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Temperate Rainforests

Tropical Rainforests

- Average monthly weather exceeds 18C#

- Annual Precipitation levels are between

- Overall annual precipitation is at 140cm #

- Closed Canopy of trees excludes 70% of the sky #
- Forests mainly composed of Tree species, not
needing fire for regeneration but with seedlings
able to regenerate under shade and natural
- These forests can be found in Oceanic-Moist
climates such as #
The Pacific temperate rain forests in Western
North America#
The Valdivian and Magellanic temperate
rainforests of southwestern South America#
Northwest Europe (southern Norway to
northern Spain and Portugal)#
Temperate rainforests of southeastern
New Zealand temperate rainforests

164 cm and 1000cm #

- High levels of biodiversity #

40 - 70% of all biotic species are
-both have
a canopy
layer #
-same soil
types #
rainfall #
found all
over the

indigenous to the forests #

half of the worlds plant and animal
species are present here #
a single hectare of rainforest contains
42,000 different species of insect, up to
807 trees of 313 species and 1,500
species of higher plants#
- 1/4 of the worlds natural medications
have be discovered in the tropical
rainforest 3#
- various locations#
Congo rainforest #
Ituri rainforest Madagascar LowLand forest #
Harapan Rainforest #
South and Central America#
Amazon rainforest #
Atlantic rainforest #

Daintree Rainforest #
Hawaiian tropical rainforest

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A Rainforests canopy is the primary layer of the forest creating a roof for the 1st and 2nd layer of the forest. This layer contains most
of the tree tops, the taller trees have a typical hight of 30/45 meters tall. It is in this layer, that we can find the densest layer of
biodiversity, it supports a rich flora, including orchids, bromeliads, mosses and lichens. Other species populating the canopy, such as
the yellow-casqued wattled hornbill (Ceratogymna elata), collared sunbird (Anthreptes collaris), African gray parrot (Psitacus
erithacus), keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), scarlet macaw (Ara macao) as well as other animals like the spider monkey
(Ateles sp.), African giant swallowtail (Papilio antimachus), three-toed sloth (Pigny Sloth/Bradypus tridactylus), kinkajou (Potos
flavus), and tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla). The rainforest canopy is a home for many endangered species, which is why the
biosphere is the main sphere affected in the rainforest. Without the rainforest, the world would lose an awful lot of different types of
species, for example, the pygmy sloth. The hydrosphere also plays a major role here, the water cycle (see diagram )is vital for these
areas seeing as the water affects the soil which affects the plants and fauna. And last but not least, the lithosphere. The morphing of
the soil also affects the plants. The soil, which is the base of the forest, is curbed into clay, making it more fertile from tree and plant

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80% of our food

originally comes
from the rainforest.
This includes coffee,
chocolate, rice,
tomatoes, potatoes,
bananas, black
pineapples and


70% or more of
the plants that are
used to treat
cancer are found
only in the tropical
rainforests on the

Trees in the Hoh River Valley

in Washington State often
host plants that grow on
other plants, such as moss.

Rainforests of
Central America

A fifth of our fresh

water is found in
precisely in the
Amazon Basin.


Land covered by

(Congo river
basin rainforest) #
Every second,
1.5 acres of land
are destroyed in
order to make
room for farm

(Madagascar rainforest) #
Tropical rainforests only
cover about 6% of the
Earths surface, however
they are home to more than
half the speciesworlds total
faunae and flora species.

Temperate rainforests used to exist on almost

every continent in the world, but today only 50
percent ,75 million acres ,of these forests remain

Rainforests) If this
continues, well
completely lose the
rainforests within the
next 40 years
(Rainforests of South
East Asia) #
The current level of
deforestation has
created the most rapid
extinction rate in the
history of the world.
137 rainforest species
are exterminated every

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1. Include 10 annotations (similar to example above)
2. Locate the area (using an arrow and pinpoint) related to note using an internet search
engine (e.g. google)
3. Cite your source using space on map below.

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