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A Seminar Report On

Biometric Authentication

Submitted By Shah Divya M. (07BCE095)

Guid Mr. Jigar Patel

Concerned Faculty Mrs. Roopal Vyas

2008-09 Dept of Computer Engineering Institute of Technology


This is to certify that Mr. Divya M. Shah Roll No 07BCE095 of Semester-V of Institute of Technology, Nirma University, has successfully completed the Seminar on Biometric Authentication as part of his Semester-V Curriculum.

Guid HOD

Concerned Faculty

Mr. Jigar Patel Prof. D.J.Patel

Mrs. Roopal Vyas

Date: Place: Ahmedabad

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly I would also like to thank my Faculty Guide, Mr. Jigar Patel for her guidelines and knowledge she gave me. Secondly I would like to thank our concerned faculty for seminar who guided us for better presentation in a very nice and encouraging manner.

I would also like to thank my friends especially Nikhaar Shah, Pratik Shah, Bhaumik Shah, Kunal Shah, Parth Patel, Dhaval J Patel and Dhaval A Patel who helped me in guiding for minor things like format of the presentation and choosing the best from options whenever given.

I am also thankful to Prof. D. J. Patel, Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad for providing an opportunity to deliver a seminar.

Last but not the least my parents. They have given me the excellent support

INDEX Introduction. .1

Biometric Technologies. .5 Iris Recognition. .6 Fingerprint technology.7 Facial Recognition.7 Voice Recognition. 8

Hand geometry..9 Biometric Process. .10

Introduction (personal identification using biometrics)

Biometric identifiers (required properties for a biometric measure)

Classification of biometrics methods (static versus dynamic)

Biometric system architecture (general model for a biometric system)

Decision Outcome

Performance ..13

Summery.. .15

References. 17

Conclusion ..18


Over the past twenty five years microelectronics, telecommunications and computer engineering joined forces to precipitate the information technology revolution in which intellectual chores were increasingly alleviated by machines. At the core of this revolution were advances in materials science, which led to more powerful and cheaper semiconductors. Cheap semiconductors in turn allowed rapid advances in the production of computers, computer software, and telecommunications equipment, which in turn led to steep price declines in each of these industries. Individuals, businesses, and governments took advantage of these dramatic price reductions and major performance improvements and purchased incessantly, creating a proliferation of information technology that has changed the way businesses and governments operate. In so doing, society transferred the control of critical processes to networked computers, computer software and telecommunications systems. It did so without a clear plan or concern for securing these individual IT based systems! It did so without a sense that someone might use these security flaws to gain access to the IT systems for the purpose of creating disruptions, effecting economic havoc and yes, even causing death and destruction!

Today a vast array of networked physical and cyber assets virtually control and sustain the operation of a nations critical infrastructure in all key sectors: agriculture and food, water, public health, emergency services, defense industrial base, telecommunications, energy, transportation, banking and finance, chemical industry and hazardous materials, and postal and shipping. Hundreds of thousands of computers, servers, routers, switches and cable have become the nervous system of the critical infrastructure that is vital to the economy and security of a nation. The terrorist attacks around the world have forced all nations to reexamine their national security focus and place a priority on protecting the homeland. They have also forced consideration of a wide array of unconventional threats, especially cyber attack against the networked information technology systems combining to form a nations critical infrastructure.

While society has long recognized that each of these networked physical and cyber assets represents an attractive and viable target for those wishing to illegally acquire information or gain competitive business advantage, and hence should be protected, it is now just coming to grips with the reality that these networked systems are largely unprotected and represent a means where by terrorists could inflict great harm on a nation, its citizens and businesses. For example, consider the consequences if terrorists gained access to IT systems controlling a nuclear power plant, a chemical plant, a mass transit system or an airport. Equally consider the consequences if they gained accessed to weapons designs held by a military contractor or to systems controlling the operation of a major financial institution. The consequences would be significant; not only for the key underlying system but for the nation as a whole. Just as we need to establish a variety of defenses at physical access points airports, seaports, power generation plants, military bases, so too must we establish defenses at the virtual points of access to the controlling IT systems!

It is clear that securing the networked critical infrastructure as well as the underlying IT systems against cyber attack must be a priority for government. Since many of the underlying IT systems are in the hands of the private sector, they too must consider this threat a priority and work collaboratively with government to realize an immediate and effective solution! The challenging question for the IT sector is: How do we secure this vast critical infrastructure on which a nations economy and security now rests? The obvious way is to ensure that the only people granted access to any of the component systems are those authorized to do so and that they have their identity confirmed before access is permitted. Traditional methods of confirming authorization and identity when approving physical and logical access, such as confirming a valid identification document (ID badge), a password or both, are no longer sufficient: both have been shown to be easily compromised especially when confronted by a formidable, focused effort to secure these items for future illicit use.

The clear and convincing solution is to deploy biometric technology to strengthen and secure access. This will ensure that all persons granted access are checked to confirm that they are the same person that was previously enrolled and vetted through a controlled security check. It further mandates a "positive identity confirmation check" as a prerequisite to anyone gaining access to and using any component of a nations critical infrastructure, whether that is log on access, subsequent access to a more sensitive system component, access to data records or execution of an application. While use of biometrics is acknowledged as the solution for enabling positive trusted identification of a person seeking access, the unique needs posed by a cyber attack initiated by someone intending to do harm must be carefully considered when selecting which biometric(s) and how they are to be used.

Authentication plays a very critical role in securityrelated applications like e-commerce. There are a number of methods and techniques for accomplishing this key process. In this regard, biometrics is gaining increasing attention these days. Security systems, having realized the value of biometrics, use biometrics for two basic purposes: to verify or identify users. There are a number of biometrics and different applications need different biometrics.

A fundamental flaw in existing embedded e-security technologies is their cryptography-plus-PINnumber infrastructure. This has generated security concerns that have proved a major obstacle to the growth of e-commerce, presently a relatively poor 2% of market share. We aim to design a new infrastructure that can solve this security problem by incorporating cryptography and biometric authentication into a computing resource limited embedded e-security system. The outcomes of this project will be a set of new cryptosystems, new biometrics processing schemes and new onboard resource allocation schemes that will form the basis for the next generation of embedded systems. Biometric is the most secure and convenient authentication tool. It can not be borrowed, stolen, or forgotten and forging one is practically impossible. Biometrics measure individual's unique physical or behavioral characteristics to recognize or authenticate their identity. Common physical biometrics include fingerprints, hand or palm geometry, retina, iris, and facial characteristics. Behavioral characters characteristics include signature, voice, keystroke pattern, and gait. Of this class of biometrics, technologies for signature and voice are the most developed.

Biometrics is expected to be incorporated in solutions to provide for including applications for improving airport security, strengthening the United States' national borders, in travel documents, visas and in preventing ID theft. Now, more than ever, there is a wide range of interest in biometrics across federal, state, and local governments. Congressional offices and a large number of organizations involved in many markets are addressing the important role that biometrics will play in identifying and verifying the identity of individuals and protecting national assets. There are many needs for biometrics beyond Homeland Security. Enterprise-wide network security infrastructures, secure electronic banking, investing and other financial transactions, retail sales, and health and social services are already benefiting from these technologies. A range of new applications can been found in such diverse environments as amusement parks, banks, credit unions, and other financial organizations, Enterprise and Government networks, passport programs and driver licenses, colleges, physical access to multiple facilities (e.g., nightclubs) and school lunch programs.

Biometric Technologies Iris Recognition

Iris cameras perform recognition det ection of a persons identity by mathematical analysis of the random patterns that are visible within the iris of an eye from some distance. It combines computer vision, pattern recognition, statistical inference and optics. Of all the biometric devices and scanners available today, it is generally conceded that iris recognition is the most accurate. The automated method of iris recognition is relatively young, existing in patent since only 1994. The iris is the coloured ring around the pupil of every human being and like a snowflake, no two are alike. Each are unique in their own way, exhibiting a distinctive pattern that forms randomly in utero, n a process called chaotic morphogenesis. The iris is a muscle that regulates the size of the pupil, controlling the amount of light that enters the eye. Iris recognition is rarely impeded by glasses or contact lenses and can be scanned from 10cm to a few meters away. The iris

Some medical and surgical procedures can affect the overall shape and colour of an iris but the fine texture remains stable over many decades. Even blind people can use this scan technology since iris recognition technology is iris patterndependent not sight dependent. Iris scanning is an ideal way of biometric identification since the iris is an internal organ that is largely protected by damage and wear by the cornea. This makes it more attractive then fingerprints which can be difficult to recognize after several years of certain types of manual labour. The iris is also mostly flat and controlled by 2 muscles so it helps make the iris movements more predictable then facial recognition. Even genetically identical twins have completely different iris patterns. Iris cameras, in general, take a digital photo of the iris pattern and recreating an encrypted digital template of that pattern. That encrypted template cannot be re-engineered or reproduced in any sort of visual image. Iris recognition therefore affords the highest level defence against identity theft, the most rapidly growing crime. The imaging process involves no lasers or bright lights and authentication is essentially noncontact. Todays commercial iris cameras use infrared light to illuminate the iris without causing harm or discomfort to the subject.

Before scanning of the iris takes place, the iris is located using landmark features. These landmark features, and the distinct shape of the iris allow for imaging, feature isolation and extraction. Localization of the iris is an important step in iris recognition because, if done improperly, resultant noise (i.e.: eyelashes, reflections, pupils and eyelids) in the image may lead to poor performance. The general uses of iris recognition so far have been: substituting for passports (automated international border crossing); aviation security and controlling access to restricted areas at airports; database access and computer login; premises access control; hospital settings including mother-infant pairing in maternity wards; "watch list" screening at border crossings; and it is under consideration for biometrically enabled National Identity Cards. Having only become automated and available within the last decade, the iris recognition concept and industry are still relatively new. Through the determination and commitment of the iris industry and government evaluations, growth and progress will continue.

Fingerprint technology

Fingerprint readers take impressions of the friction ridges of the skin on the underside of the tip of the fingers. Fingerprints are used to identify you and are unique and different to everyone and do not change over time. Even identical twins who share their DNA do not have the same fingerprints. Police and Government agencies have used these modes of identifying humans for many years but other agencies are starting to use biometric fingerprint readers for identification in many different applications. Fingerprints are formed when the friction ridges of the skin come in contact with a surface that is receptive to a print by using an agent to form the print like perspiration, oil, ink, grease, etc. The agent is transferred to the surface and leaves an impression which forms the fingerprint. There are several methods of biometric fingerprinting. A livescan devise basically reads or photographs fingerprints by measuring the physical difference between ridges and valleys. The procedure for capturing a

In order to lift latent prints it is necessary to use a developer like a powder or chemical reagent to develop or produce a high degree of visual contrast between ridge patterns and the surface on which it was left. There are many different types of chemicals used in developing fingerprints and choosing one depends on the agent used to make the fingerprint. There are advances in the industry to form an SKP fingerprinting technique which is non-contact and does not require the use of developers, has the potential to allow fingerprints to be retrieved while still leaving intact any material that could subsequently be subjected to DNA analysis. Besides forensic agencies, many companies are turning to fingerprint readers to identify employees and potential security threats, as in airports and government agencies. Military personnel records will contain scans of fingerprints or toe prints to identify bodies in trauma scenes and possible situations where fire victims fingerprints have been burned. The computer hardware industry has used fingerprint readers / scanners for years and the automotive industry is starting to catch on to the idea to identify their owners. Other arenas where fingerprinting is starting to make an impression are in schools in the UK and are making their way to the US are used for electronic registration, cashless catering and library access.

Whatever the application, fingerprints are the most commonly used forensic evidence worldwide. With many advances in the industry year after year, we will be seeing more fingerprint readers for identification in our daily lives as time moves on.

Facial Recognition

A facial recognition device is one that views an image or video of a person and compares it to one that is in the database. It does this by comparing structure, shape and proportions of the face; distance between the eyes, nose, mouth and jaw; upper outlines of the eye sockets; the sides of the mouth; location of the nose and eyes; and the area surrounding the check bones. Upon enrolment in a facial recognition program, several pictures are taken of the subject at different angles and with different facial expressions. At time of verification and identification the subject stands in front of the camera for a few seconds, and then the image is compared to those that have been previously recorded. To prevent a subject from using a picture or mask when being scanned in a facial recognition program, some security measures have been put into place. When the user is being scanned, they may be asked to blink, smile or nod their head. Another security feature would be the use of facial thermography to record the heat in the face. The main facial recognition methods are: feature analysis, neural network,

Some facial recognition software algorithms identify faces by extracting features from an image of a subject's face. Other algorithmsnormalize a gallery of face images and then compress the face data, only saving the data in the image that can be used for facial recognition. A probe image is then compared with the face data. A fairly new method on the market is threedimensional facial recognition. This method uses 3-D sensors to capture information about the shape of a face. This information is then used to identify distinctive features on the face, such as the contour of eye sockets, nose and chin. The advantages of 3-D facial recognition are that it is not affected by changes in lighting, and it can identify a face from a variety of angles, including profile view. Another new technique in facial recognition uses the visual details of the skin, as captured in standard digital or scanned images. This technique is called skin texture analysis, turns the unique lines, patterns, and spots apparent in a person's skin into a mathematical space. Preliminary tests have shown that using skin texture analysis in facial recognition can increase performance in identification by 20 to 25 percent. The benefits of facial recognition are that it is not intrusive, can be done from a distance even without the user being aware they are being scanned. (i.e.: bank or government office)

What sets apart facial recognition from other biometric techniques is that it can be used for surveillance purposes; as in searching for wanted criminals, suspected terrorists, and missing children. Facial recognition can be done from far away so with no contact with the subject so they are unaware they are being scanned. Facial recognition is most beneficial to use for facial authentication than for identification purposes, as it is too easy for someone to alter their face, features with a disguise or mask, etc. Environment is also a consideration as well as subject motion and focus on the camera. Facial recognition, when used in combination with another biometric method, can improve verification and identification results dramatically.

Voice Recognition

A Voice Recognition voiceprint is a spectrogram. A spectrogram is a graph that shows a sound's frequency on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Different speech creates different shapes on the graph. Spectrograms also use colour or shades of grey to represent the acoustical qualities of sound. All of our voices are uniquely different (including twins) and cannot be exactly duplicated. Speech is made up of two components. A physiological component (the voice tract) and a behaviouralcomponent (the accent) Some companies use voice recognition so that people can gain access to information without being physically present, like in a phone call. Unfortunately people can bypass this system by using a pre recorded voice from an authorized person. That's why some systems will use several randomly chosen voice passwords or use general voiceprints instead prints of specific words.

A Voice Recognition voiceprint is a spectrogram. A spectrogram is a graph that shows a sound's frequency on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Different speech creates different shapes on the graph. Spectrograms also use colour or shades of grey to represent the acoustical qualities of sound. All of our voices are uniquely different (including twins) and cannot be exactly duplicated. Speech is made up of two components. Aphysiological component (the voice tract) and a behavioural component (the accent) Some companies use voice recognition so that people can gain access to information without being physically present, like in a phone call. Unfortunately people can bypass this system by using a pre recorded voice from an authorized person. That's why some systems will use several randomly chosen voice passwords or use general voiceprints instead prints of specific words. The voiceprint generated upon enrolment is characterised by the vocal tract and a cold does not affect the vocal tract. Only extreme vocal conditions such as laryngitis will prevent the system from proper voice recognition.

During enrolment, the user is prompted to repeat a short phrase or a sequence of numbers. Voice recognition can utilize various audio capture devices (microphones, telephones and PC microphones). The performance of voice recognition systems may vary depending on the quality of the audio signal. Random words and phrases are used so that no unauthorized use is suspected. The benefits of voice recognition are that it can use existing telephone systems, it can be automated and used with speech recognition and that it has a low perceived invasiveness. The weakness of the system is a high false non-matching rate. Speech recognition is the computing task of validating a user's claimed identity by using characteristics extracted from their voice. Speaker recognition uses the acoustic features of speech that are different in all of us. These acoustic patterns reflect both anatomy (size and shape of mouth & throat) and learned behaviour patterns (voice pitch & speaking style), If a speaker claims to be of a certain identity and their speech is used to verify this claim. This is called verification or authentication. Identification is the task of determining an unknown speaker's identity.

Speech recognition can be divided into two methods. Text dependent and text independent methods. Text dependent relies on a person saying a pre determined phrase whereas text independent can be any text or phrase. The methods can easily be deceived by someone playing a pre recorded phrase of a person who is authorized. A speech recognition system has two phases. Enrolment and verification. During enrolment, the speaker's voice is recorded and typically a number of features are extracted to form a voice print, template or model. In the verification phase, a speech sample or utterance is compared against a previously created voiceprint. For identification systems, the utterance is compared against multiple voiceprints in order to determine the best match or matches, while verification systems compare an utterance against a single voiceprint. Because of this process, verification is faster than identification. Voice / speech recognition systems are mostly used for telephone based applications. Voice verification is used in government offices, healthcare, call centres, financial services and customer authentication for service calls. To find the best solution for voice and speech recognition systems, please check out our sponsors below.

Hand geometry

person's hand/palm and finger are unique however not as unique as their fingerprints or irises, for this reason, businesses and schools like to use hand scanner and finger reader biometrics technology, to authenticate but not identify its users. Authentication is a one-to-one comparison; it compares your characteristic with your stored information. Identification, on the other hand, is a one-to-many comparison. In this way, some people may find it less intrusive. Hand scanner and finger reader recognition systems measure and analyze the overall structure, shape and proportions of the hand, e.g. length, width and thickness of hand, fingers and joints; characteristics of the skin surface such as creases and ridges. The hand and finger scanner/reader devices still maintain accuracy even when hands are dirty, which are good in construction areas; and also have the ability to work under extreme temperatures ranging from negative 30 to 150 degrees F. To use a hand scanner, you simply

The scanner uses this information to determine the length, width, thickness and curvature of your hand or finger, knuckle shape, distance between joints and bone structure and translucency. It translates that information into a numerical template. Hand scanners and Finger readers are great in controlling access instead of key or card passes. Hand and fingers cannot be forgotten or lost for someone to steal and gain access to your facility. The benefits of hand and finger recognition are many. It is easy to use and non-intrusive; a small amount of data is required to identify the users so more templates can be easily stored in one stand alone devise; low failure to enrol rates. Hand and finger scanner recognition systems are best used for verification due to less accurate detection compared to fingerprint detection and can be more expensive than these devices. Some drawbacks, Minor injuries to hands may occur, and weight fluctuations can prevent the device from working properly. Sometimes systems need to be updated regularly to accommodate these changes. Hand and finger readers are generally optical, although they may incorporate other reader technologies such as capacitive sensors also used in a "liveness" test. Other technologies include ultrasound, and thermal imaging. In this respect hand and finger readers are similar to fingerprint readers.

Some palm and finger scanners have the capability of capturing 10-print fingerprints, as well as palm prints. Low resolution hand and finger readers (generally less than 100 dpi) can effectively only record principal lines and wrinkles. High resolution hand and finger readers (generally greater than 400 dpi) are able to record point features and minutiae. Some hand and finger recognition systems scan the entire hand and fingers, while others allow the hand and finger images to be segmented in order to improve performance and reliability. In general terms, reliability and accuracy is improved by searching smaller data sets. Hand and finger biometrics systems are the most widely used scanning devices and are used for time & attendance, and access to restricted areas and buildings. They exist in apartment buildings, offices, airports, day care centres, hospitals and immigration facilities.

Introduction (personal identification using biometrics) Biometric identifiers (required properties for a biometric measure)

An ideal identifier should possess the following properties: universality: nearly all people in the target population should have the characteristic. uniqueness: the characteristic of each individual should be unique, i.e. the biometric feature of each individual in the population should be different from that of every other individual. stability: the characteristic should neither change with time nor allow alteration.

Any physiological or behavioural characteristic having these properties can be used for personal identification. However, for the purpose of automatic personal identification, the biometric feature should have one more property: collectability: it should be possible to measure the characteristic quantitatively. There are yet some other issues to be considered when a biometric system is being developed: performance: achievable identification accuracy, speed, memory requirements. acceptability: the extent to which people are willing to accept a particular biometric system in their daily lives. forge resistance: how easy it is to fool the biometric system by fraudulent methods. Classification of biometrics methods (static versus dynamic)

For some biometric methods, the user has to present one fixed unchangeable feature that is always present and is independent of any action of the user. Because these methods require no special action from the user they are known as static methods. Examples of such methods follow: fingerprint

retinal scan iris scan hand geometry These methods have the advantage that no information has to be memorised by the user such as a key phrase (in the case of voice recognition) or the signature used as the identification object. The disadvantage is that there is no or only limited choice for enrolling different samples of reference data and the biometric information may be captured without the user being aware of that. The dynamic methods require a certain action of the user such as the utterance of a voice password or a signature. Examples of such methods are: signature recognition speaker recognition Dynamic methods can be useful for applications such as digital signature when a conscious action of the user is required for identification. Biometric system architecture (general model for a biometric system)

D at a c olle ct ion

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A u th e ntic at ion d ec ision
10/ 9/ 2009

d ec isio n

DATA AQUISITION The data acquisition module contains the input device or sensor that reads the biometric information from the user. It is the link between the physical domain and the logical domain. In order to recognise a user successfully, the sampled biometric characteristic must be similar to the users reference template to which it is compared. This imposes requirements on the data collection sensor, and may impose training requirements for the users. All sensors in a given system must be similar enough that a feature collected by one sensor will closely match the same feature collected at other sensors and also that collected during enrolment so that the user can be recognized at any location.

Depending on the biometric technology being used, environmental conditions such as lighting, background noise, weather, can impact on the performance of the data acquisition module.

FEATURE EXTRACTION The feature extraction module receives the raw biometric data from the data acquisition module and extracts the distinguishing features from the raw data, transforming it into the form required for storage and matching. Even for the same biometric characteristic, there are various ways of extracting the distinguishing features. These are often proprietory. This module may perform a quality analysis of the raw data to determine if it is satisfactory for use. If the data fails the quality test, the user may need to supply the biometric characteristic again. The raw biometric data may be pre-processed prior to the feature extraction to remove noise or to be normalised in some way. Typically, it is not possible to reconstruct the raw data from the extracted features. Some biometric systems compare raw data, in which case this module is not required.


The matching module receives the processed data from the feature extraction system and compares it with the biometric template from the storage module. The matching module has a key role in the biometric architecture. The matching module measures the similarity of the claimant sample with a enrolled template. Each comparison yields a score, which is a numeric value indicating how closely the sample and the template match. There are different methods for computing the score and some typical examples are: distance metrics, probabilistic measures, and neural network-based methods.

STORAGE MODULE The storage module maintains the reference templates for enrolled users. It may contain a single template for each user or thousands of templates depending on the system architecture or intended use. The template may be physically stored in physically protected storage within the biometrics device, a conventional database on a computer, or in a portable token such as a smartcard. Collateral information, such as name, identification number, etc, binding the owner to his/her reference template may also be stored together with the reference template.


A genuine individual is accepted. A genuine individual is rejected (error). An impostor is rejected. An impostor is accepted (error).
10/ 9/ 2009



The following are used as performance metrics for biometric systems: false accept rate or false match rate (FAR or FMR) the probability that the system incorrectly matches the input pattern to a non-matching template in the database. It measures the percent of invalid inputs which are incorrectly accepted. false reject rate or false non-match rate (FRR or FNMR) the probability that the system fails to detects a match between the input pattern and a matching template in the database. It measures the percent of valid inputs which are incorrectly rejected. receiver operating characteristic or relative operating characteristic (ROC) The ROC plot is a visual charactization of the trade-off between the FAR and the FRR.

In general, the matching algorithm performs a decision based on a threshold which determines how close to a template the input needs to be for it to be considred a match. If the threshold is reduced, there will be less false non-matches but more false accepts. Correspondingly, a higher threshold will reduce the FAR but increase the FRR. A common variation is the Detection error trade-off (DET), which is obtained using normal deviate scales on both axes. This more linear graph illuminates the differences for higher performances (rarer errors). equal error rate or crossover error rate (EER or CER) the rate at which both accept and reject errors are equal. The value of the ERR can be easily obtained from the ROC curve. The ERR is a quick way to compare the accuarcy of devices with differnt ROC curves. In general, the device with the lowest ERR is most accurate. Obtained from the ROC plot by taking the point where FAR and FRR have the same value. The lower the EER, the more accurate the system is considered to be. failure to enroll rate (FTE or FER) the rate at which attempts to create a template from an input is unsuccessful. This is most commonly caused by low quality inputs. failure to capture rate (FTC) Within automatic systems, the probability that the system fails to detect a biometric input when presented correctly. template capacity the maximum number of sets of data which can be stored in the system.. As the sensitivity of the biometric device increaes, the FAR decreases but the FRR increases.

References entification tml s.html ry.htm ons.htm 0,,sid14_gci946211,00.html sts/dalyacolumn8.htm m g %20web/BMRetinal.html Conclusion Biometric measures of one kind or another have been used to identify people since ancient times, with handwritten signatures, facial features, and fingerprints being the traditional methods. Systems have been built that automate the task of recognition, using these methods and newer ones, such as hand geometry, voiceprints, and iris patterns.

These systems have different strengths and weaknesses. In automatic operation, most have error rates of the order of 1% (though iris recognition is better, hand geometry slightly better, and face recognition worse). There is always a trade-off between the false accept rate (the fraud rate) and the false reject rate (the insult rate). The statistics of error rates are deceptively difficult. If any biometric becomes very widely used, there is increased risk of forgery in unattended operation: voice synthesizers, photographs of irises, fingerprint molds, and even good old-fashioned forged signatures must all be thought of in system design. These do not rule out the use of biometrics, as traditional methods such as handwritten signatures are usable in practice despite very high error rates. Biometrics are usually more powerful in attended operation, where, with good system design, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the human guard and the machine recognition system may complement one another. Finally, many biometric systems achieve most or all of their result by deterring criminals rather than being effective at identifying them.

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