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The Dawn of Unity Between Two Cultures

Now the descendents of Arian tribe have called upon people from South
Africa to join them in the great land of Iran, to create another wonder
on this land.

To recreate history, the engineers and architects from all over the world
have gathered again, and the carvings have begun.

The wind of harmony among the world’s nations has blown to once
again raise the pillars of Persepolis by the shores of Persian Gulf up into
the sky of Iran as a polymer production enterprise.

This time, neither a palace nor a great city of stones will be built;
instead, the command has come to these two allied nations to build a
monument which represents the most beautiful deeds of the most
harmonized human beings who are offering their chaste love, derived
from the pure Iranian civilization to the whole world; and exclaims the
justice and kindness of Iran’s founded father to all mankind.


Persian Text Translated Into English Language

and Edited By: Dr. Dariush SALEHI

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