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The Interview Really? he said.The doubt hung in the air unspoken.Lots of things did.

That was the thing about being unspoken.Some things should never be said.Thing that are said are definite.They are written in the ledger of reality and cannot be withdrawn. Speaking his mind was a trait Jones detested in himself but encouraged in others . Jones had learned,however, through fifteen years of hard time on the force, not to speak his mind. That silence was,if not necessarily golden,then at the very least a gilt-edged o ppourtunity for a suspect to betray themselves. That was the thing he mused: tel l someone you know something and they clam up.Sit in silence and they feel compe lled to fill it.True-the filling often was with inconsequectial prattle but it a lso meant that to the trained ear a simple misplaced word or even emphasis betra yed a small lie.A small lie often wrapped a bigger lie and a bigger lie often wr apped the truth. He was used to being told fidgety lies,half truths,deflections and even plain wh oppers:but not like this idiot told them...or rather didn't tell them.Nobody sim ply walked calmly into a station and said Oh hello Officer.I am a murderer.Could you arrest me please?....well nobody except a lunatic like this. Yes the voice snapped him back to the here and now. It was me.the voice was calm and matter of fact. Matter of fact and total rubbish.Jones smiled inside.His outside was completely blank. He'd met psycopaths before.Liars were common enough in his line of work,s o were the innocent and even the guilty.Most had something to hide-even the inno cent. This simpleton was only trying to hide his boring existence behind a mask of fan tasy.Jones had heard enough.Time to end this waste of time. killed her?Jones asked It wasn't a killing- it was an execution again the calm practiced lie screamed it' s way out without ever raising its voice. How? Jones knew the answer before he even started to hear it.The same story that t he media had gotten. An edited version of events with significant details ommitt ed. The voice in the room began its recital. Jones let it finish and paused,not for dramatic effect, simply because he wasn't really interested and not concentrating. Jones stood up and turned wordlessly towards the door,touched the handle and sai d: Interview ended at 19:30 The recording stopped and Jones spoke honestly for the first time in the room: Get this moron out of my sight.No cell for the night,nothing to validate this rav ing fantasist....except maybe an accidental fall or two... The last words were said under his breath but filled the room.Jones opened the d oor and left the rapidly building sense of panic from the other side of the tabl e behind him.

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