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How to Participate in the Mass

We Come to Mass
We are on time, even early. This is not simply something we have to do. It is someone we are here to encounter. He is the most important person in our lives. We are anxious to be in his presence.

We Enter
We enter the door, and in an instant reminder of our baptism, we sign ourselves with the Holy Water. The choice of the expression "in the name of the Father" in the Greek text is very important: the Lord says "eis" and not "en," and so not "in the name" of the Trinity like we say that a vice-prefect speaks "in the name" of the prefect, an ambassador speaks "in the name" of the government. No. He says "eis to onoma," meaning an immersion into the name of the Trinity, a being inserted into the name of the Trinity, an interpenetration of the being of God and our being, a being immersed in God the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, just as in marriage, for example, two persons become one flesh, become one single new reality, with a single new name.(Benedict XVI, 06-11-12)

For Whom
We give ourselves time to form an intention for the Mass. There is no worship without sacrifice, so we "offer" this mass for ourselves or for those dear to us. (EP I). Here you bring the "sacrifices" and selfless acts for others you made this week and you complete them by offering them in communion with the Lord's sacrifice on the cross.

We Listen
God speaks to us in his word from the very first word of the Entrance chant. He himself is His word. What word of life does he have for you this day? This is him, stay with him.

We Sing, We Pray
We are not passive. We are active in participating in the spoken and sung word. We know all the responses and we enter into them with purpose.

We Receive
It is Him. "If I be lifted up," he said, "I will draw all to myself.' He has been lifted up three times for our adoration at this Mass. Fiurst was at the consecration. The second was at the Doxology, "Through Him and with Him and in Him" And the third time was at the "Behold the Lamb of God." Now he is lifted up for you alone, "The Body of Christ." We respond with a clear and strong, "Amen!"

We Remain
The final blessing and commission is essential. Also remaining after we experience the communion with one another he came to bring.

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