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Forest our friend

Role of forest Natural / Economical? What persant age of surface in your countr y are forests ? What kinds of forests predo minate in your countr y? What danger can forests face in your country? What kinds of animals and plants can become extinct in your country? Is decreasin g area of forest a problem in your country and what are the results of it? It used to be, but during the recent years the percentag e of forests in the country has increased . What can we do to help to save forest?

Romani a Bulgari Bulgaria 33,4% a ranks third in Europe in biodiversity with many rare and endemic species. This is partially determined by the geographical location of the country. The lands and forests from the forest fund of Bulgaria preserve over 80 % of the protected plants and over 60 % of the endangered species in the country. In order to protect this diversity, in the country

68% broadleaved 32% conifer ous

There are many problems and threats for the Bulgarian forests, the most serious appearing to be the shortsighted management of the forest resources and the high levels of illegal activities in the forestry sector.

Endangere d birds
Ciconia nigra, Aquila chrysaetos, Dryocopus martius, Accipiter gentilis, Neophron percnopterus

Ursus arctosbrown bear.
Due to the fact that they are under protection for some years now, the number of them has vastly increased.

To protec t it with law from people who destro y it. Keep it clean.

Lutra lutraTheir number has decreased as a consequence of the pollution of the water basins in the country.

exist 3
national parks, 10 nature parks, 55 game reserves and 35 maintained reserves. The forests of Bulgaria have a key role in preventing the erosion and keeping the sources of water, which is used also in agriculture, for industrial purposes and for generating of energy. These forests are also a shelter for the populations of 43 globally endangered animal species and plants. The forests of Bulgaria are also a wonderful place for relax and tourism.

Amphibian and reptiles

Malpolon monspessulan us, Testudinidae

Leontopodium - (EdelweissGer.Edelnobel, Weisswhite) Nymphaea alba, Leucojum

Greece Spain

A forest doesnt have any role. The forests in our planet exist

Accord ing to the Nation al

In Spain there are four

There's no doubt that the main threat for our forest is the fire that

Lynx pardinus, Ursus arctos, Gyoaetus barbatus,

The decreasin g of forest area

TEAC H in our school s

because Nature puts them in the Earth ,not in each country. You can enjoy it you can fight to preserve them but Nature doesnt have any aim. But the truth is that in all the countries some companies use forests to earn money. If we convert an oak forest into an eucalyptus forest we are looking for money not for nature. Although Spain is considered the largest reserve of biodiversity in Europe, it is true that in the last two centuries the regression of the indigenous forest has been a considerable increase, especially on the most

Forest Invent ory, approx imatel y 50% of the area of Spain is foreste d, and from this half, 41% is foreste d.

kinds of forests: Medite rranean , decidu ous, conifer s and canaria n. The most import ant in surface is the medite rranean forest but the most special is the canaria n forest becaus e this forest keeps a lot of endemi c species .

every summer burns many square kms of trees.

Aquila adalbert, Canis lupus signatus, Tetrao urogallus cantabricus, Monachus monachus, Gallotia bravoana, Aphanius iberus,Valenci a hispanica, Graellsia isabellae, Oxyura leucocephala

brings the same problem in the planet: you cant reverse the situation. We lost our Natural heritage and we lost our main source of health stones cant be eaten!

Nature isnt ours. We must work in progra ms like our hand in hand In the future our studen ts will vote and those votes will be able to force new affecti ve laws to protec t nature .

significant and representative species like oak and cork oak , being replaced mostly by pine and eucalyptus. According to the National Forest Inventory, approximatel y 50% of the area of Spain is forested, and from this half, 41% is forested. Just over 2% of the Spanish forest area is under some form of protection, even though half are mature forest. In Spain there are only about 89,000 hectares of old growth, ie, only 0.3% of the potential forest area. With regard to the Atlantic forest, it is estimated that somewhere between 8%

and 10% of the area that naturally should be. Spain has several natural spaces with special protection: 14 National Parcs (one of them in Extremadura) , 79 Natural Parcs and lots of littles special protected spaces( such ZEPA zona de especial proteccin de aves, Special Protection Area for birds) Turkey The natural 26,6 % role of forests in Turkey is that the forests include several flora and fauna species as well as various medical, aromatical, industrial and ornamental plants. The forests are the habitats of many animals Especi ally Fir, Spruce, Cedar, Juniper and Franki ncense trees are predo minant in Turkey s forests. 48% of forests Forest fire is the main threat for Turkeys forests. Carelessness, lightning, arson are among the reasons for forest fires in Turkey. Endangered Animals in Turkey: Grizzly Bear, Demoiselle, Mediterranean Monk Seal, Red Deer, Gazzelle, Striped Hyena, Otter, Great Deer, Wild sheep, Wild Goat, Horned Goat, Lynx, Wolf Endangered Plants: In the last decade, 12.000 hectares of our forested areas were destroyed mainly due to the forest fires, housing and timber trade. It lessened To save the forest: Recyc le, Use techno logy instea d of posted letters, preven t forest fire, plant new

and species. The forests provide fresh air and helps to decrease the effects global warming in our country.As for the economical role of the forests in Turkey, 48 percent of Turkey forests are fertilized, that is why, these areas can be used for agriculture purpose. With the management of forested areas, creating national parks, many visitors and tourists are attracted to the area. Poland Italy

are natural forests.

Flos amoris Tus Slender Cgdem amaris, Glauca, Bell Flower, Cluster Ponti, Lake cepa, Snow Drop, Wild Incamationis, Cyclamen wild

the percentag e of forested areas. This causes destructi on of habitats of many species, air pollution, erosion and so on..

trees, Educa te people about the import ance and benefi ts of forest, Give more strict fines to people who damag e the forests

Trkiye ormanlar eitli tbbi, aromatik, endstriyel ve ss bitkileri ile ok sayda flora (bitki) ve fauna (hayvan) trlerine sahiptir. lkemiz ormanlar kresel neme sahip deerli biyoeitlilik kaynaklar iermektedir. Bunlardan Gknar, Ladin, Sedir, Ard ve Sla'nn gen merkezi lkemizdir. Bir baka deyile, bu aa trleri yeryzne lkemizden yaylmlardr. 77.945.200 hektar olan lkemiz arazisinin 20.763.248 hektarlk ksm ormanlarla kapldr. Bunu yzde olarak ifade edersek, topraklarmzn %26.6 s ormanlk alandr. Bu alanlarn yaklak 9 milyon hektar olduka iyi, geriye kalan 11 milyon hektar ise bozuk ormanlardr. Trkiye'deki orman alanlarnn byk bir ksmn doal orman alanlar oluturmaktadr. Ormanlk alanlar daha ok

Karadeniz, Marmara, Ege ve Akdeniz'i evreleyen dalarda younlamtr. Ormanlarmzn % 48 'i verimli ormanlardr. Mlkiyet bakmndan ise %99 'u devlete aittir. Ormanlarn korunmas, iletilmesi, yeni orman alanlar oluturulmas ve aalandrmalar yaplmas ile milli parklarn iletilmesi evre ve Orman Bakanl'nn sorumluluunda bulunmaktadr. Dnyada bugn 1.5 milyar balta girmemi olmak zere, 4 milyar hektar orman bulunmaktadr. eitli sebeplerle 1950 - 1990 yllar arasnda, mevcut ormanlarn yars yok olmutur.. Tropikal (yamur) ormanlarn ekosistem iin byk nemi vardr. Tropikal ormanlarn kaplad alan dnya yzeyinin yalnzca % 7 'sidir. Ancak yeryzndeki bitki ve hayvan trlerinin % 80'i bu blgelerde yaamaktadr. Bu ormanlar dnyann akcierleri grevini yapmakta, atmosfere oksijen salamakta ve yamur dengesini dzenlemektedir. Dolaysyla dnyann iklimi zerinde ormanlarn nemli etkisi vardr. lkemizde son yllarda artan orman yangnlar adeta milli felaketlere dnmtr. Son on yl iersinde 12 bin hektar ormanmz yanarak yok olmutur. Ormanlar; ihmal, dikkatsizlik (sndrlmeyen piknik atei, sigara izmariti vb.) sonucu veya kastl olarak (tarla ama, kaak yaplama vb.) yaklmaktadr. Orman yangnlarnn %47 'sinin sebebi tam olarak belirlenememitir. Sebebi belirlenen orman yangnlarnn %48 'inin kasten, %48'inin dikkatsizlik ve tedbirsizlik, %4 'nn de doal oluumlar (yldrm vb.) sonucu meydana geldii belirlenmitir. lkemizin yaklak % 27 olan ormanlk alan yukarda belirtilen sebeplerle % 20'lere dmtr. Ormanlarmzn % 44 ' retim yaplabilir, %56 's ise verimsiz olduundan retim yaplamaz niteliktedir. Ayrca lkemiz ormanlarnn % 54' koru, % 46's baltalk orman zelliindedir.

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