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mulpoly #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.

h> #define MAX 10 struct term { int coeff; int exp; }; struct poly { struct term t[10]; int totalterms; }; void initpoly(struct poly*); void polycreate(struct poly*,int c,int e); struct poly mulpoly(struct poly,struct poly); struct poly addpoly(struct poly,struct poly); void display(struct poly); void main() { struct poly p1,p2,p3; clrscr(); initpoly(&p1); initpoly(&p2); initpoly(&p3); polycreate(&p1,1,7); polycreate(&p1,2,6); polycreate(&p1,3,5); polycreate(&p1,4,4); polycreate(&p1,5,2); polycreate(&p2,1,4); polycreate(&p2,1,3); polycreate(&p2,1,2); polycreate(&p2,1,1); polycreate(&p2,2,0); p3=mulpoly(p1,p2); printf("\n First polynomial :\n "); display(p1); printf("\n Second polynomial :\n "); display(p2); printf("\n\n Resultant Polynomial :\n"); display(p3); getch(); } /* Initializes elements of struct poly */ void initpoly(struct poly *p) { int i; p->totalterms=0; for(i=0;i<MAX;i++) { p->t[i].coeff=0; p->t[i].exp=0; } } /* Add the term of polynomial to the array t */ void polycreate(struct poly *p,int c,int e) { p->t[p->totalterms].coeff=c; p->t[p->totalterms].exp=e; (p->totalterms)++; } Page 1

mulpoly /* DISPLAY the polynomial equation */ void display(struct poly p) { int flag=0,i; for(i=0;i<p.totalterms;i++) { if(p.t[i].exp != 0) printf("%d x^%d + ",p.t[i].coeff,p.t[i].exp); else { printf("%d",p.t[i].coeff); flag=1; } } if(!flag) printf("\b\b"); } /* ADD two polynomials p1 and p2 */ struct poly addpoly(struct poly p1,struct poly p2) { int i,j,c; struct poly p3; initpoly(&p3); if(p1.totalterms>p2.totalterms) c=p1.totalterms; else c=p2.totalterms; for(i=0,j=0;i<=c;p3.totalterms++) { if(p1.t[i].coeff==0 && p2.t[j].coeff==0) break; if(p1.t[i].exp>=p2.t[j].exp) { if(p1.t[i].exp==p2.t[j].exp) { p3.t[p3.totalterms].coeff=p1.t[i].coeff + p2.t[j].coeff; p3.t[p3.totalterms].exp=p1.t[i].exp; i++; j++; } else { p3.t[p3.totalterms].coeff=p1.t[i].coeff; p3.t[p3.totalterms].exp=p1.t[i].exp; i++; } } else { p3.t[p3.totalterms].coeff=p2.t[j].coeff; p3.t[p3.totalterms].exp=p2.t[j].exp; j++; } } return p3; } /* Multiplies two polynomials p1 and p2 */ struct poly mulpoly(struct poly p1,struct poly p2) { Page 2

mulpoly int coeff,exp; struct poly temp,p3; initpoly(&temp); initpoly(&p3); if(p1.totalterms != 0 && p2.totalterms != 0) { int i; for(i=0;i<p1.totalterms;i++) { int j; struct poly p; initpoly(&p); for(j=0;j<p2.totalterms;j++) { coeff=p1.t[i].coeff * p2.t[j].coeff; exp= p1.t[i].exp +p2.t[j].exp; polycreate(&p,coeff,exp); } if(i !=0) { p3=addpoly(temp,p); temp=p3; } else temp=p; } } return p3; }

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