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Perez 1 Maria Perez Ms.

Caruso English 1102 10 July 2012 Popular Culture Inquiry Proposal Is the hospital the best alternative for giving birth? I see this question as a form of popular culture because I believe that many are now not only commercializing the idea of giving birth, they are also trying to follow current trends of having children the natural way in their own homes. I have always believed that the best location to give birth to a child is the hospital. However, the other day while watching a documentary on Hulu, called Pregnant in America I began to reconsider my idea. So I want to see if having a child in a hospital is really the best alternative, or if we have been brought to believe that it is through modern culture. I also want to see if the hospitals are really keeping the mother and the childs best interest in mind. I dont understand why the rate of births during the weekday has increased, and also why the amounts of caesarian sections have also increase. Through the television, books, and medical journals I want to find what it is that has made us believe that having children in the hospital is the best alternative. I believe that after conducting research in these reliable mediums I will be able to make a more informed decision as to the importance or necessity of giving birth to a child in a hospital. Eventually, I hope this will help me decide where I will have my children.

Subject Choices: Is giving birth in a hospital the best alternative? Why do we dress the way we do?

Perez 2 What does our clothes say about us? Why is our attitude so intolerable? Are pain medications worth it while giving birth? Why is reality TV so appealing? Is the high cost of college necessary? Why are movies so violent? Why do I have to have a top of the line cell phone? Does listening to music really relax me?

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