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The directions to prepare Pork Giniling is similar to our Pork Menudo recipe. Bu t this one is much simpler and easier to make. Check out the recipe below.

Pork Giniling You will need: 5 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 tbsp cooking oil pieces medium-sized potatoes, peeled and brunoised (finely diced) cloves of garlic kilo ground pork pieces medium-sized onions, minced pieces medium-sized tomatoes, minced pieces medium-sized red or green bell peppers, minced small can of Reno liver spread piece pork bouillon cube tbsp fish sauce (patis) a dash of salt, pepper, and MSG (vetsin) How to prepare: In a skillet over medium-low heat, fry the potatoes until slightly brown. Set as ide. Note: This kind of vegetable cut is called brunoise. Despite the intimidating sounding name, it just basically means fine dice. It ha s the same size of the frozen mixed vegetables (carrots, corn, peas) that you can buy from supermarkets. In the same skillet over medium heat, add more oil. Saut garlic. Add ground pork. Season with salt, pepper, and MSG. Lower the heat. Cook for about 5 minutes while stirring occasionally. Add the minced vegetables. Cover. Cook until the liquid has dried up and the mea t and vegetables have browned. Stir occasionally. Add the rest of the ingredients, including the fried potatoes. Without the cover , cook for a few more minutes while stirring until all the flavors have been fully incorporated. Serve with rice or bread.

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