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Released: November 2010

PHP Melody Installation Manual

Created by

Thank you once again for choosing PHP Melody as your Video and Content Manager! This manual is intended to guide you through the 4 steps required for installing PHP Melody. If you encounter any problems, please contact our team. We are always happy to help!

Installing PHP Melody

Step 1
Setting up the MySQL User and Database
The following MySQL details are required before installing PHP Melody: 1. 2. 3. MySQL server name (most of the time it is localhost) MySQL username and password MySQL database name

All these can be set from within your hosting control panel. If you have any doubts about these details, please ask your host to provide these details. Always make sure that the MySQL user has been given the required privileges to access the MySQL database.
Please note: You cannot use an old PHP Melody database with a new install. Contact our team for more details.

Step 2
Editing config.php
Unzip the PHP Melody archive on your computer. Find and rename config-sample.php to config.php. Then, replace the highlighted content with your own details from Step 1: $db_name = 'mysql-database'; // MySQL database name $db_user = 'username'; // MySQL username $db_pass = 'password'; // MySQL password $db_host ='localhost'; define('_SITENAME', "PHP Melody"); // Site Name/Title (e.g My Music Video Site) define('_URL', '"); // Insert full URL WITHOUT any trailing slash (e.g define('_CUSTOMER_ID', 'YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID');

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Step 3
Upload Files and Set Permissions

Using your favorite FTP client, upload the PHP Melody files and folders to your hosting account into the desired installation folder. You can install PHP Melody in any folder or sub-domain. Please note that the phpmelody_sql.sql file must be uploaded in ASCII mode, while the rest of the files should be uploaded in BINARY mode. Once everything has been successfully uploaded, please use your FTP client to set the required permissions for the following files and folders:

File: blacklist.txt - CHMOD to 0777 File: censor_words.txt - CHMOD to 0777 File: sitemap.xml - CHMOD to 0777 File: jwembed.xml - CHMOD to 0777 File: admin/ - CHMOD to 0777 File: admin/temp/embedparams.xml - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: admin/temp - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: uploads/ - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: uploads/avatars - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: uploads/articles - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: uploads/thumbs - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: uploads/videos - CHMOD to 0777 Folder: Smarty/templates_c - CHMOD to 0777

Important note for Mac users

Mac OSX does not see the .htaccess file because its starts with a dot. Please make sure this file is uploaded to your installation folder as well.

Step 4
Access install.php
Point your browser to install.php (e.g. If you see any errors please follow the given instructions to solve them. You might also see a completely white page. This indicates that error_reporting is turned OFF in your PHP installation. Please ask your host to enable error_reporting for a more detailed report on what went wrong.

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Most of the times, any errors that appear on the installation page are caused by incorrect MySQL details in config.php. Please check them twice if you experience any such problems. If everything is marked as [OK], press the Continue button to start installing the MySQL database. At this point, you must wait for the confirmation message. If you do not see the Continue button then it is very likely that your MySQL details are wrong/incomplete. In this case, review Step 1. Once successfully installed, you can then access the Admin Area by pointing the browser to Your default login details are:
Username: admin Password: admin

Thats all. Job well done!

Enjoy PHP Melody.

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