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Kill Teams 5.

The populations on the two inhabitable planets in the Torc system have revolted and turned to the Chaos gods. The Imperial fleet deemed Adradis, the smaller of the two planets, beyond the emperors mercy. Adradis was firebombed from orbit to stop the spread of corruption. The Imperial fleet then moved in to crush the rebellion on the Hive world of Torc Prime. A strange signal was received from the ruins of the planet Adradis before a warp storm hit the system. The storm brought a fleet of Chaos warships to reinforce the planet. The Imperial fleet is currently engaged with the forces of chaos for the planet Torc Prime. Small detachments have been sent to the ruins of Adradis to investigate the signal that still emanates from the planet. Unfortunately the strange signal and the promise of plunder have drawn the attention of Xenos and humans alike. The key to turning the battle for the system could very well lie in the rubble on Adradis.

Universal Rules:
Commander: Any models within 6 may use this models leadership value for leadership tests they are required to make. Psyker: This model may use psychic abilities. To use an ability roll 2D6, if the roll is below the models LD value, the ability is successful. When a psyker gains a level, he may choose another psychic ability instead of a standard skill if he rolls for one. Machine: This model is made of metal, it may not gain experience. Frenzied: This model automatically passes all leadership tests he is required to take. The model must assault the closest enemy model within range. A frenzied model is only taken out of action on a 6, and treats a 5 as stunned instead. The model gains +1 Attack as long as he is frenzied. If he is ever knocked down or stunned, he loses his frenzy. Hard Headed: A model with this ability is only taken out of action on a 6, and treats a 5 as stunned instead. This is superseded by any weapon rule that effects injury rolls.

Turn Order
During the Recovery phase, a Stunned model will become Knocked Down. A Knocked Down model may stand up. More on this is covered in detail in the Injury table page.

Every Model moves 6 inches per turn. Assaults. Models making an assault must roll 2D6 and that is the distance they move. Jumping. A model may attempt to jump over a gap connecting to point which are not connected. Take an initiative test for every full 2 of gap attempted to cover. If any are failed, the model has fallen. See the rules for falling. Climbing. A model which wants to climb a ladder/rope treats it as difficult terrain, in addition if the model rolls two ones during the test, and then fails an initiative test, the model is treated as falling from 2, see the rules for falling. Falling. A model that has fallen will be automatically hit by a S2 hit, adding +1 S to the hit for every full 2 fallen (i.e. a 7 fall will be a single S5 hit), armor saves are taken like normal.

Silent: Any model that is successfully hit (and any model within 6) by must take a Leadership test. If the test is passed, the model may continue to act normally. If the test is failed, the model immediately goes to ground, conferring a +1 cover save. A model that passes the test may choose to also go to ground. During the pinned models recovery phase, the model must take a leadership test, if passed may move only D6 inches and may shoot and assault as normal. If the test is failed, the model may not move, or assault, but may shoot snap shots if able. Blast: Normal Book rules Slow to Reload: A model with this type of weapon may not fire two turns in a row with this rule. The model may move but not assault in the turn he is reloading. He may assault, but must still forgo a round when he is able to shoot to reload his weapon. The (X) value is the number of total shot the gun may fire before it must reload. Automatic: A weapon with this rule always shoots with a ballistic skill of 1 less when firing. Cumbersome: A model attempting to use a weapon with this rule cannot fire the weapon at targets closer than 12". Nor may it take snap Shots. Mountable Weapon: A model wishing to mount a weapon with this rule must forgo an entire shooting phase, and the following movement phase to set up his weapon. Once this has been accomplished, the model may ignore the Slow to Reload, Over Half Range, and Cumbersome rules, so long as the model remains stationary. Assault Weapon: A weapon with this rule may always fire the weapon to its full effect, even before assaulting. A model may double the range of the weapon, but it may shoot only once at WS1, and also the model must forego his ability to assault that ensuing assault phase. Heavy: A weapon with this type may only fire a single Snap shot, unless the model was Stationary in the previous turn. In which case it can fire the maximum number of shots allowed (unless it must be reloaded) Rapid Fire: This weapon type may not attempt to assault after firing at full effect. The model may fire a single half range snap fire and still assault. A Rapid Fire Weapon that also has the Automatic rule, the Automatic Rule can be ignored if only a single shot is fired.

Rending: A weapon with this rule counts any attack that rolls a 6 to wound as one AM level higher than normal. This rule is not used if a 6 to wound is required. Precise: A model targeted with a weapon with this rule does not gain +1 cover for being over half range of this weapon. Gets Hot: Same as rule book Flame Weapon: The model may fire the weapon exactly like an Assault Weapon, but it may not extend the range. There is no over half range penalty. The model used the Template, and any model under the template is hit on a 2+.

Models fight in close combat following the Initiative Step system. Fleeing Test: Take Leadership Test, if failed loser rolls D6 plus initiative, winner does the same. If winner rolls higher loser is destroyed. If loser is lower, the losing model moves 2D6 inches toward their Commander model, If the Commander model is Out of Action, the model makes this movement to the nearest table edge. The winning model moves 2D6 inches in pursuit. The winner may opt to not pursue, and after a successful Command Check, may move 1D6 in. in any direction. Reasons for fleeing test: All Alone. Comrade Taken out of action within 6 inches. Comrade Stunned: Sometimes a model is stunned nearby and he would face certain death the following Close Combat Phase. Just as the Assault Phase

Psychic Abilities
A psychic ability is cast successfully on a successful leadership test. A model may cast spells after he has stood up from being knocked down. The Psyker may not use the Commanders Leadership value for this test, (unless the Psyker himself has the Command Ability of course)

Weapons of Kill Teams

Whip: The Model may make attacks as long as the friendly model they are in base to base contact with, is in base to base contact with an enemy. Great Weapon: Requires two hands to wield, no additional weapon can be used. Unwieldy: A weapon with this trait strikes at the initiative Step 1. Specialist Weapon: A model cannot make Pistol Whip attacks when wielding one of these weapons. If both the weapons are the same, and are both specialist weapons, the extra attack can be used. Concussive: This weapon forces an opponent to strike at -2 initiative for the next time he attacks if it is successfully wounded (if the model makes its save). Rending: A weapon with this rule counts any attack that rolls a 6 to wound as one AM level higher than normal. This rule is not used if a 6 to wound is required. Parry: A model may attempt to parry. After the opponent has rolled to hit, the defender may roll a D6, if his result is higher than the attacker, the attack is parried. A model with a higher WS must only match the opponents roll, not beat it. A model may only make one parry per opponent per Combat Phase.

Armor: Clothing: 6+ save Body Armor: +1 Save Leg Armor: +1 Save Helmet: 3+ Save against Stunned Result Powered Armor: +1 Save Sealed Armor: Requires Powered Armor, Leg and Body Armor, 2+ Save.

Ranged Weapons:
The following is a list of all the Imperium Ranged Weapons Grenades: Range 10 in., Small Blast, Throw, Assault 1

A Grenade scatters exactly like a barrage weapon, only the player subtracts his initiative from the D6 roll rather than his WS. Assault Grenade: one use only, models hit by the grenade blast take an initiative test, if the test is failed, the model suffers -2 initiative. Concussive Grenade: one use only, models hit by the grenade blast suffer a S3, AM (1), hit. Defensive Grenade: one use only, target assaulting models hit by the blast are considered to be in difficult terrain until the end of the next player turn.

Injuries Table Injury Roll Modifiers
Instant death: (double toughness) +1 to injury roll Every Successful wound beyond the first : +1 to the injury roll

1-2 Knocked down

The force of the blow knocks the warrior down. Place the model face up to show that he has been knocked down.

3-4 Stunned

The target falls to the ground where he lies wounded and barely conscious. Turn the model face down to show that he has been stunned.

5-6 Out of action

The target has been badly hurt and falls to the ground unconscious. He takes no further part in the game and is immediately removed from the battle

Injuries Most warriors have a Wounds characteristic of 1, but some have a value of 2 or more. If the target has more than 1 wound then deduct 1 from his total each time he suffers a wound. Make a note on the roster sheet. So long as the model has at least 1 wound remaining he may continue to fight. As soon as a fighters Wounds are reduced to zero, roll to determine the extent of his injuries. The player who inflicted the wound rolls a D6 for the wound that reduced the model to zero wounds and for every wound the model receives after that. If a model suffers several wounds in one turn, roll once for each of them and apply the highest result. If a model has been successfully wounded multiple times (saves have been failed) by a single model in a single turn, roll a single injury table D6, however add +1 to the result for every successful wound beyond the first. For example, A model has three attack, and successfully wounds with two attacks. He then rolls a 4 on the injury table, which normally would be a stunned result. However since there were two successful wounding rolls from the same attacker the model would be placed out of action.

1-2 Knocked Down

A fighter who has been knocked down falls to the ground either because of a jarring blow he has sustained, because he has slipped, or because he has thrown himself to the ground to avoid injury. Turn the model face up to show that he has been knocked down. Knocked down models may crawl 3" during the movement phase, but may not fight in hand-to-hand combat, shoot or use psychic abilities. If he is in base-to-base contact with an enemy, a knocked down model can crawl 3" away only if the enemy is engaged in hand-to-hand combat with another opponent, otherwise he has to stay where he is. In combat he cannot strike back and the enemy will have a good chance of putting him out of action. A warrior who has been knocked down may stand up at the start of his next turn. In that turn he may move 3, shoot and use psychic abilities, he cannot Assault, or run (but may use Fleet if able). If he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat, he may not move away and will automatically strike last, irrespective of weapons or Initiative. After this turn the fighter moves and fights normally, even though

he has zero wounds left. If the model takes any further wounds, then roll for injury once more, exactly as if the model had just sustained its last wound. Models making attacks against Knocked down models automatically hit. Models Knocked Down receive a +2 cover save to represent the model crawling for cover on all fours, having a smaller profile. Shooting at models Knocked Down. Once the model has been successfully wounded (after saves are failed), roll again on the injury table, only add +1 to the result.

3-4 Stunned
When a warrior is stunned, he is either badly injured or temporarily knocked out. Turn the model face down to show that he has been stunned. A fighter who is stunned may do nothing at all. A player may turn the model face up in the next recovery phase, and the warrior is then treated as knocked down. If an enemy model can make an attack against a stunned model, the model is immediately removed from the table top. If this model is also in combat with a standing model, this auto-kill attack cannot be used. Shooting Stunned Models. Once the model has been successfully wounded (after saves are failed) the add +2 to any further injury table roll.

5-6 Out of action

A warrior who is out of action is also out of the game. Remove the model from the tabletop. Its impossible to tell at this point whether the warrior is alive or dead, but for game purposes it makes no difference at this stage. After the battle you can test to see whether he survives and if he sustains any serious lasting injuries as a result of his wounds. See the Serious Injury Table.

Serious Injury Table

11-15 DEAD The warrior is dead and his body is abandoned in the dark pathways of eternity, never to be found again. All the weapons and equipment he carried are lost. Remove him from the Kill Teams roster. 16-21 MULTIPLE INJURIES The warrior is not dead but has suffered a lot of wounds. Roll D6 times on this table. Re-roll any Dead, Captured and further Multiple Injuries results. 22 LEG WOUND The warriors leg is broken. The Warrior is always considered to be in difficult terrain when moving, even over open ground. 23 ARM WOUND Roll again: 1 = Severe arm wound. The arm must be amputated. The warrior may only use a single one-handed weapon from now on. 2-6 = Light wound. The warrior must miss the next game. 24 TOUCHED BY THE WARP Roll a D6. On a 1-3 the warrior suffers from warp madness; On a 4-6 the warrior gains the berserk rule from now on Berserk Model Must make a LD test each turn or the model must assault if within range to do so. He must forgo his shooting attacks if forced to assault in this way. Warp Madness - Model Must make a LD test each turn or go to ground, just like he was within 6 of a model that was hit by a pinning weapon. 25 SMASHED LEG Roll again: 1 = The warrior may not run (or fleet) any more. 26 = The warrior misses the next game. 26 CHEST WOUND The warrior has been badly wounded in the chest. He recovers but is weakened by the injury so his Toughness is reduced by -1. 31 BLINDED IN ONE EYE The warrior survives but loses the sight in one eye; randomly determine which. A character that loses an eye has his Ballistic Skill reduced by -1. If the warrior is subsequently blinded in his remaining good eye he must retire from the Kill Team. 32 OLD BATTLE WOUND The warrior survives, but his wound will prevent him from fighting if you roll a 1 on a D6 at the start of any battle. Roll at the start of each battle from now on. 33 NERVOUS CONDITION The warriors nervous system has been damaged. His Initiative is permanently reduced by -1. 34 HAND INJURY The warriors hand is badly injured. His Weapon Skill is permanently reduced by -1. 35 DEEP WOUND The warrior has suffered a serious wound and must miss the next D3 games while he is recovering. He may do nothing at all while recovering. 36 Damaged Equipment One of the Warriors items has been damaged. Roll a D6. 1-2. The Warriors melee weapon is destroyed. 3-4. The Warriors Ranged weapon is destroyed. 5-6. The Warriors Armor is destroyed. 41-55 FULL RECOVERY The warrior has been knocked unconscious, or suffers a light wound from which he makes a full recovery. 56 BITTER ENMITY The warrior makes a full physical recovery, but is psychologically scarred by his experience. From now on the warrior may re-roll to hit in the first turn of close combat against the following (roll a D6): D6 Result 1-3 The individual who caused the injury. If it was a trooper, he hates the enemy leader instead. 4 The leader of the Kill Team that caused the injury. 5 The entire Kill Team of the warrior responsible for the injury. 6 All Kill Teams of that type. 61 CAPTURED The warrior regains consciousness and finds himself held captive by the other Kill Team. He may be ransomed at a price set by the captor or exchanged for one of their Kill Team who is being held captive. Captives may be sold to slavers at a price of D6x5 credits. Tyranids may kill their captive and incorporate genes of the Warrior into the Leader, giving +1 exp. Chaos may force their will on the prisoner. They will gain a new trooper. Captives who are exchanged or ransomed retain all their weapons, armour and equipment; if captives are sold, killed or turned, their weaponry, etc, is retained by their captors. 62-63 HARDENED The warrior survives and becomes inured to the horrors of the Universe. The model is Fearless. 64 WAR VETERAN The warrior has been through many battles, and has the marks, cuts, and bullet holes to prove it. Any model that is not fearless will think twice before Assaulting such an adversary. Models must pass a Leadership Test to Assault this model. 65 SOLD TO SLAVERS The warrior wakes up in a Slavers Camp. The leader would like to see the warrior fight against a captured Genestealer (Standard Tyranid Profile). Roll to see which side charges, and fight the battle as normal. If the warrior loses, roll to see whether he is dead or injured (ie, a D66 roll of 11-15). If he is not dead, he is thrown out, without his armour and weapons and may re-join his Kill Team. If the warrior wins he gains 50 credits, +2 Experience and is free to rejoin his Kill Team with all his weapons and equipment. If the model is part of a Slavers/Pirate group, the team may pay 25 credits to have him released. Forgoing the above. 66 SURVIVES AGAINST THE ODDS The warrior survives and rejoins his Kill Team. He gains +1 Experience.

Skills Combat skills

Strike to Injure. The warrior can land his blows with uncanny accuracy. Add +1 to all injury rolls caused by the model in hand-to-hand combat. Combat Master. The warrior is able to take on several opponents at once. If he fights against more than one enemy at a time, he gains an extra Attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase as long as he is fighting two or more enemy models. These attacks are used with the pistol whip attack. In addition, the warrior can never be outnumbered. Weapons Training. A warrior with this skill is adept at using many different weapons. He may choose to use any hand-to-hand combat weapons from the Level of weapons currently allowed his Kill Team Web of Steel. Few can match the ability of this warrior. He fights with great skill, weaving a web of steel around him. The model gains counts any weapon as one AM better than normal, to a maximum of AM (5) Sword Master. This warrior has been expertly taught in the art of swordsmanship. He may re-roll all missed attacks if he is using a Sword in the hand-to-hand phase of the turn that he charges. Note that this only applies to anything that is a sword. Fist Weapons. This warrior has been expertly taught in the art of fisticuffs. He may re-roll all missed attacks if he is using a Power First or a Slam Attack in the hand-to-hand phase of the turn that he charges. Step Aside. The warrior has a natural ability to avoid injury in combat. Each time he suffers a wound in close combat he may make an additional saving throw of 5+. This save is never modified and is taken after all other armor saves. Buckler. This model always counts as having a WS higher than his opponent when attempting to parry. If he WS is already higher, he can re-roll a failed parry. Melee Specialist. This model may parry with any melee weapon he carries.

Shooting skills
Quick Shot. The warrior may shoot Snap Fire Shots at BS 2. Pistolier. The warrior is a pistol expert. He may be equipped with a pistol in each hand (they must be the same type), and he may fire each in the Shooting phase. He may use each pistol in close combat, just as if each was a close combat weapon, conferring +1 attack. Eagle Eyes. The warriors sight is exceptionally keen. He adds +6" to the range of any missile weapon he is using. Weapons Expert. The warrior has been trained to use some of the more unusual weapons of the known world. He may use any missile weapon he can get his hands on, not just allowed to his kill team. Relentless. The warrior counts as always having his weapon mounted. You must declare he is using the relentless rule at the beginning of the move phase. However he can move up to D6 a turn (he may not climb or jump, all terrain is impassible). In addition, he must still Reload as if he was not mounted. Trick Shooter. The warrior can shoot through the tiniest gap without it affecting his aim. Any weapons this model uses have the Precise Special Rule, if the model is using a weapon with the precise rule, the cover save is reduced by 2. True Grit. The warrior may wield a Weapon marked as Heavy as a two handed great weapon in melee. He may parry attacks with such a weapon if he also has the Melee Specialist skill. Grenade Expert. The warrior is an unrivalled expert at using grenades for maximum effect. He can throw a grenade in any assault he engages. This is done in lieu of shooting. The model being assaulted, loses -3 Initiative during the first turn of the assault

Advanced Targeting. If the model has a multiple shot weapon, he may choose where each shot is targeted. Maximum of three targets.

Apothecary. Whenever another fellow Kill Team member rolls on the Serious Injury Table, the player may reroll either the first or second die. Requisition Hunter. This for every model with this ability roll a D6 whenever your kill team attains a Requisition Point. If the result is a 5 or a 6, you gain another requisition point. This roll may only be made once per model with this skill, per end of action sequence.

Academic skills
Battle Tongue. This skill may only be chosen by a leader. The warrior has drilled his Kill Team to follow short barked commands. This increases the range of his Leader ability by 6". Master Psyker. This skill may only be taken by models with the Psyker ability. A warrior with this skill subtracts 1 from his psychic test rolls. Streetwise. A warrior with this skill has good contacts and knows where to purchase rare items. He may add +2 to the roll that determines his chances of finding such items (see the Trading section). Haggle. The warrior knows all the tricks of bargaining and haggling. He may deduct 2D6 credits from the price of any single item (to a minimum cost of 1 credit) once per post battle sequence. Psychic Prowess. Any warrior with this skill may learn and use Psychic abilities. This confers only the ability to learn Psychic abilities, a further Learn a New Skill roll must be achieved to learn Psychic powers. Scrap Hunter. The warrior has an uncanny ability to find useful items from battlefields and warzones. If a Hero with this skill is searching the ruins in the exploration phase you may re-roll one dice when rolling on the Exploration chart. The second result stands. Psychic Halo. This skill may only be taken by models with the Psyker ability, or psykers. The psyker gains a 5+ invulnerable save. May not be combined with items that confer invulnerable saves. Anti-Psyker. This character may NOT have this skill in combination with a psyker himself. Whenever an enemy psyker within 18 successfully passes a psychic test, roll a D6, on a roll of a 5-6 the psychic ability is nullified.

Strength skills
Mighty Blow. The warrior knows how to use his strength to maximum effect and has a +1 Strength bonus in close combat. As his Strength is used for close combat weapons, the bonus applies to all such weapons. Pit Fighter. The warrior has learned how to fight in enclosed spaces from his time in the many city fights he has engaged in. He is an expert at fighting in confined areas and adds +1 to his WS and +1 to his Attacks if he is fighting inside ruins. Its a good idea to define which bits of your terrain collection count as buildings or ruins at the start of a battle to avoid confusion later. Resilient. The warrior is covered in battle scars. Deduct -1 Strength from all hits against him in close combat. Fearsome. Such is the reputation and physique of the model that he causes fear in opposing models. Enemy models must pass a leadership test in order to declare an assault against a model with this Skill. Also, enemy models must pass a leadership test if they are assaulted by a model with this skill. If this test is failed, they may only hit on a D6 roll of 6. Strongman. The warrior is capable of great feats of strength. He may use a Power Fist/ Thunder Weapon without the usual penalty of always striking last. Work out order of battle using Initiative order; however the model strikes at -1 Initiative. Unstoppable Charge. When he charges, the warrior is almost impossible to halt. He adds +1 to his Weapon Skill when charging and initiative, in addition to +1 attack.

Feel no Pain. The model treats all Stunned results as knocked down when rolling on the injury chart. Steadfast. When a model with Steadfast is assaulted, his toughness is increased by +1 for the duration of the Close combat phase. In the following close combats it reverts to the normal value. This number is not considered when calculating instant death.

Scale Sheer Surfaces. A warrior with this skill can scale even the highest wall or fence with ease. He can climb up or down a height equal to twice his normal Movement, and does not need to make Initiative tests when doing so. Hit and Run. The model may deliberately leave combat after both sides have struck blows, and if neither is knocked down or stunned. The model must test on their own leadership, if passed, the model immediately moves out of combat 2D6 inches in any direction.

Tactical Skills
And they shall know no Fear. The model can never be instantly destroyed from a fleeing maneuver. If he is bested on the flee roll, he will reenter combat, and will strike with 1 attack at initiative 1. Sky Jump. If the model has this ability, and is equipped with some sort of Jump Pack, (Swooping Hawk Wings, Wings, Warp Generator, etc.) the model may make a Sky Jump. During the movement phase, if the model has not yet moved, mark a place on the board, within 20 of the model. Roll a scatter die and 1D6 move the marker to the position indicated. the model will land as close to the spot as possible. The model may fire Assault weapons, and Pistols, but may not assault. If the model lands within 6 of an enemy Warrior, the Jumping model may make a Sky Assault. A model making a Sky Assault gives up their chance to shoot (as above) and may make an assault move. The model may not move over difficult or dangerous terrain to make contact with the enemy. Heavy Weapons Training. The character with this ability may carry and fire Heavy Weapons. Stealth. The model may add +2 to the cover save allowed, even when in open ground. Infiltrate. The model may be places, after deployment anywhere on the table, 12 from any objecting, and 12 from an enemy model, 18 if in line of sigh Assault Training. This model treats an weapon without the Heavy rule as an assault weapon. All other rules apply. A Model with this rule wielding a Bolter may fire two shots at 24, or 1 Snap fire at 48. Tank Hunter. The Warrior may re-roll the armor penetration roll when rolling against vehicles. The second result must stand, even if worse. Hand Signals. This model mimics the commander bonus of the Kill Team leader. This is

Speed skills
Leap. Any model with the leap terrain pieces (up to 3 tall) assaulting. F the model ignores movement phase, they may not assault phase, and vice versa. ability may ignore when moving or a piece during the use it again in the

Sprint. The warrior may move an additional 3 in the moving phase. He rolls 3D6 and discards the lowest for Assault moves Acrobat. The warrior is incredibly supple and agile. He may fall or jump from a height of up to 12" without taking any damage if he passes a single Initiative test, and can re-roll failed Diving Assault rolls. He can still only make a diving assault from a height of up to 6". Counter Attack. The warrior has the Counter Attack special rule. When a model with the Counter Attack rule is assaulted, if the model passes a LD check, they will also receive +1 attack for the first round of Close Combat. Jump Up. The warrior can regain his footing in an instant, springing to his feet immediately if he is knocked down. The warrior may ignore knocked down results when rolling for injuries. Dodge. A warrior with this skill is nimble and as fast as quicksilver. He can avoid any hits from a missile weapon on a D6 roll of 5+. Note that this roll is taken against missiles as soon as a hit is scored to see whether the warrior dodges it or not, before rolling to wound. He may also ignore the effects of pinning (the models surrounding are still affected as normal).

always based on the current leaders Leadership ability.

Character Improvement
Advance Rolls
Make Advance rolls straight after the battle so both players can witness the result. Roll 2D6 and consult the appropriate tables below. maximum number of Heroes, roll again. The new Hero remains the same Trooper type (eg, a Fire Warrior as a Fire Warrior) and starts with the same experience the Trooper had, with all his characteristic increases intact. You may choose two skill lists available to Heroes in your Kill Team. These are the skill types your new Hero can choose from when he gains new skills. He can immediately make one roll on the Heroes Advance table. The remaining members of the Trooper group, if any, roll again for the advance that they have earned, re-rolling any results of 10-12.

2D6 Result 2-5 New Skill. Select one of the Skill tables available to the Hero and pick a skill. If he is a psyker he may choose to randomly generate a new Psychic Ability instead of a skill. 6 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attack. 7 Characteristic Increase. Choose either +1 WS or +1 BS. 8 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership. 9 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Wound; 4-6 = +1 Toughness. 10-12 New Skill. Select one of the Skill tables available to the Hero and pick a skill. If he is a psyker he may choose to randomly generate a new Psychic Ability instead of a skill.

Space Marine Human Tau Tyranid Eldar Orc Necron W S 7 6 5 5 7 5 5 B S 6 5 7 4 7 4 5 S 4 4 3 5 3 4 5 T 4 4 3 6 3 5 5 W 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 I 5 4 5 7 7 4 3 A 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 L d 1 0 1 0 1 0 9 1 0 1 0 1 0

Troopers never add more than +1 point to any of their initial characteristics. If the dice roll indicates an increase in a characteristic which has already been increased (or is at its racial maximum), roll again until an un-increased characteristic is rolled. All warriors in the group gain the same advance. 2D6 Result 2-4 Advance. +1 Initiative. 5 Advance. +1 Strength. 6-7 Advance. Choose either +1 BS or +1WS. 8 Advance. +1 Attack. 9 Advance. +1 Leadership. 10-12 The lads got talent. One model in the group becomes a Hero. If you already have the


End of Battle Sequence

At the end of each battle, a Kill Team may roll on the Exploration chart. This is done as soon as a game is over so that players can witness each others dice rolls. As you can see from the chart, a Kill Team that is just starting out has little chance of finding the more obscure places after a battle. However, a Kill Team will make more discoveries as it goes along thanks to its better equipment and accumulated skills. Roll a D6 for each Hero in your Kill Team who survives without going out of action. This represents the Kill Teams efforts to unearth Imperial Relics. Do not roll for any Heroes who went out of action during the battle; they are taken back to the Kill Teams staging area to recuperate instead. So, for example, if your Kill Team includes four Heroes who all survived the last battle, you can roll four dice. If you won your last game, you may roll one extra dice. Add the results of the dice together and consult the Exploration chart to see how many Imperial Relics your Kill Team has found. Do not roll for Troopers. This does not mean that they dont search the ruins, but instead represents the efforts of the Heroes in coordinating the search parties.

rolling multiples
As well as finding Imperial Relics, the Kill Team can come across unusual places or encounter inhabitants of the area. If you roll two or more of the same number while searching, you have found an unusual building or encountered something out of ordinary. Consult the chart and refer to the appropriate entry in the Exploration results. For example, you might roll two 3s or three 5s, in which case you should refer to the chart. Choose the most numerous multiples if you score more than one set of multiples. So, if you rolled a double 3 and a triple 5, only look up the triple 5 on the Exploration chart. In the case of two doubles or triples look up the highest result. For example, if you rolled double 1 and double 3, look up the double 3 result. Any money or loot you find in these locations is added straight to the Kill Teams treasury. Any Imperial Relics you find can be sold as normal.

exploration procedure
1. Roll 1D6 for each of your Heroes who survived the battle and one extra dice if you won, plus any extra dice allowed by skills or equipment. Note, however, that you must pick a maximum of six dice out of all the dice you roll, even if you are allowed to roll seven dice or more. 2. Some things, such as skills and equipment, may allow you to re-roll dice. 3. If you rolled any doubles, triples, etc, you have found an unusual location in the area. Consult the Exploration chart on the next page to see what you find. Refer to the appropriate entry on the following pages and follow the instructions given there. 4. Add the results together and consult the chart on the next page to see how many Imperial Relics you have found. Mark down the amount of Imperial Relics on your Kill Teams roster sheet.


1to 5 6to 1 1 1 to 1 2 7 1 to 2 8 4 2 to 3 5 0 3 to 3 1 5 3 to 4 6 1 4+ 2

1 -3 4 5 6 0 7 5 9 0 10 1 10 2 15 4 15 5

Num of W rriors in W rba ber a a nd 4 -6 7 -9 1 -1 0 2 4 0 3 5 3 0 5 5 5 0 4 5 7 0 6 5 6 0 8 0 7 0 6 5 10 0 9 0 8 0 10 1 10 0 9 0 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 4 10 3 10 2

1 -1 3 5 3 0 4 0 5 5 6 0 7 0 8 0 10 0 10 1

1+ 6 2 5 3 5 5 0 5 5 6 5 7 0 9 0 10 0

Dice Result

Post Operations Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpse 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straggler 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Destroyed Vehicle 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruined Hovels 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tavern 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smithy 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prisoners 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overrun Defense Line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space Port Market 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Returning a Favour


1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gunsmith
2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shrine . . . . . . . . . . Townhouse . . . . . . . . . . . Armourer . . . . . . . . . . . Graveyard Tyranid Hive Catacombs

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Governors House . . .Apothecarys Laboratory . . . . . . . . . Thieves Hideout . . . . . . . Merchants House . . . . . . . Shattered Building Entrance to the Catacombs

1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hidden Treasure 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marine Outpost 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slaughtered Kill Team 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fighting Arena 6 . . . . . . . . . . Nobles Defense Fortress

(1 1) Well
Choose one of your Heroes and roll a D6. If the result is equal to or lower than his Toughness, he finds one Relic at the bottom of the well. If he fails, the Hero swallows tainted water and must miss the next game through sickness.

You find loot worth D6 credits amidst the ruins.

(2 2) Shop
After a thorough search you find loot worth D6 credits. If you roll a 1 you will also find a Lucky Charm (see the Equipment section)

(3 3) Corpse
To see what you find when you search the corpse, roll a D6: D6 Result 1-2 Hammers 3-4 Swords/KNives 5 a Whip 6 Carapace Armor

(4 4) Straggler
Eldar will and gain 2D6 credits. Chaos Kill Teams can sacrifice unfortunate individual for the glory of Chaos gods. The leader of the Kill Team gain +1 Experience. Tyranid Landing Broods can kill the man gain a gaunt at no cost. the the will and

Any other Kill Team can interrogate the man and gain insight into the area. Next time you roll on the Exploration chart, roll one dice more than is usually allowed, and discard any one dice. (For example, if you have three Heroes, roll four dice and pick any three).

(5 5) Destroyed Vehicle
Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1-2 Satellite Image (see Equipment) 3-4 A trophy worth 2D6 credits 5-6 1 requisition point

(6 6) Ruined Huts

(1 1 1) Tavern
You could easily sell the barrels for a good price. Unfortunately your men are also interested in the contents! The Kill Teams leader must take a Leadership test. If he passes, the Kill Team gains 4D6 credits worth of goods which can be sold immediately. If he fails, the men drink most of the alcohol despite their leaders threats and curses. You have D6 credits worth of alcohol left when the Kill Team leaves. Eldar, Space Marines, Tyranids, Tau, and Necrons Kill Teams automatically pass this test, as they are not tempted by such worldly things as alcohol.

(4 4 4) Overrun Defense Line

Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1-2 D3 Lasguns 3 D3 Lastpistols 4 D3 Hammers 5 Two Handed Weapon 6 an Axe

(2 2 2) Armory
Roll a D6 to determine what you find inside: D6 Result 1 Chain Weapon 2 Power Sword 3 Two-Handed Weapon 4 D3 Laspistols or Shuriken Pistols 5 Power Fist 6 2D6 credits worth of metal

(5 5 5) Space Port Market

You find several items worth 2D6 credits in total.

(6 6 6) Artifact Remnant
Your Kill Team gains +2 Requisition Points.

(3 3 3) Prisoners
Tyranid Landing Broods can sacrifice the victims They gain D3 Experience which is distributed amongst the Heroes of the Brood. Dark Eldar Slavers can sell the prisoners into slavery for 3D6 credits. Other Kill Teams can escort the prisoners out of the area. For their trouble, they are rewarded with 2D6 credits. In addition, one of the prisoners decides he wishes to join the Kill Team (not Space Marines). If you can afford to equip the new recruit with weapons and armour, you may add a new Trooper to any of your human Trooper groups (with the same stats as the rest of the group, even if they have already accumulated experience). Space Marines gain a Scout, will create a new Trooper squad.

W S 3

B S 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Sv 5 +

Four of a Kind
(1 1 1 1) Gunsmith
Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1 a Bolter 2 D3 Laspistols (worth 10 credits each) 3 Plasma Gun 4 D3 Lasguns 5 Heavy Bolter 6 Sniper Rifle

(6 6 6 6) Tyranid Hive Catacombs

You can use the new tunnels you found in the next battle you play. Position up to three fighters (not vehicles or Monstrous creatures) anywhere on the battlefield at ground level. They are set up at the end of the players first turn and cannot be placed within 8" of any enemy models. This represents the warriors making their way through the tunnels, infiltrating enemy lines and emerging suddenly from below ground.

(2 2 2 2) Shrine
Your Kill Team may strip the shrine and gain 3D6 credits worth of loot. Kill Teams of the Imperium (Space Marines, Witch Hunters, Imperial Guard) may save some of the shrines holy relics. They will gain 3D6 credits from their patrons, and a blessing from the emperor. One of their weapons (chosen by the player) will now be blessed and will always wound any Chaos or Deamonic Enemy on 2+, regardless of strength.

(3 3 3 3) Native Hovel
Your Kill Team gains +1 requisition.

(4 4 4 4) Armourer
Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1-2 Flak Armor 3-4 Carapace Armor 5 Power Armor 6 a Personal Halo, (confers a 5+ invulnerable, may be sold for 40 credits)

(5 5 5 5) Graveyard
Any Kill Team may loot the donation bowl and graves and gains D6x10 credits worth of loot. (Except imperium forces) If you loot the graveyard, the next time you play against any Imperium Forces, the entire enemy Kill Team will hate all the models in your Kill Team. Make a note of this on your Kill Team roster sheet. Imperial Kill Teams may seal the graves. They will be rewarded for their piety by D6 Experience points distributed amongst the Heroes of the Kill Team.

Five of a Kind
(1 1 1 1 1) Governors House Inside, hidden amongst the debris, you find D6x10 credits.

(6 6 6 6 6) Entrance to a Catacomb

(2 2 2 2 2) Apothecarys Laboratory
In the ruins you find loot worth 3D6 credits and a battered old notebook. One of your Heroes may study the Apothecarys notebook, and the extra wisdom he gains will enable him to choose from Academic skills whenever he gains a new skill in addition to those skills normally available to him.

You can use these tunnels to explore the Battlefield more efficiently. From now on, you may re-roll one dice when you roll on the Exploration chart. Make a note of this in your Kill Teams roster sheet. Second and subsequent catacomb entrances you find do not grant you any additional re-rolls, although you may find further re-rolls from other sources.

(3 3 3 3 3) Thieves Hideout
Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1-2 Quartz stones worth D6x5 credits 3-4 Amethyst worth 20 credits 5 a War Trophy worth 50 credits 6 A ruby worth D6x15 credits If your Kill Team does not sell the gems, one of your Heroes may keep them and displays them proudly. He will gain +1 to the rolls for locating rare items as merchants flock to such an obviously wealthy warrior.

(4 4 4 4 4) Merchants House
Inside you find several valuable objects which can be sold for 2D6x5 credits. If you roll a double, instead of finding money you find the symbol of the Intergalactic Traders. A Hero in possession of this gains the Haggle skill.

(5 5 5 5 5) Shattered Building
You gain +1 requisition. In addition take a Leadership test against the Kill Team leaders Leadership value. If passed a Cyber dog joins the Kill Team as a personal guard of the Kill Teams Leader that was guarding the building.

W S 2

B S 0

S 4

T 3

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld 7

Sv 5 +

Six of a Kind
(1 1 1 1 1 1) The Pit
If you wish, you can send one of your Heroes to search for any Imperial Trophies hidden here. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the Hero is devoured by the guardians of the Pit and never seen again. On a roll of 2 or more he returns with +1 Requisition.

(5 5 5 5 5 5) Arena
You find a training manual, which you can either sell for 100 credits or let one of your Heroes read. The extra knowledge your Hero gleans from reading the manual entitles him to choose from Combat skills whenever he gains a new skill, and his WS may now be increased by an extra point above his normal racial maximum (for example, a Human who has the book would now have a maximum Weapon Skill of 7).

(2 2 2 2 2 2) Hidden Treasure
When you open the vault you find the following items. Roll for every item on the list separately (apart from the credits) to see whether you have found it. For example, on a roll of a 4+ you find the Imperial Trophy. Items D6 Result Needed 1 Requisition 4+ 5D6x5 credits Auto Holy relic 5+ Power Armor 5+ D3 Gems worth 10 credits each 4+ Eldar cloak 5+ Holy relic 5+ Piece of Legendary Wargear 5+

(6 6 6 6 6 6) Nobles Defense Fortress

Roll a D6. If you roll 1-2, gain +1 requisistion. On a roll of 3-4, you find D6 vials of Crimson Shade. On a roll of 5-6 you find a hidden piece of Legendary Wargear carefully concealed in a hidden cellar or behind a secret door. Roll on the Legendary Wargear table.

(3 3 3 3 3 3) Abandoned Marine Outpost

Roll a D6 to see what you find: D6 Result 1 D3 Two-Handed Weapons 2 D3 Carapace Armor 3 Power Sword 4 Power Armor 5 Power Fist 6 Power Armor and Carapace Armor

(4 4 4 4 4 4) Slaughtered Kill Team

Roll for every item separately (apart from the gold coins and daggers) to see if you find it. Item D6 Result Needed 3D6x5 credits Auto D3 Flak Armor 4+ Carapace Armor 5+ D6 Hammers, Auto Satellite Image(see p55) 4+ D3 Axes 5+ D3 Bolt Pistols 3+ D3 Bolters 2+ Heavy Bolter 4+ Plasma Pistol 2+

Legendary Wargear
Roll a D6 and use this table to determine which item you find when a result in the Exploration chart indicates that you have found a Weapon of Legend. In a campaign none of these items can appear more than once, so if you find a magic item which is already in someone elses possession roll again even if the warrior carrying it has been killed.

1 The Orb of Destruction

Grants the bearer immunity to psychic abilities. In addition, once per game, during the owning players shooting phase, draw a straight line 8 in any direction from the bearer. All models touched (friend or foe) must pass an initiative test or be instantly removed. The bearer may not assault the same turn this ability is used.

2 Morks Mighty Claw

This is a Power Fist which always strikes at S10. In addition, the Model has the parry rule.

3 Grey Armor
This armor upgrade Grants the Wearer a 2+ armor save and a 5+ step aside save. If He has the step aside Skill this save is increased to 3+. It also allows the bearer to go in and out of phase with reality. The wearer can move through any type of terrain without any penalty. (He may not end in that terrain though).

4 The Emperors Reach

Bolter. May Be used by any race (except Tyranid). The Emperors Reach is an Assault 4, with S5 AM (3). Range, 24.

5 Demonic Weapon
Power Sword, +1 S. The model bearing a Demonic Weapon Gains D6+1 Attacks on any assault he makes. In addition, the model suffers from uncontrollable rage. To represent this, roll a D6 every controlling players movement phase that the model is on the board, standing. On a roll of 1, the model is filled with rage and moves D6 towards the closest model, if he makes contact he counts as assaulting. If he contacts a friendly model in this fashion, he will attack during the turns assault phase. At the end of the phase he comes to and is moved out of base contact (if the victim is still alive!).

6 Lemans Battle Hammer

In addition to counting as a Thunder Hammer, Lemans Battle Hammer will strike at normal initiative order and knock back enemies hit by 3.

Galactic Legendary Wargear

Roll a D6 and use this table to determine which item you find when a result in the Exploration chart indicates that you have found a Weapon of Legend. In a campaign none of these items can appear more than once, so if you find a magic item which is already in someone elses possession roll again even if the warrior carrying it has been killed.

1 The Staff of the Ctan

This staff, created by the CTan was given to the first of the Necron Lords, it has been lost for ages, after the first battle the Necrons encountered the Space Marines, the result of this first battle was a crushing Space Marine defeat, but the Necrons had a slow start against the unknown Super-Humans they had never seen before. The Staff grants the bearer immunity to weapons with strength lower than 5, however, the model may not assault. The model is considered to be floating, so the model may move as if he were riding a jetpack, without the added movement.

2 Eldrads Spirit Stones

The bearer of Eldrads Spirit Stones can see all models on the table top, even if they are out of sight. He treats all cover saves as 2 worse for the target (i.e. a 4+ cover save would become a 6). He can guide his fellow Kill Team members through the ruins (this allows you to roll two dice for the bearer after battle when rolling on the Exploration chart). The bearer also has an additional 6+ save (which is not modified by Strength or weapon modifiers) against all shooting attacks and strikes in close combat, as he can sense the attacks before they are made. This save is added to other such attacks, such Step Aside, making the save a 4+.

3 Tau Fire Carbine

The bearer of this rifle gains +1 BS. The Tau Fire Carbine is an Assault 2 weapon, with S6 and AM (3). Range, 30.

4 Scorpion Kings Claw

Power Fist. The Claw of the scorpion king allows the bearer to attack two models with every point of attack characteristic the model possesses. Choose the better of any value when values are different (if one model has a WS of 5 and the other has a WS of 3, the attack is made against the WS 5 model, same with Toughness). The Bearer may always forgo this ability of the attack.

5 Leliths Whip of Agony

The whip Carried by Lelith has tortured millions over the life of the death Witch. The Whip can be used three ways, 1) a close combat weapon with the rending special rule, 2) an Assault 1 weapon with strength of the bearer. With a range of 8 inches, 3) a range 8 weapon, without any strength, when target model is hit by this version of the whip, the model instantly must take an initiative test, or immediately be stunned. The model is then dragged to base to base with Lelith. If this third attack is used, Lelith may not fight in the ensuing assault phase. She is considered to be in close combat however.

6 Orb of Souls
The orb Orb of Souls gives the bearer +1 strength. In addition, for every model taken out of action, the bearer gains one wound, this effect can bring the bearers wound total above his starting amount.

Tyranid Legendary Biomorphs

Roll a D6 and use this table to determine which item you find when a result in the Exploration chart indicates that you have found a Weapon of Legend. In a campaign none of these items can appear more than once, so if you find a magic item which is already in someone elses possession roll again even if the warrior carrying it has been killed.

1 Gland of Death
All attacks from the Tyranid add +3 to injury rolls.

2 Rending Maw
For every successful hit in close combat, the Tyranid may make an additional attack at its base strength. These attacks have the rending ability.

3 Rock Carapace
This is the hardest type of Tyranid Carapace known. The model gains a 2+ save and a 4+ invulnerable save. Every time the model is the target of a psychic ability, roll a D6, if the result is a 4+ the ability is nullified. The model loses 2 initiative for this biomorph.

4 Flying Barbs
This biomorph grants the Tyranid an additional ranged attack that may always be fired. (even when engaged in close combat, although when used in close combat, the target must be one in base contact). Shoots at BS 3, S6, ap4, Assault 3. Range 18

5 Monstrous Growth
The Model grows to become a Carnifex Monstrosity. The Model gains the following profile and loses all previous stat line changes. All the models attacks ignore armor saves. From This point on, the new Carnifex may only gain experience at a half rate.

W S 3
6 Lictor

B S 2

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 2

A 3

Ld 7

Sv 3 +

The Model becomes a Lictor. It loses all skills and may replace each lost skill with one from the speed Skills list, or Combat Skill list.. The Model gains +1 WS, +1S, and +2 I. The model also gains the Lictor Deployment special Rule. Lictor Deployment. Before the start of a match, choose a specific point on the table. This point may not be within 18 or an enemy model, or the enemies table entrance. The Lictor deploys from this point. The Lictor has a +1 bonus to any cover save, even in the open.

Miscellaneous Equipment Grappling Shot & hook

A warrior using a rope & hook will find it much easier to move amongst ruins and destroyed structures. A warrior (and any models in his Trooper group) equipped with a rope & hook may reroll failed Initiative tests when climbing up and down.

Crimson Shade has no effect on Tyranids. Side effects: After the battle, roll 2D6. On a roll of 2-3, the model becomes addicted and you must try to buy him a new batch of Crimson Shade before every battle from now on. If you fail to buy any, he will leave your Kill Team. On a roll of 12 the models Initiative is increased permanently by +1.

Combat Stimulants
Combat Stimulants increase the users awareness and pain threshold, however the user becomes addicted to the drug. Effect: Stims make a man almost oblivious to pain. His Toughness is increased by +1 for the duration of a battle and he treats all stunned results as knocked down instead. Stims have no effect on Tyranids. Side effects: If the model took stims in the previous game, (and is not taking any for the current one) roll a D6, if the result is a 1 or 2, the model strikes at -2 I in close combat, and is considered to be at -1 T for the battle. (this does not affect his ability to be instantly killed).

poisons and drugs

Black Metal Residue
A weapon coated with the Residue will wound its target automatically if you roll a 6 to hit. Note that you can still roll a dice for every wound inflicted in this way. If you roll a 6, you will inflict a critical hit with that roll. If you do not roll a 6, you will cause a normal wound. Take armour saves as normal. This may not be used on any special hand weapons, only Combat Knives.

Lucky charm

Bio Venom
This is a poison extracted from Biovores. The slightest wound infected by Bio Venom causes excruciating pain, incapacitating the bravest of men. Any hit caused by a weapon coated with Bio Venom counts as having +1 Strength, so, for example, if a warrior with Strength 3 wielding a poisoned weapon hits an opponent, he will cause a Strength 4 hit instead. This may not be used on any special hand weapons, only Combat Knives.

The first time a model with a lucky charm is hit in a battle they roll a D6. On a 4+ the hit is discarded and no damage is suffered. Owning two or more charms does not confer any extra benefits, the model may still only try to discard the first hit.

eldar cloak net

Always confers an additional +1 cover save, even in the open.

Chaos Dust

Effect: Any warrior who takes Chaos Dust before a battle will be subject to Berserk (see the special rules from under the Serious Injury Table). The Chaos Dust has no effect on Tyranids. Side effect: After the battle, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 the model loses -2 Ld.

Crimson Shade
Effect: A model using Crimson Shade has his Initiative increased by +D3 points, and Movement and Strength by +1 (this effect lasts for one game).

Steel nets, such as those used by Pit Fighters, can be used in battles. Once per game, the net may be thrown in the shooting phase instead of the model shooting a missile weapon. Treat the net as a missile weapon in all respects with a range of 8". Use the models BS to determine whether the net hits or not there are no movement or range penalties. If it hits, the target must immediately roll a D6. If the result is equal to, or lower than his Strength, he rips the net

apart. If the result is higher, he may not move, shoot or cast spells in his next turn, although he is not otherwise affected. In either case the net is lost.

Superior Ammunition
The model has acquired a better quality of ammunition than is normally available (even for Space Marines). This new batch makes any Rapid Fire weapon an Assault weapon for the match.

Jump Locator

If a model is attempting to use the Sky Jump skill on a point that is in line of sight of the bearer of a teleport homer, the jumping model does not scatter at all.

Mind Amplifier
If a psyker has a Mind Amplifier may attempt to use a second psychic ability in a single turn. The model must pass a leadership test to do so.

Satellite Image

Mind Calmer

When you buy/find an image, roll a D6: D6 Result 1 Fake. The image is a fake, and is completely worthless. It leads you on astray. Your opponent may automatically choose the next scenario you play. 2-3 Vague. Though grainy, the image is generally accurate (well parts of it are perhaps!). You may re-roll any one dice during the next exploration phase if you wish but you must accept the result of the second roll. 4 Subterranean Image. The map shows a way through the catacombs of the area. You may automatically choose the scenario next time you fight a battle. 5 Accurate. The map is recently taken and very detailed. You may re-roll up to three dice during the next exploration phase if you wish. You must accept the result of the second roll. 6 Satellite Updated Map. This map is electronic, it shows the image of the area in real time from an overhead satellite. From now on you may always re-roll one dice when rolling on the Exploration chart as long as the Hero who possesses this map was not taken out of action in the battle.

A psyker can subtract 1 from the score when determining whether he (or she) successfully uses a psychic ability.

Aid Kit

A Hero with an aid kit can use them at the beginning of any of his recovery phases as long as he is not engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This restores all wounds he has previously lost during the game.

Holy (unholy) Relic

A model with a holy relic will automatically pass the first Leadership test he is required to make in the game. If worn by the leader, it will allow him to automatically pass the first Rout test if he has not taken any Leadership tests before. You can only ignore the first Leadership test in any single game owning two or more holy relics will not allow you to ignore second and subsequent tests.


The Kill Team makes great use of IMKs (Injected Meal Kit), the Kill Team can carry one more model than allowed. Space Marines, may not use this Item.

Commissars Cloak

Any Human(-like) Kill Team (Not Tyranids/Necrons) whose leader is wearing a Commissars Cloak may re-roll the first failed Rout test. However, after each battle in which the leader is taken out of action, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the clothes are ruined and must be discarded.

Will of the Emperor

A model that drinks a vial of the Will of the Emperor at the beginning of a battle will be completely immune to all poisons for the duration of combat. There is enough liquid in a vial of the Will of the Emperor to last for the duration of one battle.

Certain Kill Teams may wish to come prepared with some extra equipment. That will help them maneuver around the battle field in relative safety. Vehicles types in Kill Teams are: Jetbikes- Move 12 instead of 6, ignore terrain. Take Dangerous Terrain test in landing in anything other than flat ground. Roll of 6 means they take an automatic wound, saves as normal, injuries as normal. May not use two close combat weapons. Adds +1T. Jump Packs- Move 12, may fight in close combat like normal. Troop Carriers See Below

Troop Carriers
Troop Carriers are vehicles that can carry troops into battle. A troop carrier may carry a maximum of 10 troops. A model wearing ancient armor, or having a toughness of 5 or higher counts as two models when entering a transport. Anti-Tank Weapons. These weapons are anything with S6 or higher. They follow the normal rules for Vehicle Damage in the Main Rule Book. However replace the Immobilized result and replace it with Ricochet.

Kill Team Lists

Imperial Patrol: The Imperial Fleet has dispatched patrols to the surface of Adradis to investigate
the mysterious signal that is believed to be causing the warpstorm in the system. Although members of the Inquisition have been dispatched to destroy the cause of the signal as well, Imperial High Command believes they would potentially destroy an artifact that could create warpstorms. A weapon of that magnitude in the hands of the Imperium could change Imperial warfare forever. - The Patrol gains 2 requisition points in addition to the starting 500 credits. One to be spent on the leader, the second to be spent on any model in the Patrol (even the Leader). The Patrol may Choose Either a Gunnery Lieutenant or an Imperial Psyker as the leader of the Patrol. The Maximum Size of a Imperial Patrol Kill Team is 20 models. o The Kill Team may take up to 2 Greenhorns o The Kill Team may take up to 2 Veterans o The Kill Team may take any number of Grunt Squads o The Kill Team may take only one Specialist Squad

Rogue Traders: Rogue Traders are renegade bands of human who are drawn to battlefields where
very lucrative trades can be made. These groups tend to be very hardy and powerful, not having much time to train new recruits. - The Patrol gains in addition to the starting 600 credits, and 1 requisition point. - A Rogue Trader Kill Team may choose either a Gunnery Lieutenant, or a Battle Lieutenant as the Leader of the Patrol. Both are named Rogue Trader. The Maximum Size of a Rogue Trader Kill Team is 15 models. o The Kill Team may take up to 1 Greenhorn o The Kill Team may take up to 3 Veterans o The Kill Team may take only 1 Grunt Squad o The Kill Team may take any number of Specialist Squads

Inquisitorial Squad: The Inquisition believes the corruption of the entire system could be linked

to whatever is causing the signal on the surface of Adradis. Some believe mind control could be the cause of the mass revolts in the system. Inquisitors have been dispatched to destroy whatever is causing the corruption in the system. However, mind control technology is of great interest to some members of the Inquisition and some Inquisitors have been sent in to quietly retrieve anything of potential use. - The Patrol gains in addition to the starting 500 credits, and 1 requisition point. The Kill Team always receives the maximum amount of credits found after a mission (the Column noted 1-3). They may take any number of Specialist Squads. - The Patrol may Choose Either Battle Lieutenant (Inquisitor) or an Imperial (Inquisitorial) Psyker as the leader of the Patrol. The Maximum Size is 15 Models o The Kill Team may not take any Greenhorns o The Kill Team may take up to 3 Veterans o The Kill Team may not take any Grunt Squads o The Kill Team may take any number of Specialist Squads

Chaos Cultists: Underground Chaos cults that survived the firebombing of the planet stalk the
ruins of the planet defending their holy places. Now is the time of the gods and the cultists look for anything to advance their favor in the eyes of their chosen god. Cultist groups are led by a Chaos Chosen, a mutated leader chosen by a Chaos God to sow destruction and despair - The Patrol gains in addition to the starting 500 credits, and 1 requisition point. - The Leader of this kill team may choose two bonuses from the chart below when the force is assembled. Identical Choices may not be chosen. o 1) A Strength Skill o 2) Initiative +2 o 3) Weapon or Ballistic Skill +1 o 4) Attack +1 o 5) Leadership +1 The Mutants may choose one entry from above. - A Chaos Cult May be led by Either a Psyker, or a Battle Lieutenant. The maximum size is 20 models. o The Kill Team may take up to 4 Greenhorns o The Kill Team may not take any Grunt Squads, but may take any number of Cultist Fanatic Squads o The Kill Team may take up to 3 Mutant Squads

Cultist Fanatics W B S S S 1 1 3 T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 5 1 5 W B S S S 3 3 3

Mutants T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 6 2 5

- A unit of Fanatics may consist of up to 4 models.

They must be armed and armored the same. - If a Mutant is taken out of action, the trooper survives on a roll of a 4+, rather than the usual 3+ - A unit of Mutants may consist of up to 5 models. They must be armed and armored the same.

Gunnery Lieutenant 0-1 W B S S S 3 4 3
- Begins the Game with 0 experience.

Veteran T W 3 1 I 4 A L C d ost 1 8 5 5 W B S S S 3 3 3 T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 7 2 5

Has the Commander ability Starts the game with 20 experience

- Begins the Game with 8 experience

Battle Lieutenant 0-1 W B S S S 4 3 3


Grunt W B S S S 2 2 3 T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 6 2 0

T W 3 1

I 4

A L C d ost 1 8 5 5

Has the Commander ability Starts the game with 20 experience

Psyker 0-1 W B S S S 3 3 3

-A unit of Grunts may consist of up to 5 models, they must be armed and armored the same.

T W 3 1

I 3

A L C d ost 1 8 4 5

Specialists W B S S S 3 3 3 T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 6 2 5

Has the Commander ability Has the Psyker ability. Begins the Game with 20 Experience.

Greenhorn W B S S S 2 2 3 T W 3 1 I 3 A L C d ost 1 6 1 5

-Every kill team may have a special need. The Specialists begins the game with either+1 WS or +1 BS.

Combat Gunnery Lieutenant Battle Lieutenant Psyker Veteran Greenhorn X

Shootin g X

Acade mic

Strengt h X

Speed X X

Tactica l X X X X


Human Equipment
R e ang d Bolter Heavy Bolter Bolt Pistol Lasgun Laspistol Stubber Heavy Stubber Flamer Rocket Launcher Plasma Gun Plasma Pistol Sniper Rifle Assault Cannon Meltagun R . ng 24 36 12 24 12 24 36 Tm e p 48 24 12 36 36 12 SR T. 4 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 8 7 7 4+ 6 8 A M S hots R s ule 2 3 2 1 0 0 2 2 4 4 4 1 3 1 V R R p F , A to a A . a id ire u m tic 3 1 1 3 1 H a y M u ta le S wtoR lo d( ) A to a e v , o n b , lo e a 9 , u m tic P ce re is P ce re is H a y M u ta le S wtoR lo d( ) A to a e v , o n b , lo e a 9 , u m tic C dits re 40 80 30 15 10 10 30 30 80 50 40 80 80 70 R q. e 1 -

V R R p F , A to a A . a id ire u m tic V R Rp F A . a id ire

F m Wao la e e p n H a y M u ta le S wtoR lo d( ) C m e o e e v , o n b , lo e a 1 , u b rs m , 1 Bs la t V R R p F , G tsH t, S wtoR lo d( ) A . a id ire e o lo e a 5 1 1 4 1 P c e G tsH t re is , e o P c e R n in , H a y S wtoR lo d( ) S n re is , e d g e v , lo e a 5 , ile t C m e o e M u ta le S wtoR lo d( ) u b rs m , o n b , lo e a 8, R n in , A to a e d g u m tic A s u S wtoR lo d( ) s a lt, lo e a 3

1 1 1 2 1 2

Melee Power Sword Power Axe Power Fist Chain Weapon Sword Knife Hammer Thunder Hammer Whip Great Weapon Axe

S tr. + 1 x 2 x 2 + 2 + 1

A M 3 3 4 1 4 1 1

R s ule Parry Unw ldy ie Unw ldy S cialist ie , pe

C dits re 40 40 80 15

R q. e 1 1 1 -

Parry C oncussiv e C oncussiv , Unw ldy S cialist e ie , pe Whip T o-H w ande d Unw ldy ie

10 Fre e 5 100 20 30 30


Human Psychic Abilities

D6 1 Result The Will of the Gods. 2 The user gains +2 strength in melee in the following assault phase.

Inspiring Presence All friendly models within 8 are immune e to psychology effects until the follow friendly turn.


4 Shield

Enemy Models within 4 suffer -1 toughness until the end of the current turn. (Toughness returns to Normal at the end of the turn.)

Any single model within 8 of the caster gain +2 AS. Once 3 successful saves have been made, the shield vanishes. The Targets save can never get better than 2+.

The Hand of the Gods.

Any friendly model is instantly healed one wound, and any model within 2 can immediately stand up and fight like normal.

Psychic Move. Target model (vehicle or character) is moved D6 in a random direction. If he makes contact with any obstacle, he takes a strength 2 hit.

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