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Personal Evangelism & The Local Church

Mondays 7-9 PM Starting April 9th

Personal Evangelism & The Local Church is designed to equip students in the area of personal evangelism especially in regards to participation in the local church.

Grading Scale
All Covenant Institute courses operate on a ten-point scale. The Grade for Homiletics 101 will be based on the following: Reading Assignment 30% Attendance 40% Practicum 30%

Class Auditing
Those desirous to attend and are not working toward a certificate need not take the quizzes, tests or complete the project.

Earning a Certificate
Those desirous of earning a certificate must complete the project in order to receive credit for the course. A 2.00 GPA must be earned in order for the course to count toward the certificate.

Transcripts and Other Records

All transcripts and attendance records will be kept and maintained by Covenant Institute

Brandon Nealy, MDiv

Reading Assignments:
Choose one to read in total. For Laity Evangelism for Amateurs, by Michael Green The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, by Mark Dever What is the Gospel ,by Greg Gilbert The Celtic Way of Evangelism, by George Hunter For Church leaders The Book of Church Growth, by Thom Rainer The Celtic Way of Evangelism, by George Hunter

Choose one of the following: Share your testimony and the Gospel with someone with whom you share a real relationship. Make a tangible step toward establishing an authentic relationship with a non-believer. Regardless of which project you choose a one-page paper must be written re-telling the events of your attempts.

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