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ng t bt qui tc phn theo nhm

- Bng ng t bt qui tc gip tra cu nhanh. - Bng ng t bt qui tc phn theo nhm gip cc bn hc ting anh hc d hn, mau thuc hn. Chc cc bn hc gii ! ---L Tr Vin--ng t Qu kh Qu kh phn t Ngha Cost cost cost tr gi Cut cut cut ct Fit fit fit va vn Hit hit hit ng Hurt hurt hurt lm au Let let let cho Put put put t, Read read read c Shut shut shut ng li Begin Drink Ring Run Sing Swim Hang Find Spend smell* Build Send Lend Spell Meet Bleed Breed Feed lead speed bring buy catch fight teach think began drank rang ran sang swam hung found spent smelt built sent lent spelt met bled bred fed led sped brought bought caught fought taught thought begun drunk rung run sung swum hung found spent smelt built sent lent spelt met bled bred fed led sped brought bought caught fought taught thought bt u ung reo, rung chy ht bi, li treo tm thy tiu xi ngi xy dng gi i cho mn nh vn gp chy mu nui cho n dn dt tng tc mang mua bt c nh nhau dy suy ngh

L Tr Vin

Bng ng t Bt quy tc theo nhm

ng t arise drive ride rise write blow draw fly grow know throw shake take sleep sweep keep leave awake break freeze speak wake beat bite choose do eat fall forget forgive get give sit dream* have hear hold learn*
L Tr Vin

Qu kh arose drove rode rose wrote blew drew flew grew knew threw shook took slept swept kept left awoke broke froze spoke woke beat bit chose did ate fell forgot forgave got gave sat dreamt had heard held learnt

Qu kh phn t arisen driven ridden risen written blown drawn flown grown known thrown shaken taken slept swept kept left awoken broken frozen spoken woken beaten bitten chosen done eaten fallen forgot(ten) forgiven got(ten) given sat dreamt had heard held learnt

Ngha xut hin li xe ci, p xe nh, mc ln vit thi v bay mc bit Nm lc cm, nm ng qut gi ri khi thc dy lm v ng lnh ni nh thc nh p cn chn la lm n t xung qun tha th t c Cho ngi m c; dng nghe cm, gi; t chc hc

Bng ng t Bt quy tc theo nhm

ng t lose make mean mishear shoot stand understand sell tell bear tear wear become come overcome lay pay say be (is, are, am) go

Qu kh lost made meant misheard shot stood understood sold told bore tore wore became came overcame laid paid said was/were went

Qu kh phn t lost made meant misheard shot stood understood sold told born torn worn become come overcome laid paid said been gone

Ngha nh mt; gim lm ngha l nghe nhm bn ng hiu bn bo, k sinh ra x rch mc, eo, i tr nn n vt qua t, tr tin Ni th, l, i

Cc ng t nh du * l nhng ng t m Qu kh v Qu kh phn t c th thm ed.

L Tr Vin

Bng ng t Bt quy tc theo nhm

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