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Growth in ELT

Citizen Schools Extended Learning Time (ELT) Enrollment

# ELT Schools




25 (projected)

Students Served
In the 2011-12 school year, our 19 ELT partnerships served a high-need student population:
96% of students are members of racial/ethnic minority groups

84% qualify for free or reduced-price school lunch

30% of students are English Language Learners 21% have identified Special Needs Average math proficiency rate of 36% for 6th graders in the prior school year

Average graduation rate is 56% across the Citizen Schools ELT partner districts

Average Annual Proficiency Gains (2011)

Citizen Schools ELT Partnerships High Quality Turnaround Efforts District Averages

Citizen Schools ELT partnerships are associated with significant growth in proficiency, particularly in math

Median Student Growth Percentile, Grade 6 Math (2010/2011)

Median Student Growth Percentile, Grade 6 ELA (2010/2011)

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