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Full text of statement emailed to The Republican from Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District Superintendent of Schools Marty

O'Shea The Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District employs a comprehensive approach to substance abuse prevention and intervention. Prevention work revolves around specific code of conduct language that prohibits substance use and possession at school, the use of passive alcohol screening at high school events and 3 canine drug searches conducted in partnership with the local and state police units. We also understand that keeping students connected to adults and engaged in meaningful activities is essential to healthy choices and outcomes. Additionally, the Districts health curriculum ensures that students in grades 3-12 understand the risks associated with drug and alcohol use and teaches students healthy decision making, problem solving and communication skills. Intervention work is associated with clear and consistent disciplinary practices based on Massachusetts General Law and a referral process that directs students with substance abuse issues toward our Intervention Specialists at the middle and high schools. We make a concerted effort to collect and analyze data to guide these prevention and intervention activities. Primarily, this is done through the administration of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey to students in grades 7-12. Our most recent results indicate that students at Minnechaug Regional High School use alcohol and marijuana at rates lower than state averages, but still highlight areas of concern that will guide our on-going efforts. We welcome and rely on feedback from student, parents and the wider community as our partners in keeping students safe and healthy.

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