anything that is non-natural? Why not just get them on the right nutrient valued foods. Breast milk is an important part of the development of children.

We need to get back to natural ways of dealing with things. Doctors, big pharma specialists think we can improve on nature gain. God or nature or whatever got it wrong, and we need to refine that. It isnt about living in harmony with nature it is about conquering it with something t hat is artificial, that is man made. This leads to more problems, not solving problems, but adding more problems to the list. They want to create a sanitized society, where you are completely free of any exposure to anything harmfull. This doesnt exist, we live in a physical domain, with the things in it. Exposure to the environment will create a healthy immunity. Protecting it from exposure does not allow it to adapt to certain things that can be beneficial to its development. eating boogers may be beneficial to children as they eat the tiny microbes caught in there of various bacteria and virus. So many things we do destroys our environment. Nature is what was given to us to live in. We cannot destroy it. We need to care for it as we do ourselves. The are a part of the natural holistic system. We cannot look at as ours to conquer. We need to integrate and live into harmony with its design. The more we struggle against it, the more we are going upstream against a raging river. IT will not work out for our betterment, it will be detrimental to our evolutionary progress. Who are we to think we should be allowed to control the natural systems like weather via chemtrails? As if the living weather patterns of the earth aren't there for a reason either. We think we always need to view things as providing a purpose for us, as serving us. We need to have shelter, clothes, etc, we have useful technology, but this gets taken to an extreme. 68m end of callers You can bring this information up, have the information ready, be logical in your delivery of the information. Even if they dont take to it, there will be a seed planted. It may one day sprout. Giving bits of information over a time period, maybe even years, maybe eventually get the person to shed their ego, and allow them to start to think and look at the truth. Logically it doesn't make sense to be vaccinated. If you are vaccinated and feel safe, then good for you are are safe, and if the person not vaccinated gets sick then so be it, its on them, you are vaccinated and safe, whats it to you? This is basic body ownership. Do you own your body or dont you? Do you own your body or does someone else? If I do not want something out into my body, then there should be nothing else that need be said about it. You do not own me or my body, the end, goodnight. Open and shut case. People want to use false justification of you endangering others by not getting vaccinated. Some have wavors to remove any legal recourse for blame against any side effects that may occur from taking vaccines. Guyonne veray syndrome, auto immune disorder, some who take many flu shots get this due to so many additives that kick the immune system into high gear.

aerosol spray from planes at any altitude Contrail is a condensation trail which is frozen water vapor. The air is so cold at a certan height that the condensation at the wing tips for ice crystals at this temperature. This creates trails from wingtips or tail. These dispell very quickly from planes after a max of 20 seconds or so. 25k feet or so. Chemtrails do not dispell, they are persistent. They happen at any altitude. It is a particulate spray. It is not water, these are particles of some kind. They spread out and linger in the atmosphere for hours, sometime creating an artificial cloud or haze effect. You can watch them form over time. We are talking about facts. Things are happening. These are not conspiracy theories. The only theories come up when we try to postulate their motive, the WHY this is happening. The particulates do fall, they do not stay up forever, and samples have been collected over a period of time to see what eventually did fall. Getting soft metals or heavy metals into the body or the brain. Aluminum Barrium

William Thomas Clifford Carnicom chemtrailcentral Modifying the atmosphere, the way that weather patterns move and flow, or to change weather. This is a dangrous thing to do. Messing with the natural system of the earth, the holistic system we are a part of, not our to do as we will and try to conquer and control. We are not the creators of this planet of the system of weather manifest in it. It is a living system. it has to do with the cycle of life, life in general. Start messing with that and you will likely create more harm than you may intend to do. Some people who are asked to spray this in planes they fly, are just doing it for a paycheck, at the least, if not knowing what they are spraying. And if that is the case, they do it without knowing what they are spraying onto populated regions. They may think its is for the public good, but they have no idea why they are doing it. If this was really good, if would be public and they would be getting acceptance for the great thing it is. They want to be seen as needed in any circumstance. If they are hiding something then you can be sure they are hiding some nefarious purpose, and you can be sure they will not be telling their stupid lap dogs. Selling your soul, sowing your own death. Letting your children breathe that in. Good works are done in the light of day, evil works are done in the shadows of darkness. Doctors dont even sometimes know they are injecting things like Themarysol into their patients. Its just a robotic action, this is how it is done. Trying to justify evil actions as good. Making your actions seem bad, and trying to justify their as truly good. Like soldiers who are just doing what they are told, i was just doing my orders. All justification for people not wanting to take responsibility for its own actions. This is how the human race enslaves itself. Ultimately it is about using your own will to change your own actions for the true good, not some nonsense excuse and justification that you were sold and you bought because you didnt want to think for yourself. But the true good, to actually know what is going on and take up the side of good. There is such a thing as good and evil. Some think there is no such thing as moral good and actual evil. This is moral relativism and solipsism. if you dont understand the possibility that some people can be doing these things to us, you are very naive. People do not understand the psychopathic mindset. There are people with no conscience. That is the truth. Do not hold them to the same standards that you would hold to yourself because you are bound to a conscience, to emotions. There are people that are born without emotions because the part of the limbic brain that generates emotional qualities through which we feel the repercussions of our actions we take to others is not really functioning properly. They can do anything to anyone and not feel a thing about it. Thinking People wouldnt do that is not correct, YOU would not do that. You are holding yourself to a standard of moral conscience that is not present in someone else.

Theories on why they are spraying coul dbe related to metal particulates and the relation between metal and elctromagnetic fields. Applied in the body this can affect us in many ways. This may be true. Do i know the truth? No. Wold i like to? Yes. Am I searching for more information? Yes. This where we can delineate between facts and theory.

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