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He seems to affirm that MAN IS NOT FREE.

A. All present behavior is controlled by previous behavior. B. All behavior has motivational causes which are necessiting

In short, Skinner is saying that MAN is determined by his historicity.


Man has no history. The individual has only his future project which he makes entirely of himself and he alone is responsible.

In short, He is free and indeterminate.

For Maslow: MAN cannot be reduced to historicity & determinism nor be divorced from them.

To be a human person means: to have potentialities and to inserted into an environment & history

1. All of us share in the ability to question our historicity and past. By our questioning, we have achieved a distance from and a certain control over the immediate environment.

2. I can act upon this knowledge consider my horizons, potentialities, and what I might want to make of myself. Hence, I am able to achieve selfpossession & determination

The Will it is an intellectual tendency toward an intellectually good It is the good quality of the thing by which the will is drawn or moved. This tendency is always concerned with a real world, thus, finite, limited, conditioned, etc.

It is the good aspect of the object which attracts my will. The only object which necessitates the will is good that is unconditional & unqualified. However, many choices of the goods are all conditioned, limited & qualified. Therefore, freedom of choice can be operative in my behavior.

Skinners Position

Skinner Vs. Kavanaugh

Skinner Vs. Kavanaugh

Skinner Vs. Kavanaugh

Skinner Vs. Kavanaugh

Summary Critique on the Position of Total Determinism

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