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Kite, Kelly

Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969) 1)- Christopher Eckhart (16yrs.), John F (15) and Mary Beth Tinker (13) wore black arm bands to school to show their dislike of the hostilities in Vietnam. There were many parents that also part took in this petition. Dec. 16th Mary Beth and Christopher wore their armbands; John wore his the second day. All were sent home and suspended from school, until they would return not wearing their armbands. 2)-The Supreme Court ruled that the students were protected by their freedom of speech and that the school was unconstitutional 3) Protects students and their ability to express their personal beliefs in a nonoffending manner with out fear of punishment. , So if I wanted to were a t-shirt that said down with war in Iraq I could and know that they couldnt make me change shirts.

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