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Grade 9 Instructional Speaking Rubric (Last Revised 5/18/2012)

Aligned to Next Generation West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives for English Language Arts and Literacy Smarter Balanced Claim 3: Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.


4 Exemplary Exceeds Standard

Purpose/FocusStatement of The speaker effectively and consistently focuses on a clearly identified purpose and topic throughout effectively considers the audiences knowledge of the topic

3 Adequate Meets Standard

The speaker adequately focuses on an identified purpose and topic adequately considers the audiences knowledge of the topic

2 Partial Approaches Standard

The speaker somewhat focuses on an identified purpose and topic shows some consideration of the audiences knowledge of the topic

1 Minimal Begins Standard

The speaker seldom focuses on purpose and topic, and response may be very brief, confusing or ambiguous does not consider the audiences knowledge of the topic

The speaker demonstrates a clear and effective organizational structure that effectively and logically presents complex ideas, concepts and information to analyze important connections and distinctions, creating unity and completeness effectively and consistently uses a variety of transitional strategies (efficient and meaningful words, phrases and clauses, as well as varied syntax) to: o link major sections of speech o create cohesion o clarify relationships among complex ideas and concepts o presents an effective introduction presents a powerful conclusion that follows from and effectively supports the information or explanation presented (e.g. articulating implications or the significance of the topic.) The speaker supplies thorough and convincing support/evidence: o facts o extended definitions o concrete details o quotations or other information o strong examples

The speaker demonstrates an evident organizational structure that adequately presents complex ideas, concepts and information to make important connections and distinctions, creating a sense of completeness adequately uses transitional strategies (words, phrases and clauses, as well as varied syntax) with some variety to: o link major sections of speech o create cohesion o clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts presents an adequate introduction presents a conclusion that follows from and adequately supports the information or explanation presented (e.g. articulating implications or the significance of the topic.) The speaker supplies significant and relevant support/evidence o facts o extended definitions o concrete details o quotations or other information o strong examples

The speaker demonstrates an inconsistent organizational structure that partially presents ideas, concepts and information, partially making connections but with some evident flaws

The speaker demonstrates little or no discernible organizational structure to present ideas, concepts and information, seldom making connections

inconsistently uses basic transitional strategies (some words, phrases or clauses) with little variety and simple syntax to o link major sections of speech o create cohesion o clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts presents a limited introduction presents a conclusion that partially supports the information or explanation presented


uses few or no transitional strategies (limited language structures) with frequent extraneous ideas that may intrude

presents a minimal or no introduction does not present a conclusion that adequately supports the information or explanation presented


The speaker supplies some relevant support/evidence o facts o details o examples

The speaker provides little or no relevant support/evidence o facts o details o examples

uses little or no elaborative

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