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Tense Present Simple

Use Habits / Routines Things that are always true / permanent Describing a state

Basic Form Basic form except for 3rd person singular, we add an s

Signal Words always, every , never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually if sentences type I (If I talk, )

Things that are happening now, at this moment. Present Temporary situations that are happening Continuous around now (but not at this exact moment) Fixed future arrangements

Be (Present) + Verb + __ing

at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now

Present Perfect Simple

Action that started in the past and continues in the present (unfinished time) An action that happened in the past but has a result in the present (present result)

Has / Have + past participle

For, since, already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

To talk about an activity started in the past Present and continues in the present. Perfect Recently finished activity with present Continuous results Situations where we focus on activity Something that happened at a specific time (details) in the past Past Simple Complete / finished actions in the past Longer / permanent situations To talk about an action passed before an Past

Has / Have + been + past participle yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday if sentence type II (If I talked, ) Since, for, already

Basic Form + d or ed Had/hadnt + past

action in the past. We often use (by the time + Past Simple + Past Perfect) What was happening at a particular moment Past in the past. Continuous Beginning of Story Perfect Simple


Was / Were + __ing

Passive: Verb to be + Past Participle Going to: use it to talk about plans for the future or intentions. Will: used for unplanned decisions (made while speaking), offers or promises. First Conditional : For possible / real situations: If + Present Simple + will (ll) / wont Second Conditional : For unreal / imaginary / hypothetical situations: If + Past Simple + would (d) / wouldnt Third Conditional : For hypothetically past situations: If + Past Perfect + would have + past participle

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