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Ginny and Jacob, Ginny and Taylor, TORN

Cho, for helping me develop Taylor as a person. Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. An idea I put as a short story in another book, came in handy here, so thanks to Jessie for helping with that. A very kind Professor, who would rather not be named, for letting me run idea's by him.

Chapter One Forbidden

Ginny, I don't know why you're making Bill and Tyler act like owls. If you want to talk to me you should come You could at least try escape for a couple of The world doesn't revolve around them, you could at

least pick up the I miss you too. Sorry they're being so pushy. Taylor
Taylor wanted to see me. I wanted to see him. But I wasn't allowed to see him. Jacob was being over protective, thinking I'd be in danger or something, that the wolves couldn't defend me. Anyway, he was getting more uptight at this natural enemies thing. I never had time to call him, I never had time to escape. Never had the chance, more like. I loved Jacob, but denying me my best friend wasn't fair on me or Taylor. I had all the time in the world to see him. Luckily I wasn't even grounded for my little "trip" in September, because I told Bill that it was a surprise trip for me, from the Corcorans. Well, Jacob told him and I played along with him. Jacob still came over every day, which I loved, but Bill often frowned when he thought I wasn't watching. School was over but I still had my job, which kept my busy for a few hours every few days. They had even given me (to my displesure) the morning shift on Saturday's. But today was Sunday and I was free all day, so I was having a picnic in the meadow with the Corcorans. Using magic we had put our own miniature sun un the sky, to stop the dullness and the threats of rain, so the meadow looked like it should in June. "We should do this more often." Ashley sighed contently, soaking up our own sun, gilstening like tiny pieces of icicle. "We don't always have the time or weather." Casper commented. Lately Casper was a lot more cofortable around me and not as stiff around other humans. After being around me so often he had gotten even more used to the scent of human blood and was more adapted to his diet of animals, more like the others. "And George has his hospital shifts and Ginny her shop ones." Jacob said, smiling at me for no real reason. Since the Germany episode, he could hardly even bare to leave me even to hunt. I was always lonely when he finally decided to go. All the Corcorans usually hunted at the same time one one went out, but individually whenever they had their own individual needs. Ashley usually hunted close enough to the Corcoran house, saying it was in case I got in any danger what with Vivian having sent Embry last year while they were away, but really I knew it was in case she saw me decide to go and visit Taylor. None of them believed he would actually protect me. Jacob even hinted the wolves themselves could be a danger to me and then there was the thing of natural enemies and all. I missed Taylor more than I could even put into words, but still I was forbidden to see him. Forbidden to see my own best friend. But if that would make Jacob happy, I'd obey for as long as possible, even though it hurt me and Taylor both. Just then I saw Ashley's face go blank and then Jacob's face got a slightly worried look. She was having a vision. Nothing to worry about, I hoped. I sighed to myself and then checked my watch. "Crap!" I exclaimed. "I'm supposed to meet Bill at the station and the we're going for dinner in ten minutes!" I said, seeing the time. "I'll drive you." Jacob smiled. "The car is a while away, we'll have to run. Hop on."

I climbed on his back and he ran like the wind back to the house. I couldn't even see anything as he ran, so fast it was just all blurs. "What did Ashley see?" I asked. "Oh, just that Casper will get some news soon. Nothing to worry about." I wondered why he had looked worried, then. When we got back to the car he drove me to the station and we ran hand in hand to the door. Just in time, as Bill was just leaving. He closed the door. "Hey." he said. "Ready for dinner?" I asked. "Yeah." he eyed Jacob up suspiciously. "It is still just me and you, right?" "I'm just dropping her off." Jacob laughed slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow." he kissed me in the cheek and walked to his car. Then he turned. "By the way Ginny, my parents wanted to remind you it may be about time to use the ticket you got for your birthday. It expires next week." "Ticket?" Bill asked. "A ticket to see mom." I told him. "Yeah, I'll go this weekend. As long as you use the second ticket?" "Of course." Jacob smiled and got in his car. "There's two tickets? Super." Bill said sarcastically. "Let's go to the diner." "How was work?" I asked as we drove. "Not good." he sighed. "There's all these attacks going on in DC. We think it's either a new gang or an active serial killed. There's heaps of murders and missing people. It's getting worse and it's spreading. There's just been a murder in Seattle. And just a year ago a kid Sam Biersack went missing from around here, too. You might have seen the posters. "Yeah, I have." I said. I wondered if Jacob had lied to me about Ashley's vision and it really had something to do with this. But then I thought, he wouldn't lie to me. We arrived at the diner in no time, Stephanie happy to serve us while Joanne hung back and chatted as her shift had just ended. She asked about the attacks and everything. I made a mental note to start reading the newspaper or watching the news. Also I needed to ask someone who wouldn't lie about it if there was something more going on with these attacks. After we ate at the diner I went home and started packing for this weekend, since I had nothing better to do. I actually couldn't wait to see my mom. I wanted to know her life was full. Happy. Carefree. I wanted to know that she was happy. I was only going for the weekend, so I didn't pack much. I was happy to get out of Forks for a while too. It would actually be very easy to travel if you were able to do it by magic. But you couldn't. It had been a long day and I had only taken one of my phones with me all day, so I decided to check my other one. The first thing that came up was One new voice message - Taylor Black. I listened to the message. "Hey Ginny I just called to say ... I don't really know what to say to be honest. Just look, I'm sorry I haven't picked up the phone either, just ... yeah." So he called. He actually called. I called back but it went straight to voicemail. I looked out the window and it was pitch black, later than I'd usually go out, but I ran downstairs anyway. "Dad, I'm going to see Taylor." I called. "About time! Have fun!" he called adfter me, as I ran out the door.

I hoped into my truck and tried to start it, but it wouldn't start. I tried again, but still nothing. Then Jacob was sitting in the passenger seat. "You did this to my truck!" I said. "Who else?" he picked up the piece of my engine and spun it on my finger. "Ashley saw you listen to the voice mail and call Taylor back." "That's not fair!" I protested. "Maybe not, but your safety comes first." I sighed and scowled. "Look, if you don't want me to come into your room tonight, close the window." We both got out of the truck and I walked back in. "Something wrong?" Bill asked. "Just something up with my truck." I said, heading upstairs. "You can use my police car if you like." "It's fine. I'll cope." I continued up the stairs and to my room, shutting the window tight. Then I sighed and opened it again, as far as it would go.

Chapter Two Lies Before An Escape After Florida

We arrived in Florida on Friday, surprising Lauren greatly. She wouldn't stop smiling and hugging me. Even Jacob enjoyed himself, though he had to stay inside. Our excuse was that he had sensitive skin. We were just staying Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night and a few hours on Sunday, but it was still worth it. "Colleges here are really great, you know." Lauren said as we sat outside soaking up the sun on Saturday afternoon. "I haven't made any desicions yet." I shrugged. "I wanted to take a years break to decide, so I am, but it's harder to decide than I thought." "Well whatever you decide is fine with me. I'd love it if you chose somewhere here, though." he smiled. By now we were both sitting on the side edges of our sunchairs, looking at each other as we spoke. I reached over and hugged her. "I miss you mom." I sighed. "I miss you too." she sighed too. The holiday ended too quickly, and on the plane back I was distant, which worried Jacob. "Do you regret going?" he asked. "No, it was great." I sighed again. "It was just hard saying goodbye." Jacob had it hard over there, not able to get outside and unable to hunt. He had been thirsty the whole time. At least I had convinced him and his family to go on a hunting trip on Monday, while I had a shift at work. But when we arrived back at my place, a durprise was waiting in the front yard. Taylor was there. "Taylor!" I exclaimed getting out of the car. I didn;t dare hug him with Jacob that angry.

"Hey." he smiled quickley at me. "I hear you would be back today, and I came to warn you Jacob, if any of you come on our land again, we wont be forgiving." "What?" I asked. "What's going on?" "You didn't tell her?" Taylor scowled. "Bet you lied to get her our of town, didn't you?" "Enough Taylor." Jacob warned. "No, she has a right to know when it's her the redhead wants." "Vivian?" I gasped. I felt some of the old fear coming back. "But what about the land? What's going on?" "Brennden and Joe had a bit of a scrap." Jacob said simply. "Taylor, just go." "Gladly." Taylor glared at Jacob before leaving. "I cant believe you lied to me." I sighed and walked into my house. But I had forgiven him within ten minutes. Ashley must have seen it too, because Jacob called to the door about a minute after I gave up trying to be mad. We spent the afternoon together until nine, when he left. That was the time he was allowed to stay until when Bill was home. And we had to stay under Bill's supervision. "You know you two seem pretty close." Bill raised his eyebrows, and took a breath. "You do know that there are certain precations to take when -" "DAD!" I yelled. "Please, don't." "It's a uncomfortable for me as it is for you!" "Well Alice beat you to this, like ten years ago. And mom beat you to it too. Not long after Alice." "You didn't have a boyfriend back then." Bill frowned. "But the same things apply!" I protested. I didn't want to havbe this talk with him. It made me want to shove my head through a brick wall. "Yeah, but I'm just saying, when two people are ... intamite, they-" "DAD!" I yelled again. "Okay, right. I'm ..." I took a deep breath, hating that I had to say these words to him. "I'm a virgin." "Oh. Glad we covered that. I'm liking Jacob a lot more now." I left just a minute after, still uncomfortable. Jacob returned that night and I decided to ask him about what was going on in DC. "Jacob, you know those murders and disappearences and things going on in DC and Seattle?" "Yes, why?" "Well the don't seem ... normal." I sighed. "I was wondering ... has it got something to do with vampires?" "Yes, we've been tracking it for a while now. If it gets too out of hand we'll have to go over there. But don't worry, we've got in under control." "Okay." I said. I went to sleep shortly after that. I woke up early since I had the morning shift at the shop. Jacob was still there when I woke. "Good morning." he smiled at me. "I was just about to leave. Enjoy work." "Enjoy your hunt." I said. "I'll only be gone for a day and Ahsley will be close by our house, so if anything happens she can get to you fast." "Trust me, I'll be fine." I laughed.

He kissed me goodbye and I got ready for work. I ate breakfast and drove to the shop. The morning was slow and my shift was just two hours long. I didn;t know what I was going to do that day. It would be lonely and long without Jacob. Just before I left Harry, who was working with me that morning, handed me a bunch of flyers to dump on my way out. But as I lifted the dumpster lid outside, I saw what the flyer was about. The title caught my eye first.


Underneath was a picture of a wolf. It wasn't just any wolf, it was actually a picture of Taylor. I suddenly made a desicion to go and see him, so forgetting the flyers I ran to my truck and jumped in. Ashley wouldn't be able to see me decide this, as it was a sudden snap desicion! And she couldn't see the wolves, so she wouldn't be able to see me. I drove as fast as I could. I didn't know where the border of the teritory was, but I relaxed a little as soon as I saw the first few houses of the tribe members. I drove along to Taylor's house and he must have heard me stop the truck, because he ran out the door. I smiled at him and around at the place I spent so much time around not even a month ago. "Ginny!" he yelled as he swept me into a tight hug. "Welcome back!" The way he said it sounded more like welocme home. "It's good to be back." I laughed. "Ginny!" a bunch of voices said my name at ones, as the pack, minus Chord, Alex and Clodagh came out of the house. "Hey Draco you finally made the pack!" I laughed. "I phased too!" Clodagh said. "And David, but he's not here not. He's at home. Chord's there too." "Well that's awesome." I laughed. "Hey! You're back!" said Hermione, coming out of the house and hugging me. "Yeah, I am!" I laughed. "You don't know how glad we are you're here!" said Joe. "You're all Taylor talks about." Everyone began imitationg him. "I wish Ginny would stop calling!" "I wish Ginny would call!" "Maybe I should call Ginny!" "Maybe I should call Ginny and hang up!" "Okay guys, stop it now." Taylor laughed. "Got it!" Blaise laughed, and everyone went and did there seperate thing. "How come you're here?" Taylor asked. "I escaped." I laughed, as we began walking. "So, when did Clodagh join you guys "Just a few days ago. So now we all have to live in a Clodagh-Chord-Hermione pain fest." "How?" I frowned. "You see, Chord was with Clodagh when he imprinted on Hermione." "Oh." I said. We were on the beach now. "Can you explain it to me?" "Ginny, you've read about it." "Please?" "Fine." Taylor took a deep breath. "When you see her, the world stops spinning because of

science. It's because of her. She's the only thing that ties you to the earth. Now gravity or anything. Your heart beats only for her. You would do anything, or being anything for her. A friend, a brother, a lover, a protector, or more." "It sounds like you know the feeling." I looked at him. "Well, yeah." he said without thinking. "You imprinted?" I said, surprised. "Um, no?" he said awkwardly. "Who?" I asked, sudenly nervous for some reason. Taylor took a huge breath. "You." "Oh." I said. "I shoud've know." I sighed. "Well right now all I need is a friend. A best friend, like you always were to me." "Got it." he nodded. The way he said it made me wonder if he was still in love with me, as well as having imprinted on me. "I also need to know exactly what happened while I was away." I grinned. "Well, redhead was on Corcoran land and they were all ready for her. She ran into our land and they followed the best they could, staying on their land. We attacked her then. Then she was in between both teritories, Brennden was following her on their side and Joe on ours. Brennden jumped at her since she wasn't fully in out land, but he ended up attacking her in our land, and you know Joe, he took a snap at him. But she got away." "Wow." I said. I smiled. "Sounds interesting." "Are you scared that she's after you?" Taylor stopped walking and took my wrist, turning to face me. "Not really. I'm used to it now and I know I'm protected." I shrugged. It was true. I was a little scared, and I knew that if Vivian was able to get into my house Bill could be in danger too, but I knew that no one would let her get to me. "That's fair." Taylor nodded once. "So, what are you doing today?" he asked me, stopping again. "Mopping around alone." I laughed. "All the Corcorans are hunting." "You don't have to be alone. We'd all love you to stay." Taylor raised an eyebrow. "Well I'm already here, so I guess I'll stay." I grinned. "Great!" Taylor's eyes were sparkling the way the used to.

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