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HOW TO PREVENT A RAINY DAY WRECK The summer rains have hit Gauteng with vengeance.

With the sun nowhere to be seen, motorists have had to deal with an increase in driving hazards. Telesure MD, Thomas Creamer, says that driving during stormy conditions is extremely stressful. During heavy rains it is more difficult to see other vehicles, roads signs and the road itself. Remember to make sure that your windscreen wipers are in excellent shape, your tyres have sufficient tread, that you drive with your lights on and that you maintain a large following distance between vehicles, says Creamer. Flash floods and low-lying bridges Most flood fatalities occur because people attempt to drive through deadly waters rather than avoid them. Flash flooding often occurs when rivers flow over low-lying bridges. The recent flooding in parts of Gauteng demonstrates that flooding can happen suddenly. Avoid crossing bridges or roads next to rivers during heavy rains or else your car could be swept away while attempting to do so, says Creamer. Flooded roads While it is tempting to drive through a flooded road as fast as possible, motorists should be cautious because this could cause one to lose control and could also cause an accident. If possible, test the depth of the water. If the water rises above the height of the bottom of your car door, it is best not to proceed as this means there's a high chance that the water could splash up into the engine bay and cause a great deal of damage, Creamer advises. If it is safe to cross, keep your car in first gear and maintain a steady speed through the water. Storm water drains Overflowing storm water drains can be extremely dangerous to motorists. A flood is often caused when the drain becomes blocked by tree branches, rubble and out debris, as a result of a storm. If you approach a flooding storm water drain, it is advisable to take your foot off the accelerator and let your speed drop gradually, says Creamer. Never use the brakes suddenly because this may cause the car to skid or aquaplane. It is also advisable to avoid the deepest water which is usually near the kerb, and remember to test your brakes when you are through the flooded area before you drive at normal speed again, Thomas Creamer adds. Choose an alternate route As much as possible, choose a detour rather than braving a flood and risking your life. Apart from that, attempting to go through deep water can also damage your vehicles electronic control systems, creating a huge repair bill. The safest thing to do is to slow down and take extra precautions during this season of heavy rain, concludes Creamer.

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