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Members: Marcel Gamero G. Mario Urquizo V.

Is a celebration of the Catholic Church designed to celebrate the Eucharist.

Its main purpose is to proclaim and increase the faith of Catholics in the real presence.

It takes place on Thursday after the feast of the Holy Trinity which in turn takes place the Sunday after Pentecost.

It is celebrated around the world, especially in Europe and America

The festival is an explosion of Baroque religious syncretism between the Catholic faith and religion of the Andean Inca times.

Ten days before the festival, the patron of Cusco, the Virgin of Bethlehem, comes at St. Joseph in procession to the church of Santa Clara.

On Wednesday where he hopes the arrival of other images of saints, who gather along the streets

The entire group pictures taken procession goes the Cathedral Cusco.

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The main day, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body of Christ, with a special mass that is accompanied by major social and clerical authorities of the city.

Then the procession of the Eucharist around the square, finally, the Eucharist will bless the people to make way for the central procession Saints.

We go around the square, you can see the consumption chiriuchu, dish composed of different types of products.

The Saints will rest in the cathedral for 8 days, where debate on the fate of the city and how they behave devotees throughout the year.

After eight days, leaving a farewell procession in the same order and around the Plaza de Armas.

Then some of the saints, after saying goodbye to each other with a bow,

Are removed from the cathedral to his temples, withdraw from the cathedral to his temples, leaving a few that will do over the remainder

1. Why we celebrate the Corpus Christi?

For proclaim and increase the faith of Catholics.

2. When we celebrate Corpus Christi?

It takes place the Sunday after Pentecost. (sixty days after easter).

3. Where is the most representative celebration of Corpus Christi?

It takes place in Cusco, Per. In the center of the city.

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