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JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s

Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:

Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Workout Lender lacks the expertise, “Hope springs eternal in the debtor’s
personnel and other resources to breast . . .” (i.e., more capital,
manage the asset. increased business, a market
turnaround, a better purchase price,
Lender believes borrower has such
expertise, personnel and other or some other major improvement is
just moments away if only the lender
will defer action now.)
Lender has a philosophy favoring
Forbearance and time to find new
money, buyers, better markets,
Workout is not discouraged by partners, etc.
applicable regulatory considerations
Extension of maturity.
or issues.
Reduction of interest rate.
Borrower has adequate integrity,
financial resources, expertise which Reduction of principal.
will enhance the value of the asset. Advance of new money.
Borrower’s track record is Subordination to new money.
satisfactory (within the industry, in
living up to commitments, and in Deferred fees.
meeting terms of any previous Borrower believes it can realize
workout). greatest value by a voluntary sale of
Value of the collateral is inadequate the asset as a going concern.
for the credit but there may be Borrower does not wish to give up
additional collateral or guaranties control of the asset.
that can be obtained.
Borrower believes that appointment
Lender needs to perfect problems of a receiver will destroy borrower’s
with loan documentation or security ability to voluntarily sell the asset.
instruments and arrangements.
Borrower is concerned that receiver
Lender wants to restructure the will discover the “skeletons in the
entire transaction to enhance its closet” that borrower has
position in a possible subsequent successfully hidden from lender for
bankruptcy. years.



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Lender may obtain concessions from Borrower hopes the lender’s

the hotel management company or appointment of a receiver will
wishes to keep a good manager in improve relations with the lender
place. and potentially may lead to a
Lender may obtain concessions from consensual resolution of its dispute
with the lender.
hotel franchisor or wishes to keep a
good franchise.
Credit is in trouble because of a
weak market (and not some fault of
the borrower or the manager or
others). In other words, the lender
could not do any better with the
asset under its control and the
borrower and other parties are
cooperating to do everything that the
lender would like to see done.
Lender wants to obtain a waiver of
credible and sufficiently worrisome
lender liability claims.
Lender seeks to avoid liability for
environmental hazard.
Lender wants to avoid the delay,
expense and risks of bankruptcy
under acceptable guidelines
(conformance with a business plan,
operating plan, plan of asset
disposition, etc.).



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Receiver Lender lacks confidence in the Borrower is concerned that

management skills of the borrower. appointment of a receiver will
destroy its relationship with its
Lender does not have the expertise
suppliers and may adversely affect
to work with the borrower to try to
turn around its operations. borrower’s other assets.
Borrower may use its relationships
Lender believes the borrower has
with parties who hold contracts that
committed financial defalcations
are critical to the operation of the
and needs a thorough review of the
asset to attempt to subvert the
borrower’s operations and financial
receivers ability to operate.
record keeping.
Receiver may harm image of the
Receiver can maximize cash
operating business with the public
because not liable for pre-
and business community.
appointment obligations, and does
not make regular mortgage Borrower may file Chapter 11 to
payments to lender. avoid a receivership.
Receiver brings new “neutral”
professionalism to often tense
Government officials and others
may be more amenable to receiver’s
Receiver awaits lender taking
control or possession with possible
attendant liability—particularly
when issues of waste, deterioration,
health and safety, and
Receiver can provide accurate
operating financial and other
Will appointment of receiver breach
existing management or franchise
Receiver may be able to raise -3- cash
with receiver’s
JEFFER, M certificates-
1900 Avenue of thesuperpriority
Stars, Los Angeles, lien against
California collateral.
90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
Lender is concerned about the
expenses of a receiver, his attorney
and the lender’s own attorneys.
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Deed-in-Lieu Faster and cheaper than foreclosure Avoid foreclosure on record.

or bankruptcy. Avoid delays, costs Preserve best possible relationship
and cram down risks of bankruptcy. with lender.
Obtain release of claims to avoid Obtain concession from lender such
lender liability.
as release or partial release from
Obtain assets or rights which lender personal guarantees, retention of
might not otherwise be entitled to smaller or subordinated interest in
(because of defective security the asset, or payment by lender of
arrangements or intentionally not “walk away” money.
included as part of original security). See value of collateral maximized.
Consider initiating foreclosure to Obtain cooperation of lender to
keep pressure on to conclude deed in minimize borrower’s adverse tax
lieu so lender will be further consequences (i.e., Recapture of
advanced if the deed-in-lieu falls depreciation, interest or other
apart. deductions).
Negotiate for cooperation of Avoid tax on forgiveness of debt
borrower on matters such as income.
representations and warranties (at
least “to best knowledge”), transfer
of easements, rights of way, use
agreements and liquor licenses,
warranties and other permits or
Acquire assignments of all tangible
and intangible personal property
(including plans and specifications,
license and permits, trade names,
trade marks, etc.).
May provide basis for renegotiation
or termination of management or
franchise agreements.



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Individual partner or guarantor

liability may be resurrected if
borrower files for bankruptcy or if
there is a fraudulent transfer or
preference claim, environmental
liability, breach of representations
and warranties or other points
negotiated in connection with the
Deed-in-lieu is really like a purchase
by the lender (or successor) of the
property and involves all the issues
that would be considered in a
normal buy-sell—use JMBM’s HIT
List® or similar complete buy-sell
Cooperative approach may
minimize damage to operating
business and value of collateral.

Foreclosure Start the “inevitable process” (i.e., Not a borrower option, but borrower
start the clock running on initial may initiate bankruptcy to stop
time periods in case a workout or foreclosure.
deed-in-lieu fails). Generally means loss of investment
Keeps the pressure on the borrower and future potential.
if working on other alternatives such May trigger adverse tax
as a workout or a deed-in-lieu. consequences including significant
Provide the basis for a receivership recapture of interest, depreciation
action. and other deductions and credits.
Cut off junior lien holders. Black mark on credit record.



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


Terminate management agreement Look to lender liability.

and franchise agreements (unless
through SNDA or otherwise, the
management agreement is senior to
the lender’s lien or the lender has
agreed to reinstate).
Avoid assuming labor liabilities.
Avoid other burdensome contracts
and liabilities.
Put control of the property in the
hands of someone other than the
borrower-potentially someone
knowledgeable about the property
and inclined to work with the lender.
Look to successor issues.
Look to lender liability.

Bankruptcy Often not a favored lender choice May preserve borrower’s equity and
because of delay, expense and risks. provide time for borrower to sell or
refinance the property or
May offer means for borrower to
rehabilitate the project through new
reject or renegotiate burdensome
investor, improved conditions or
management and franchise
agreements or other executory
contracts—thereby enhancing value. Extension of maturity.
Bankruptcy can have an adverse Reduction of interest rate.
affect on an operating business and Reduction of principal.
its image and value.
Upon cure, elimination of default
Pre-packaged bankruptcy may offer interest, penalties and late charges.
relatively fast way to clean up asset



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


and wipe out burdensome contracts Subordination to new money.

and junior liens.
May shred burdensome contracts.
Lender faces risk that bankruptcy
code can be used to strip down Provides negotiating card with
lender’s secured claim if value of lender and other parties.
asset is worth less than debt. Absent unusual circumstances, will
Lender can use its right to approve permit the borrower to control asset
of cash collateral budgets prepared at least for the first 120 days (and
by borrower to exercise control of often longer) as a debtor in
borrower’s business operations and possession.
business decisions without facing If value of asset is less than debt,
lender liability “control” claims that borrower can restructure lender’s
would exist outside of a bankruptcy. loan by paying 100 cents on the
If lender forces borrower into dollar (over time) only as to the
bankruptcy, lender needs to be sure secured portion of lender’s loan.
that its liens are properly perfected Borrower faces a loss of its ability to
to avoid the possibility of lien run its business as it did prior to its
avoidance actions and lender having bankruptcy filing, as bankruptcy
it claim being treated as an court and/or lender must approve of
unsecured claim. borrower’s expenditures of lender’s
Lender needs to be prepared to deal cash collateral for virtually every
not only with borrower as an post-petition expenditure.
adversary, but also the committee of Borrower can use provisions of
unsecured creditors (if one is bankruptcy code to avoid lender’s
appointed), thereby making liens if they are not properly
consensual restructure of loan more perfected, thereby potentially
difficult. leaving lender with an unsecured
Lender can attempt to shorten 120 claim which can be paid at less than
day plan exclusivity period or wait 100 cents on the dollar.
until exclusivity period expires, to Unless borrower is prepared to pay
file and attempt to confirm its own unsecured creditors 100 cents on the
creditors plan of reorganization, dollar or unsecured creditors agree



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø
JMBM's Global Hospitality Group®'s
Alternate Strategies for Troubled Hotel Loans:
Lender and Borrower considerations for choosing
Workout, Receiver, Deed in Lieu, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy


whereby lender can control the to accept less, borrower must invest
future operations of the borrower, new money in the project in order to
arrange for a sale of the asset and retain its equity interest - actual
place a management company of its amount to be determined by the
choice in control of the asset. bankruptcy court and the realizable
value of the interest being retained.
Value of lender’s collateral may
decline through borrower’s use of Borrower can use committee of
cash Collateral if borrower obtains unsecured creditors to assist if in
sympathetic bankruptcy judge that forcing concessions from lender.
permits the use of lender’s cash Borrower may wish to negotiate
collateral without a sufficient with lender to avoid filing
showing that lender is adequately bankruptcy, where borrower faces
protected. the risk that lender will file and
confirm a creditors plan of
reorganization which will effectively
cause borrower to lose control of its
asset and destroy interests of
borrower’s equity holders in asset.



1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, California 90067 Ø (310) 201-3526 Ø Fax (310) 203-0567 Ø
Two Embarcadero Center, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, California 94104 Ø (415) 398-8080 Ø Fax (415) 398-5584 Ø

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