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Common Lesson Plan Models

.. adapted from Writing Lesson Plans from the Huntington College Education Department

Madeline Hunter's (Seven Steps)

Anticipatory Set (setting the stage)--attention-getter and focuser Statement of Objectives--tell students what they'll be able to do as a result of the lesson Instructional Input--lecture, but not necessarily lecture: demo, explanation, instructions Modeling--demonstrate, show what you tell Check for Understanding--watch faces, ask questions Guided Practice--help students start practicing new skills, applying new knowledge Independent Practice--turn them loose to work on their own, homework assignment, etc. Example

Bloom's Taxonomy and Critical Thinking

Knowledge - recall Comprehension - understand Application - use, practice Analysis - dissect, generalize Synthesis - create, combine Evaluation - appraise, value Example

Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner's 7 Ways of Knowing)

Verbal Mathematical Spatial Musical Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Example

Instructional Scaffolding (Jerome Bruner; Langer & Applebee)

Ownership--wish to learn Appropriateness--right level Support--structured guidance Collaboration--coaching Internalization--independent practice Example

Other Formats

Discovery Lesson (eg. Lab) o Equipment o Set the stage o Don't state objectives yet o Give instructions o Check for understanding o Guided practice (lab) o Discussion, regrouping o Statement of objectives o Independent practice (e.g. lab journal) o Assessment Group Work (eg. Cooperative Learning)Equipment o Set the stage o State objectives o Give instructions o Check for understanding o Group work o Guided practice o Discussion o Regrouping o Summary o Assessment MiniCycles (eg. vocabulary lesson) o Equipment o Set the stage o State objective o Cycles: - Instruction - Check for understanding - Guided practice - Instruction - Check for understanding - Guided practice , etc.

Independent practice

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