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Madeline Tate Mr.

Neuberger English II 102-102 23 July 2012 Response Paper The Ways We Lie- Stephanie Ericsson Stephanie Ericssons The Ways We Lie describes the different ways in which people lie and the effects of each. However, after reading Ericssons story one comes to the conclustion that the acceptance of lying as normal human behavior will have damaging long term effects. Consequences of a lie affect all individuals who are related to the lie in some form or fashion. Lies are not easy to entirely eliminate from our lives but they have consequences. Ericsson quotes Martin Buber when he states, The lie is a spirit of commiting treason against itself (par 3). Furthermore, Ericsson states, Our acceptance of lies becomes a cultural cancer that eventually shrouds and reorders reality until moral garabage becomes as invisible to us as water is to fish (par 3). All individuals lie, the entire elimaination of lies is impossiable. However, if individuals continue to lie as a result to social acceptance there will be great consequences to reap.

Word Count 156

Ericsson, Stephanie. "The Ways We Lie." Power of Language/Language of Power A Collection of Readings. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-23. Print.

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