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Wilhelmina sighed deeply as her fingers tapped methodically on the granite counter tops like a minute minder.

She eyed Marc carefully, watching every move he made with the sealed envelope. Marc held it closely to his chest and looked in her eyes, searching for a sign; Anything to tell him what to do. Soon she grew iratated by the elapsed time, passing slowly yet swiftly, harshly yet softly, sensitive yet...careless. Will you open it already?! Wilhelmina pounded her fist on the able, causing Marc to jump slightly. Willie are you sure? Marc asked her, trying to ignore her growing temper. Why would ask me such a stupid question? She looked at him sternly. Are your pores so large that your brain is seeping out.? Willie I just dont want you to have another...meltdown. Marc I swear if you took a picture of me on your phone, I will kill you...and eat you. Marc squinted slightly to see if she was serious. She was. He gulped slowly and loosened his gripon the crisp envelope. HE tracied he lining of

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