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Ms Meola Intro to Medical Arts 2011-2012

* Most common form * Chronic, usually from


* Hips and knees * Sx- pain, stiffness,

aching, limited Range of Motion (ROM) medications antiinflammatory

* TX- Rest, heat or cold,

Osteoarthritis-inflammation of the joints

* Chronic inflammatory disease * 3X more common in women than

men * Onset 35-45 yo * Can cause scar tissue , atrophy of bone and muscle- resulting in permanent deformity and immobility

* TX- early dx, rest, prescribed exercise, antiinflammatory medications (aspirin) steroids

* Surgery to replace joints arthroplasty

* Bursa- small fluid-filled sacs surrounding the


* Frequently in shoulders, elbows, hips and


* Dislocation- aka * Luxation- total

displacement of a bone from its joint

* Subluxation-partial

displacement of a joint from the bone

The breaking of apart of an intervertebral disk that results in pressure on spinal nerve roots

Congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal fails to close completely around the spinal cord to protect it.

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