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Oleh : Rini Pratiwi NIM 20112508042

BKU Parasitologi Kedokteran Program Studi Ilmu Biomedik FK Unsri

ORDO ARANEA Laba2, Spider ORDO SCORPIONIDA Kalajengking, Scorpion ORDO ACARINA Sengkenit (Tick), Tungau (Mite)

Ronald F. Billings Texas Forest Service

Mouthparts disebut chelicerae Most contain venom Antennae tidak ada 4 pasang kaki Book lungs untuk respirasi

Blacklegged Tick, Ixodes scapularis

Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

Yellow Garden Spider, Argiope aurantia

Bagian tubuh : cephalothorax, abdomen Fangs (chelicerae), most are venomous Kebanyakan mereka tidak berbahaya Membuat jaring-jaring Most have poor eyesight, hairs compensate for it (jumping spiders are an exception) Potentially dangerous spiders (bites are uncommon): Brown recluse spider, Black widow spider

David Cappaert,

Jumping Spider, Phidippus audax

David Keith, Department of Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Crab Spider, Misumenoides formosipes

Wolf Spider, Lycosa carolinensis

James O. Howell, The University of Georgia,

One apparent body region. Abdomen and cephalothorax short. Common and harmless. Nocturnal. Feed on detritus, fruit, or other animals.

Leiobunum sp.

Joseph Berger,

Peranan dalam ilmu Kedokteran Arachnidisme (sistemik atau nekrotik) Species-spesies : Tarantula spp Latrodectus spp Loxosceles spp Tarantula spp Entomofobia Beracun tdk berbahaya Latrodectus spp AS, Eropa, Afrika, Asia, Australia L. mactans (black widow spider) Betina 13 mm, jantan 6 mm

Racun neurotoksik, kematian oleh Paralysis pernafasan Th spesifik (-), tourniquet, antivenin
Loxosceles spp Amerika, Australia; 8 15 mm L. laeta: Arachnidisme nekrotik Kematian oleh lemah jantung Th corticosteroid

Cephalothorax & abdomen Ruas abdomen terakhir, Telson sebagai penyengat. Long tail with sting Pedipalps are modified as pinchers Most scorpion stings are no worse than bee stings; only a minority of species are potentially dangerous Nocturnal.Scorpion biasa hidup pada iklim hangat Makan serangga dan hewan kecil. Vivipar,anak didukung di punggung
Striped Bark Scorpion, Centruroides vittatus, gravid female from Texas
E. Tenczar

Peranan dalam ilmu kedokteran Leiurus quinquestriatus (Mesir) & Centruroides suffusus (Mexico): racun neurotoksik

Diplocentrus spp: racun hematotoksik

E. Tenczar

E. Tenczar

Northern Desert Hairy Scorpion, Hadrurus spadix, native to US

Emperor Scorpion, Pandinus imperator, female eating cockroach, native to West Africa

E. Tenczar

Arizona Bark Scorpion, Centruroides exilicauda, mating

E. Tenczar E. Tenczar

Lined Devil Scorpion, Vaejovis spinigerus, female from Arizona with young

Flat Rock Scorpion, Hadogenes troglodytes, female, native to South Africa

E. Tenczar

Slenderbrown Bark Scorpion, Centruroides gracilis, male from Central America

E. Tenczar

Pandinus imperator; scorpions glow under UV/ black light

E. Tenczar

E. Tenczar

Black Thick-Tailed Scorpion, Parabuthus transvaalicus, a highly venomous species native to South Africa

Bulat/bulat lonjong tanpa batas yang jelas kepala,thorax dan abdomen Shield : dorsal/ventral Palpi dan chelicera di anterior : Gnathosoma Muda punya 6 kaki, dewasa 8 kaki Terdiri atas hard and soft-bodied ticks. Ticks lebih besar dari mites, some females as large as a nickel. Hidup bebas pada air, tumbuhan atau hewan Vektor : protozoa, ricketsia, virus

Jim Occi, BugPics,

Blacklegged Tick, Ixodes scapularis


: Sengkenit keras : Sengkenit lunak : Sarcoptes scabiei : Leptotrombidium spp : Dermatophagoides spp : Ornithonyssus bacoti : Pediculoides ventricosus : Demodex folliculorun

Capitulum diujung anterior Mulut: Palp, chelicera, hypostome Scutum (dorsal shield) pd jantan Parasit periodik, menghisap darah Jantan mati setelah kopulasi, betina setelah bertelur Tiap stadium memerlukan darah

Peranan dalam ilmu Kedokteran 1. Trauma mekanik 2. Tick paralysis 3. Vektor: Virus (Langat, Kyasanur Forest Disease, Russian Spring Summer Encephalitis) Rickettsia (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Bakteria (Tularemia) Sporozoa (Babesiosis)

Capitulum di ventral badan Jantan sukar dibedakan dg betina krn scutum (-) Parasit intermitten Peranan dalam ilmu kedokteran Vektor Tick borne relapsing fever (Borellia spp) Afrika: Ornithodoros moubata; AS: O. turicata & O. hermsi; Asia: O. tholozani

Egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph, adult. Four pair legs; three pairs on larvae. Two body segments: head, thorax. Chelicerae: fangs like spiders. Suck cells. Cause chlorosis; yellowing of foliage. Transmit disease. Diagnostics: chlorosis, webbing, rusetting, galls.

Female: round abdomen Male: pointed abdomen Larva 3 pairs of legs

350 450 mikron Stratum Corneum 40 50 telur Telur ke Dewasa: 8 - 15 hr Peranan Dalam Ilmu Kedokteran Penyebab Kudis atau Scabies Membuat terowongan atau Tunnel di kulit Sela jari, pergelangan tangan, siku, punggung, scrotum, kaki Gatal karena reaksi terhadap ekskresinya Dapat terjadi infeksi sekunder Diagnosis sukar Th dg preparat sulfur

Kurang dr 1,25 mm Larva (disebut Chigger): merah/kuning jingga, hidup di rumput, belukar, semak, sebagai parasit Dewasa: bebas Hdp 1 -2 bln Larva chigger

Peranan dalam ilmu kedokteran Dermatitis Vektor: Scrup typhus Spesies L. Deliense, L. Fletcheri, L. Arenicola Chigger : Menyerang kulit menggunakan 2capit (claws) Two blade-like beaks enter the skin Injected fluid dissolves skin tissue around beaks, but hardens surrounding tissue so that a stylostome, or tube is formed Chigger sucks up liquid through stylostome. Tube remains after chigger leaves, causing itching.

Chigger Bites on Human

0,2 0,3 mm Dlm debu rumah Hidup dr bahan2 organik Peranana dalam kedokteran Dermatitis Alergi Traktus Respiratorius (Asthma & Rhinitis)

Ektoparasit Vertebrata: Burung, Rodentia Menggigit Manusia Peranan Dalam Ilmu Kedokteran O. bacoti: papula L. sanguineus: vektor Rickettsial pox (Richettsia akari) di Amerika Utara, Eropa, Asia, Afrika

Kecil, kurang dr 0,5 mm Btk spt Tuma Betina: punya abdomen btk kantong bulat Hidup 7 19 hr Peranan Dalam Ilmu Kedokteran Dermatitis (Grain itch) pd pekerja bhn makanan

Hidup dlm Folikel rambut Makan sekresi dlm subcutis Sering di hidung & kelopak mata Tdk mengganggu Penyebab Acne rocacea, Blepharitis

Warm season Twospotted spider mite European red mite Bulb mite Gall, rust mite Cyclamen mite Cool season Spruce spider mite Clover mite
Jack Kelly Clark, University of California

Twospotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae

Family Tetranychidae: Twospotted spider mite Lewis mite Family Tarsonemidae: Cyclamen mite Broad mite Family Acaridae: Bulb mite Family Eriophyidae: Gall, rust mite


Cyclamen Mite

Family Eriophyidae: gall or vagrant mites Family Tetranychidae: spider mites Family Tarsonemidae: cyclamen/broad mites Family Phytoseiidae: predatory mites Family Acaridae: bulb mite Family Oribatidae: soil mites

Broad Mite

Predatory mites: Phytoseiulus persimilis

Clover Mite, Bryobia praetiosa

Found in turf. Long front legs. Make webbing in fall.

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