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Assistance League National Resource Development Committee Resource Library July 2012

1. Example Grantor Name Searched Placing the Grantor Name Searched into an Excel spreadsheet and placing the spreadsheet into a Dropbox folder labeled Grantor Name Searched provides a working document for the member to use as a reference tool in evaluating new grantors. Reviewing potential grantors identified through GrantStation or Foundation Center takes time. The members doing this task do not want to find they have wasted their time by reviewing a potential grantor that they reviewed six months earlier. Therefore, keeping track of the grantors reviewed and the decision made as to whether to continue with completing a letter of inquiry or a grant proposal is important. . The member can develop an Excel spreadsheet to list the names of grantors searched. The Grantor List Searched should have the following columns:
Name of Grantor Found on Date Current Grantee/Reason Why Assistance League Chapter Qualifies or Does Not Quality ALRS Program Potential Form 990 Printed Amount Potential Deadline for Submission

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