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ELT Summit 2012:

The Highlights

Our communities arent broken. We just need to activate their assets.
- Eric Schwarz, Citizen Schools CEO and Co-Founder

Someone made them feel worthy.

- MA Governor Deval Patrick

Taking laps to get ahead

- Dr. Pete Gorman, Senior Vice President, News Corp

The Principal is responsible for making (ELT) work.

- Mike Sabin, Principal, Dever McCormack Middle Schools

We have to change the paradigm of the adults in charge.

- Leo Flanagan, Principal, Edwards Middle School

Kids who go to college underprepared are essentially paying for high school.
- Kristin McSwain, Executive Director, Boston Opportunity Agenda

Service to a greater good will sustain you.

- Sheila Cavanaugh, Senior Vice President, Fidelity

We need to develop proof pointsto show whats possible.

- Michael Yudin, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education

Multipliers pull out students discretionary effortand get students so invested that they love the (learning) journey.
- Dr. Carol Johnson, Superintendent, BPS

The marathon metaphor

- Dr. Carol Johnson, Superintendent, BPS

Take the first step so you can figure out what is required to succeed.
- Roberto Padilla, Principal, West Prep Academy (NY)

In God we trust; all others bring data.

- Margaret Spellings, former Secretary of Education

Sharing data helps us speak with one voice to students.

- Macy Parker, Director of Professional Development, Citizen Schools CA

Do partnership (and ELT) require more principal energy? Yes. But it requires much more adult energy to provide better opportunities for students.
- Lisa Nelson, Principal, Isaac Newton Middle Schools (NY)

Our vision includes one faculty, working together, to close the opportunity and achievement gap for students in our school.
- Krish Mohip, Principal, John A. Walsh Elementary Schools (Chicago)

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