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v1. One patient reports to your surgery, he is a visitor to this city and is travelling back on the same day.

He reports
with severe pain in a tooth which is grossly decayed, needs to be extracted. he is hypertensive, he is on warfarin and INR is----,he is allergic to penicillin. Patient is not agreeing for extraction as he has to travel back the same day. so u decide to prescribe analgesics Write the adverse effects of strong analgesics. 2. twenty one year old patient complains of pain in a tooth(36 or 46 I dont remember)tooth is sensitive to hot, cold and sweets, non tender he is not a frequent visitor to dentist, he has got two of his teeth extracted earlier. now he wants to save this tooth. give your treatment options and the sequelae. (picture of one bitewing radiograph was given showing caries in 6 which was close to the pulp horn) 3. thirty four year old female patient complains of spacing in between her front teeth, which has been increasing for past 12 months. she had bleeding and swollen gums during pregnancy, now she has one year old kid. 5 to 6mm pockets present in anterior teeth and few posterior teeth. Scaling, root planning and oral hygiene instructions were given. 3months recall check up shows improvement with plaque in few places. However pockets in the anterior region are present. What treatment options will u discuss with the patient & what are the investigations and overall treatment for periodontis u advice in this patient. (perio charting and one opg was given)

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