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Paying Homage To Women


March is International Womens Month worldwide. The writer shall take his farewell this month, but wants to think of this entry as his contribution to the womens edition, instead of his farewell edition. A salute to women is expressly enshrined in 1986 Philippine Constitution. This is a provision absent in the Malolos, 1935 and 1973 Constitution, and speaks of a governance norm that emerged from the tradition set by the EDSA Revolution. The women-specific provisions are: The State shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions, and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation. (Section 14, Article XIII Social Justice and Human Rights) The State recognizes the role of women in nation building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men. (Section 14, Article II Declaration of Principles and State Policies) Excellent woman Gregoria De Jesus, the Lakambini of the Katipunan, wrote ten (10) admonitions to help her fellow women to improve their lives: 1. Always remember the sacred teachings of the heroes who died for love of the country; 2. By avoiding evil, you will attain greatness; 3. Do not squander time so that you can show good example to others; 4. Fear history, for no secret can be hidden from it; 5. Pursue diligently any chosen profession to be of service to the country;

6. Remember that virtue is wealth; 7. Rescue the oppressed from danger; 8. Respect and love your parents, because on earth they are second to God; 9. Respect the teachers who educate you, because if you are indebted to your parents for your birth, you are likewise indebted to your teachers for your enlightenment; 10.Work hard for the union of all men and for the welfare of the country so as not to hinder the march of liberty. Those ten admissions are really beautiful, and designed to be followed. Women are truly great. They [we] bear the world and they [we] make it. There was never a great man who had not a great mother, according to Olive Schreiner. Moreover, according to Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, There are two kinds of women: those who want power in the world, and those who want power in bed. Not being a woman, the writer could not give his opinion to that statement of Onasis, and hence would leave it to his beloved woman reader and to the members of Gabriela to explain its multiple meanings to everyone. I bid my farewell and thanks to those who took time to read this column every issue. God bless you, and give you peace. May good opportunity be with us always. 1. Points of Law Atty. Berni M. Luceres Manila Times, Barangay News March, 2007

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