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Ginny and Jacob, Blood Magic

Tyler Thelwis, who convinced me to write this book, based once again on a

dream I told him, because he wasn't "important enough" as Peter in Midnight To Dawn, so he wants to be another person. (Taylor) To why I consider my "Dan Family" and to who I consider my "Edward Family" as the Corcorans are based on my "Edward Family" and Other Ginny and her family are based on my "Dan Family" To my two favourite authors, who's writing had always, and continues to influence me. I think I got your names in there somewhere, for some characters just briefly mentioned. To my dream I mentioned before. The dream was simple really, not important enough to tell.
Chapter One When I Moved To Forks

When I moved to Forks I didn't expect anything weird to happen. I was moving from my life in London with my clone and her family, to Florida, then to a town from my favourite novels. When I say my clone, I mean my clone. Her name is Ginny - she got cloned. My name is also Ginny. We look exactly alike, we are exactly alike. Except for our second names, of course. So when I moved to Forks, a small rainy town in Washington, I was moving in with the man who helped create me, Bill Watson. He was like my father. The woman who helped lived in Florida, near Disney World. Her name was Lauren. She used to be married to Bill, but they split up. I visited them a lot each since I was created, though I was created for Ginny and her family. She always wanted a sister, see. So that's where I came in. I was hidden, secret. But she went off to school. I wanted a normal life, so I went to normal school. Yes, I said normal. Though I'm not normal. I'm a pure blood witch. But I'm not like Ginny. Ginny being the other Ginny. She needs a wand and silly incantations to do magic. I just think and point my finger. That's how Bill and Lauren are, too. Bada bing, bada boom. Simple, right? Here's where I'm supposed to say wrong, but it's right. So, after my primary education, other Ginny's brother (or one of them) came home telling all about this stuff that happened at school, and Ginny's mother Alice figured that it wouldn't stop, and it wasn't safe for me any more. So I had to leave. I lived with Lauren and I visited Bill for three weeks in the summer. I hated Forks, so after three years he came to visit me in the summer instead. Lauren's new husband Oisn was a basketball player. He traveled a lot. Lauren, who loved me like a mother, stayed home, but I knew it made her unhappy. And that's why I decided to leave home. Spend some time with Bill, my dad. I had been invited back to London, since what had happened there was over, but I felt as if I'd be intruding. Other Ginny was engaged, her brother was married and his wife was having a baby, her oldest brother had recetly married too. I couldn't crush that family. I just couldn't. And I couldn't keep Lauren tied to the house while Oisn traveled. So I sat in the car with Lauren, as we drove on to Bill's. Lauren was very pretty, with short brown hair that fell to her shoulders in curls, and she had bright green eyes. Bill and I had a relationship a lot like two characters in, as I mentioned before, my favourite novels. I wasn't looking forward to going to Forks, but I wasn't too down either. New friends, and so and so. And maybe some old friends too. I remembered a guy I hadn't seen in two years. He was thirteen then, and I was fifteen. His name was Taylor. And his dad was Bill's best friend. His name was Tyler Black. Tyler and Taylor were part of something too. Not as big as witches and wizards something, just a simple tribe. I didn't know the name of it, but it existed. In fact ... all of Bill's friends were part of that tribe. All of his friends being two men and their families, that is. Bill's other best friend was Oliver Mooney. "Here we are. Looks like you have guests." Lauren's voice broke my train of thought. "Oh." was all I could utter. I didn't want to leave so soon! I hated Forks. I hated rain. "I'll really, really miss you Ginny." "I miss you more." I said. I almost cried, but I wouldn't cry. Not until the night came, where no one could see my tears fall. "Don't forget to call all the time. And don't forget to call your other family too!" "I wont mom." Yes, I called Bill and Lauren mom and dad.

"Alright ..." she was crying. "I'll just ... I'll go then ..." "You could walk me in?" I suggested, trying to make her feel better. "I um, yes I'd like that." Lauren nodded. We bagn to walk through the garden. There were four veichles here. One was Bill's police car. Yes, he's head cheif in the police station. Next was an old looking purple truck. Purple, my favourite colour. Who ever owned that truck was lucky, it was amazing looking even though the regestration said it was built in 1987, and it was 2013. Then there were two normal cars, one silver, one red. Unfamiliar cars, like the unfamiliar truck. So we continued up the drive, and we got to the front door. But it was opened just as I raised my hand to knock. "GINNY!" cried a sort-of-familiar voice. I didn't see a face, because I was swept into an extremely warm, and extremely large muscled hug. I recognized the smell of the person hugging me. It hadn't changed in two years. "... Taylor?" I asked, uncertain. "Well DUH!" Taylor said releasing me, and I looked at him. Boy he had changed. His voice was deep and man like, his face had lost the childish look, and his arms! Talk about biceps! And you could actually see the hard muscles under his tight white tshirt. This new fifteen year old Taylor was so different, yet so like, the one that I remembered. His eyes sparkled like a little puppy after seeing his owner after a long day apart. And he was so tall! But what he hadn't lost, was the tanned, russet colour to his skin, (how could anyone be tanned in this place?) and his long, shoulder lenghth hair, black as the ravens wings and his eyes were so brown they were almost black.. "You're ..." I said, but didn't know how to finish. "Yes, 'I'm'. And you haven't changed at all." Taylor laughed. "Oh, sorry. Hello Miss ...?" "It's Misses, actually." Lauren laughed. "Mrs Hindi. But you can just call me Lauren." "Oh!" Taylor exclaimed. "I remember you from when you and Bill were married. But what can I say, I was just a silly little five-year-old then." Taylor was grinning. I thought his face was going to split. "Hey Taylor, what's the hold up?" said a voice coming nearer and nearer, and then Tyler appeared. Tyler walked with a limp. He had a wooden leg. He had the same eyes, skin and hair as Taylor, only he was much, much older. "I'll go grab your bags." said Taylor, and he left the door, still grinning, and went over to Laurens car. He grabbed both suitcases and backpacks, and four plastic carrier bags at once. Wow! "Come in Ginny." Tyler smiled, moving to the side. "Lauren, you are just as welcome. Everyone has come to greet you both." Everyone. Of course. Me and Lauren walked inside, Taylor followed and brought my bags upstairs. Probably to my old bedroom, where I used to spend three weeks a year. Longer when I was younger. I waled into the livingroom, only to be greated by many huge smiles, though not as Taylor-like. "Ginny!" yelled Bill. Bill had dark brown hair and a dark brown moustache, and wasn't much taller than me. I couldn't help smile, as it had been so long since I'd seen him. "Hey, dad." I said, as he stood up and hugged me awkwardly in welcome. Just then Taylor rejoined us. "That;s not fair, Taylor got to see Ginny first." Bill joked. "Oh yeah, and thinking of that, you really didn;t have to get my bags." I said, turning to Taylor.

"Magic finger you know. Could have done it in a second." "I just like to be nice." Taylor shrugged. "Because I remember you can get a bit nasty with that finger. When I was ... six, was it? You turned my hair into a hundred tiny monkies because I splashed you in the sea." "It was funny!" I protested. "And the water was cold!" "So, why don't you have a chat with everyone." Bill grinned. "And I'll go get your mother a cup of cofee." So Bill went off into the kitchen, Lauren sat awkwardly on the arm of a chair, and Taylor brought me around to everyone, like he was showing me off. There wasn't many peole there. There was David, who was fourteen, his sister Clodagh who was my age, then there was Oliver and Jane, their parents. That was the Mooneys. Then there was just Taylor himself and his dad Tyler. Bill got back before I had time to say much, and I sat down in the chair Lauren was perched on the arm of. I felt very welcomed. There were two places I had found home. That was my old house in London, and this house right here in Forks. Forks may not be all that ... appealing, but the people were. So I started talking to everyone. Lauren left about a half hour after we arrived, and I talked to Bill for a while. He had enrolled me in Forks High School, which was small and had barely over 300 students. Please, there had been that many in my own year in Florida. And the schools in Londan were over populated! And then he told me the greatest thing I'd ever heard - that the purple truck outside was Tylers old truck. He had had it a long time, but Taylor fixed it up, and now it was mine! My welcome gift. So as the night went on I felt myself getting more and more tiered, but I kept talking. I asked Taylor about school, but it turns out that his tribe have their own school, near the beach. Luckily I wouldn't have to face school just yet. It was November fifth, and they were all off until the seventh because the school was being fumagated. So that gave me one day to prepare. Eventually David fell asleep so the Mooneys had to leave. Then I felt myself drift off into dreamless sleep which I couldn't control. I was on one of the couches. The livingroom had a three seater couch, a two seater couch, an arm chair and another armchair that was also a rocking chair. So I slept, unaware that I was actaully asleep, until I woke up. It had been a long day, and I fell asleep around nine and woke at ten thirty. The scene was very different when I woke up. The lamps were dimmed and the starts were out, when I looked outside the window. The forest edge out back looked very eerie in the dark. Bill and Tyler were in deep discuassion about fishing and other boring man things, and Taylor was on the same couch as me, reading. No one even noticed I was asleep. I was slightly niffed at that. Hello? Guest of honour over here? I tried to get their attention by coughing slightly. "Ah, welcome back to our world sleepy!" said Bill. "You were mumbling the whole time in your sleep! Sounded like a funny dream." Well, I thought the sleep was dreamless. Maybe I just didn't remember the dream. "Would have made a good movie." Taylor commented. "You were all like 'Oh my god Gin, kill Lord T before he breaks the rest of the castle!' and 'No not that snake, the other snake. Just because he acts like a snake doesn't mean he's the one.' I would have liked to see that movie. Snakes and Lords. Sounds like what I'm reading." "What are you reading?" I asked, my eyes threatening to close again. "Nothing you need to worry about." Bill cut in. "You're very tiered, you should go off to bed.

You'll see us all again in the morning. Anyway, there two have been staying here for the past four days while they have the kitchen fixed at there own place, so you wont even have to travel to see tham for at least ... what, two, three days? Right! So off you go!" People were staying over already? Man had I missed a lot. I stood up and I stumbled. "Bless, she's drunk with tierdness!" Tyler chuckled. "Been a long time since I've seen someone that tiered!" Bill laughed. "I'll go get a hotwater bottle ready, it's cold. Taylor, make sure she doesn't fall on her way upstairs. She's clumsy." That was true. I was, always had been, the clumsiest person alive. Maybe even to ever live. So Taylor helped me upstairs, my head hung and I stumbled a few times, because my eyes were far more than half way closed. He brought me safely to my bedroom, and as soon as I got in I stumbled over to my bed. "You smell pretty." I mumbled, not even aware that I was awake properly, as a goodnight to Taylor, and I pulled my blanket over myself without even undressing. I didn't hear anything, but about ten minutes later I felt Bill give me my hotwater bottle. He was right. It was cold. I didn't even hear him leave I fell back to sleep that fast. That night I dreamt of all the childhood memories of my visits here, I dreamt of my like with my other family in London, and I dreamt just of happy things. I woke up around nine the next morning, Monday. I didn't see why school wasn't starting until Tuesday. Stupid, really. I got up and saw all my unpacked things. I rummaged and found some clean clothes and went and showered in the only bathroom. Then I went back to my room after dressing, brushed my hair and put on my daily (which is hardly any) ammount of makeup. I unpacked then. I finally decided to look around me room. It hadn't changed a bit. Purple curtains, westlife bedsheets, pictures of both my families and posters all over the place. The walls were painted two different colours. Topaz blue and the other topaz, like the yellow-gold kind. Gokden brown kind of. After seeing how little my room hadn;t changed, I looked in the mirror. I hadn't changed either. Ginny and I had always been odd, with red hair, while the rest of that family either had light or dark brown. I looked at my eyes, a kind of milk-chocolate brown. I saw how long my hair was, but it only looked that way because it was so straight. And I was skinny - even skinnier than normal. But I was tall. 5 foot 6. But nothing comparet to Taylor, who I had found out was 6"1. I felt my stomach rumble, so I went downstairs to the smell of bacon wafting from the pan. Everything I had done had taken just an hour, so everyone was still up and home. "Hey sleepy!" said Bill. "We were almost thinking you'd forgot how to get downstairs! We've all been up since around seven, eightish." "Sorry I was just really tiered." I half-lauged. "And then I had stuff to unpack." "You must have been tired last night! 'You smeel pretty.'? Seriously?" Taylor laughed. "Sorry." I said absently as I helped myself to bacon and made some toast. "You're apologizing for giving a compliment?" Bill asked, raising an eyebrow, and I laughed. "I guess I am." I paused. "So this morning I did some thinking, and I decided I should get a job. You know, so I can buy things for myself, spend time out of the house, and meet new people." "Well I heard that Hooke's Hiking Store are looking for someone to work the registers a few days a week." Tyler suggested. "Cool. Thanks." I said. "I'm gonna take my truck out later anyway. I'll have a look out for it." "Don't get lost!" Bill warned. "Wait, I got an idea. I'd take you out and show you around myself,

but since I didn't go fishing yesterday and I'm off duty today, you probably an guess me, Tyler and Oliver and going fishing. But anyway, how about Taylor take you around? Him and his friends know this place better than anyone, getting bored and all, going around. He could show you around." "Yeah, that sounds great." I said. "Buy Taylor probably has stuff to-" "Nah, I can take you." Taylor cut across me. "I'll show you Hooke's Hiking Stone while I'm at it. It's a small town, so it wont take long. I can even show you the diner your dad has been eating at every night for the past god knows how many years, since the only things he can cook are bacon and toast!" Everyone laughed. So we all chated for a while, until Oliver arrived so Bill and Tyler left. Taylor and I didn't want to leave yet, so we went into the living room. He read wwhile I drew. I loved drawing. I'd just imagine something and I'd draw it. For the past few days I had been working on drawing one of the scenes from a different favourite novel of mine. It was a complicated scene. A huge battle. I finished my drawing soon, and then I started reading the book it came from. I didn;t bother going to get it, I used my magic to summon it. "So." Taylor said, around eleven thrity. "So?" "So." he repeated. "I hear you can sing." This caught me off guard, and I blushed. It was true, I had a lot of talents. I could act, sing, draw, write, dance ... I could do almost everything! "Well, yeah." I said. "It's not a big deal." Actaully it was, with all the comps I'd won. "Well I like music, and the radio in your truck doesn;t work so good. So why don;t you give me a verse or a chorus." "Fine." I said. I didn't bother arguing, because one, I would lose, and two, I didn;t mind singing. "Just ... lay off me, 'kay? It's a song I really like and it makes me cry just thinking of the words." Taylor nodded, so I used all I had not to cry, and I sang: So I'm moving on, letting go, holding on to tomorrow, I've always got the memories while I'm findin' out who I'm gonna be, we might be apart but I hope you always know you'll be with me, wherever I go. "That was ... awesome." said Taylor. "I can see what you meant about crying." he said, noticing my screwed up face. "Maybe you could sing something happy now? Something we both know say ... you may call me a nerd, but Jedward?" "OMJ!" I shrieked. "NO ONE, loves John Paul Henry Daniel Richard Grimes and Edward Peter Anthony Kevin Patrick Grimes MORE THAN ME!" "...Clearly!" Taylor laughed. "So you obviously know their songs. So go on, I'm not that bad for a guy, I'll sing with you. I shrugged, and automatically we both sang: I know what people say, don't get carried away. Boy you got your whole life ahead of you, but what am I supposed to do? Young love! It's taking me over young love, I'm losing control my heart stop stops when I get close to you, like lightening striking out of the blue. Young love! You're stealin' my sleep but so what? If you're feelin' me put your hands up! Hands up! All around the world, everybody in, young love, young love, yeah. We ended it laughing, jumping and waving. After talking all about Jedward for a while. We left

at noon.

Chapter Two The Meadow

We drove around and talked some more. Taylor was actaully intersesting to talk to, for someone two years younger than me. He showed me Hooke's and we went in. I actually met Harry Hooke, the owners son/other member of staff. I got the job right away! I could start next Saturday, and work Wednesday and Friday after school from then on. And I may be given ectra shifts along the way. Harry seemed nice, he was a juniou in high school, like me. So we drove around some more, and Taylor showed me everywhere, from his house near the beach in La Push (just so I could know where to visit him.), right to the opposite end of the tiny town. He showed me a place in the forest (well, pointed out the window) where a family lived. He didn;t sound very fond of them. He even showed me the diner, like he said. We actually had some lunch there. Stephanie and Joanne actually remembered me. They both have been waitressing there about fifteen years! It took just two hours to do all that, and I didn't want to go home yet. I wanted to go into the forest and see something, so we did. As we walked in I saw this HUGE house with many windows and doors high up, and it was beautiful. "It is real!" I exclaimed. "What? That?" Taylor frowned at the house. "No, that's just the Corcorans place. Nothing special about it." "Who are the Corcorans?" "A family." Taylor shrugged. "Weird family. Me, dad and the Mooneys don't like them much. Neither does anyone in our tribe really. Part of their traits we don't agree with." We continued walking through the forest, and I saw a lot of interesting things. I saw an old, broken slightly cottage and I saw the remains of another. But we didn't stop. We kept moving. I knew where I was going, and we eventually came to it. It wasn't like I'd imagined, since today was paticularly dull and it had been threatening to rain for hours. "Now you cant tell me this is some family's feild!" I said, running out into the middle. "I know thins place. I've read about this place, and it's real!" "Didn't even know it existed." Taylor shrugged, and laughed. "You have good tracking skills." "I've always wanted to see this place!" I collapsed down onto the ground, not caring it was damp and probably dirty. "Who knows what it will be like in spring! Or summer! Or-" I stopped because Taylor lifted a hand, and then I saw them too. Two people. One was small, with long, black curly hair, and beautiful pale skin. The other was tall with gold hair and the same perfect features. "I'm sorry if I was intruding on your day." said the girl. "I'm Ashley, and this is Casper." "I know who you are." said Taylor, sounding annoyed. "You two are Corcorans." I stood up. "Taylor, don't be mean. Hi, I'm Ginny." "Hi Ginny." Ashley smiled. I noticed that both hers and Casper's eyes were purple. "Don't worry, he isn't being mean." she added about Taylor. "Our family is like the enemy to his tribe. There are a lot like that around here. There's a tribe up in Grayland, and a family just like ours who are enemies, and there was a different tribe here, and a different family who were sort of like ours

long ago, who were like enemies too." "I think I've read about two of them." I said, thinking of some books I owned. "We haven't seen you before in school. Are you new around here?" Casper asked, standing a good distance away. "Yeah, I start tomorrow." I said. "Well maybe we'll see you." said Ashley. "We should run, see you around." I didn't even get to say goodbye, they were gone that fast, so instead I turned to Taylor. "How many Corcorans are there?" "Well, there's them, there's Lily, she's the blond one. There's Brennden, the big guy with sandy hair, there's Jacob, the guy with the bronze hair, and there's George and Sharon. George is a doctor and a counselor." "That's a big family." I said. "Not as big as mine in London, but big." "Well all the kids are adopted." Taylor shrugged. "And you know the two we met, and then Lily and Brennden I mentioned? They're ... together, together It's really wrong." he shuddered. "Anyway, George and Sharon are way too young to have teenage kids." "So, tell me about your tribe and the enemy thing." "Well, with all the hints you've left, I'm sure you've heard of the Quiluette tribe?" I nodded. "Well out tribe is sort of like that. It's just ... smaller. We're supposed to be decended from wolves, but don't worry, we're not werewolves! And you know the Corcorans? They're decended from the enemy. It's not what you think. But they're just ... different. Don't listen to me though. If you ever want to know more, I have a book on it you can borrow, whenever." "Okay." I said. "I might borrow it someday. Now let's just ... chill here." "Sure, but I have a feeling all of thr Corcorans will be passing. I heard they had um, bussiness in the woods today." "And you were right." came an unfamiliar voice. "Oh hello." the man spotted me. "I'm George Corcoran." I looked at all of them. George had blond short hair, and was very pale. They were all very pale. All of them had the same golden brown eyes. Even the two we met before, there eyes had changed. George only looked about 25. Who was obviously his wife, Sharon, had long, curly hair. Red hair, like me. The one I guessed was Lily was so beautiful. She had that perfect barbie figure, and hair that was barbie blond. It fell in curls half way down her back. The big sandy haired guy, was big. He was huge! But he looked friendly. And Jacob I guessed, was like them too. He had bronze hair and a perfect face. "Hello there Taylor." said Brennden. "Just passing through, so no need to leave." I suddenly saw Jacob's eyes widen and the became purple again. "Did your eyes just-?" I asked, but Jacob covered his mouth and ran off. I thought maybe he was sick. "Oh by the way, that's Ginny." said Ashley. "She's new here. I have a feeling she'll fit in very well. Guys, a real strong feeling." she looked at her family as if saying something else. "Ah, Ginny." said Sharon. Taylor was glaring at them as she came forward and shook my hand. "Is that short for Virginnia or Ginevra?" "Ginevra." I said. "My clone - I mean sister, is Virginnia." "Ah wonderful." Sharon nodded. "We should get going now, but it was good to meet you. I'm sure you'll settle right in." and then all the Corcorans left.

"Why so angry?" I asked Taylor. "I told you I don't like them." he frowned. The sparkle that was in hs eyes last night was gone now. "They don't seem that bad." I shrugged, and he frowned even more. "But I'd still pick you over them any day. I mean I just met them!" I said, truthfully, and trying to make him happy again. And it worked, the sparke came back. "Thanks." he grinned. "So I'm not bad, for a kid, right?" "Yeah, sure." I said. He had always exadjurated the two years like it was twenty. "But age-" "Is just a number. I gotcha." he laughed. We spent another hour in the field, laughing, talking. I found out his birthday was on the fourth of March, the same day as mine. We talked some more about his tribe, and I got interested. I asked to borrow his book, and he said he'd give it to me as soon as we got home, and I could take my time. He didn't really read it. We got home around five, Tyler and Bill were already home. I sat on the couch and Bill ordered three pizzas. I wondered why he needed so many for four people. Taylor went upstairs and got the book for me, and I put it in my pocket to read when I felt I needed to. When the pizza arrived I saw why we needed that many. Taylor ate a whole on by himself! The rest of us split the other two evenly amoung ourselves. We watched TV and talked, and around ten I went up to my room after saying goodnight to everyone. I set my alarm on my phone for school the next day, then decided I wanted to talk to Flower, my sister in law. So I called the house. "Hello?" It was Harry, my clones fiance. "Hey Harry, it's me." I said. "I was kinda hoping I could talk to Flower." "No problem." he handed the phone over. All they had was the house phone, still too poor in their world to afford mobiles. "Hey Gin." said Flower happily. "So, tell me all about your fisrst full day in Forks!" "Well ..." I started. "When I arrived I met some old friends. Two are staying here. I went out with Taylor today so he could show me around the town. I got a job, and then I saw a house and thought it was something else. Anf then we found the meadow." "IT'S REAL!?" "Yeah, it is." I laughed. "And you know the Quilleute tribe? Taylor and Tyler are part of a similar but smaller tribe. And today I met a family called the Corcorans that the tribes hate. Oh yeah, and earlier I found out the staff at the diner remember me." "Sounds interesting. Looking forward to school?" she sounded concerened. "Yeah I guess. It'll be fun driving there in my new truck. Before you ask, it's old and purple and amazing." " "Nice." Flower laughed. "Yeah." I sighed, and then my phone beeped. I had another call waiting. "I should go, I have another call." "Okay, don't forget to visit us some time!" "I wont. Bye." I hung up and answered the other call. "Hello?" "Oh, sorry, wrong number." said an unfamilliar vouce before hanging up. I mentally cursed myself for answering when I could have talked to Flower longer, but I wonldn't call back since it was the middle of the day in London and everyone would probably be busy. I

lay down to sleep then, to get ready for the next day.

Chapter Three My School

I woke up at 5:30am, and showered, got dressed and did my hair. I got everything I needed for school. I know it was stupid, I could have done everything by magic, but I was used to doing things the mortal way. I finished around 7:30, and then I got breakfast. Just cereal. I was too nervous to eat anything else. I was still eating when everyone got up around eight. "Don't be nervous, everyone's real nice." Bill assured me. "Just watch out for the Corcorans." said Taylor. "Why? They seem really nice when ever I run into them." said Bill. Taylor and Tyler exchanged troubled glances. "They do seem nice." I ventured. "But I'll watch out, I suppose." I shrugged. That morning passed way too fast, and at half past eight I got in my truck and drove to the school. Taylor had shown me where it was the day before. It lookd like a lot of unused buildings. I would never have known it was a school exceot for the sign saying "Forks High School". So I drove in, got out of my truck at the car park, and grabbed my map. "Hey, nice truck." I spun around, to see a girl with long brown hair and geen eyes, smiling at me. "You must be new, I haven't seen you around. I'm Jenna." "I'm Ginny." I smiled back. "So what's your first class?" Jenna asked me. True, the people were friendly. "Um ..." he rooted in my bag and found my schedule that Bill had picked up for me. "Music, with Miss Johnstone." I said. "Hey, us too!" Jenna grinned. "You must be in group A. See here, our school years are split into A, B and C, so the classes don't get over crowded. You can stick with me and a few of my friends if you'd like. We're all in A too." "Yeah, sure, thanks." Well this was going well. Friends already! "Hey guys, this is Ginny! Get over here!" she yelled at some people. "So this is my boyfriend, Blaine." she gestured a guy with curly black hair. "This is Rene," a girl with short blond hair with black streams gave me a small smile. "And this is Victoria and Harry." Victoria had brilliant blue eyes and light brown hair, while Harry had dark, spiked hair and green eyes. "Great to meet you all." I smiled. "Hey, Harry Hooke. We met yeseterday." I said to Harry. "Yeah, newest ember of staff." Harry grinned. "I hope you're brave, the only free seat in every class is next to Jacob Corcoran. He never talks to anyone, so don't waste your time. He sists up front in every class except English." said Victoria. "Yeah, I think I'm brave enough." I said, slightly confused. "We'll show you around, before our first class starts." said Blaine. So they showed me around the school. It was actuallt pretty small inside, so I wouldn't be needing my map. I memorized it in about five minutes. So I talked to my new found friends until the bell

went, and then we walked off to class. They sat down while Miss Johnstone introduced me to the class. "Class, this is Ginny Watson, who just moved here from Florida! Now Ginny, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself." said Ms Johnstone, who seemed very nice, and was quite young. "Well I'm Ginny, I'm actually from London but I left because of something that was going on over there, and I left Florida so my mom could travel. I like to sing and dance and write and draw." "No wonder you're in this class!" Miss Johnstone grinned. "Mind giving us a verse or something?" "Well I was asked that yesterday too, but okay." I cleared my throat and was about to begin, when Miss Johnstone spoke. "And if you could tell is why you hose the song, and where it's from, that would be good." "Well, I suppose I'm choosing the song because I love it, and I once hear Gary Oldman singing it in a youtube video, and I love the musical it's from, oh yeah, and once my friend Tony played Tony in a school play in Florida. You may have guessed, it's Tonight from West Side Story." So I sang: Tonight, tonight. It all began tonight, I saw you and the world went away. Tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight, what you are, what you do, what you say. Today, the minutes feel like hours, the hours go so slowly, until the sky is light. For here you are, and what was just a world is a star, tonight. The class clapped, and I took the chance to look at them all. Then I noticed all the Corcorals, minus George and Sharon of course. "Brilliant!" Miss Johnstone smiled. "Oh yes, and one more thing. This town knows your family well, so no need to keep secrets. We all know you're a witch. Now, the only free seat is beside Jacob Corcoran, and I hope you will enjoy taking this class." I took me seat and hoped Jacob wouldn't do anything strange like yesterday, but his golden brown eyes didn;t change and he didn't run away. We didn;t talk for a while, the first twnety minutes of the lesson was theory, but Miss Johnstone had to go somewhere important for the last thirty, so she let us have the class, we could do practical or we could just talk or whatever. As soon as she left Jacob turned to me. "I'm sorry for yesterday in the forset. I wasn't feeling well." he said. His voice was like velvet or silk, and he spoke with such mystery. "What about your eyes?" I asked him. "I mean they just went purple. And earlier, Ashley and Casper's eyes were purple." "Oh that ... contacts. It depends what way the light shines weather you can see them or not. We were just testing them. Just us three. They aren't very good." "Oh." I couldn't help smiling. I glanced over at my friends and they were looking shocked. I looked at the other Corcorans and they looked shocked too, though Ashley was wearing an "I told you so" expression. "So, can I take you to dinner tonight?" the question caught me off guard. "Seriously?" I almost shouted. "But I thought you don't talk to anyone." "I'm talking to you." he raised his eyebrows and smilied a smile I couldn't resist.

"Fine. But where? There's no where decent in this town." "Hmm, you're right." he turned. "Hey Lily, come over here a second." "What?" said Lily, when she came over. "Hold on a second." Jacob rooted in his pocket. "Take this money and buy some ingredients for ... what would you like?" he asked me. "I don't want to be any trouble, honest." I said, embarressed. "No trouble. Honest." "Um, lasanga, I guess? I shrugged and out my head down so my hair hid my red face. "Perfect. Get the ingredients for that. Keep the change. I'm only asking you because I need to get our house ready. And Ginny, I'll pick you up at eight." "Sounds great." I smiled. I had to admit, when I first saw him I was taken back a little. Suddenly there was a scream and the huge oak shelf and all its contents tipped and was about to fall on top of a girl, but suddenly Jacob was over there and he had lifted it fully off the ground and fixed it back up. He was back over to me in an instant. "How did you do that?" I asked. "Well normally I wouldn't tell." he glanced at Ashley. "But for you I think I'll make an exception. Tonight. I'll tell you." I saw Ashley nod, and Lily looked worried. I was confused, again. The rest of that day went well, and I got home fine after school. For some reason, and I didn't know that reason, I wanted to see Jacob more than anything. I felt really weird. But as soon as I got into the kitchen my thoughts were inturupted by Bill and Tyler talking. "So our house is done, and we're leabing today. That's so much for letting us stay. It's been great." "It's no problem. Ever need a place to stay, our home is always here." said Bill. "You're going?" I asked, and Tyler nodded. "Just got back from bringing our bags over. Taylor just got back from school, we're going in a few minutes. Why don't you go say goodbye?" "Well yeah, but I'm just gonna say bye to you, and it was great having guests. I'll see you!" I walke dout of the kitchen and up stairs, but I bumped into Taylor on the way up. Litterally. I wasn't watching where I was going. "Oh, sorry." I laughed. "It's fine." "So, you're going?" "Yup." Taylor sighed slightly. "Don't miss me too much." he laughed. "I'm sure I wont." I laughed too. "But before you go, I want to tell you, the Corcorans aren't that bad. In fact I'm going over to their place tonight. But there is something weird about them. I'm going to read your ledgends now." "Oh." Taylor wasn't smiling now. "Well, fine, I guess. You're not in our tribe. Just be careful, and I'll see you. Come visit any time." "I will." I assured him. "Well, bye." "Bye."

Chapter Four Nothing is as it seems

I continued up and he continued down. It was only a little after four, so I had time, so I began to read. I read the whole book in ten minutes, it wasn't long. It mentioned speed, strenghth and eye color change. It also mentioned coldness and paleness. It mentioned "blood sucking demons". I knew this couldn't be true. How could everything I'd read in fantasy novels true, too? It all added up, but it didn't make sense. It was all just coincindental. But some how I refused to believe it. But then I just had to. But I didn't even care. I kept going over it and over it until 7pm, and by then I had my mind set. I also had it set on other things. I also knew why I was so ... excitied I could say, about what I could call me date with Jacob. So then I started getting ready. I just put on one of my better outfits, did my hair nice and put on a little more makeup that usual. Nothing ... special, really. I should have felt set to use my magic to defend myself, but I couldn't bring myself to that. Something else I had just grown to believe in, was something I had always thought impossible. Was it possible that what I was feeling was ... love at first sight? I could hear my own heart today, talking to Jacob, and I felt more than I should feel for even a friend. A best friend, even. But I had to make myself believe that some toehr things you read about ... actually can be true. At eight I heard a knock on the door. I heard Bill answer. I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs. "So, Ginny has a date already? Huh." I expected Jacob to say someting about it not being a date, but he smiled and laughed. "Don't worry about her Mr Watson. She's safe with me." "Well you two have fun. And get her back by ten." said Bill, and me and Jacob left. I should have felt uncomfortable but I didn't. "I don't think he likes me that much." said Jacob. "I know he likes my family, but not me in paticular." "How do you know?" I asked. It seemed insane for someone not to like him. "Just a ... feeling." Jacob shrugged. He opened the door of the car for me and I got in. "What if your family don't like me?" "What?" Jacob started laughing. "Of course they will. I know they already do. Hey, I just met you propperly today, and I really like you." "Even though I like singiers like Jedward and Miley Cyrus?" "You do? Awesome. I admire Jedward, and I think Miley is really ... cool." You could tell he was going to say something else. We drove on to his house in silence. We both ganced at each other every now and then. When we got to his house he got out and opened my door again. I thanked him and we both went to close it at the same time. Our hands touched. For a second I felt like I'd put my hand in the fridge, and he moved his hand quikckley away. "You're so cold." I said. That only added to my theory that I didn't care about. "It's the ... weather." Jacob muttered, and we went inside. The house looked just as good inside Being mostly made of windows, it was completely modern inside with white furnature that all matched. Sharon came and greeted us. "Why hello again Ginny." she smiled. "Now we have it all set up. Jacob cooked the meal and it's heating in the over now, we have our kitchen set up for you both. The rest of the family and I will be two stories up, so you wont be disturbed." "I asked them not to go through any trouble." Jacob chuckled as Sharon left.

All the appliences in the kitchen were put away, and the over was on. The table was set for two, with three candles in the middle, and the lights were dimmed. There were roses in a vase on the counter. I sat down at the table and Jacob got out the lasanga. We ate, and talked, and got to know each other better. Jacob had hardly any. When we finished I finally acted on my theory. "So, how did you stop the shelf so fast, and how did you lift it?" "Well, you may find it hard to believe, but my family are like yours. We're magic." Jacob said. He was a good liar. "You're lying." I said. I had a sudden urge to confront him with this outside in the forest. I acted on it. "Can we go outside?" "Sure. I don't see how it'll help you." We walked outside and I used my magic to make the lights in the forest like they would be during the say. Still dull, though. I walked for a while and then stopped. I turned. "You can lift a shelf no one else can lift. When we first met you couldn't stand my smell, and your eyes changed. You're insanely fast. You're mysterious, pale and cold." "I'm just strange for a seventeen year old." he could see it wasn't convincing me. "Fine, for a hundred and thirteen year old." "You're a Vampure, aren't you?" "Partly." "Explain." "Well, it is true, we are wizards. But we are Vampires. I can also read minds and fix broken things and move things with my mind. Lily can send people messages through thoughts. Ashley can see the future. Casper can control moods. Brenndenn can shape shift in emergency's." "So you're just pretending to like me, so you can kill me." "No." Jacob shook his head. "I really do like you. And Ashley had visions of you here. You arriving, you and me, and some other things. We don't kill people. Casper is new at it, though. But he's not dangerous either." "Can you prove everything? Prove all your powers?" "Fine. But let me tell you, you are like some kind of shield. I cant read you. But I'll show you everythinh else." And it happened. He fixed a broken tree, he made branches dance around without even movie, and then he sent fireworks into the air with his finger. Then he created a ray of sunlight. "Here's to prove I'm a Vampre. We don't die, though." He unbottoned his shirt so I could see more skin, and he stepped in. It made a kind of ... twinkling noise, and what looked like tiny snow drops appeared all over his skin. It was always different. In every book, and in real life. So different. "So beautiful." I said out loud. "But the thing is, I don't know if you actually like me." Jacob said. "Becuase everything about me, draws you in. My scent, my looks, my charm. Everything." "Maybe they don;t work on me." I said, I felt a lump in my throat. "Maybe I like you for you. Maybe ..." I paused. "Maybe I believe in something I never believed in before, and I like it." "You need to tell me what you;re thinking." Jacob was so close to me I could feel his icy breath on my face. I told the truth. "I'm afraid." "See, I knew it."

"No." I put my hand on his cold face. "I'm afraid that now I know you have supernatural powers, you're a wizard and that you're a Vampire, I'm going to lose you." "A lion fell in love with a lamb." I saw a hint of a smile tug at his lips. "What a stupid lamb." "And a sick, twisted lion." We were both smiling now. "But who said anything about love?" "I may not be human, but I'm still a man. I know love at first sight when it hits me right between the eyes. The reason I had to run from you yesterday was because firstly, your blood smells sweet as sugar, but by preperation I don't thirst for it anymore. And secondly, I've never felt this kind of love before and I needed time to understand." "That's all fair, but I never said anything about love on my part." "Ginny, I may not be able to read your mind but I can read everything else. The way you've been acting. The way you're not running, screaming as you go, the way you're staying by me." "I'm interested to learn about your world." "Then come inside." We walked in we sat down. It was still only 9pm. We had an hour. "Well, I suppose you should know about the Death Eaters." "WHAT?" I yelled. "No, calm down, it's not like Death Eaters you probably know of. Like Voldemort followers. It's like ... the kings and law of Vampires." "So it's like ..." I racked my brain for the two Vampire love stories I'd read. "The Mangmort from Midnight To Dawn or The Volturi from The Twilight Saga?" "Yes." Jacob nodded. "Only I'm not just some ordinary Edward or Cedric. I have all these powers, you know. So about the Death Eaters ... they're loated in Berlin, Germany. George used to be part of them but he didn't agree with the ways, so he left." "So, what's your story?" "Well my mom and dad died of bird flu, and I wasn't far from death. So George saved me. Over the years he saved the others. The only one he didn't save was Casper. He joined us over time. As you can probably tell by my being 113, I was created in 1917." "That's really cool." I said. "So, do you want my story?" "Sure, sure." "Well I grew up with the Moody's in London. I was the youngest, with my clone. When I was ten my youngest but still older brother started school, and when he came back he told stories of a battle. The family knew that it wasn't safe for me anymore, so I left. You know I really love them, and miss them every day. How funny Sam and Jasper are, how uptight Kevin is, how ... hungry Ray is ... I even miss how poor they are." "I think I just found you your Christmas present." said Jacob suddenly. "I'm taking you there for the Christmas holidays." "You don't have to." "I want to." he smiled and I smiled. "By the way, would you like some extra food? I was hiding it in a container on my lap so you wouldn't think me rude for not eating." "Maybe you could keep it for me tomorrow." I suggested. "Sounds like you want to come back here tomorrow." "Well, I have nothing to do until Saturday. So that means I'm free every other day. See on

Saturday I start my new job and on Sunday we have people coming over to celebrate Oliver Mooney's fiftieth birthday." "The Mooney's ... part of the tribe. I better stay away Sunday then." "I guess so." I sighed. We spent the rest of the time we had left playing the piano in the drawing room. I found a guitar there too, and I played that for a few minutes. Then Jacob called me over. "Right so there's two things I want you to hear, though I didn't write them. I'm working on something for you, but these will do for now." He cleared his throat and sang: You're the song that the trees sing when the wind blows. You're a flower, you're a river, you're a rainbow. I loved you the first time I saw you, and I always will love you, Ginny. "Paulie ... I love that movie." "I didn't expect you to." Jacob grinned. "This one, you will know. For sure." He sang while playing guitar this time: You're tall and fun and pretty, you're really really skinny, Ginny. I'm the Mickey to your Minnie, you're the Tigger to my Winnie, Ginny. I wanna take you to the city, gonna take you out to dinnie, Ginny. You're cuter than a guinea pig, wanna take you up to Winnie Pig, that's in Canada! Ginny Ginny Ginny, Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. "Cho's song, Ginny version." I laughed. "Awesome." "I thought you'd say that. Now we better get you home." "Cool. I guess. I wanted to call my mom anyway." I sighed. "I think I'll see you sooner than you think." he smiled mysteriously but I didn't know what he meant. He drove me home and walked me to the door. "See you tomorrow, Ginny." "Cant wait." I smiled. I sighed and walked in. "I'm home!" I called, but it turns out Bill had fallen asleep in front of the TV. I walked up the stairs, and I started thinking. Okay. I was sure that Jacob had supernatural powers, was a wizard and was a vampire. I was sure, that just for an hour, that he wanted to kill me for my blood. And then I was sure again that I was completely and madly in love with him. I got to my room and I took off my make up and took my hair down by magic. But I always found it easier to change the normal way. The heating was on high, which I liked, so I just grabbed an old t-shirt and put it on to sleep in. I only had winter pyjamas, and it felt like a desert in here. I opened my window too. I lay back on my bed and dialed Lauren's number. She answered after two rings. "Hey Ginny!" she said. "So, tell me everything." "Well I got a job, I explored the town and the forest, and I made a bunch of friends in school." "So you don't hate Forks anymore?" "Well yeah." I almost laughed. "Could maybe a guy you met have some contribution to this?" "Well, yeah. I met a guy today and I just got home from a date.

"Amazing!" Lauren sounded like a teenager. "Tell me everything! What does he look like? Is he smart? What subjescts does he take?" I stopped listening because I heard a gust of wind and turned. Jacob was stainding at the end of my bed. "Mom, I gotta go." "No! We need to talk about your date! Were you-" I hung up because Jacob was looking at me like he was about to laugh at somthing Lauren said. "Let me guess, you came in through the window?" I raised an eyebrow as I crawled over to him. "I couldn't wait to see you again." he said, as he moved a strand of my hair to behind my ear. "And besides, I realised I forgot something." "What?" "I forgot to kiss you goodnight." Now I longed to kiss him. I really, really did, but I had a worry. "But can you? I mean in both vampire books I've read, I mean like ..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. "Just ... breath slow and don't move." He strted leaning in, I stayed still with my eyes closed. He moved all the way in, still taking it slow, and as soon as our lips met my heart had a clearly audible reaction. It jumped around like a mouse just caught in a mouse trap, and it wouldn't stop. I wanted more. So I kept kissing him back, and I kneeled up higher and ran my fingers through his hair. He pushed me back an the bed as we kept kissing, and then he stopped and jumped away. "I'm sorry." he said. "I shouldn't have thought I was any different to vampires without extra powers, in books." "It's fine." I said. I understood, though I still yearned for more. "At least, stay." "Wasn't planning on leaving." We lay together in silence for a while, before I asked a question I had always wondered. "Do you sleep?" "Nope." he shook his head. "All the books are ... pretty acurate." I smiled and layed my head on his chest as we lay in silence some more. "Hey, wanna hear a joke?" he aksed suddenly, and I nodded. "What do you call a normal human mad who expects to have sex on the third date?" "Patient." I said. "I've read those joke books you got that from." "Darn." he chuckled. I don't even remember falling asleep.

Chapter Five Life, Being With Jacob

In the morning I woke up because of my alarm around seven. I didn't need so much time to be ready today. Jacob left then, too, and he wanted to pick me up for school himself. I didn't feel like cooking so i used magic to summon breakfast from the diner. Just some eggs. Bill joined me about five minutes after I started. "So what did you do last night?" he asked me suspiciously. "Just ate, talked, played piano. Nothing much." I lied. "And then I called Lauren when I got back.

You were asleep." "Yeah, tough day at work. Tiered." Bill shrugged. "Going back again today, I'm guessing?" I nodded. Then I decided to ask him a question. "Is it okay if I go to London for the Christmas holidays?" I asked. "And you know I've never had a Christmas there. When I was small I always came here or went to Florida." "Yeah, it's fine. Good for you, actually." Bill nodded. "They invite you?" "No, it's a surprise." I paused. "Jacob actually wanted me to go. He's buying tickets for me. My present." "Oh." Bill frowned slightly. "Well, I suppose, you're seventeen, you can make good choices. I say have fun, even though it is over a month away." "Great, thanks dad." I finished my breakfast and soon enough I saw Jacob pull up outside. I climbed into the car and he smiled a half smile which I loved. "Bill syas I can go to London for Christmas." I said, and gave him a huge grin. "Well, I can get anything up to twenty tickets for you." Jacob said. "If you want to bring a friend and his family." he winked. "Or anyone else your family may like to meet or see again." So I got thinking. I wanted Jacob there, for sure. I liked his family, I'd bring them too. Then I thought Alice might like to see Lauren and Bill. And if Lauren came Oisn would too, and then I heard Taylor hint at wanting to meet them when I was at the diner with him ... But then there was the Jacob and Taylor thing. Jacob sensed my worry. "Something wrong?" "Well, maybe." I sighed. "I want to take you and your family, and Bill and Lauren and Lauren's husband, but someone else hinted at wanting to meet everyone." "Who?" Jacob asked. "I know you'll refuse, but it's Taylor." "The tribe guy." Jacob raised his eyebows and looked down. He seemed to be deep in thought. "Well, we are natural enemies, but nothings happened yet, so bring him. He can even bring the old man if he wants." "SERIOUSLY?" I almost screamed, but still shouted quite loudly. "Well yeah. This isn't thousends of years ago, we're not full vampires, and he's not a wolf, so it'll be fine. Trust me." "Thank you, so much." I layed my head on his shoulder as we drove on. When we got to school people were already staring at the car. Jacob looked at me and grinned. "Ready for this?" I shrugged. I didn't see the big deal. We steped out of the car and people stared even harder. Some even had their mouths hanging open. Jenna ran right up to me. "O.M.G! When? How?" was all she said. I could see Jacob laughing, and I didn't know how to answer. "I ..." "Lets just say," began Jacob coming over, "I've finally found a reason to talk to other people, Jenna." "You know me?" Jenna gawped. "Well yes, I am in your class group. I know everyone, even if I am a bit ... distant." Jacob chuckled, somewhat darkly. "You and your group of friends are most welcome to sit by Ginny,

my family and I at lunch today, if you haven't already classifed me as a rude person due to my usual silence." "No it's fine." Jenna said. "Well, see you both in class." she hurried off to give the rest of my friend group the news. "See what I meant when I asked if you were ready?" I nodded. Now I understood. It actually was a big deal to everyone, but me. It was like The Angel Of Nittshill Road. Suddenly the angel arrived and everyone changed, but here, suddenly the witch arrived and the quiet one changed. The rest of the day was pretty much the same. People kept approaching me and asking questions. Even people I hadn't met. People I'd never even seen. At lunch I sat with my friends and the Corcorans, and Jacob spoke low enough for only his family to hear as he told them about Christmas. They all seemed happy about it, I guessed by their expression. So the plans were made. By the end of the day people seemed to be adjusted to this new thing happening,though I wasn't fully adjusted. I didn't see how a perfect wizard vampire with super-natural powers could have just changed, all because of me. It seemed too good to be true. I seemed hard to think about even any normal person even loving me. After school Jacob drove me to his place, where Bill already knew I was going. It was Wednesday so that meant I had to be back around seven to meet him at the diner, where he still wanted to eat every Wednesday. Then I decided I should go visit Taylor and Tyler and tell them about the free holiday they were getting. I had just two hours to spend with Jacob, less if I wanted to be on time for Bill, so I made the most of the time I had. Even in the car I linked my arm through his and he drove, and rested my head against him. "Got somewhere you have to be later?" he guessed. "Yeah, the diner by seven." I sighed. "I would come back after, but I should go tell Taylor and Tyler about London. Then I should call Lauren and tell her. Then I should actually call London to warn them they'll have a lot of people coming over." "Well I'll just come see you then." he smiled that crooked smile I'd gotten used to since last night, and I loved. Soon enough we reached his house and I walked in with him. It seemed pretty quiet. I figured everyone was somewhere in the house, doing their own thing. "So, want to see my room?" Jacob asked me. "Sure." I said, and I smiled. He smiled back. We walked up the wooden and metal stairs, and I looked at all the huge paintings. Of the family, of some other people who were clearly vampires and of many other things. Jacob smiled at my facination. We walked up two stories, and into a landing with walls of calm blue. This place had no paintings or furnature, but a lot of doors. Jacob led me to the whitest door of all. We walked inside. The walls were paited a pale lime green and there were no paintings. Ths room had a piano too. A baby grand piano. The shelves were stacked with CD's, books, DVD's and beside the shelves there was a large flatscreen TV mounted on the wall. On the desk there was a small blue 2013 diary, and on another low shelf beside it what looked like almost 100 diarys were stacked. "Wow!" I said. "Is that a journal for every year of your life?" "Yeah, it's pretty boring though." he smiled.

"And you've read, watched and listened to all those?" I pointed to everything on the shelves. "Yes, every one at least twice." I recognized some of the titles of the books, DVDs and CDs. I had some of them myself, too. I saw we had a lot in common. It made me smile. Then I noticed he had a patio door on wall opposite the bedroom door. "What's that for?" I asked him. "Jump on and find out." He crouched down. This time his smile was devilish, but I trusted him. Fully. So I grabed his shoulders and hoisted mysekf onto his back, and in a second we were already outside, flying through the air, landing in a tree. A jumped from tree to tree and I held on for all I was worth. I felt like I was flying. Jacob kept looking back at me, every few jumps, to make sure I was okay, until we got to the place he had intended taking me. It was a huge tree that over looked the meadow I had come to on my first full day here. "You come here too?" I asked him. "All the time." he sighed contently. "I read about this place long before I moved here. Kind of like you. And I fell in love with it." "It is amazing here." I layed my head on his shoulder from behind, just as he jumped down into the feild. "We can spend a while here. An hour or so. Then I'll take you back to the house and you can socialize with my family. I can tell George and Sharon about London, too. I'll drop you at the diner and you'll be there by seven, and then you can do your thing. Then while you're gone I'll work on your song." I nodded. "That sounds just ... perfect." The day wasn't as rainy as usual. It was dull, threatening to rain all the time, but not wet at all, so we lay down in the long grass. We lay there, not talking, just staring into each others eyes. But that was enough. More than words can say. It started to drisel around a quater past five, so I hoped back on Jacobs back and he got back to his room in plenty of time. Now I could hear the TV on downstairs and murmered voices. We walked back down, hand in hand, and we were greeted by smiles. "Ah Ginny, I was wondering when you would be back." said Sharon warmly. "Do make yourself at home." So I sat down in one of the chairs, and Jacob sat in the one next to it. Then Jacob spoke. "You know, Ginny is very interested in our world." I felt myself going red. "Well I have many stories to tell, if you'd like to hear them." George said to me. "I wouldn't mind." I smiled and tried not to look embarressed. "Well, I was born in the year 1508, in London. I was born to a wizard family. The Percivals." he said. That explained his accent. "But when I was tewntyseven I fell ill. Luckily one of my doctors was a Vampire. He saved my life. It was very difficult for him. I discovered I had all kinds of new powers, and luckily I was still a wizard. I decided I wanted to be just like that wizard. So I went exploring. I swan to France and traveled Europe from there, making many Vampire friends along the way. I descovered the Death Eaters in Germany, and I spent 400 years with them as a fourth ruler, but I never bit a human and I didn't agree with what they did, so I left. I swan here then. It took two days. I made my life here, moving all over the place through the states, saving each member of this family over the years along the way."

My eyes were wide and my mouth was open and I didn't even notice. "That's just ... wow." I said, and that was met by aproving smiles. "By the way, George, Sharon, how would you like a free holiday this Christmas? I'm taking Ginny to see her London family as her present. She'd like to take you. I've already spoken to the others." the others nodded as he spoke. "Well that would be lovely." said George with a nod. "Good to get away for a while." agreed Sharon. "Brilliant. I'll get the tickets. We're going with Ginny's parents, her friedn and his father. You guys know the Blacks." said Jacob. "The tribe guys? Not so bad for people who are part of the tribe. So, will we have to hide our secret or what?" said Brennden. "Only from Lauren and Bill." I answered. "You can show yourselves to the Wolfbanes. Virginnia's" - I used her full name to avoid cofusion, -"fiance's godfathers best friend is part wizard, part werewolf, part Vampire." "Oh, that's fine then." Brennden said. "Could you tell us about your other family? I'm interested, since they seem so interesting." said Ashley, and everyone looked at me. "Well ..." I said, unsure. I decided to tell the truth. "It's a very big family, but Virginnia wanted a sister, so they cloned her. I was actually created. You see, Alice was too old to have another child, and I would have been way too young for the family. They used all of Virginnia's DNA that she got from Alice and Paul, so Bill and Lauren could create me. Lauren actually carried me as a baby, and that sounds really weird. I found that I had Lauren and Bill's powers thiugh, instead of the usual wand waving stuff. I wanted a normal life so I went to a normal primary school, instead of staying home to learn about what I would learn at the magic secondary school. It was actually really great, coming here, going to Florida and then back to London. But then my youngest, but older, brother Ray, started school. He came back telling of a lot of stuff that had happened, with a bad guy and some dude and stuff, so they decided because of my way of magic it wasn't safe for me. Things happened after I moved, over seven years, but in the end there was a war and everything turned out fine. Everyone is happy. I was invited back, but everything is finally working over there, so I came here instead. Not as interesting as George's story, but it's a story." "Oh no don't worry, it is quite interesting." said Ashley. "I've never heard anything like it." "A war, you say?" said Casper. It surprised me. He was always quiet, afraid of hurting someone. "Yeah. I don't really know anything about it, but it was between like an army, and the rest of their agic world." "Huh." Casper raised his eyebrows. We talked more about the war and everything, and some of the others shared their stories and showed us their amazing gifts. I found out when a vampire wizard bites a human, their wizard of witch powers are passed on too. Jacob drove me to the diner and I arrived just in time. Bill and I ate what we used to eat when I was little. Joanne remembered it after all these years. "So, what did you do with Jacob today?" Bill asked me. "Went to a feild, talked to his family." I shrugged. "And climbed a tree." I added, just to be slightly more truthful. "Oh. You? Tree climbing? Never thought you were sporty much."

"Well, I wasn't. But this way of tree climbing is great." I tried not to smile as I imagined myself once again flying through the air. "How was work?" "We're not really that busy. Not much going on around here. Someone called in, said they saw a giant wolf or bear or something, but that doesn't really matter to us. What are we supposed to do, arrest the creature for being scary looking?" he laughed. I laughed too. "Hey dad, I was wondering if you want to come to London at Christmas? You're invited too." "Yeah, sure. It'll be nice to see everyone again." he nodded, and was cnsiderably happier. When we finished up and I told Bill I was going over to Taylor's place. I remembered the way, so Bill drove me home so I could pick up my truck. I drove over to Taylor's but he was in yard already. He saw my truck and came over. "Hey!" he called. "Couldn't even stay away a full day?" he laughed. "Something like that." I smiled. "Hey, I was wondering something. What are you doing for Christmas?" "Sitting at home." he shrugged. "Why? Bill inviting people over or something?" "Not exactly." I said mysteriously, and he raised his eyebrows. "First off, let me say, Jacob says that he actually has nothing against you or the tribe, since this isn't hundreds of years ago, he's not just a vampire, and you're a human, not a wolf. Just thought you should know first. And all the family feel like that." "So where is this going?" "Well Jacob is taking me to London for Christmas. See the family, you know. And I can take who ever I want." "Wait ... are you inviting me?" he sounded as if he couldn't believe it. "Yeah, you and your dad." I started smiling. "Of course we'll go! I'll just go ask dad, you can come with if you want, or is that all you came for?" he was grinning that face splitting grin again. "I suppose I could come in, just incase he needs convincing about the Corcorans or aomething." he shrugged. "Great, follow me." he walked through the huge, dusty and sandy yard towards the red bricked house. He opened the door. Inside was pretty small. The door opened right into the livingroom. There were two other doors here. I figured one led to the kitchen and the other to the hall or something like that. The sitting room was pretty plain, with red leather furnature and curtains. They had an arm chair and a two seater couch. They had a tall lamp and small cofee table, with a pretty regular TV. An old radio was perched on the window sill. Tyler was in the chair with his feet on the cofee table, watching the TV. "Hey dad, look who's here." said Taylor, walking in and sitting down. I followed awkwardly. "Oh Ginny, plase, sit down!" said Tyler, like I was the most welcome person in the world. I sat down on the edge of the couch while Taylor sat on the other side. "So dad, wanna go to London for Christmas?" Taylor asked casually. Tyler almost cholked on the air. "What? How?" "Well," I cut in, "Jacob Corcoran is taking me to see my family, and I can take who I like. And don't worry, they have nothing against you. They don't see why they should, since this isn't hundreds of years ago and you're not wolves and they're not just vampires."

"Well I'll go, and it's obvious Taylor's already said yes, so it's decided!" Tyler said happily. We talked for a few minutes before I drove home. As soon as I got in the door, Bill called from in front of the TV. "How did it go?" "They're coming." I said, as I began heading up the stairs. "That's good." I continued up the stairs and got changed for bed. I got into bed because it was cold, and I picked up the phone and dialed Lauren's number. "Ginny!" she picked up on the first ring. "Hey mom." I smiled even though she couldn't see me. "Hey, I was wondering, do you want to come to London for Christmas? The guy I didn't tell you about is taking me, himself, his family, Bill and the Blacks. You can bring Oisn." "Oh I'd love to! It must be costing him a fortune! I don't even know his name, by the way!" "The family have a lot of money." I said. "And it's Jacob. Jacob Corcoran." "That sounds like a good name." you could tell she was smiling at my happiness. "So I should go. I have to call the Wolfbane's, but I'll call you soon." "Okay, love you Ginny." "Love you mom." I hung up. I dialed the next number and waited. I was lucky when Alice picked up first. "Hello? Alice here." she said happily through the phone. "Hey, it's me!" I said happily. "Oh Ginny! How wonderful! How are you dear?" "I'm perfect, thanks. I was wondering, how would you like eleven extra guests at Christmas? For the full school hiloidays?" "That would be very nice. You know how Seris likes plenty of people over! Poor man, locked away for most of the war and before! And the new extentions were charmed on last week, so we have plenty of room! Why do ask?" "Well me and ten other people are coming over!" I was grinning though she couldn't see me. "Oh I cant wait!" she cried. "I'll tell everyone and it'll all be ready!" "Oh yeah, just to warn you, five of them are vampires." I said. "Oh, wow!" Alice said. "That's different alright!" she said. "Yeah. I should go, let you get back to what you're doing because I can hear a lot of noice in the background. I love you all, see you at Christmas!" "See you dear!" I put my phone down and as soon as I did, Jacob was in through my window, grinning. "Told you I'd come see you." he grinned, laying down on my bed beside me. "Well everyone I asked said yes." I informed him. "I bought the tickets." he informed me back. "So what did you do while I was gone?" I asked.

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